Post loads to comments.
(e3/5) compare to 11.12.11
For Time:
21-15-9 Rep Rounds for Time of:
Calories Rowed
Squat Clean Thruster, 115/75
Workout Notes:
Scale this workout so that you can finish in about 10 minutes. Consider scaling the SCT weight down and decreasing the calories to 15-9-6 to achieve this end.
Post time and Rx to comments.
Thanksgiving Schedule
“T-Gives” is upon us! We will have an altered schedule this week, check out the information below or on the Class Schedule page for all the deets:
- Wednesday, November 23rd: Normal Class Schedule
- Thursday, November 24th: Gym is Closed for Holiday
- Friday, November 25th: Open Gym from 12pm-2:30pm with Coach Jeremy. There are no other classes this day.
New Leaderboard Scores at CFSBK
Congratulations to some of our in-house badasses on their recent gym record performances:
Earl L: “Murph” with a 20lb weighted vest (44:07)
Dan H3: Max Height Box Jump (52″)
Maxim B: Max Height Box Jump (59.5″)
Melissa L: “Barbara” (39:27)
Kiki P: “Barbara” (40:59)
Kate D: “Barbara” (41:38)
McDowell M: 30 Muscle-Ups for Time (6:51)
Rolando M: Max Unbroken Double Unders (192)
Dan E: 1 RM Back Squat (460lbs)
Katie M: 1 RM Back Squat (270lbs)
Katie M: 1 RM Bench Press (170lbs)
Craig C: 1 RM Bench Press (340lbs)
Billy K: 1RM Press (115lbs)
Katie M: 1RM Deadlift (345lbs)
Billy K: 1RM Deadlift (325lbs)
Rickke M: “Angie” (13:56)
Christine D: “Fran” (5:01)
Thank you Coach Shane for all you bring to CFSBK. Post birthday love to comments!
Everything you Could Ever Want to Know About Bar Placement in Squats Starting Strength
CrossFit Mythbusters lululemon
Information on the American Internet CENSORSHIP System
Grow Your “MO” CrossFit and Movember Free CrossFit Journal Article
Happy birthday, to the Rock of my life.
Happiest of Birthdays Shane! I hope today is filled with friends and fun!
Yea Shane— Happy Birthday day man! Hope you have a wonderfulfantasticamazing day. And year.
Happy birthday, Shane. Thanks for being so supportive over the years, you're a great coach and a really big part of my CFSBK training history. Wishing you a wonderful day today (and most days- not every day, gotta have a few womp womps so you can appreciate the rest).
Hey guys,
I just moved into a new apt near CFSBK. Anyone looking to get rid of or sell a couch/furniture???
Trying to avoid IKEA if possible.
Happy Birthday, Coach Shane! Your dry and quick wit (and good coaching) help make the often-torturous morning WODs a bit more bearable. Cheers!
Also – did someone squash Dan R's 44 unbroken kipping pull-ups? That's a number i'd be interested in seeing, as my 5 in a row need a wee bit of work. 😉
Interesting day….
Squats 205 felt heavy but not my max…looking forward to 215 next week.
Wod i have several thoughts on. I think ill keep them to myself though. Im just gonna
need to work on my self confidence a bit and stop worrying about what other people are doing. Im constantly psyching myself out pre wod and not pushing hard enough. Next week im gonna try harder. See y'all tomorrow.
Happy with my 175 front squat
failed to finish (sucked) for the 10 min. cap.
I had 5 left on the squat thruster (doing 85 lbs)
smacking my jaw on the 2second one made me a little bar shy and it cost me.
Happy birthday Shane!
Fun 10 AM with lots of encouragement.
FSQ 110. I had to fight a bit for the last set, and kept in mind Margie's words of wisdom from Tough Titsday — it SHOULD feel hard.
WOD 9:57 at 43#. I'm glad I didn't go any higher as I've never done squat clean thrusters before and they definitely felt awkward.
Happy Birthday Shane!
Classes with Shane are always a rip-snortin’ affair. Great to see him in the gym this morning resplendent in his b-day bike helmet. Thanks for all your great coaching! Have a great day and a great year, Shane!
Front squats at 185#. But then not feeling so crescent fresh. Turns out pate on baguette with some apples is not a good breakfast plan prior to xfit. So I bailed on what looked like one tough mudder of a WOD. Kudos to all my rock star 11 o’clock classmates who did it!
happy birthday, shane!
came in for a strength cycle class today since i missed yesterday
strength cycle week 1.3
squat: 225x5x3
these felt really smooth. i'm now convinced squatting in the morning is superior than late at night. either that or i just recovered really well the past few days. in any case, they felt good and aside from a shallow rep were mostly consistent, i think.
felt good. not much to say.
cleans 155×3, 145×3, 133×3
jeremy put up 155 for me, which i could probably pull for three sets, but not with the kind of speed and elegance i want for this lift. i'm really trying to clean up my form and get the final pull (pulling my body down and racking) in good shape. i made some progress today with clean drills which i'll continue with, but i decided to deload the sets until i got a speed i was happy with. 135 is still higher than where i ended the last cycle, though, so i'm happy enough.
Happy birthday Shane!
Happy Birthday Shane. Scorpios Rule!!!
Happiest of bdays to you, Shane!
Fun day at the gym. 215x3x3 on the front squats – up 10# from last week.
9:53 on the cluster/row WOD as rx. Very tough WOD.
Then I joined the semi-private active recovery with Michele and David. Really glad I did. My shoulder hasn't felt this loved in a while. Thanks, David!
Shane is definitely one of the top 10 coaches at CFSBK, maybe even top 10 in the world.
happy birthday Shane! CFSBK wouldn't be the same without you.
Happy Birthday to the fantastic coach Shane!
FSQs at 90 felt good. Did the WOD at 75lbs for 21 reps then scaled to 65 for 15 and 9 reps and finished at 13:49. It was an ugly struggle and I really appreciated the encouragement from everyone. I sincerely needed it! Also thanks to Noah for letting me finish way over the 10 min cap.
Shane Shane Shaney,
My Williams is a top notch man, has been with CFSBK through thick and thin and cares about all you guys and gals more than you know. He's really a tremendous asset from a professional and personal standpoint. Myself and CFSBK couldn't be prouder to have him be one of the pillars of our ever growing family.
Made up Wednesdays Workout since I missed it:
3 Rounds:
Row 20 Calories
:20 L-Sit
10 Ring Rows
GHD Hip Extensions: 2 Blue Bandsx10x3
Back Squats
(45×5, 135×5, 165×5, 195×3, 210×2)
Felt good strength-wise, felt so so organization-wise. I tried to intentionally go really shallow for the last set and upon video review I was still below parallel. Despite the decreased range of motion it actually felt harder to turn around than the previous 4 deeeep sets.
Assistance Work
RDL 145x10x3
Pallof Press Wx10x3
Happy birthday shane!!! Just ran the rugged maniac 5k, and renamed it "the moderately annoying shaniac" in your honor. I was shocked by how well it went. I guess crossfit really does work! Anyway, I'm going to go sacrifice a bull moose to the old gods and the new, and christen Shane's new year of life in pure blood.
And Happy Birthday to you all!
Thanks so much for the well wishes and kind words. Mr. Osorio is right, I love you all and this gym more than I can express.
Another birthday means another year with you guys and for that I am incredibly fortunate.
Happy birthday Shane!
Front squats @ 185 felt great. My previous 3×3 best was 210, backed it off since I haven't done FSQ in a while. The way 185 felt I don't think I'll have any trouble breaking through 210.
The WOD was rough. Scaled to 75#, and was into my third set when 10:00 rolled around. Finished out at 12:25. I think I've found a WOD I hate more than Fran. I love to clean, but I don't love 45 cleans with a thruster attached!
it always cheers me up when Shane is in the gym. hope you had a great birthday!
Happiest birthday, Shane! We are truly blessed to have you here at CFSB!
We are in Quebec and I would just like to mention that caribou sausage is damn tasty as is smoked sturgeon.
Happy birthday to Shane! (Albeit belated)
145x3x3 front squat
I was a bit hungover, but it ended up being a good wod,
Rx'd at 10:42
The squat thrusters were tough to string, but I finally feel like I'm starting to pick up pace in some of these metcons, which is awesome. Obviously a heavier bias does well for me, but I really enjoyed it.
FSQ on Sunday AM:
(45×5, 75×5, 95×3, 125×1)
work: 135x3x3
Happy Birthday Shane. Hope it was a great day.
FSQ 165×3
SCT 75 for 15-9-3 in 10:00
Shout out to Mike, who was an excellent bar partner, both in encouraging me in my SCTs and bearing with my pretty lame exhortations for his. This was my first group class, and it was every ounce the travail it always looked to be… but I loved it.
PS: happy belated birthday to Shane!
Front Squat at 195, not easy, not the worst.
Time on WOD 10:55