For Time:
50 Box jumps 24″
50 Jumping Pull-Ups
50 Kettlebell swings 1 pood
50 Walking Lunges
50 Knees to Elbows
50 Push Presses 45 pounds
50 Straight Leg Deadlift 45 pounds
50 Wall ball Shots 20/14
50 Burpees
50 Double Unders
Scaled version: “Dirty 30″ is 30 reps of each exercise
Post Time and Rx to comments.
compare to 11.24.10
Good luck to all the new Strength Cyclers starting up this week!
Happy Birthday, Mike J and Allison K!
A CrossFit South Brooklyn Testimonial
Paloma and I completed the Tough Mudder yesterday (12 miles of craziness) with some still left in the tank. Our training solely consisted of CFSBK group class programming, with a few (literally a few) short runs here and there. I have a new level of respect regarding our programming and how it relates to “real world” strength and functionality. I have actually felt worse during some of our 10 minute WODs. Mad props yo.
–Damian M
Great work, guys!
More Amazing Recipes from Brooklyn Paleo
Lana Z has some awesome new dishes up at the Brooklyn Paleo blog. Check check them out!
Sausage, Kennel and Kale Frittata
Eggplant Lasagna
Beef Stew
Care to share your own recipes? LZ is always looking for new Paleo dishes to feature on this community blog. Restaurant reviews and great places to buy ingredients are also welcome! Please contact her at lana(AT)
What is your favorite Gymnastics/Calisthenics exercise and why? What about your least favorite?
Filthy 50 at CrossFit Pittsburg
Filthy 50 at CrossFit Santa Cruz with Lauren Galassi
Martha S‘ book gets Elle’s Reader Prize Pick for November! Congrats, Martha!
Miscellaneous notes/questions:
I tipped the scales at 171 a few days ago. I weigh myself every few months and this is the first time I've cracked the 170 threshold. It was a pleasant surprise bc I haven't been doing much strength work or eating more than usual. I hope after a strength cycle with Jeremy, I can crack 180!
Crossfit (boxes) are such a wellspring of progressive health knowledge, so I wanted to take advantage of this comment board and ask two questions- one important and one not so important.
1) I've been Crossfiting for 2yrs and this past Saturday was the first time I did not finish a WOD. My lower back has been getting tight recently when I do high rep squats or deadlifts. I've pushed thru it in the past but Sat it became almost immobile and painful. Has this happened to anyone??? How did you rehab it????
2) Almond butter- raw or roasted?
Cheers, CFSBK
Also thanks to Margie and Noah for critiquing my deadlift technique and suggesting that may be one of the problems. I'll be conscious of it.
Oooh, I loooove Sausage and Kennel.
almond butter raw…. if roasted it is usually in some vegetable oil which you are trying to avoid, plus it tastes good raw.
filthy fifty was awful…. That is all i am gonna say about that….
I must say, when I woke up this morning and saw that the WOD was Filthy 50, I was both elated and a tiny bit disappointed that I was going to be doing strength cycle instead. Yeah, I'll stick with elated.
Back squat 90x5x4
Press 45x5x3
Deadlift 115x5x1
I had thought we'd be diving into heavy right away, but Jeremy is of course wiser in the ways (the weighs?) of strength than I am and said that today was going to be about moderately heavy loads to allow for bigger gains later (and focusing on form today). I'm really looking forward to going heavier!
Damn you blog for eating my first attempt at this comment!
Your back will seize up on you if your body feels you're moving through a non-groovy range of motion. Most commonly this happens when people overextend the top of the deadlift, meaning their chest is way up instead of locked down and neutral and their shoulders are way behind their hips. Knowing how you move, I would assume this was your case but I'd defer to Margie who actually saw you. Your muscles do this as a protective mechanism to inhibit movement when alignment or contraction speed is beyond normal ranges.
Rest up and apply ice regularly (2-3 times per day for 2 days)
Then moving forward apply heat, especially before or after any movement. By movement I mean light stretching. Active Recovery would be a grand idea. I woudn't WOD or lift until it's cleared. Your muscles are sort of on code red right now and will be more prone to seize up again if they feel significant physical stress. This is all a defense mechanism that your body has to protect you.. so moving forward don't ever "push through" if you feel like your back is getting tight. Stop and address the issue. Train with the intention to get stronger, not beat the workout. Keep us updated- you should see steady progress over the next few days.
My favorite gymnastics movement is the back handspring. Its got a "cool" factor to it and I was really proud of myself when I was able to trust my body enough to commit to the movement and execute it properly. My least favorite movement is ring dips. I find them really challenging to organize and execute.
The CrossFit Pitt Filthy 50 video was shot at my Level 1 cert in 2007! I was out to lunch when they did that. It was the last cert Glassman did, pretty "all star" HQ cast there:
Glassman, Dave Castro, Tony Budding, Sevan M, Nicole Carrol, Buddy Lee and a handful of other folks that are .com regulars. Great experience for me
Awesome job to my 6 and 7am group class folks. I seriously don't know how folks get up around 530am and jump into something like the filthy 50. kudos!
7am class. Filthy 50. Some parts of my WOD were modified to counts of 30. Time-27:20.
I don't have much to say about this particular WOD because like all things traumatic, my brain promptly erased any memories of it soon after. *chuckle*
Oh, and one of these days I will master Coach David's "Zen and the Art of Smile Maintenance-Even-in-the-Midst-of-Mild-Cardiac-Arrest-and-Nausea"…
That WOD kicked my ass…
I loved it, don't get me wrong but man sitting at my desk right now is torture.
Great job to Jamie, McDowell and Tracey during the 7AM session.
I saw this last night and for the 1st time in my cfsbk life I was happy to not be able to come in for a big workout. Based on how I feel, after last week filthy 50 would destroy me.
Hi all. Just lurking and stalking from 3000 miles away.
Hope all is well.
I agree with everything David recommended. I think he has a propensity for similar problems because he is just so mobile he has to consciously avoid putting his spine into hyperextension. (My back, on the other hand, has been rounded into flexion since the Reagan administration.)
If this issue does not resolve for you quickly, I think you should consider getting a lumbar spine X-RAY with oblique views just to make sure you don't have a Pars fracture, spondylolithesis or both.
I always plan to come back after injury on the BEST days. Filthy 50?! I guess as long as the newly formed scar tissue on my right knee/shin don't touch the ground I'll be fine. Stupid bike accidents.
I lost a filthy fifty on the Eagles this weekend. Looks like a fun wod! Prowler fun yesterday am was great. Up to 10 runs, now to cut down the rest time. Felt good when I finished, not quite as great on the way home. Kept breakfast down though!
Jumping pull-ups? Oh, no!
This was my second conditioning workout after 4 months of strength cycle. Good times!
Scaled the heck out of it, to "Dirty 30" with a 20" box, sit ups for K2E, and 14 lb wall ball. Also followed Margie's sage advice to take it slow and steady. Done in 20:02. I felt pretty good until the burpees. Oh, burpees. Why you gotta treat me like that?
Nice work, 5pmers.
28:43 with 50 situps subbed for K2Es (my shoulders nod sagely at this decision).
This is what I needed after a hedonistic weekend that began on Thursday night.
I did that tough mudder on Sunday too with friends from work! Pretty fun; we had a blast! The toughest part was being really cold and wet for 2 hours. Really great to band together with friends and total strangers to power through. I recommend it. Met some Jersey xfitters.. Christine forbade crossfit saturday, Sunday and today. She's a back off tyrant.
good news for people who like alpine news.
Slow, but felt pretty good about my progress throughout the workout…that is until the burpees. Go figure. Scaled down on knee-to-elbows to 30, but was pretty strict in form so ok with that. I'm tracking my workouts on developed by a friend of mine. Check it out. It's free and you can login with Facebook.
via robb wolf, OPT + matt lalonde have teamed up in a big way:
Unleash the Kracken! Science of Nutrition seminar
Strength Cycle Day 1: Worked with Nick & David.
BSQ: 215X5X3
Press 120X5X3 (got to work at breathing at the top of the lift instead of the bottom, got some good cues from Jeremy on keeping my spine straight but pushing the hips back and forward when pushing vs receiving the bar.
Deadlift: Had one of those clicking moments where something made sense. It seems like my approach to the bar was totally off. Re-learned how to properly position my feet and keep my chest up, and felt great on my last 2 reps of my last work set. 235 X5
Really looking forward to this.
Y'all filthy fiftiers kicked tush.
Michele- that seminar sounds awesome!
Mgmt- please get Mat Lalonde to come to our gym.
strength cycle week 1.1
squat: 215x5x3
felt heavier than i thought it would which worries me. but it was the first day back so i'm not gonna really read into that.
press: 75x5x3
felt good
deadlift: 235×5
this also felt heavy, but it is technically my last PR (for reps).
really great being back tonight and meeting the new folks in the cycle!
Ah, the Filthy Fifty, you make my head spin and my heart beat out of my chest! I have missed you every time you have come to our gym since that first meeting of ours. Some would use the word avoid but not me, there was sadness on my part every time I saw that our paths would not cross. Had enough time passed? Could we rekindle that old magic? I think we shared something special in our 31 minutes and 47 seconds together. I hope you noticed I was in a slightly better place this time. Next time, let’s make it a quickie.
-run around block with 15 squats at every corner.
-various droms.
-wod review
Filthy 50:
28:31 rx'd.
-k2e were the biggest time suck followed by burpees then wall balls. Only got the deadlfts and du's unbroken. Wall balls in sets of 5, jumping pullups and push press in 10's, kb swings in 30-20, almost all bj's unbroken except for a slip up.
-there was one point during wod where I was seeing stars. Very happy when it was done.
That was brutal.
It's the first workout that we've done where I almost vomited. (Thanks burpees.)
I was really slow. Rx'd everything except k2e, which I did 30 of. that slowed me the most because I had to really focus on activating my lats and try to not swing around. I really couldn't string more than 2-3 at a time.
My vibrams were terrible for this, I kept feeling like I was going to miss/fall off the box during box jumps.
Positive end notes: 1) DU are better, I'm starting to string them together. 2) Having awesome people cheer me on when I feel like puking all over the soft mat.
Bench (tomorrow, Tuesday)
Oof, filthy fifty after a month of deconditioning. Fun times. 31:09 as Rx'd. K2e were a joke. Also totally gripped-out on the pushpress-deadlift combo. Burpees were the biggest nightmare.
Thought I might do a "Slightly Soiled 25" but the hangover talked me into a little squatting.
The 5:00 gals were rocking though!