Complete the following for time:
400m Run
35 Burpees
270m Run
25 Burpees
130m Run
15 Burpee
Post time to comments.
No Sleeves, No Shirt, No Problem
Costume Contest!
Jim K had been training at CFSBK while in town and left before using up his punch card. He asked us to think of a way to give it back to the community so we’re going to do a costume contest tomorrow! Anyone who dresses up will have their photo taken by one of the staff to be submitted in the costume contest. There are 4 classes remaining on Jim’s card which can be used for Group classes or Active Recovery. Happy Halloween!
The New Cycle Begins Today!
Today marks the start of our new programming cycle. We’ll be Back Squatting on Wednesdays and Front Squatting on Saturdays. The goal of the Wednesday squats is to get you squatting what you did for 5×3 last cycle for 3×5 by the end of this one.
Friends of Douglass/Greene Park Silent Auction
Our next door neighboors are hosting a silent auction on Tuesday, November 1st to benefit the park on the corner of Degraw and 3rd avenue. The event is being held at the Marriot Hotel on Douglass/3rd avenue from 7p-9p. For more information check out the event’s FB page here. There is an online auction that is currently open and will continue until the live auction begins which you can check out here! We’ve even donated a spot in one of our upcoming Foundations cycles so tell your friends!
How do you approach the start of a new cycle? Do you go all out from day 1 or do you seek to ramp up the intensity of the WODs over the course of the cycle?
Future Games Competitor Talk to Me Johnnie
Interview with Annie Sakamoto CrossFit
An Intro To CrossFit-What is Fitness My Five Fingers
7 Billion People and You: What’s Your Number? BBC
I'm getting the CrossFit feeling back. Wish I could be there today.
For all those with little ones celebrating Halloween. I came across this site that had some info on "candy buy back". A program where dentists buy back candy from kids for a dollar a pound. Just copy and paste. (sorry I'm not savvy)
almost everyone in strength cycle PR'd for work weights today. I've had two injuries this year and still squatted a work set PR today… 155. that's 110 lbs more than my first-ever strength cycle work set 🙂
oops, i wish you could edit on here!
i misspoke – they weren't work weight PRs, they were 5 -RMs. slight difference 🙂
I like the link about selling your candy. At first I was kinda like eh, -it's Halloween- but when the mom said she didn't want her 3 year old daughter eating 2 lbs of sugar it made more sense to me.
Great to see you at the gym, AJ!
WOD as Rx'd: 11:41. This was hard for me. Running, big old goat. GAH.
Mirroring Michele's comment, it was awesome in the strength cycle today.
Personal 5 rm on squat of 285 and press of 127.5.
Afterwards hit bare burger and was fortunate enough to run into the competition class. Matched my existing PR of 4 patties.
Fell off my posting the last few days:
Friday — made up "Grindy" with a great crew:
10 clean & jerks 135#
5 rounds of Cindy
10 clean & jerks
5 rounds of Cindy
10 clean & jerks
14:26 — I usually do Grace with 115#, so this was my first time using 135#, which slowed me down quite a bit.
Saturday — I did a bunch of shoulder mobility work followed by some DB rows 10 x 3 and 3 sets of 30 sec L-sit holds.
Today — great comp class with Jeremy. CF Football WOD:
5 rounds of 3 min AMRAP
3 cleans 155#
6 push-ups
9 knees-to-elbows
rest 1 min between rounds
1 – 3 rounds + 1 K2E
2 – 2 rounds + 1 K2E
3 – 2 rounds + 1 clean
4 – 2 rounds
5 – 2 rounds + 6 push-ups
I really liked this WOD. Cleans got heavy, but I tried to keep moving. Thanks to Ryan for reminding me to drop a little deeper on the cleans. Easy to forget when fatigue sets in.
Another great meal at Bareburger with everyone today! I'm nowhere near Malcolm's impressive 4 patties, but happy I got in 2 burgers. I love that place.
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These are adorable! I love when you do paper crafts. Your ideas are so simple and cute. I'm bummed I didn't make it to ALT Summit. I would have loved to meet you.
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