Watch Four Full Episodes of Gabrus’ TV Show “The Substitute”
When not lifting heavy and jumping rope, Gabrus is the host of a new game show on MTV. You can check out 4 full episodes of the show and see one of the world’s strongest comedians being “Mr. Gabrus” at the “Substitute” official page!
Lana Z’s Brooklyn Paleo Blog
Brooklyn Paleo is a paleo food blog recently started by CFSBKer Lana Zellner. She’s hoping that a few fellow CFSBKers might be interested in getting involved and contributing to the blog to help it grow into a valuable resource for our box. Ideally, the blog will help us all stick to our diet goals as well as we stick to our gym goals, offer a place to talk about what we eat every day, and help us figure out what to make (or where to go) for dinner. This is very casual and you will not be scoffed at for occasionally featuring peas or dairy in your recipes (at least not by Lana anyway…)
Overall the blog will help us find out:
Which neighborhoods have the best CSA’s? Where can we find affordable grass fed beef in Brooklyn? Which NYC restaurants cater best to our caveman needs? Where can we find a decent Paleo lunch near the office? and the age old question… What should we cook for dinner?
If you’re Interested in writing regularly, helping out occasionally, or just submitting a recipe get in touch with Lana at: lana(AT)
Where do you fall on our CrossFit Levels list? What 1 or 2 areas can you make the most headway in over the next training cycle in an effort to increase your fitness?
John Berardi’s E-Book on Intermittent Fasting Precision Nutrition
Making the Most of the Off-Season Robb Wolf
i'm not THE MGMT but i have a request for the general gym membership.
my request is that folks refrain from spraying strong body spray, cologne, etc in the gym prior to working out.
recently there's been someone spritzing themself with something so strong you can literally smell it for two hours in every corner of the gym. it's so strong it almost makes my throat close.
i respect everyone's right to smell nice; i myself have a cabinet full of perfume and i wear it every day. however, i never ever spray it in the gym, period.
if i felt an overpowering need to perfume myself before or after working out, i would do so outside.
i considered vetting this request through THE MGMT but hoped i could manage to write a post polite enough that it wouldn't offend anyone or make me look like more of an asshole than i already typically do.
please and thank you, no sprtizy-spritz anymore.
LOL awesome…..
You can't stop me from rollin deep in drakkar noir and polo. That's just how I roll. Oh, and axe body spray. That sh!t is like colt 45.
Thanks for sharing the blog Dave 🙂 Looking forward to hearing from interested people!
I just want to brag because I am feeling really happy about this, and maybe this is an OK place to brag… Thank you CFSBK for rocking so much — the pants I was wearing when I started CrossFitting in August, are too big to wear and I have replaced them with pants I used to wear in college! I'm shrinking! Oddly enough however, I am about the same weight (Yay for muscles growing!!)
Anyway, I'm done bragging. See you all at the box this weekend!
Woohoo, Incredible Shrinking Lana!
I'm pretty firmly in Level 2 (except for inversion work, in which I still feel like there needs to be a Level 0 invented just for me). I am definitely looking to make some gains in pullups and squatting in the next cycle.
Quick squat session this morning.
(45×5, 45×5, 95×5, 135×5, 185×3, 205×1) 225x5x3!
Where am I on the levels? Not surprisingly, I'm 2s and 3s for the bodyweight gymnastic stuff and 3+ on the weightlifting. Slow on the runs (2!), fast on the row (5!). Some of the level jumps seem big to me–I can tabata squat 10+, but pistols? Not close. But it's good to know what I need to work on…
So excited to have another Paleo blog to stalk!!
MGMT – I left my water bottle (blue, Rubbermaid) at the gym on Wednesday night. I'm just remembering now. Sorry to leave a mess…
Stella – I cooked the Cuban ham last night. It was delicious despite my lacking the requisite ingredients, tools, or skills. Thank you for sharing!!
On the levels, I have to say that clearly the BW Squat is the key category…
I have one 5 and one 2 in my collection of levels. 5 is for pistols, 2 is for rowing.
Not the best balanced I guess, but eight 4's and seven 3's. Almost all of my 3's are in metcon related tasks. Good thing I am in a strength cycle…
@Coaches: Does regular training resume tomorrow?
I'm a mix of Level 2s and 3s. I'd like to keep improving my shoulder mobility and get better about recovery.
Came across an article I thought might be interesting for this group
Just Cool It
Athletes, and patients, know that overheating hurts a body’s performance. Biologists H. Craig Heller and Dennis Grahn—using a vacuum and the palm—have learned how to chill out efficiently.
I found the link between overheating and cramping especially interesting, as I've always been prone to both but never considered they might be related.
For levels, I seem to be mainly in 2, flirting with 3 for some things. A few others are at level 1. And only one thing close to level 4, my last timed mile was 7:01
9 level twos, 7 level threes, and 2 level fours. Most of my strength numbers are twos, hopefully that won't be the case for much longer.
Katie: woohoo, glad you liked it!
Stella, Katie: What is this elusive Cuban Ham? Someone should send me the recipe so I can try it! (and maybe add it to the blog??)
Dig The Substitute! You rock, Mr. Gabrus!
Pretty solidly in levels 2 and 3.
I seem to be a mix of 2 & 3, although there are so many things I haven't tested.
Good timing on the IF ebook link. During this back off week when I haven't made it into the gym once, I decided to try out IF'ing. My dabbling so far has been positive. But I'm sure an 80-page ebook can only help refine the techniques!
Between Level 1 and Level 2 — slowly chipping things off the list until I'm a solid Level 2.
We don't regularly test some of these skills… I'm going to try a single white band pull-up next time I'm at the gym, possibly tonight at open gym. I also need to recommit myself to push-ups (as David pointed out on Wednesay). I guess I'll start there.
Here you go, Cuban ham-o-philes:
Michele, I found the culprit, he says he's sorry.
Have been failing to get to the gym 3x a week! Funny that I used to manage five, although I guess I wasn't working as hard, coaching or taking classes then. GRRRRRRR. I want more time and more energy. This week I had an added brief stomach bug too. Couldn't talk myself into trekking to the gym after work today, so did a strict cindy variant at home with the doorjam pull-up bar.
10 minutes of Strict Mod Cindy: 3 pull-ups, 6 push-ups, 9 squats. I went with these numbers because I wanted my rounds to be somewhat balanced. 10 rounds + 3pulls + 1push. This worked just right, my pull-ups and push-ups fell apart in the last two rounds. Squats were easy and quick.
In terms of levels – it is hard to be sure because of the poor training recently. I think my worst is running, where I think I clear level 2 but have never tested my 5k and doubt that it is any good, not sure on the mile at the moment. Rowing is probably next worst, but I think I'd still be level 3 although I might have lost that too. Bodyweight stuff is 4's other than HSPU and ring dips, which I am fairly sure I can't get in that volume at the moment so those are 3s. My lifts, other than DL and Press are level 4. Not sure on KB swings, haven't tested the 45 swings at 1.5p. Doubles at level 4. The metcon stuffs are level 3.
I always intend to get better at running, but I take so little pleasure in it (sprints are great! distance awful) that I quickly lose motivation. Rowing is a little better, but it is one of the few things that makes me really nauseated if I push. I have to admit to being whimpy about the kind of pain that comes from these two movements. For some reason I can handle bruising the hell out of my collar bones with cleans (and even enjoy it), making myself light headed and gaspy with lifts and many metcons, but the special exhaustion of running really demolishes my will. Any advice all you fabulous runners?
I came in to prowl tonight, but got caught up in the amazing sight of Jess Bailey squatting two hundred eleventy pounds for work! #didyoueverknowthatyou'remyhero
DAMN!!! Wish I'd gotten to see that. Serves me right for failing to drag myself to the gym. Nice work lady.
strength cycle week 7.3 (last day of linear progression)
squat: 240x5x3. previous PR: 160
i mean it was crazy heavy but it was fine! i was less nervous tonight than i was over the past few classes.
press: 87.5x5x3. previous PR: like 60 or something
i've come to really love the press, especially when they feel strong and go super fast like these did! i really want to focus on making a lot of progress on this lift in the next cycle.
clean: 130x3x3. previous PR: around 100
my favorite lift. these felt really good tonight. i did a silly little donkey kick on my very last rep which i'm not proud of, but that's never really happened before so i'm going to choose to ignore it.
body weight: 186. i'm officially 30 pounds heavier than when i started the cycle. now it's time to lay off the milk a bit and get my body comp going in the right direction.
also, CHARTS!
since this is the last day of the linear progression in this cycle, i can post my strength gains plotted over time. the dots indicate a previous PR.
here's my squat/deadlift/bodyweight: deadlifts don't have recent data because i failed on them this week. 🙁
and my clean and bench:
Levels: I think I am about level 3.6. I meet all the level 3 stuff and some of the level 4 stuff. Weak in the press and snatch. I would love to be a solid level 4.
Finished the first week of a short strength cycle tonight, and was super glad to have Margasaurus around for it. I'm pushing the numbers, we'll see where they go.
Squat 295×5
Bench 200×5
Dead 385×3
Tonight was an intensity day (supposed to be rep maxes, none really are yet) for me, in prep for a powerlifting meet in December.
Monday's volume work was (completed on Tuesday, in fact, due to a spectacular hangover…)
Squat 275x5x5
Bench 185x5x5
Goals for the meet are:
Squat 375
Bench 250
Dead 475
There, I said it.
Tacos Matamoros with my wife and daughter is always great recovery 🙂
Spent most of the day POWER CLEANING at home.. meaning power cleaning my apartment. Anyway- after enough hours of that I decided to head to the gym for a late night light lift:
3 Rounds:
20 KB Swings, 20kg
10 Ring Rows
Supine GHD Hold: :10×4 with a 5lb plate overhead.
205x3x10 On the Minute
Scaption: 3×10
Rev Band Flys 3×10
Felt GREAT to get a little movement in!