8 Rounds each of:
5 Seconds “Contract”, 10 seconds “Relax”
Left Hamstring
Right Hamstring
Left Overhead w/band
Right Overhead w/band
Spend 20 minutes working on your handstand
Free, Partner-assisted, or Wall Walk Up
Post Handstand progression and progress to comments.
Happy Birthday D. Byrd and Christine Naclerio!
NYC Men’s Health Urbanathalon is this Weekend!
Don’t have weekend plans and in need of a test of your fitness? The 2011 NYC Men’s Health Urbanathalon is this Saturday, October 29th. This year’s course includes obstacles at both Citifield and Arthur Ashe stadium. Registration is still open so if you’re looking to run, jump, climb through an intense race check out the course info and registration information here. Both Coach Foxes as well as Brandon C. are participating in the event and are looking for CFSBK compatriots.
How much sleep have you gotten over each of the past two nights?
Kelly Starett breaks down “contract/relax” stretching Mobility WOD
Kelly Starett covers the Overhead Band Stretch Mobility WOD
The Effectiveness of the Group Setting CrossFit (Beware 1 F-Bomb)
Are you Gooder at Grammar Go To Quiz
Last night was a good night for me in strength class.
Was backed of the squat so that was pretty simple at 245 3×5.
Press I finally made 125 for 3×5.
Deadlift was the real success at 320 for 5.
Afterwards went to get food and ate two double bare burgers for a grand total of 24 ounces of beef (not counting the delicious pastrami on top).
For Shane that equals just shy of 1/5 of a gallon of beef.
Hooray for taking the rounded corners off the banner image!!!
…that is all.
Sorry for the repost, but figured I'd give it another shot… Anyone have any box recommendations for DC?
Miss Melon,
Perhaps your browser is out of date? The management thinks the rounded corners look classy, also, we hope you've enjoyed the 15 new pictures recently added which brings the rotation up to 57 pictures.
Hey y'all — my amazing dad Marshall Katz is coming down from the snowy northern wastes of Canada next weekend. He's going to be running the New York Marathon to raise money for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation.
My mom was diagnosed with Type 1 (juvenile) diabetes about 15 years ago and ever since then my dad has been running marathons for the Canadian Diabetes Association. He's raised tens of thousands of dollars over the years, and was asked specially by the JDRF to come down to NYC.
This will be my dad's 69th marathon, and he's always dreamed of running in New York, especially for such a good cause. Sixty-nine marathons. That's a lot of marathons, and at 54, he's still plans on running plenty more.
I wanted to reach out to this awesome community of athletes to ask you to support my dad and help us raise money to fight a disease that affects millions of people every year.
You can donate at at this link, and feel free to email me (mathew.a.katz at gmail dot com) if you have any questions.
Otherwise, come find my mom and I along 4th Ave next weekend and help us cheer him on.
Not a lot of sleep the past 2 days since i've been scrubbing noobs at BF3.
I speak many languages of geekery.
Hey, not really related to the question or the workouts, but it's been awesome being back at SBK. Even though I'm way behind where I want to be, it feels great to be moving forward.
I also wanted to give a early heads-up for a benefit event being thrown NEXT WEDNESDAY at Mayer Brown LLP, 1675 Broadway, 19th Fl., New York, NY 10019-5820, from 6pm – 9pm by one of my really good friends from law school. He and his family started a foundation a few years ago with the goal of building a world-class hospital in Nigeria. This is a legitimate operation with some big donors already on board as well as a group from Harvard set to do a feasibility study on the project.
I know a lot of you are charitable and change-the-world-for-the-better types, so this should be right up your alley. Plus, it's free–though feel free to bring your checkbooks!
Please check out their website (www.geanco.org) when you have time and let me know if you have any questions.
So many responses to make today. In order:
1. 69? Are you kidding me? 69?
2. Goose, please translate. Please?
3. Eight hours for the past two days, by forcing myself to sleep in.
4. I gotta stop making that 'workout face'.
Samir – at least yours doesn't look like someone just put stinky socks under your nose. I look like a caricature of a french snob in many of the photos of me doing heavy lifts. I am envious of people like Liese who display an elegant calm in the midst of hard work.
Sleep – Sunday night: 8 hours, last night 9. (saturday night 9, friday night 9). The downside is that it is much harder to sit still at my desk all day with that much sleep. Want to be bouncing around doing things.
i got 9 hours the past two nights. i'm trying to get 9 hours minimum for the next week because strength cycle is getting really intense now!
goose how is BF3, I am going to buy arkham city today, and I only allow myself one purchase a month…amd I making the wrong decision
Ive been sleeping pretty good, which is sad because that means I dont have any deadlines or gigs.
financially, id rather not sleep right now
I'm going to tell my husband to stop making fun of me for wanting at least 7 hours of sleep a night. I am jealous of those of you who get 9. I think I've gotten 7 to 7.5 the last two nights, and it hasn't been enough. Evidence: this morning the alarm woke me out of a deep sleep in which I was having an EXTREMELY detailed dream that my mother-in-law had taken my husband and me to Disney World. This would NEVER happen in real life. I love my mother-in-law, but I HATE Orlando.
Your Language Arts Grade: 100%
69, Samir. My dad is awesome/possibly a robot.
I think I got about 5 hours last night and perhaps 10 the night before. Ive gotten better overall at getting more sleep but it's still consistently 2-4 hours less than it needs to be for optimizing David. My usual routine is to wake up, go to work turn it on for the AM classes (which I enjoy doing!) and then crashing mid day and then getting up to teach and work at night
Im also glad that it's getting colder ONLY because we won't have as many mosquitoes. I had a real epidemic in my apartment where despite keeping the windows closed for like 2 weeks straight we would have 1-2 mosquitoes waking us up at night.
Great AM classes today, I worked some different progressions on the handstand which I think worked well.
Sleep has been poor. 6 hours last night, close to 5 the night before. ๐
Yesterday's Comp Class was great!
Press 1-1-1
85, 90, 95f
-I was so close to getting that 95 and I'll get it next time. I apologize to all for that horrible bail.
Push Press 3-3-3
90, 105, 115
-bad bar math led to the 15lb jump between sets 1 & 2 but that worked out just fine. all felt good.
Push Jerk 5-5-5
110, 115, 120
-so stoked about all of these. This is definitely the best that jerks have felt. Maybe it's the fancy new wrist straps, right D.O.? ๐
Awesome partnering with Kate D…and watching all of the other badasses hitting some heavy presses!
9 hours? that's like the holy grail! I got 7 the last two nights, but boozefree sleep is so much better quality. I get a little more on the weekends, but I am breaking rocks at 6:30 am at my desk so there's just not a lot of wiggle room!
Oho! Rounded corners are back. Oops. Hooray for my sad, old, gen 1 macbook that can't run any current browsers? David: I accept your correction regarding what is classy, and will submit to Management's superior aesthetic vision in the future.
Sleep: not enough.
ps. the new pictures are tres awesome.
4-5 hrs unbroken. maybe. sooo NOT ENOUGH.
I rarely sleep enough. Usually about 5-6 hrs a night. A few times a week I throw an hour long nap into the mid-day if I'm not busy with programming or emails or the dogs or…It's tough, if not impossible, to get 8 straight hours with my schedule of late nights and early AM starts. Sleep when I'm dead?
Anyone want to do the Urbanathlon this Saturday?? I won't be able to make it. I can drop off the packet at the gym tomorrow or Friday. The course looks kickass.
Email me at: fungybung@gmail.com
BTW: This a coed event.
Hey, you knew it was my birthday! Thanks guys!
I've been missing the gym a ton! But sadly, I keep getting sick, and SOME PEOPLE, think that I should try to be healthy for the upcoming wedding and honeymoon. (Some people = my future husband.)
I will be back with a vengeance in about 3 weeks!!
Samir – you are a badass.
Not much sleep lately – biz travel isn't my thang. Miss home.
@Samir I was saying that a new video game called Battlefield 3 came out, so for the past 2 days i have been beating up on players who are not up to my caliber of gameplay online in a first person shooter.
@Gabrus BF3 is pretty amazing, but i play it for PC. I think you play xbox, so i would recommend getting batman (which is awesome) and then getting Modern Warfare 3 instead for the shooter side as MW3 will be better on xbox than BF3. I will get MW3 for xbox, add me my gamertag is "marcwithac123".
I've been pretty good at getting 8-9 hours a night, but it's really cutting into my social life. I remind myself that it's for the best. :/
Great time doing handstands with David this morning. Thanks for all your help!
Weird week for this question to come up, been working 10p-6a this week (shoot me) and basically feel like my life is upside down now, looking forward to flipping it back over.
I've found that good sleep has twice as much impact on my coaching then my lifting- I can usually gut/hallucinate my way through a workout, but I need the added energy and mental dexterity to coach. Need to recommit myself to good sleep, one of my favorite parts of the Paleo Challenges is that quantifiable sleep is counted as a metric.
goose, will add you this weekend (wife is out of town)
my tag is Uncle Meatman
ill get MW3 when it comes out and then play skyrim by myself for 15 hours a day
any other x-boxxers out there
Row 50 Strokes (worked out exactly to 600m)
Foam Roll Lats and SerrAnt
3 Rounds:
16 Lunges with the Gravel Bag
Supine GHD hold with arms OH, :25 long seconds
Banded GHD Hip Extension, 12 Reps
45lb+Band Distraction 3x:20
10 Rev Band Flys 3×10
10 Scaption Y ups, 5'sx10x3
Back Squat
(45×5, 135×5, 165×5, 185×5, 205×1, 215×1, 225×1)
First two sets felt Great. Really found a good bar path and was feeling strong. There was about a 20 minute gap between the second and third sets due to teaching something so that set was less awesome but still went up okay. 240 next time!!!
Would have loved to do more but had to start working right after last set
Hope people had fun upside down
Oh- looking at that I'll note that I did a ton more warm-up and warm-up sets before squatting today and it really paid off. The last two exposures I've sorta rushed and not wrapped my head around what I was doing, major difference today.
Rest Day trip to Salt&Fat in Queens.
Two words for you: oxtail terrine.
Michele, you effing rule. I looked at the menu, got super excited, and decided I was going to find an excuse to drag my husband out to Queens to eat there with me.
Fortunately, the Museum of the Moving Image is showing Lawrence of Arabia a week from Saturday and he's been dying to see that on the big screen. When I told him we could follow that up with a pig trotter, he was, all, "MY WIFE IS AWESOME." No, YOU are, but I'll just go ahead and let him think I'm awesome. ๐
strength cycle week 7.2
squat: 235x5x3
heavy as fuck. this is officially 100 pounds more than i squatted the first class (september 12).
bench: 120x5x3
these went up fine. i failed at this weight (in the first set) last monday so i'm happy i got through these.
ringrows: tbh i was tired and really not feeling these so i kind of half assed it. two sets of 10.
michele — do you know anything about where they source their meat? is it ethically raised? i'll probably end up going regardless bc the menu looks fucking awesome.
nick, i don't know, actually. go anyway ๐
stella, you're welcome.
nick, i don't know, actually. go anyway ๐
stella, you're welcome. (insert joke about how making other people's husbands happy is my specialty, etc etc.) NO NOT REALLY.
Great 8pm with Coach Noah today. Thank you to my awesome partner Teresa for telling me that I could do a partner-assisted handstand (which I did for the first time tonight) and THEN completely dominating her record for a handstand hold (1:07, up from :39)!!!
Also, thank you to everyone who put up with my sour mood when I arrived. I was rushing to get there from work and I didn't have the requisite downtime before heading to the gym (I need time to shut off from work mode). As usual, I left SBK happy ๐
Forgot to post yesterday's WOD:
Weekly bench club – 155x5x3, then pendlay rows 95x10x3
Comp class afterwards:
Press 1-1-1
125-130-135 (PR)
Push Press 3-3-3 (135-135-145)
First press I've had over 125# since the labrum tear in March. Pretty happy with the 10# PR without a ton of consistent overhead strength work. A few push presses turned more jerk-like. Gotta keep working on that. My bum shoulder was a little fried by this point so I stopped after 1 jerk attempt.
Today – back squats 265x3x5
up 5# from last week. this is my current 3RM, so it felt good to do it for sets across. a little bit of grinding towards the last 2 sets. looking forward to the next cycle of front and back squat exposures.
Also did a sub-max effort 2k row in 7:39 to work on my rowing aversion. I'm not sure I'll ever find a way to like rowing.
I had my first Bareburger tonight (thanks for the ordering advice, Jeremy). Believe the hype!
Thanks David for your help with the handstands today. I have to remember to practice the engaged shoulders and remembering to keep my hands in view, those cues really helped.
Although I enjoy working hard, I have a lot of fun when we do this skill focused/stretch back off weeks. I had a lot of fun…