JMD has a case of Overhead Squat Hair
Reebok/Paragon Sports CrossFit WOD in Union Square Park
This Thursday October 27th, Reebok CrossFit and Paragon Sports are hosting an event designed to spread the word about CrossFit with a free WOD held in Union Square Park. This promises to be a huge event with over 200 people registered so far. The event runs from 4p-6p and you or any of your friends who are interested in checking out CrossFit can RSVP to attend at!
Strength Cycle Total is Next Week!
Mark your calendars, tell your friends that the next Strength Cycle total is next Wednesday, November 2nd. Come watch the guys and gals of Coach Jeremy’s class reap the rewards of 8 weeks of hard work in the form of big numbers and new PRs. The total starts at 6pm and all are invited and encouraged to attend one of the most fun and electric nights in the gym!
If you could only fulfill one training goal what would it be? Sub-3 Minute Fran? 2.5x Bodyweight Deadlift? 100 Unbroken Double Unders?
Making the most of Strength Programming Rogue Fitness
Can I Get a Spot? Practice CrossFit
Old School Strength Training Youtube
Wow just ONE! Dang umm 405lbs squat..
Oh, that's easy! I want a strict pullup, damn it! Not sure if I will get there by the end of the year like I want to, but I'm still chasing it.
Murph in the mid to low 30's…with a vest!
Gabrus, congrats and welcome back! I turned on the tv yesterday and it happened to be on mtv (not sure how that happened) and they were running a Mr. Gabrus marathon! In honor of your return?
Attn: Video gamers – HELP!!!
Dharma wants an X-box for Christmas to play X-Box Live…A quick google search turned up a few options (kinect, 360, 4gb, 250gb!). Which one do I need to get?
QOD – Squat 375#
200/300/400 bench/squat/deadlift.
That's one goal, right?
10 prowler runs on 30 second rest. Giddy up sports fans!
DMAK, thanks brother.
Fox it all depends, kinect is pretty awesome i am assuming for young guns. you dont need a huge hard drive if you arent gonna be d/ling xbox arcade games, but if she is into games that take a lot of 'saves' it might make sense to get the 250gb (thats the one I have)
can I choose 8 percent bodyfat as a training goal?
did anyone make that ham that we got? That's going to be for tonight. Is that uncooked? any ideas? the old 350 with cloves in it? I'd love any ideas on how to cook that ham, thanks.
i want a strict pullup.
A freakin' muscle up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I want to dunk.
JR, it's a fresh ham.
I used this recipe (made it over the weekend) and LOVED it. It requires advance planning because of the marinade, though. I used bottled blood orange juice instead of sour OJ, and adjusted the cooking time down since the ham was probably more like 4 pounds than like the 7-8 pounds the recipe calls for.
PS, because the ham is uncured, it tasted more like pork loin than what I'm used to when I think "ham." It was delicious, mind you, but I'd recommend looking for a recipe that's specifically for fresh ham since it tastes very different from cured ham.
800 LB CFT.
the fresh ham dries out really easily, BTW, so be careful not to overcook it. i've just been slicing it up or cubing it and eating it with eggs, but if we get more ham again i'll try some wetter preparations such as a braise.
sounds good party people, thanks!
Great photo today, best in a while.
Gabrus – thanks for the tips.
Okay wait a minute.. I declare shenanigans! 800lb CFT (crossfit total)!?
Althought I like how you got around the one goal question (wish I would have thought of that). Is that a foul play?
You can't ask a genie for more wishes… that's just tomfoolery
What about wishing for another genie who doesn't have silly rules about wishing for more wishes?
I would call me wish less specified.
My current CFT is in the high 700's (can't remember the exact number). I don't care how it gets to 800, could be a bit better at everything or I could suddenly be a pressing monster.
One last question, athletes, does anyone have any experience with bone bruises or stress fractures in their foot? I don't know what I have but running really hard in low profile shoes and the ball of my foot (under the littlest of piggies) is seriously sore. it goes away, and comes back really bad if I run on it.
figured maybe a runner has had that. meow. thanks.
I had the exact same thing happen to me when I started running in my minimalist shoes. I stopped for a bit and it didn't go away so I went to the doctor, they took an x-ray and said nothing was wrong with me. So I ended up taking an extended break from running (and things like box jumps) and it went away. Took over a month to go away completely but it doesn't bother me anymore. Never found out what exactly was wrong though.
my training goal is to train smart enough that i can keep training as long as i want to so.
I want a 1000 pound CFT, but mainly a 405 pound squat.
I would love a CFT of 500 and hope to resume training towards that post-Rocket! Inside that goal, a 2 x bodyweight deadlift and >200 pound back squat would be pretty rad too. 😉
Oh and MIchele your goal is the best. Deep down I want that much more than I want a 200 pound squat.
wow, michelle is right on the money with this one. but if I HAD to choose something, I guess I'd want to beat ronnie coleman in an arm wrestling match. YEAH BUDDY!!!!
Anyone have any recommendations for crossfit in DC? I'm headed there for work next week and there are 5 close to my hotel: Balance, MPH, Primal, District, and I forget the last one. Anyone been to any of these or have friends that go to them?
too bad my post contained an error. i meant to type "as long as i want to DO SO."
sorry to interrupt the question thread for today, but i wanted to ask if anyone had been to barcelona in the past year. i'm planning a trip for next month and would love to pick your brains about it for a second.
please and thank you!
mignyc (at) gmail dot com.
I want a beard
…and a sub 8min "Helen"
Deadlift (reset this, so I can slowly build for the meet)
10kb snatch Left
walk 50m w. kb locked overhead
10kb snatch Right
walk 50m w. kb locked overhead
used 1 pood, should have used 1.5
6:30 mile, like college
Nice slow day getting some of my 5-3-1 lifts and accessory work out of the way in anticipation of a rough week.
Week of 5's
Good mornings, bent over rows, weighted chins and dips after that. Good time yukking it up with Gabrus (he's kinda funny in case you haven't heard), DMak, Peter, Fox, etc.
My goal is to keep smiling, keep learning, and stay mindful of why I'm doing what I'm doing (thats a gym AND life goal right there.) Kind of a macro training goal and admittedly wishy washy, but I know if I keep doing those things than the more quantitative goals will come, eventually.
@Fox xbox has some decent deals on a combo xbox 4gb and kinect. You could get one for about 200 bucks. Gonna need to buy a game or two which will run you 50-60 a game. Plus live is a monthly fee. Either way its a boss present.
err for about $300 i meant to say….