3 Rounds for Time of:
10 Overhead Squats 135/95
50 Double Unders
Post Time and Rx to comments
Rich Froning 2:40, Elijah Muhammad 2:55,Thomas Cox 3:15, WOD Demo
Stacey Kroon 5:34 (99lb OHS), Camille Leblanc-Bazinet 6:48 (135lb OHS), WOD Demo
Jack L at the Starting Strength Cert
Photo courtesy of Thomas Campitelli
There is No Active Recovery Today. Coach Fox will however be at lululemon atheltica Brooklyn doing a free active recovery from 2-4pm. This is an open class meaning you can come anytime in that window and leave when you feel actively recovered enough!
Self Defense Seminar Today!
Best of luck to all the ladies participating in today’s free Self Defense Seminar sponsored by CrossFit South Brooklyn, Brooklyn Boulders and the Center for Anti-Violence Education. We’d also like to thank Coach Jessica Fox for going out of her way to set up and organize this event for our community. The event starts today at 1:30pm. If this is your first time coming to CFSBK, please refer to the location information below:
CrossFit South Brooklyn
Address: 597 Degraw Street between 3rd and 4th Avenues (see map)
Subway: R to “Union Street” or 2 3 4 5 B or Q to Atlantic Ave
Contact: Jessica Fox, 347-623-5549
Event time: 1:30-3:30pm
Thus Ends Crush Week
We hope you enjoyed this cycle’s Crush Week. CFSBKers will now move on to Back Off Week where we prep some of the new cycle’s upcoming movements, ditch the stopwatch and get a little active recovery. This might be a good time to plan some extracurricular restorative activities for yourself. Russian Turkish Baths? Massage? Go for a long Hike? Maybe skip the gym for a few days and sleep in (or get to bed early). However you choose to approach Back Off Week, remember that it’s all about comfort and restoration. Enjoy!
I-CaveMan: After Party Part 2 Robb Wolf
How Heavy is Too Heavy? Cathletics
Kettlebell Swings Cathletics
Demon Bells
i wish every week was crush week
The Honorable Elijah Muhammad did this workout?
Fox: He did, but then Malcolm X beat his time so badly, he made Malcolm quit the box. A real pity.
Hey peeps,
Anyone else have bad shin splints? After doing the comp class my shins have been killing me, I found out its because of the broad jumps we did in the warm up of that class.
This might help
Elijah Muhammad did this workout from his wagon wheel in the sky!
From last night:
Back Squat
Warmup: 45×5 95×5 135×5
Work: 185x5x3
Reset, wider stance, wider grip.
Warmup: 45×5 95×5 105×1
Work: 107.5x5x3
Warmup: 135×5 225×5 275×1
Work: 280×5
Double overhand.
Chinups 7 6 6
Also, I'm late to the party, but holy kettlebell storage!
Fun 10 AM class. I was partnered with Bethany, whom I now want to be when I grow up. Two words: pregnant double-unders.
I knew this WOD was going to be messy since I had not done OHS since Foundations. 53#, and I pretty much forgot how to do them in the first 15 seconds of the workout, despite having just warmed them up. Oh well, I hope they come up again soon so I can do them better next time. Also subbed 25 KB swings at 1 pood for the doubles since I am still rehabbing my left foot.
7:23, mostly because it is damn hard to pick up that bar for OHS when you've just burned your arms doing KB swings!
Also: the other Stella licked my leg after class. Hilarious! I guess that's one way to get the sweat off after a WOD.
Last night's Strength Cycle B: Volume Day
Squat: 260x5x5
Felt strong throughout.
Bench: 192.5 x5x3
A few wonky reps and slow stuff. Hope to PR my 5RM at 195 next bench.
That was all I had time for… Someday I'll start doing chins again, but my wrist still is unhappy with the torqued load.
Today's WOD- 11:30 Rx
All Over Head Squats were Unbroken. My Double Unders were another story. Definitely a humbling work out. My goal for November will be 50 unnroken DUs.
….So sad to see crush week go =[.
I'm going to put together a simple key for WODs. Here are the first two entries:
WTWH = Wow, That Was Hard (used for WODs that seem nice and friendly and then bite you on the arse)
WTFPTT = Who The Fuck Programs These Things? (This could have been used for Thursday's WOD; for WODS that look and sound insane, and are)
Today's WOD was a WTWH.
7:52 @ #85lbs. Partnered with Dan (don't know the second initial!), who was inspiring in doing this RxD.
-various partner med ball toss
-OHS pvc prep
9:35 rx'd
-first round was awesome and done in a little over 2 mins. Then that 2nd round of OHS bit me in the ass. I failed about 4 times getting the last 2 as I just wasn't able to find a stable overhead position. This is when I realized that 95# OHS are heavy for reps! But, the 3rd round was much better and I was able to get 6-2-2. Shoulders were so fried though which really made those du's harder. I also don't like doing du's in oly shoes but I definitely needed them for the squats. Oh, and wrists killed.
Thanks to all 50 ladies that showed up today for the Self Defense Workshop!!!
Gym recap today.
5-3-1: 11 reps on my 5 rep max out Squat, felt good. During the set I felt like I was a bit off, but the video looked good- good bounce, bar path, and speed. Psyched.
WOD: Not good. Spent all week watching powerpoint slides at work, felt really immobile and nasty up top. Wrists were hurting with just the bar, and like a genius I figured that another 90# on top would make them feel better (!?!?!?!) 9 reps into my first set I bailed due to discomfort, tried to get the bar back up, felt it again, and called it a day.
That being said, I was proud of myself for "living to fight another day." There was a time when I would have gutted through this and blown out every ligament and tendon in my wrist.
Coaching also felt great today, I got a lot of sleep and had a ton of energy and was very happy and impressed with everyone's focus and guts during a really sneaky rough WOD. Also unveiled what I am planning on making a habit after Michele's suggestion that my music taste is the stink. I call it CFSBK Guest DJ For a Day and it will be coming to a group class near you soon!
3 RFT:
10 OHS @ 53lb
15 DUs
It's been months since I last did overhead squat, 53 is barely half of my 1rm and it felt HEAVY. DUs cut down to 15 reps since I can barely do 4 at a time right now and I didn't want to get too winded.
The self-defense class was great! I left with some good verbal and physical skills. Thank you Jess for organizing!
OHSs pretty much just felt awful, even at only 35#. Wrist pain was really bad and couldn't get down far enough, finally just switched to front squats for the final round. 7 mins flat with 25 KB swings @1pood. I hope this doesn't mean we'll be doing OHS for the next movement cycle. I was glad, however, that Lady Fox encouraged me to go heavier on the KB than I was originally planning. It made today feel like it wasn't a total bust.
Great class at 12 today with Noah.
WOD: 95# 5:35
I was debating whether to do 95# or maybe 105. The first set felt so easy I thought I had scaled too much. The second set showed me I got it just right. Got the squats unbroken on the first set, then 6/4, then 5/5. Played around with muscle ups and some handstands after, which felt surprisingly good.
Wod: 5:31 with 75#. I have done ohsq wods like this at much higher weight but today my wrists felt like dry twigs.
shoot Noah… I was just teasing! mostly 🙂
lovely BIG 8am with coach margie
pre wu
wall ball fun
ohs drills
3:58 @95lb and subbed du's for kb swings.
should have gone heavier, but feeling busted up from not being at the gym regularly.
Failed to post yesterday because I was outside enjoying the sunshine with old friends and new friends all day – lovely! I like it when I get hugs every hour and impromptu coffee with friends walking around the neighborhood and bumping into nice people.
WOD was nasty – did this at 75#. Could have gone heavier I think – 1st and last set of OHS unbroken, middle one got 7 and then 3. 7:03. Lately I've been trying to error on the lighter side so that I get the full metabolic hit of workouts rather than pushing to go for the heaviest weight I can bear and then having to pause a lot. I think it is doing good things!