As Many Rounds As Possible in 20 Minutes of:
2 Muscle-Ups
4 Handstand Push-Ups
8 Kettlebell Swings, 32/24 kg
In honor of Chief Petty Officer Nate Hardy, who was killed February 4th, 2008 during combat operations in Iraq.
Nate is survived by his wife, Mindi, and his son Parker
Post rounds and Rx to comments.
compare to 10.20.10
Self Defense at CFSBK Poster, Click to Enlarge
Got a Goat?
Do you have a performance based shortcoming that’s holding you back in Group Classes? Want to work your kipping pull-ups? Are you shoulders really tight and you don’t know what to do about it? Need help developing a lift and learning how to intergrate some personalized programming into your training? We can help! Our coaches are available for single and short duration private training to help supplement your CFSBK experience. If you’d like to find out more about setting up a PT session, please contact us with what you’d like to work on and your availablity.
“Improving Ourselves and Each Other” with Greg Glassman CrossFit
Got me 5/3/1 in on squats and bench last night in midtown. Added a rep across the board on my chins. I am surprised that my weight isn't lower, I am down a few, but my performance is better across the board so I am not overly concerned.
Got my new cleto reyes gear in the mail, and I am PUMPED! Haven't been in the gym in a bit I'll be in there this weekend, looking forward to it!
I mentioned this video at dinner last night with a lot of the folks from the strength cycle.
May be my favorite take on vegetarianism.
Strength Cycle: Intensity Day
Squat: 305×8
This is 10 pounds more than any rep out I've attempted (I've never done reps over 300 actually), so was pretty happy to make 8. The 8th rep was a full, slow grind so I racked it.
Press: 150×5 and 150×4(f)
5RM PR, but I got soft on the 5th rep of the second set and it was done.
Deadlift: 365×2
This was disappointing. I got the 3rd rep off the ground but didn't grind it out and just dropped it. I just didn't have any fight left after the squats.
I'm definitely reaching the end of my linear runs on the OHSP and deadlifts. May attempt both again to see if I can get more reps and then the following week is the CF Total.
Thanks to Jeremy and Dave for buying me lunch last night for a belated birthday celebration at the ever-awesome BareBurger. Yum!
Question for the management: are platform rentals still available, and if so, how do we go about scheduling them? I no longer see the option to buy platform rentals in the Store.
Hey guys, I can't make my chicken pickup today, so if anyone would take my share and keep it for me I would be grateful and give them a present. Let me know bjorn at bellenbaum dot net
We technically did close down platform rental to all outside parties. However we do offer it on a case by case basis for advanced CrossFitters/Lifters. David will email you with more information.
There is a suspicious lack of posting today…
10 rounds flat as Rx'd
This was rough today. All muscle ups were done as singles with 5-7 fails in there. Glad Ryan was there doing this with me or it likely would have been worse.
Hey all,
Missed posting yesterday as I got subsumed by work. I'm incredibly touched and humbled by the response to the Hoodie writeup. I hold all of you in incredibly high esteem, praise from the CFSBK community is just about the highest form of flattery I know of. Special thanks to Margie, who has an inherent ability to make people sound far more poised and layered than they may be at first glance.
Did Nate yesterday, 7 rounds even, very slow but not too ugly. Also learned how to kip HSPUs mid-WOD which was kind of interesting.
Michele, whats this talk about my music taste? I think the problem is that the music I actually like is not really gym music for the most part, so I just rely on ol Mr. Pandora, who sometimes throws some curveballs. The bad dancing, on the other hand, is all my fault.
strength cycle week 6.2
squat: 220x5x3
good GOD. starting to grind through these. had a dicey rep in my second set, but i pulled it off. really excited to hit 225 on friday. if that happens. it will happen.
press: 87.5×4 (FAIL), 87.5×4 (FAIL), 65×5
i don't know what the hell was going on with this lift tonight. can squats exhaust you so thoroughly that you can't press? i did 85 last friday and it was sort of fine, so i don't have an explanation for this.
chinups scaled to ringrows, since i don't have a chinup
10-10-14 (last set is a rep out). same as last week, but i tried to bring the rings a bit lower at least. it's hard to gauge progress on this, so i don't really have much to say about it.
Well, Herondale steak. So. freaking. good.
Anyways – meat update aside – today was one of those days where I looked at the workout and thought 'oh man, I can't do a lot of that.' But I still came in and gave it a whirl.
Today was more about skill work for me than metcon. I still sweated my butt off though. (20Kg KB) I did 5 rounds + 2 handstand pushups
I did the modified muscle up work. At first I could push up into the dip, but my pecs quickly gave up on me and I needed some leg assistance. I did handstand pushups w/the 2 abmat scale, and well, I totally did them. And I've not done that before, so that was cool. Noah pointed out that I should go faster, but I couldn't get myself to go down fast and remain in control so most of them were pretty slow. KB were cake, but I'm glad I did the weight I did so I could still have some juice for the dips/HSPU.
Overall, excellent night. Especially now that I have a belly full of steak. Nom.
12 rounds + 2 muscle-ups rx. I think my PR on Nate is a little over 13 rounds and my goal was 15 today. Just didn't have it in me. I was breaking up the HSPU at about round 6 or 7, so that ended up slowing me down more than usual. When my shoulder is feeling ok, I need to incorporate HSPUs into my weekly programming more. I also need to practice kipping HSPUs more. On the flip, this is the first time I went unbroken on all the KBS, so I was glad to overcome my mental barrier with the 2pood.
I really enjoyed the write up on Noah yesterday. Great guy, great coach! Margie – any book deals on the horizon? Love your writing style!
9 Full Rounds +2 Muscle-Ups & 3 HSPS. 20 kg First attempt at MU so started with the ring row up to a dip. In hindsight I gave myself too much help on the hop up. Handstands ended up primarily doing negatives. Now in verse:
More muscles I need,
to do a proper muscle-up, indeed.
The HSPUs,
did my muscles abuse.
Now Kettlebell swings,
A little more work and you'll be my thang.
Sarah: WORD. Hubby and I had the Herondale rib steaks for dinner tonight and they were ridonkulous.
Treadmill sprints this evening, followed by chin-up negatives. Margie suggested last night that I work chins instead of chasing a strict pullup so that I can get more volume in and build bicep strength. I can definitely picture myself getting a strict chin in by the end of the year!
Happily, my foot seems to be mostly okay, even after the sprinting. Which means I have no excuse not to be crushed in the 7 AM class tomorrow. Posting here to make myself accountable!
Nate, modified beyond recognition:
Subbed 3 pull-ups (skinny green band) and 3 push-ups (from the knees) for each muscle-up
Started with wall walk-ups, but they started getting crappy, so I switched to 15# dumbbell presses in the 4th or 5th round
16kg kettlebell
7 rounds plus 2 pull-ups
This WOD definitely didn’t play to my strengths.
having a super tough time posting tonight. this is like my fifth attempt.
made the meatshare pork ribs today – in my crock pot, of all things.
thanks to ellie june and macdowell for the ride home!
Greetings from exotic Crossfit Cedar Rapids! WOD'd today with some genuine midwesterners. These people are NOT joking around; they are ACTUALLY that nice. It is bananas. Anyway:
warmup: 2rnft of
10 pushups
10 second partner pull up stretch
10 jumping lunges
10 gillies
WOD: 16 min AMRAP
5 KB snatches ea arm
15 box jumps
20 sit ups
there was no RX for this, and there were limited boxes so people seemed to just end up with whatever was in front of them. (there were about 8 of us there for the 5:30am class!). Going really heavy on the KB for a wod like this didn't strike me as a great idea for fear of shitty form and injury, so I only did 8kg, and step ups rather the BJs on a 16" box to baby my calves. Got 6 rounds+snatches+BJs+3 sit ups. I did not feel crushed. Oh well. We were done by 6am and then everyone just kind of left. It was odd. But overall a nicer vibe than my visit to Fremont last month.
This was a strange workout. I planned to do one muscle-up, four DB presses at 30 pounds, and 20 KG bells as subs. I kept slipping on the rings so Fox threw on three plates from where I jumped into the MU and still did one. From the 6th round onwards my presses became push-presses.
Finished at 10 pounds, 1 MU*, 4 PPs, 3 swings.