Joy M. is all Smiles During the Warm-up
See CFSBKer Steve P. in “The Dumb Waiter”
Actor Steve Park with us as one of our members. Steve’s currently starring in Harold Pinter’s “The Dumb Waiter” is now running at the Duo Theater. The show runs until November 6th. For more information and to purchase tickets click here!
Row New York is Hosting a Rowing Open House this Weekend
All of us have logged plenty of kilometers on the erg but few of us have experienced the joy of rowing on the open water. Row New York wants to give you that chance this Saturday in Queens. The event is Saturday, October 15th from 12-2p. Here’s what they have to say about the event:
“The open house is a chance for any and all New Yorkers (sorry, no kids this time!) to see what Olympic-style rowing is all about and learn about opportunities to row through Row New York. Get a workout, and enjoy a beautiful fall day. No experience necessary!”
You can sign up here!
For more information email Jennie Treyes at Jennie(AT)
Couple of Slots Left for Tough Titsday Intermediate Cycle
There are still two slots left for Margie’s Tough Titsday Intermediate Cycle!
Join Margie for a special four part series on pushing big weight. We will refine technique on Squat, Deadlift, Bench and Press and, most importantly, break down the mental aspect of moving maximal loads. Together, we will develop a solid sense of how to translate your linear gains at SBK into that triumphant 1 Rep Max. Classes will involve low volume and heavy bars, as well as an introduction to some assistance lifts and equipment. This is an opportunity to dude out in a women’s only environment.
For women who have been out of Foundations several months and attempted heavy singles.
Limited to 4 participants, please email if interested.
Sundays from 9-10:30am
10/16; 10/23; 10/30; 11/6
Register Here!
What was the hardest CrossFit WOD you’ve ever done?
Tips For Choosing a CrossFit Gym Breaking Muscle
Do The Stuff You Suck At Elite FTS
Morning sports fans! on my way to play 18. Did my Wendler yesterday, great stuff presses, deads, chins. Looking forward to the metcon upon my return.
Toughest wod I ever did was the bear. Hands down. The first set would be fine but for some reason after that, my forearms would be fried. After the third attempt they would just ache for a long time. Meow.
See you soon!
Just saw yesterdays. Cool stuff! I won't have any obscure stuff to offer. Right up the middle:
"This time it's different." – Ken Rogoff. Timely book.
"Penthouse Pauper" – CCR. If you like CCR sound, this one is really great.
"Deerhunter" – Not breaking new ground here, but Scorcese should have won an award here. I think it's the best movie that I've ever seen. Everything about it was amazing.
Toughest WOD was the Filthy Fifty… my first WOD after foundations. I haven't had the chance to do it since and am looking forward to it popping up one of these days.
I want to say thank you to CFSB, all the wonderful coaches and the incredible community. I have had a tough year pain and injury wise and a lot of change and education has happened in my world (ref diet, sleep and physical fitness). CFSB has been the catalyst and motivator. I feel better (dare I say great?) today than I have in quite a long time.
Did "Elizabeth," heavily modified, with Lady Fox and the 7 AM crew today. Awesome to watch visitor Irwyn kill those ring dips!
Me: 53# cleans, half-and-half pushups 30-18-12. Except I think I did 18 in the third round, because I am just that SMRT. 16:47. I started out doing strict pushups…yeah, that didn't last!
I was surprised by this workout — I knew it was going to be hard, but I thought it was going to be hard in a "my lungs are burning" way. It wasn't that at all, it was mustering the strength to do that next clean or another couple of pushups.
Hardest WOD I've done so far: I'm going to have to go with Monday's. When David made me do those burpees strict it just about killed me!
that's easy.
karen (150 wall balls.)
MEATSHARE QUESTION: Does anyone have any good ideas for what to do with that big slab of uncured smoked ham that came last week? I am just one person, so the thought of just throwing it in a pan and eating it with eggs makes me feel like I am in the Flinstones.
Boo, my reply to Jenna didn't post!
I'm going to try this recipe even though the braising liquid is very Not Paleo. I also got, in addition to the larger ham, a big slice of it. I used half of it making a frittata with smoked Gouda and red onions, which was very good.
I wish I could serve it at a party as the bigger portion is going to take my husband and me a while to get through! Unfortunately my BFF, who comes to almost all my dinner parties, is a non-pork-eater. Maybe I will just have to have another SBK dinner party like I did for my FGB team.
Just saw Dan R's post from yesterday. Nice to see a shout-out to My Life With the Thrill Kill Kult. Brought back memories of listening to "Sex on Wheels" ( driving up and down the Garden State Parkway and Route 35 in New Jersey in the early 90s! I think WHTG (Eatontown) gave them a fair amount of airtime in those days.
And here are my book, song, movie contributions.
Civilization and its Discontents – Sigmund Freud – Yes, it's true; civilized society makes us neurotic. A classic of modern pessimism.
Revolting Cocks – Do Ya Think I'm Sexy? – Do you? C'mon, don't be shy.
Stalker – Andrei Tarkovsky. Best post-apocalyptic (or is it pre-?) movie ever. Other than Mad Max, of course. Creepy and slow; but well worth the investment in time and effort.
JJ — nothing wrong with ham and eggs which is how I've been eating it!
I also made a frittata with some of it. I cubed the ham into small pieces, browned it in a cast iron pan, and then cooked a bunch of leeks in the pork fat. After that I added all the ham back in, dumped in a bunch of eggs, and baked.
I was also going to do a potato/leek soup with the ham I have left.
Hardest Crossfit WOD I've done — definitely Grace. I haven't done a lot of benchmark WODs, but Grace was the only WOD I did where I was wondering if this Crossfit stuff was really for me. I hated it. I had never done a C&J until that morning and did not feel safe doing 30 of them for time. That was a moment where I should have spoken up, but I did end up getting an exactly 3 minute Grace time (at my super light weight, but whatever).
"Morrison". Hands down. Perhaps it's because I went in thinking hey, wallball, box jumps and kettlebell swings, I'm good at those. I somehow decided to ignore the 450 total reps that needed to be done.
Great work AM classes. So good to see Kevin Rooney back in the house!
Scorsese didn't direct the Deer Hunter. Michael Cimino did, but you're right, it's an incredible film.
Elizabeth yesterday completely cured me of being in a shitty mood. Thanks Jess and Shane for a solid class. I left sweaty and smiling.
Scaled to 63lbs and ring dips with the white band, 9:48
63lbs sounded soooo light…until I got to work. I wanted clean cleans, and to avoid aggravating the ever-present hip pinchiness I’ve been feeling, so in that regard the weight was right. Every squat was a journey from impossible to oh, hey, possible. Loved it.
Book—Cathedral by Raymond Carver. Great. American. Fiction.
Movie—Inglourious Basterds. But everyone's seen that, right? Wayne’s World. Always brilliant.
Song—the Surfer King by A.A. Bondy. Thanks to McDowell for finding and sharing. The guitar melts me like butter.
Memories of WODs become a blur the farther (further?) I get away from them.
Oh and I have my song choice: Isley Brothers version of Summer Breeze. It came on my iPod this morning.
Deb it's further. Farther is physical distance, further is figurative or metaphorical distance. I had a roommate who gave me so much crap for that one until I got it.
I did Elizabeth yesterday at 125 on the cleans, and did the power version, along with double pushups rather than ring dips (42-30-18) because my shoulder was hurting on the rings. I did this in 10:58. I probably should have gone to rx'd and the pushup subs. All in all was happy w/ this after the rowing/KB/burpee workout DNF'd me earlier this week.
Joel, many thanks. Always confusing to me.
Toughest WOD is a toss up between the second time I did Murph and "Shane" – an epic workout created by our one and only Mr Williams. You should ask him about that, he'll appreciate it.
wow ellie, you couldn't be righter (shut up, that's a word). cathedral is, to use the parlance of our times, the teats.
any coop members perusing this blog who feel like working a maintenance shift tomorrow morning? I have to work work and haven't been able to find anyone yet. thought this would be worth a try. hit me at yoshi.stone(at) if you're into it.
thanks, yosh. glad to know someone agrees on what's "teats" in american lit!
Book – Cormac McCarthy – Blood Meridian Or anything else by McCarthy
Tune – Hard not to simply second Rob Is on this–Bird on Embraceable You…killer.
Miles Davis – Someday My Prince Will Come
Coltrane's solo (starts about 5:50) always gets me.
Movie – I'll just have to second McGrath with Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. Classic.
Hey all,
Just wanted to throw the invite out for anyone who I haven't reached out to yet- I'm having a lil bday and housewarming party at my new abode on 9th Street tomorrow. If you're around and like antics, we will be starting them promptly at 9PM or whenever I have my first beer, whichever comes first.
See you there.
Also, as far as evil WODs go, I break them into two categories I hate the most:
1. WODs constructed of all of my weaknesses, like a robot specifically programmed to know how I think and react and then destroy me. No matter what I do, I'm doomed. Example: Diane.
2. Fast WODs where you aren't supposed to rest and any second you aren't working means YOU ARE GOING TOO SLOW. One of my (relative) strengths is gameplanning and managing my rest, so these basically expose me for the weakling I am. Examples: Grace, Fran, etc.
Whoa. I want to row but I am filming this event tomorrow! Dang, please keep us up on future opportunities!
Dont think I posted my Elizabeth time from yesterday: 14:46, switched to hang cleans from the floor about 1/2 way in b/c Shane pointed out I was losing my lower back and chest. Did 42-30-18 knee pushups. Was shocked that they were as hard as they were. #63.
Today, did an awesome mile run to work. It was great.
strength cycle week 5.3
squat: 210x5x3
i feel like the heaviness really snuck up on me. i practically skipped while squatting 190, but 210 is suuper heavy. in just a week, squatting has become a totally different experience. but i got through 210 and i'm pretty sure i can do 215 on monday.
press: 90×3 (F), 85x5x2
failed on 90, which was a 10 pound jump from monday. 80 didn't feel hard on monday, but 90 was immediately impossible. even 85 was a bit of a grind.
clean: 115x3x3
i love cleans. i wish i could clean every day. these were fast and felt good. before the strength cycle, my heavy singles were at around 120-125, and those were slow. so it's nice to see progress on this lift in particular.
My toughest and maybe my favorite wod was one that came up some months ago that was 5 rounds of: 2 315# DLs, 3 HSPUs, 4 chest to bar pull ups, 5 burpsees.
I remember giving this all I got and literally experiencing a strobe light effect and spinning room sensation for much of it. I hope it comes up again.
6:59 power Elizabeth with 135#. Josh M pointed out afterwards that I could've scaled up the power clean weight and he was right. I'll do squat cleans next time.
Had some fun afterwards with PR, DH3, and McDowell going for max reps pull-ups and knees-to-elbows.
I don't have a definitive hardest WOD ever, but I don't look forward to the 2k row.
Did tomorrow's squats tonight at open gym
I am STOKED to have this number back for the same total reps, even if it was a previous 3×5.
Hardest WOD? How about two from very different realms…
-5RM back squat. That shit always feels great on the first rep. Not so much after 3. Squatting is so very different than all other BB lifts because of where the bar is. It can literally crush you. It takes some cojones to accept that and go for it.
-Fran. She always taunts me in ways that Noah explained above. NO. REST. I hate/love Fran.
"Did 42-30-18 knee pushups. Was shocked that they were as hard as they were."
RIGHT?! Amen, Billy. I went into this thinking it wouldn't be that bad, I have strict pushups, if not zillions of them in a row. And then after the first six, I was all, "HELL NO I'm not doing strict pushups any more." That's when I went to strict down/knees on the way up.
Between David making me do strict burpees on Monday and the volume of not-strict pushups today…I think the word "pushup" alone might give me agita for at least the next couple of days.
Toughest WOD – Murph wearing body armor (27lbs) during the runs. First mile – 7:42, second mile – 10:56. My legs were like Jello after all the squats. The soreness lasted for days.
First time in on a Friday since before FGB. Awesome to see some of the Strength cycle folks beasting out. Props to Matt K. and Marcos for rocking out on the Comp class WOD, especially after Elizabeth yesterday (damned squat cleans are a smoker). Respect to Rob Is. and Co. that were working on that vile contraption known as "The Prowler". And seeing a lot of faces I haven't seen since FGB due to different schedules, along with the same faces I see during the week, lets me know that the CFSBK tribe runs strong. Also, next time I decide to do rope climbs, I should think twice before doing heavy deadlift triples.
Parting notes – Was there tonight and Bierkraft has Dogfish Head Ale 120min IPA in stock. 18% ABV. I'm just saying.
– Dan Rx and Samir – A Daisy Chain 4 Satan by TKK…Nuff said.
Toughest WoD: some dumbbell thruster/burpee thing @ the Lyceum. A jillion rounds for time. I remember looking over @ Bjorn and thinking, "Shit, he doesn't look too good." Then David comes up to me looking worried and asks if I'm OK. I asked him where the bucket was and he hesitantly gestured over towards the door. Filthy 50 on my 50th BDay and FGB IV also hurt a lot.
Thank you Margie Lempert for a great class.