As Many Rounds as Possible in 15 Minutes of:
35 Double-Unders
3 Power Cleans
15/10 Push-Ups
Go heavy on Power Cleans today. The loading should be heavy enough that you have to slow down and organize each one. No wonky pulls! Scale the Push-Ups so you don’t get “stuck” there each round. Today’s competition Rx is 15 for the fellas and 10 for the femme fatales.
Post Rounds and Rx to comments.
Coach Laurel sets a ladies record on the Snatch with 123lbs overhead
Good Luck Fight Gone Belated!
Today at 7am Team Belated will be squaring off against Fight Gone Bad. Good luck to, Lana Z, David McG, Ashley F, Katie M and Alex T. These guys get extra credit for doing this before breakfast!
Competition Class Sundays
Coach Jeremy will be resuming Sunday’s Competition Class at 12pm this weekend. This class is for the advanced CrossFitter who has an interest in competing in CrossFit on the regional and national level. Programming is challenging and focused. Attention is paid to the more esoteric aspects of the Olympic lifts, advanced gymnastics skills, team workouts, and WODs that hit harder in general. Scaling options for these WODs are little to none and competition level ROM standards are enforced. Individuals are asked to attend class based on previous participation in competitive CrossFit events, an expressed desire to compete and the ability to do most if not all WODs Rx’d (with top ranking results). We’re excited cultivate our affiliate team in this competative and supportive environment! The class currently meets on Tuesday at 7pm and Sunday at noon and is by invitation only. Email Christian(AT) for more info.
Paleo is EXPENSIVE! Robb Wolf
yes. good old fashioned metcon. on my way.
Yeah, Fight Gone Belated!! I'm sure you guys killed it!
WOOHOO!! Fight Gone Belated was awesome! I MAY have almost thrown up at one point, but all in all, not as terrible as I expected. I competed in 'baby-mode', (every modification possible) – but my 'new to CrossFit ass' got 206 points… which I am happy with ๐
Thanks Dave for being an excellent coach. I may have been cursing your name at the time but I appreciate your "Keep Moving L.Z.!" comments deep down inside.
Can't wait to see the pictures!
#bikeridehomesucked #dontwanttogotowork
7am Fight Gone Belated with lana, ash and alex. led by our fearless leader d.o. and accompanied by wonderphotographer dan r.
291 rx'd
wb – 25, 20, 18
sdlhp – 20, 20, 20
bj – 25, 25, 22 (subbed for step ups)
pp – 20, 15, 20
row – 15, 11, 15
not a PR, but close. i got 298 last year. NEXT YEAR IT WILL BE 300+
i started on wall balls.
my strategy worked for the most part. get the number per round i needed and then use the remaining time as rest and move on to the next station to start on time. energy wained too much in the last round. thanks dan for the tip of not dropping the wall ball.
thanks paulie and becca for the rad tshirts!
congrats to all our fgb'ers! looking forward to being part of the real deal next year.
That video of Laurel rocks. Very impressive.
Photos from Fight Gone Belated are posted here.
Had some issues during transfer and the last few shots [including the group shot :(] were corrupted, but otherwise the images are intact.
Greetings from Fremont! Checked out the appropriately named Crossfit of Fremont today, and, well, it was fun, but it's no SBK.
Warm up:
-500m row (get well soon, Coach Nick, because your services are badly needed at other boxes!)
-2 "3-way" stretches (some sort of variation on samson)
-running drills: high knees, butt kicks, toes to hands, and 3 different versions of pop-ups
-partner wheelbarrows
-10 good mornings with 15#(?) bar
-partner iron-cross stretching
400m run
21 hanging L pull ups
400 m run
21 dead hang pull ups
400 m run
21 kipping pull ups
13:51, Scaled the pull ups to 15 in the first two rounds, plus band-assisted. In retrospect, I should have probably kept them at 21 and done them all kipping (with the band, of course). But I don't know, scaling options really weren't covered beforehand, so I had to just guess what would be best. We also didn't do any warming up of the movement, so I had to guess which band to use as well. I don't really feel like I got a lot out of this day. The hardest thing was probably the wheel barrows.
My first FGB was great. Can't wait for next year (alright, I can wait for next year, actually…)
Scaled for a pesky shoulder tweak: WB at 14#, dead lift at 95# instead of SDLHP, PP at 55#. Wouldn't you know it, I left my notebook at the gym and so I don't have my scores as I write this, but I think I got north of 230.
Goal for next year–same score or better rx'd.
Congratulations to all the belateds!
FGB (Belated) this morning.
Thanks to DO for setting it up and Dan for making us feel part of the real deal with his photos.
Great job by all this morning especially Lana and Alex who were doing it for the first time (never easy)..
226 rx'd for me this morning, a PR by 13 but shy of my goal after last year of 230 – 235..Tried to be a little strategic this go around which paid off till round 3 when i kinda lost the plot and dropped off pretty drastically.
Will prep better next time around and i hope move toward a solid 230-250..
Again tks to DO and congrats to my fellow "Belators" Lana, Alex, DMG
You four rocked it today and are definitely the real deal — revel in it!
Thought you guys might find this interesting:
MISSING: gray Pendlay DO-WIN Weightlifting Shoes
My feet are lonely. Anyone see my shoes? They went missing from the changeroom sometime between Thursday evening (9/15) and Tuesday evening (9/20). They call the inside shoe case home (bottom half, top row, left box.) They're in new condition – unfortunately no markings (my bad).
Thanks, guys!
Coaches – I left two hardboiled eggs in the fridge. I'm sorry. I will eat them tomorrow if they're still there. I was going to eat them after class yesterday, but I forget. I had to sit through all THREE HOURS of the PSFC orientation having not eaten since lunch. Not good.
Awesome FGBelated shots!
WOD @ 185
6 rounds + 35 DU
I had intended on doing this at 165 but then saw that McDowell went at 205 and Josh Martinez was gonna do 205 so…
Cleans felt good and I had good drop but they definitely needed "organizing" after the first round. Double Unders gassed me.
Katie – I love boiled eggs ๐
I cannot yet do a double under and I would just like to say that double under attempts during WODs suck.
I have real justifications!
1. Like pullups, it is highly unlikely that I will get my first double under when fatigued and under pressure if I have yet to ever do it during practice. This is demoralizing from the whistle.
2. We scale other movements b/c of strength/skill limitations so they can still be performed with virtuosity and build the lacking areas of athleticism. We don't scale double unders using the same methodology. This is a missed opportunity to develop weak areas.
3. Missed attempts cause welts. This causes welts.
4. It takes a lot of focus to perform a new skill. After 30, 50, 80 missed attempts mental fatigue sets it. The other movements involved in the WOD often suffer as a result of this mental fatigue. This produces diminished athletic performance across skill sets.
5. Sleek, well-muscled onlookers might sometimes accidentally suggest, out loud, that failing to do a body weight movement is related to failing to try hard, when it probably has more to do with being a couple-a-few dozen (or 90) pounds overweight. This causes prickly feelings, esp for demoralized, under-developed, welt-burdened athletes that are performing worse than usual at a whole range of skills because they can't do a single dang double under, yet.
Possible alternatives: pikes, tucks, star jumps, or plain old straight leg jumps simulate double unders' met response, and in some cases the hollow body position, while removing the hand coordination/skill portion. The skill could be worked separately during warmup or after training like with olympic lifts.
Sorry, I have been holding this in for about 6 months.
For your Crossfit table…
@Jenna – What brings you to Fremont? My mom grew up there…
Warmup: 45×5 95×5 135×5 185×3
Work: 200x5x3
Warmup: 45×5 95×5 135×5 155×3
Work: 165x5x3
Warmup: 45×3 75×3 95×3
Work: 105x3x5
Dips 13 10 6
6pm Class with Jess.
Came in early to foam roll, and work on some mobility. Lats have been super tight. Used some of the theracane tips from AR.
Worked at 155 for the cleans and I think this was on the lighter side. I definitely had to re organize the weight, but these felt good, 165 -170 may have been better.
7rd + 1 du.
Pushups are still fatiguing quickly, hit most of my du rounds unbroken.
fun 7pm… Put a lot of faces to names… I feel really beat up… need sleep…
6 rnds + DUโs + cleans + 8 PUโs @ 135
Felt pretty good throughout. I think I had 3 rounds of doubles unbroken, the others pretty close.
Push ups were fatiguing after rnd 3.
5 pushups short of 6 rounds @125#. Perhaps could have gone heavier on cleans. Perhaps not. Might have been a better idea to have done 10 pushups and moved through the rounds quicker to get in a few more cleans.
6 rounds plus 3 pushups at 135#, scaled to 10 pushups so I didn't spend too much time on the floor.
Good workout – everything was just enough volume that I never felt, "oh, here I am back at X again, damn."
Backlog of this week's WODs – all done at the local globo unfortunately:
Modified Monday's WOD
Press 3-3-3-3-3 got up to 155, which was a PR for 3
and since I didn't feel like doing metcon
Deadlift 3-3-3-3-3 got up to 365
Box Squat at 185 – still felt pretty quick
12 min NFS – just got 4 full rounds
Planning to make up today's tomorrow morning
the place i wanted to be THE MOST after my final day at helljob was the gym, so it was awesome to come in to folks giving me high-fives tonight ๐
thanks everyone!
oh, and thanks to All The Ice Cream, i no longer have my chinup (singular.) oh well. it's not going anywhere, i guess.
now for two glorious weeks of getting my damn life back. hurrah!
Quick post because today was an absurdly loooong day for me. All classes were great and it was really interesting to hear the range of sleep hours that folks got. I ranked pretty low on the hours slept list and unfortunately am heading that way again tonight. Need. more. sleep.
5pm class with Shane:
-Jump rope warmup
-2 rounds of warmup 1 with half (5) pushup volume
-barbell clean drills
15min AMRAP:
-7 rounds plus 35 du's plus 3 cleans @ 105#.
This felt like an appropriate weight for me to hit. Tried one at 115 during the warmup and knew that wouldn't work. I may have actually gotten a little better in the later rounds. Doubles were challenging since my calves are still aching from FGB. Overall though, really like this wod. Also glad that "rx'd" was only 10 pushups for ladies. These as always, clearly slowed me down.
Oh, and it's interesting how many folk's sleep was disturbed by mosquito bites. I say that because I just got bit twice while typing this and am hoping they don't mess with me tonight…fingers crossed. ๐
oh, and CONGRATS Michele! I'm sorry I didn't tell you that in person!