5 Power Cleans
5 Push Presses
5 Front Squats
5 Power Cleans
5 Deadlifts
Athletes have 4-5 attempts at a max weight on the complex. Rest as needed between attempts. You may re-grip bar between movements but must continue immediately. The goal of a complex is metabolic, and to achieve the intended stimulus you should move through it without rest.
Post weights to comments.
Sumo Deadlift High Pulls 101
Work technique on this movement and perform a 1 minute pressure test
The competitors from the final event of the 2011 CF Subway Series
Thanks Team South Brooklyn
We’d like to send out a big thank you to everyone who was involved with this year’s CF Subway Series. The athletes, spectators, volunteers and coaches made this possible and we can’t thank you all enough. SBK was excited to host the final workout and we’re proud to say that we ran a pretty smooth event thanks to you all. When all the dust cleared, CFSBK took 2nd place overall in the Subway Series just edged out by CrossFit Virtuosity. We do this annual event to get so meet our fellow New York CrossFitters, take our show on the road and develop a little team spirit. Thanks again to everyone!
What was your favorite moment from the 2011 Subway Series?
The 10 Best Mobility Exercises For Runners Competitor
Addidas introduces “barefoot” exercise shoe Fast Co Designs
For Noah and Bethany: Disco Sport Shorts
Knee Pain Basics My Athletic Life
Hips Meet Bar Cathletics
Jedi Gym
Article in the NYT today about Gym Jones, the SLC private gym that trains movie stars to look like Greek gods and where ex-Crossfitters turn when they've been cast out from the fold.
Hands down my favorite part of the Subway Series was the atmosphere. Being my first competition with a team like SBK made it a complete experience. Seeing our own team root for other teams and vice versa and meeting new friends really captured the essence of Crossfit. Shout out to everyone that showed up and gave their all. It was a blast. I can't wait for next year. #BlackSea
Oh yeah, and Jackies Bull Dog face in the team pics.
Fav part of the SS was watching Jess do the HSPUs in event 2, and hearing the crowd roar for it. Yesterday was awesome, too. It's great to see the CF community at large grow, and particularly satisfying to see our SBK community grow. We've added a bunch of great people this year and the easy mix of old and new, from heavy hitters to novices something special.
BB Complex – 93-133-154
didntwannadidntwannadidntwanna…Mr Mishik's 'mind-erasers' were a good idea, yesterday. The afterparty that went from Bierkraft, to 200 5th, to La Casa de los Foxes left me a little off today. It was worth it.
My favorite part of the subway series was seeing how many people got involved in it, especially at event one when I heard about the big cheering crowd we had for it.
I was only at the final event at SBK since I was working for all the other events, will have to schedule differently to be at more next year.
Packed Sunday, we are gonna need a bigger box at this rate. Really fun Wod today, more mental than I thought it was gonna be. Push Presses were my limiting factor here.
Started at 95lb and ended up at 145lb.
SDHP stress test 35 reps in a minute @ 75lbs. This was a scary look into what FGB will be for me. Can't wait.
Ok off to go take an easy win in the CFSbk fantasy football league. Go jets.
Great job, Franers!
Back Squat
Warmup: 45×5 95×5 135×5 165×2 185×1
Work: 190x5x3
Warmup: 45×5 95×5 135×5 155×1
Work: 160x5x3
Warmup: 95×3 135×3
Work: 150×2+f+1 150×3 150×1+f+f+f
Chinups 11 9 9
Time to reset the cleans, since I can't seem to get under them.
*at 154 I bailed after the 2nd push press and the resumed at Mr Mananzala's behest….thanks, Rickke!
SDHP – 27 lbs – 1 min stress test – 21 reps
Complex – 27, 37,47,52,57
This was pretty hard, but I like these kind of workouts. For some reason the front squat was my limiter and the cleans started getting a little rough toward the end. Push Press felt great, so hopefully that will mean good things for FGB.
good 9am with coach fox.
walking into the chemical brothers blasting was a welcome surprise.
3 Rounds of:
0:30 in a prone or supine plank. alternate rnds.
15 air squats with mini band holding for a second at the bottom
10 Ring Rows
7 kipping swings
1min pressure test 35 rx'd.
key was using the legs to drive the weight up. using the arms is gonna hurt fast.
good lifting with my euro brother bjorn.
115, 135, 155.
think i could have squeezed out another heavier round but ran outta time. i liked this one. pushed all the right buttons. getting past the front squat was key.
1st WoD in 2 months (due to retina surgery, not general sloth) Great to be back and see everybody.
SDLHP 23 @ 65lbs.
65, 70, 75, 80
I'm sure it looked like the dog's breakfast, but I was glad break a sweat.
best part was Jess' handstand push up string and having the crowd go nuts while she was knocking them out! What a great series!!! GO SBK!
125-155-175, after thinking about this I should've made one more attempt at 185 but held back due to time and post-Franquads
Hard to pick just one moment…
-Watching Marcos smile through the thrusters yesterday was pretty amazing. More amazing is the constant support and encouragement he gave to ALL of the athletes competing regardless of if they were CFSBK or not and/or rx'd or scaled.
-Watching Fox and Melissa lift ridiculous weights on that zercher squat to take 2nd place each.
-Watching our 1st time competitors overcome stage fright and attack each wod with intensity.
-Being the recipient of an AMAZING cheering squad during those HSPU's. Best. Feeling. Ever.
-The post-event hangout. There aren't many people I would easily choose to spend 8+ hours with… 😉
Pre-class while I determined if I would take class.
-Foam rollin' on super sore legs.
-Muscle-up skill work–4×5 ring dips with the blue band.
Warmup 1: 2 rounds plus some additional mobility work.
SDHP pressure test: 25 rx'd at 55#. fine with that, considering my shoulder doesn't like these.
Barbell complex:
75, 85, 95f
-considering the warmup at 55 felt challenging, I knew this was gonna get hard fast. The front squats were surprising difficult, but lets blame that on Fran. Got through 2 push press at 95 and then just stopped. Didn't have the push to keep going today.
Fran: 6:36
-this was a 14 sec PR from 2 weeks ago. Kinda kick myself because I know that I could have shaved 10 secs which could have put us tied with Virtuosity for 1st, forcing us into a Grace-off. Oh well, still happy with the PR and with the amazing support by all of SBK. We'll get them next year for sure!!!
I prioritized sleep and a massage appointment over my squat today, which I'm proud of.
Was happy to see Joe on the platform and thrilled to hear he was benching today too. It's been really great working with he and Jack this last week.
Bench: 175x5x3
There were a few squirrly reps in there and the bar wasn't moving super-fast, but it was OK.
Chins: 5-5-5-5
Scattered through workout. 5th reps were mostly just barely, but at least there were five across.
Prowler: I can't describe what i did because it would take too long. Suffice to say that it was a programming FAIL involving push presses for two rounds, round trip runs, an extra long rest period in the middle to vanquish Mr. Pukey and an extremely high heart rate for 4-6 minutes. Hopefully it helped my effort. Glad I didn't puke.
I cannot keep anything straight– 75 pound is Rx'ed for push press in FGB, right? Why did I load 95?
Old age, it's really not cool at all.
Truly sorry I missed all the Fran's yesterday. Didn't think it would end that early and I just could not get myself going in the morning. Next year I'll definitely make more events and maybe even compete….
I like to say thanks to the Foxs for inviting us to there beautiful home yesterday!
Thanks Guys!
So, SDLHPs are sort of silly, but they provided me with a nice milestone today. Last year I tried a few and thought I was going to pass out from postural syncope, so subbed KB swings for FGB. This year the worst part of the pressure test was feeling the bar come up unevenly and trying to debug my grip between reps. Oh, and counting. I think I did something like 30 @ 73#.
The complex was fun: 65-85-95-100. I put the bar down between movements at 95 and it felt heavy. 100 was actually easier.
Complex: 95-115-125-135
125 was my goal going in. When I did it and made it through the push-presses and front squats, I thought "what the hell" and tried it at 135. Those reps weren't pretty (particularly the front squats), but I made it through…barely. Since 135 has been an upper limit of mine for cleans and jerks for a long time, it felt really great to get through this at that weight.
It was great to hang out with everyone during and after the competition yesterday. I'm very impressed by everyone who was competing, as I was judging, but watching Dan Rx'd was a particular highlight. He's an animal!
It was fun to sit around at Beirkraft and realize that I'm not the only newbie, that there are quite a few others… shoutout to my fellow Californians Daniel & Rebecca. 🙂
Marco&Jackie, you two are hilarious. I continuously impressed by how awesome everyone is at CFSBK.
Also, the Fox's dogs are super cool.
T'was a really great day.
Thanks to Fox for letting Allan and I workout when we showed up at 8:00am expecting to take a class. D'oh!
Complex x3 @ 53 pounds – sadly this hurt my shoulder a whole ton so I stopped at 3 and moved back to my "safe place", the squat rack. You can take a girl out of strength cycle…
Squat: 115x5x3
had an awesome time yesterday! congratulations to everyone who showed up to compete! doing such a nasty workout with an audience deserves props. i felt terrible the whole way through fran and was a little bummed to have a time 1:50 slower than 2 weeks ago. not sure what was up or down or wrong, but despite the pain and suffering i survived, and celebrated thoroughly afterward for many hours. man the people at our gym are cool.
the foam roller in my living room is calling my name and i've been avoiding it all day. the quads are shot. shot!
Every moment before, during and after each week of subway series action was amazeballs. But I think my favorite moment was being a part of the awesome crew that cheered steph on during that HSPU at event 2. Took my breath away. And of course I'm constantly amazed by how great our community is and especially how much they love wee Felix. If it takes a village, we found a pretty kickass village!
I 100% agree with all that was said, especially the kickass village Yosh! Sbk I just wanna say thank you for welcoming us newbies into your community. You guys are awesome, and never cease to amaze me. ….."two thumbs up for SBK!"
Ps amazeballs…totally stealing that Yosh
Posting a little late on this one, but I just wanted to say that I had an great time at the final event. Favorite part of the whole series was definitely the camaraderie shared across our team. As a fairly new member, it feels good to be a part of that and to be welcomed so quickly. So, thanks to everyone for that. It was also great to see Ellie do Fran as Rx'd, even if it was a little slower this time around–didn't slow down the partying afterward!