Today is the final event in the 2011 CF Subway Series! CFSBK will be hosting today’s workout, “Fran” with heats starting at 9:15am. You can find your heat assignment (competitors and judges) by clicking here. We’re excited to see all the studs and studettes from CFSBK and the other CrossFit gyms giving it their all in this heinous benchmark workout. There will be a beer social afterwards so come ready to work hard and play hard.
Normal Group Classes, Active Recovery, Teaser Class and Platform Availability are all cancelled today.
21-15-9 Rep rounds for time of:
Thrusters, 95/65
Post time and Rx to comments.
compare to 8.27.11
Travelling to CFSBK?
If you’re traveling to CFSBK, the best way to get here by subway is taking the R Train to “Union Street” and walking two blocks to Degraw street. Another option would be taking the N,Q,R,B,D,2,3,4 or 5 to “Atlantic Av Pacific St” and walking 8 blocks to Degraw street. If you’re driving, we suggest looking for parking on 3rd ave, Nevins street or any of the cross streets between avenues. Parking on 4th ave and above can be difficult as it’s more residential. For a map, please check out our “Contact Us” Page.
Want a Free Pre or Post “Fran” Tune-Up?
Dr. Jason Fiddler will be offering Pre and Post active recovery today from 9:00-1130am. Get kinesio taped, ART (muscle work), stretched and/or adjusted for performance enhancement or decreased recovery time. All complementary for CF members!
Sign up sheet will be by the stairs and treatment will be first come first serve
Post WOD Meal Bierkraft
Our friends at Bierkraft will be offering a “Paleo Special” meal today for everyone after the Subway Series. Bierkraft is located just a few blocks away from the gym at 191 5th avenue between Sackett and Union.
CFSBK Spectators
Coming to check out the action at CFSBK today? Don’t forget to wear your Skull and Crossbones tee to represent and be part of “The Black Sea”. Three cheers for the home team!
Fight Gone Bad Shirts
There are several Teams who have not submitted some combination of Shirt colors, sizes or a team name to myself or Paul at Quist. Today is the deadline to get your information in otherwise we’ll have to guesstimate your sizes and leave you nameless. The following teams are missing information:
Teams: 6, 9, 13, 14, 15, 17, 19, 20. Please email ps(AT) and David(AT) ASAP with the following info:
Team Number
Team Name
Color Request
Shirt Sizes
Team Number
Team Name
Color Request
Shirt Sizes
Greg A and Annie Sakamoto do “Fran” CrossFit
Miranda Oldroyd does “Fran”.. and Pukes CrossFit
Graham Holmberg does a 2:17 “Fran” CrossFit
Hey SBK!! Can't wait to hear about what I'm sure will be a big fat Fran VICTORY! Saw Reshef's time on Facebook. OMG.
I'm bummed not to be able to be there to celebrate, but I'm out in Ft. Collins, CO where one of my shorts is showing in a festival.
Just hit up CrossFit Evolve for their 9am class. Their blog said it would be a partner WOD, with one partner doing Fran then the other doing Isabel, so I thought I might be able to Fran in spirit with y'all, but considering tomorrow is 9/11, they decided to do the 343. Holy smokes.
100 Deadlifts @ 115
100 Power Cleans @ 65
100 Ground to Overhead @ 35
43 burpees
I did everything RX'd except subbed squat thrusts for the burpees. This was my first legit WOD out of strength cycle and I really felt it. I completely spaced on thinking about the altitude situation here, which was probably a good thing– I just thought I'd lost a lot of conditioning. I like to think that if I'd been at sea level, I'd have breezed right through.
I found it a real challenge to game this WOD– I started the deadlifts doing 2 sets of 15, then did about 3 of 10, then 5s and by the end I was in 3s and singles. The clean was a shit show– the first was a set of 10, then mostly 5s and some 3s and 2s by the end. For the ground to overhead, I switched between snatch and clean and jerk, though sometimes I did clean and strict press because it was so light and I just forgot to dip, and then for my squat thrusts I really became intimate with their floor.
The folks at Evolve could not have been nicer or more friendly– if you find yourself in this neck of the woods, they're worth a visit.
Next stop, Los Angeles. Will report back from there!
Oh, and my time was 32:44 on the 343.
Nice work, all you Fran folk! I had fun volunteering and getting to meet some of the SBKers I never get to see because I'm a morning person.
I think my favorite moment of the event was probably when the timer went off for the fourth or fifth heat and Shane, who had somehow managed to get his hands on Felix, suddenly realized he needed to be judging someone in that heat. I got an "Oh, shit!" and a stinking cute baby in my lap. Fortunately, Felix was cool about it 🙂
Great day today at the gym. Huge thanks to all the volunteers for making this event run so smoothly, Team SBK for putting it all out there with Fran, and everyone who came to check out the spectacle!
Almost none.. I did some DROMs, one set of 10 push-ups, a couple random air squats and 3 sets of 5 on thrusters which at the time felt very heavy.
"Fran" 6:25 as Rx'd (:25 PR)
Felt pretty good during it and then terrible for about 20 minutes afterwards. Didn't think I was going to PR Fran today and pleasantly surprised that I did. The encouragement from the crowd really helped. Also thanks to Dan R and Judge Nino!
Thrusters 15-6
Pull-Ups 7-7-7
Thrusters 6-5-4
Pull-Ups 6-5-4
Thrusters 5-4
Pull-Ups 9
Fran at 8:13 with:
21-15-9 thrusters @85 lbs
15-9-6 strict chinups
I felt absolutely terrible during the second and third rounds. Honestly, I've never come as close to quitting as I did today. Thanks to Rob, my judge, for shepherding me through and to everyone that was patiently cheering me on, waiting for me to finish. (Apologies to Fox for messing up on the bar, I clearly missed the instructions).
Today was an amazing day, have been away far too long and really enjoyed catching up with all the CF peeps. Congratulations to everyone on their victory over Fran!
~45 minutes of mobility work.
5 – 8 thrusters @45, 75, 95, and 115 to prep
Fran as rx'd in 3:07 (a PR by 2 minutes 38 seconds!)
Unbroken until the very last round of pull-ups where it went 7/1F/2. Grip failure and the missed rep took me out of the zone for a moment. But really happy overall with how this went.
Really appreciated Felipe's strict judging and being held to high standards — makes turning in a good time that much more rewarding.
Special thanks to:
Rickie, for giving me a, what at the time seemed like an unreasonable, goal to shoot for.
Jackie, who pounded into my head to the importance of not going crazy on the first round.
Marcos, who essentially coached me through the thrusters, kept me from red lining, and kept telling me to slow it down.
Samir, for the kick ass hamstring PNF action.
and Asta, for all the encouragement, confidence, and generally tolerating my indecisiveness about doing this workout.
Hope everyone has a great one!
every time Fran comes up, i think of an old video of Spealler i saw where he is talking about what makes a superfast Fran time. he says something like, "At a certain point, it's not about your strength or your pullup technique, it's about your lungs and your 'go.'" for a long time i didn't understand that, but now i think i do. there was a LOT of 'go' on display today.
i also love how democratically everybody works out in our community, from the biggest scaler to the Games-level competitor.
one thing i was thinking today, however, is that i would love to see the return of the Coaches' Heat, or maybe a symbolic nod (the Coaches' Cup?) to the best finishing time from the competing coaches.
the Heat though would totally rule 🙂
in the meantime, it's been two weeks at least since i lifted. can't wait to get back to strength cycle on Tuesday.
Pr'd my Fran from Irene today by one second, at 5:54. Should probably game it out better next time as I wnt unbroken the 21 round and ugh not so much after.
My reward for my pr was a visit from pukey. Twice. Sorry degraw!
Thanks for your work today everyone, especially Stella! Your ability to make the whiteboard legible is commendable. Also, Felix can't stop
Talking about the awesome QT he had with you today.
9:37..that sucked.
Im posting 3 days later still sore.
I havent been that beat in a long time. I felt great through the 1st rd but after that I was super winded and fatigued.