Take 20 minutes to work up to a heavy triple. This is not a 3RM test, the emphasis is on perfect form and pulling from dead starts. Any loss of position is a foul.
Post loads to comments.
5 Rounds for time of:
5 Deadlifts at 75% of best Triple from above
10 Burpees
Post time and Rx to comments.
New CFSBK “MisFits” Tees available in both men’s and women’s cuts. Pick one up at the gym today!
Calling All FGB Captains
We still need to hear from you! We need everyone’s team names sent to David(at)CrossFitSouthBrooklyn.com. If your team doesn’t have a name yet, it’s up to take the lead and nominate or choose a name. Some ideas to help you pick a name are:
– Something related to the number of your team, or that rhymes with that number
– Something related to FGB, the movements in FGB or CrossFit exercises in general
– Does someone on your team have an interesting name? Last year Caitlin Conn’s team called themselves the “Conn Men” because it was her and 4 other dudes.
– X Factor. Go crazy, the weirder the better.
For more inspiriation, here are the names and portraits from last years teams
Here are some names so far for this year’s event:
Team 11 will now be known as, “Team Thunder, Bitch”
Team 17 will now be known as, “Dream Team Seventeen”
Team 1 will now be known as, “Team Glamour Muscles”
Finally- CFSBK’s fundraising total is currently, $32,803.00. You’d be surprised how much you can get from posting on facebook, emailing your family or even asking roomates!
This Weekend’s Schedule
We’ll be hosting the final event of the 2011 CF Subway Series this Saturday. There will be no Group Classes, Active Recovery, Teaser Class or Platform Rental available all day. We encourage everyone not already competing to come on out and show your support for team SBK . Be sure to wear your Skull and Crossbones tee to the event. (Be part of The Black Sea!). Also- if you’re coming and would like to help out with judging, equipment set-up/breakdown or score keeping, please email Christian(At)CrossFitSouthBrooklyn.com
September Goals
Make this a September to Remember. Post your goals for this month on the board the next time you’re in the gym. It might be a performance goal, a health goal or even a FGB goal. There are even about 11 people doing a Paleo Challenge this September.. lets see those names on the board, people!
Why We Fight Lon Wagner explains what FGB6 means to families of fallen spec-ops soilders
The Pursuit of Excellence with Greg Glassman
The CrossFit Games Coming to ESPN2
Practical Tips For Living Sustainably Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5 Robb Wolf
Dusty Hyland Talks Gymnastics Rings and “Meadows” CrossFit
oh my.
Team 1 doesn't have the core strength. They're all BIs and TRIs.
On Labor Day it was my one-year anniversary of kicking a very nasty habit.
Diet soda!
So on Monday I ceremoniously cracked open my old friend, Diet Pepsi, for a taste test. I lost my taste for many things when I cleaned up my diet, but wasn't sure I'd ever stop loving soda.
Two sips later, I had my answer. Meh. Not OHMYGODTHISISSOGROSS, but I don't need any more.
So, yay.
Also I love my seltzer maker ๐ That has helped tremendously.
Michele, I feel the same way about Coke, which I used to J'ADORE.
Looking forward to doing this WOD tomorrow morning!
Fox's email was incorrect before. If you tried emailing him please resend to the correct addy, now listed above.
F U Peyton Manning…my fantasy team is dead and the season hasn't started
Mishik put your team in and then start complaining.
Deadlift: 135×5, 185×5, 225×5, 255×3, 285×3
WOD: 6:48 @ 205. I will always take deadlifts slow. Still tired.
Post WOD: Serious stretching, 17 kipping pull ups X 3
Deadlift: [135×5, 205×3, 235×3] work: 145×3, 250×3, 255×1[fail]
WOD: 6:55 @185 Rx
Bonus FGB workout with Dan Rx'd [He used my ego against me and got me to do more..]
3 rounds: sumo deadlift high pull @55 and 1 min row
Stoked that I hook gripped my deadlifts up to 245, I'm going to keep working on that. The 250 is a 5lb increase on my triple from about 2.5 weeks ago, when I did that lift in California.
Great WOD today!
Heavy set of 3 โ 145# (technically* a PR, which is cool)
WOD โ 6:49 @ 108#
*Iโm still at that stage where almost everything is a PR, but I'll take it ๐
Halftime Post:
Warm Up
3 x 10 Strict DB press @ 40lbs
foam roll/ LAX ball
w/u #2 subbed asstd pistols for rev lunges
DL work Max 3 rep @305 (not the prettiest)
WOD @ 225 in 4:45/
Katie, I'm still in that stage and I've been CrossFitting since January. You can stay a novice for quite a while ๐
Deadlifts – failed at 113 lbs, succeeded at 103 on the way up, but then I was tired and/or mentally psyched out and couldn't do 103 again.
I did the WOD at 75lbs in 6:54. This started out rough, but I hit a nice stride in the middle somewhere and it felt better.
Squat; 275×5
Press: 132.5 x5x3
Deficit Deads (standing on 2 inch box): 285×5
Prowler: 30 pounds for 80 feet for 8 rounds. 20 second rests.
Overall, felt decent. Wanted to get a little heavier weight on the bar, but not do a rep out. Felt fine. Maybe I should have gone heavier for 1 five-rep set, but it's my first intensity day in weeks…
Press was hard, but about the same as the first time at this weight 6 weeks ago.
First time doing any deadlifts since I sprained my wrist. Felt good. Not to hard. Looking forward to regaining the lost ground!
Prowler is hard. Period. Really hard. Maybe I should have done 10 rounds but dinner was waiting!
DLs at 155; WOD at 115, 7:05.
I would like to travel back in time and listen to my mother when she told me to stand up straight, because my nasty posture is messing with my deadlifts, man.
385 was best triple, but 365 looked better.
WOD at 275 in 2:45, which I was pretty stoked about. This is a PR by about 30 seconds, I believe. All DLs unbroken and burpees done at a moderate pace (which was the key for me).
JMD, that looks AWESOME!!! Find that in NY and we are there!
Great classes tonight! This has got to be one of my favorite wods. Hope to do it tomorrow at open gym around 6:30 if anyone's interested in joining me… ๐
G'morning folks. Does anyone here know of any bars in Brooklyn that are showing the Rugby World Cup games live? My cable provider doesn't seem to carry Universal Sports and I think NBC is only showing a few games (tape-delayed). Any tips would be helpful.