Move 1 sandbag from the roll-up gate to the lobby at the top of each round of WU1 or WU2
DB Press
(5-5-5) 10-10-10
Try and increase load each set but do not load beyond you ability to execute sets with proper form
Partner Workout
3 Rounds NFT each of:
Row 25/20 Calories
20 Overhead Walking Lunges 45/25
10 Strict K2E or T2B (Partner assist if needed)
:20 Hold Inverted Pike on Box
Partner 1 does one round while partner 2 rests, then vice versa until they’ve both completed 3 rounds
Post DB Press loads and WOD Scale to comments.
We’re Closed for Labor Day But Join us for Surfing!
There will be NO group classes on Monday, September 5th as we’ll be closed for the holiday. Don’t cry, dry your eyes because it’s a perfect day to join Jess Fox and a bunch of your CFSBK besties down at Rockaway Beach for the CFBSK surf trip! Email Jessica(AT)Crossfitsouthbrooklyn.com for more info on that.
Still Time to Sign-up for the CSA at CFSBK
There’s still time to sign up for SBK’s CSA! Please email Margie(at)crossfitsouthbrooklyn.com for Herondale Farm and Sol Flower Farm Agreement Forms.
Deadline for Meat Share is Sept 9
Deadline for Vegetable Share is Sept 12
Deadline for Chicken Share is Sept 16
First drop off date for Vegetable and Meat will be Sept 14 from 4-7pm. Please bring your own bags for vegetable collection.
It’s September! Post goals to comments.
My Athletic Life: Articles/Interviews/Reviews for Crossfitters My Athletic Life
Try Something Else 70s Big
Prescribing Exercise to Treat Depression NY Times
How Bad Do You Want It? Vimeo
Great to see some of the total last night. What a great program. Some impressive prs, really great, congratulations, folks!
Improve metcon. (continue to progress sanbag burpees, prowler, and other ancillary stuff I do on my own like sprints running and on C2.)
Get an extra day in to do the extra work. Power shrugs, triceps extensions, face pulls to offset internal rotation, and more stretching and foam rolling.)
My metcon work will me measureable. My wendler work will me measurable. Losing 10 pounds is obviously measurable, and I give that a Joe Namath guarantee over the course of September.
If I can come to the end of September with a ~75% reduction in alcohol, lower weight, and measurably improved metcon, it will have been a great month. They are written down, and it's going to happen.
Wow, this WOD was harder than I thought it would be!
Did all press sets with 15# dumbbells. Well, except the first set when my left side felt so weak that I thought I had to go down in weight. Then I looked and saw I was lifting a 17.5# DB with my left hand. DUH.
Fun partnering with Dan. Rx'd except that he assisted me on the K2E.
Goals for September:
PR in the marathon. It has been a beyotch doing all those long runs in July and August and I hope it pays off in Berlin!
Pullups with blue band (I'm currently using the green). Green is starting to feel a lot easier now, so I'll probably try this next week in warmups. I'm gonna get that strict pullup someday!
My primary goals for the month are to make it to group classes at least 4x every week and score 350 on FGB. Since I've spent the last few months doing mostly strength work, I am hoping to get my metcon and lungs back while maintaining the strength gains I've made.
Fun WOD today – did the press at 45lbs
September Goals…
Get a handstand…and hold it
Looking forward to coming in tonight, but in the meantime, GOALS!
Catchup post on August goal:
– Greasing the groove pushup plan 5-6x/week: Fell off the wagon about three weeks in when I realized doing it had gotten me 2 strict pushups. Gave myself too much of a mental pass.
September goals:
– 5 strict pushups by month's end. This is ambitious, but the only way I'll hold myself accountable to continuing the greasing the groove plan.
– Make every Wednesday squat exposure (or whatever happens to jive with this month's programming cycle). I made huge progress on my squat this month, courtesy of Tough Titsday and making nearly every Wednesday exposure. I was psyched.
These goals have me working on an area where I'm naturally strong (lower body) and naturally so very weak (upper body).
– Make one morning walk/run in the park every week. Last year, two of my girlfriends and I started meeting in the park every Wednesday at 6 a.m. to go for a walk or run, depending on who's training for what. It's so so lovely to do something social before a crazy work day. We've fallen out of our routine and it's time to get back into it now that busy summer travel schedules are subsiding.
Tonight, my goal is to make it to LIVE BAND KARAOKE at the Bell House after class. Starts at 9 p.m. Check it out:
P.S. Meant to give a hearty CONGRATS to all strength cyclers. Could not make it to watch/cheer last night, but I look forward to reading about all the PRs!
Awesome WORST PICTURE OF ME EVER haha – but it was good fun that day!! Goals for September is be nice to my shoulder until it is nice to me back but push forward to bump 10lb in the press (my problem there is mainly form I think), get a pretty no dirty uncle strict push up, and quit letting work eat my life and make it every Wednesday for squats so I get that 2" of depth I miss when adding weight.
Also raise money for FGB – going to have to start posting more and hitting up the fam!
BTW FGB House team 13 I hear some folks are making names for their team – I think we need ideas – What do you think
Samir Chopra
Shawn Sadjatumwadee
mindy shikora
Melissa Lloyd
Dan Reshef
September Goals:
1) Continue muscle up work. Didn't have it last night, and I want this really dialed in, and I want to be able to string them together.
2) Jerks and thrusters. I usually end up just using strength to get these movements overhead, and it holds me back especially on WODs like Grace and Fran. I will really focus on being explosive and WRT jerks getting under the damn bar.
3) More DU practice. This fell by the wayside, and I just need to come in and pick up a rope when I get to class a few minutes early.
Well, since I hit my goal for August (BSQ 225x5x3), I feel inspired to set one for September! I want to:
1. work some conditioning (running, regular crossfit classes) back into my week – I'd like to get up to 2x/week + 2 days of lifting. It's gonna be a slow start after 4 months of strength cycle, but I'm looking forward to it.
2. work on getting out of my head when it comes to depth in squats. I've found myself a little timid as the weight gets heavier and I'm not always sure I've hit depth or not. I think it's time to go back down a bit and work my way up again and approach heavy weights with more confidence.
Last night's total was phenomenal – such a strong crew. I was particularly inspired by Shawn– so much determination, so much success. It's been a great group to go through this cycle with.
I went in with a goal of a 250 BSQ and a 600 total — my previous total was 575 with a 235 BSQ, 90 Press and a 250 Dead Lift.
I kinda sorta smoked it and came out with a 635 total! 60# overall PR — 260 Squat (+25), 100 Press (+10) and a monstrous, arm-ripping 275 Deadlift (+25).
I can't speak highly enough about Jeremy and the strength programming. As a coach, J really zeroed in on each of us individually. I don't know how he knows exactly what I need to hear, but he does. Before my last deadlift last night, I heard "once it gets to your knees, you know you've got it; you just need to get it to your knees." I was exhausted and definitely at my limit, but as I started the lift, I remembered "I just have to get it to my knees, and that's not very far!". It gave me just that little extra oomph to not give up, to keep pulling. It wasn't pretty, but it was up. And it felt pretty damned good.
Robin, that's AWESOME!
I've been to 5 totals now, and they are always AWESOME.
It was hard to take myself out of this one, but I did, in a rare attempt to protect my body and sanity. That made it possible to really focus on and enjoy the massive successes going on last night.
I keep listing out my highlights and then erasing them, because really the entire night was great.
I can't wait to straighten out my life (imminent!) and get back under the bar.
Special thanks to Jeremy, as always. I needed a different kind of coaching this cycle and I got it.
Viva la Standing Desk Revolucion
Dang y'all those are some serious numbers! Congrats to all the Strength Cyclers!
Holy cow Robin!!! Amazing!
P.S. We've got over 25 SBKers participating in our beach EXTRAVAGANZA on Labor Day! It's going to be awesome. If you're interested and you haven't yet, email me.
P.P.S We've got a couple of options going on right now…a)surfing b)SUP c)board rental only d)tanning and adult beverages. ALL ARE WELCOME!
P.P.P.S. Vacation is awesome. Everyone should live in a beach house and boogie board daily at least once a year!
I guess I'll be the first to write about my experience. I was going to do it last night but my computer was dying and I wanted to make sure I had a chance to reflect.
First and Foremost I have to Thank Jeremy for his great coaching throughout the 8 weeks. Somewhere/Someone in our cycle came up with the name THE SQUAT WHISPERER which fits perfectly not only because Jeremy will literally sit behind you and whisper motivation, tips, and corrections into your ear as your about to lift. However, he also got the name because like Cesar Milan, he can teach any old dog new tricks. I've been squatting at CFSBK for 2 years–and while I'm no expert I considered myself proficient before the Strength Cycle. What I've learned and picked up during the Strength Cycle has really help me dial in the technical aspects of the lifts (especially as they pertain to my own self/body).
If youre thinking about a Strength Cycle and you want to get stronger (or bigger)—do it. It took me over a year to finally get into one and I'm really happy I did. I was originally thinking about going back to regular programming but am now tinkering with the idea of doing another Strength Cycle. If I don't do it now, Ill do it at least once more in the next year. 1 Strength Cycle per year minimum.
Prior to this my bodyweight at 5'8" was about 151
my 1rm Squat was 245, my 1rm press was 117.5, and my 1rm Deadlift was 325.
I had some great coaching, stuck to my eating for the most part and even though I didnt get as much sleep as I shouldve (avgd 6.5-7 hours as opposed to 5.5-6) I made linear progressions on all my lifts throughout the cycle–except the last day of press at 125.
My goals coming into today were
Squat 300, Press 135, Deadlift 250
Today I did the total and I hit
Press: 145
Deadlift 375
More than thrilled. Hit everything–squat was probably at about the limit–maybe had 5 more pounds. I feel like towards the end of the cycle I got a little psyched out by the weight and my form wasnt as good as it was when it was around 235-260. I was really lifting well then.
I was really worried what 300 would feel like because I had never had that much weight on my back before (except for the walk out on Monday). I was like if 270×5 is this hard….how will 300×1 feel. The truth with the 1rm is it happens so quick, you either get it up or you don't.
Press I failed on my 3rd attempt which was 150.
But I never wouldve imagined hitting even 140 before we started the cycle.
Deadlift is one of my stronger lifts. I really started dialing it in when Margie showed me how to properly set up on the bar before the cycle. For some odd reason Ive always DLifted better with Jeremy by my side. He coached me through a previous PR of 325 over a year ago (at that time I thought it was a bit of a fluke). Anyhow, this cycle all my deadlifts went up well but I thought 350 would be hard.
To my surprise 350 wasnt that bad and I almost wanted to do 385 but Jeremy told me to take care of 375 and stop there. Jeremy will always tell you to go up if he thinks you can do it –so of course I listened to him.
I started this post in the morning and just had time to finish now–so Im probably not the 1st one done anymore.
September goals:
* Sign-up for a strength cycle (and try to stay ahead of the amazing Robin's increasing squat #s!)
* Workout 4x week, even when travelling
* Grease the grove push-ups with Danielle at work, getting back to a max set of 25 or so
Oh aside from all that I also wanted to say Thank You to everyone who came to support, and thanks and congratulations to everyone in the strength cycle. It was great to get to know all of you better over the last 8 weeks. Having that group really helps you stay focused–and gives you someone to chase or stay ahead of in a friendly/competitive way.
Awesome work Shawn. Gives me something to chase!
Some brief thoughts on the Strength Cycle and the Total last night.
Firstly, the cycle works. You get stronger. No two ways about it. My previous PRs were:
Squat: 240
Press: 130
Deadlift: 235
My last proper total, I came in at 590 (235; 120; 235).
Yesterday, these were my numbers:
Squat: 285 (45 lb PR)
Press: 135 (5 lb PR; I find the press very difficult to gauge; I probably could have done a 140)
Deadlift: 290 (55 lb PR)
My total was 710 pounds.
Second, Jeremy is a great coach and you will learn a great deal about the lifts and how to do them right. Right from day one, Jeremy handed out tips, big and small, on how to get set, how to lift heavy, and how to be smart about lifting. I feel like I have a much better understanding of the lifts now. I still struggle with various components at different times but that's fine – I'd be alarmed if I thought I knew it all. There are many, many, tiny corrections to be made on the lifts in order to be able to lift heavy; I think Jeremy knows them all!
Third, the cycle is a great meditative experience. Squatting heavy for 5 reps for three sets three times puts your head and body into a different place.You find out things about your body and your mind you didn't know before, and you do it in the company of friends.
Great 5pm! Got to 50 pounds with the dumbbell press, and that WOD was more challenging than I had thought — which was great.
Goal for September: improve my crappy squat form and learn to link my muscle ups — if I can get five in a row, I'll be happy.
My September goal…get back into the BOX!! Been months since I've seen you guys 🙁
I enjoyed class today!
September Goals:
(1) Increase volume on my push-ups – I like Allison's goal of a set of 5
(2) Move to a blue band on pull-ups – practice before/after class
(3) Make every squat exposure – I don't have a specific weight in mind yet, but I'd like to lift more than 120, which is where I failed last exposure
6pm with Uncle Shane. That workout burned my shoulders harder than I expected it to. The inversions (or something) also gave me a case of heartburn, I think. Still, I enjoyed it.
Rebecca and Elliot came by to say hi, and to walk home with me (about 1.5-2 miles). Rebecca's recovering nicely, but still won't be able to do a real workout for a while.
September goal: Hold a freestanding handstand for a non-trivial (ie, >5 second) length of time.
Huge congrats to all the strength folks, you all put up some damn impressive numbers!
Yesterday's WOD for me was playing some basketball. Definitely nice to get out there feeling stronger, and not getting winded like the others. Did tweak some muscles, but should be ok.