Add 6 Kip Swings to the top of each round of your warm-up
Kettlebell Swings 101
Ring Push-Ups 101
15 Minutes of:
20 KB Swings
10 Ring Push-Ups
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Marian L. Walking the Walk at SS Event 1
We’re back on our regular group class schedule today! All classes meet at their regular times.
Happy Belated Birthday to Greg N. and new dad Daniel O!
Strength Cycle Total This Wednesday!
8 weeks have gone quick and Jeremy’s intrepid Strength Cyclers have been squatting, deadlifting, pressing, benching and cleaning in preparation of this Wednesday’s Total. Come watch and hoot and holler and show your support as these men and women try and set new PRs in their Squat, Press and Deadlift. The fun starts at 6p!
2011 NYC Barefoot Run
On September 24-25th, NYC is hosting a 2-day “Woodstock of Wild Human Animal Mayhem” all centered around barefoot running. There will be clinics, lectures, and a run on Governor’s Island. Join presenters Christopher McDougall, Dr. Daniel Lieberman, Erwan Le Corre as well as BOTH Barefoot Ken and Barefoot Ted Bob and many others. For more information and registration go here.
Fight Gone Bad House Teams 14 and 15
Team 14
Asta Fivgas
Ryan Piester
Ariel Kalishman
Bjorn Bellenbaum
Earl Loria
Team 15
Dan Langevin
Matt Ufford
Billy Keefe
Charlotte Kaiser
Sameer Parekh
The CrossFit South Brooklyn Affiliate Team has cracked into the top 25 affiliates in fundraising with $4,655.00 raised! We’re sitting at 23rd overall and edging our way up.. watch out CrossFit Providence!
Top 5 Fundraisers:
Peter Mattis: $850
Yoshi Stone: $650
David Osorio: $600
Chris Paschke: $500
Josi Stone: $325
Which hit you harder: Irene or Jacinto Storm?
Earning the Right Iron Maven
Understanding Your Fascia Running Times
As Farmer’s Markets Boom, Some Fear a Glut NY Times
True story, just heckled Dan R about my team owning him (personally, insert raunchy commentary here) and he got flustered enough to make comments such as "that's it i'm going to break 400" and "i'm going to start training for this". I hereby make these comments public record.
Time to go harass Mishik on FB.. YAY.
Good fascia article!
Glad the storm was no biggie. I was anxious out here.
@Team 15, I fully expect you to join Mr. Ufford in dressing in Arrested Development character:
Damn you fascia!
Hey all
Does anyone have a 9 pin to 6 pin firewire for mac that I could borrow?
hit me up at margie (at) crossfitsouthbrookyn
Dang this workout looks fun, but I am injured. Plain old running and footwork training for me for at least a week.
Check out the Hurricane Streaker in VA Beach, hysterical
Irene has hit me (and others) hard since I've been traveling (read:stranded) and in the process of a move. I get back to town tomorrow and have a tiny window to finish my move off. Thus:
Any strong SBKers (that's all of yall) around tomorrow and available to help for a bit? I can pick you up wherever and will pay in beer and jerky.
Email me Noah at crossfitsouthbrooklyn dot com
Nick is totalling on Wednesday and I would love to watch. Would anyone be willing to hang out at our place with a sleeping Linus post-7pm so I can save our babysitting $$ for something slightly more romantic? I'll pay you in booze and ice cream.
(You'd just have to hang on our couch read/surf/etc.; L would be asleep.) Thanks!! I'm charlottejerome at gmail.
I officially request to be reffered to as El Gordo until I get back into fighting shape! I am serious! and I am at least halving my booze intake. That's got to be a part of the problem!
Yours Truly,
El Gordo
Anyone have a recommendation for a carpenter to install a sliding door? You can shoot me an email at loguercio@gmail.com
Fun (and big!) noon class. I rarely get the pleasure of Margie's tutelage — it was great! It's going to be months or maybe even years before I get kipping pullups, but it was fun to try kip swings out. And damn, ring pushups were HARD. I have strict pushups these days but I was definitely not ready for prime time on the rings so I stuck with doing them from the knees.
I like adding the kip to the warm up, even though I have kipping pull ups it reaffirms that I can make them more efficient.
Still pretty sore from Nasty Girls/Fran back to back Friday/Saturday, even on a rest day yesterday.
Really great cues from Margie on the ring push ups, making sure I turn the wrists outward and hold that shoulder position at the top of the plank. Thanks Margie!
Tsk Tsk Asta!
got a lot of "long time no see!" at the gym tonight. true. story.
5pm with Margie
warm-up: did strict pushups (5 each) and blue band pullups (4 each). kip swings felt really good.
KB Swings: definitely felt improvement. went up lighter and easier than ever — i almost never go overhead and it felt really comfortable in no time. keeping shoulders packed is a big cue for me.
Ring push-ups: very unstable at first (in shoulders, not core), then settled into it. did 10 sec holds combined with 5 full ROM from knees. 3 or 4 sets.
did some accessory work and…
…ended up with a new double under PR of 27! (up from 20 about 3 wks ago) i really love when progress is so tangible.
good 6am with coach d.o
pre WU
3 Rounds of:
15 Hollow Rocks
15 Air Squats
5 Push-Ups
5 strict Pull-Ups
6 kip swings – excellent addition!!
Kettlebell Swings 101
12×4 rnds 1pd
Ring Push-Ups 101
15 Minutes of:
20 KB Swings 1.5pd
10 Ring Push-Ups
7rnds + kb swings. i liked this.
alternated kb rnds btw russian and american. felt good.
push ups started deteriorating after 5 rnd. felt good though.
have to remember to rotate arms out on the way back up.
belated IRENE workout
tell everyone to prep for an ironman… wet suit, bike, running gear etc.
when they arrive, throw a hand full of wet leaves and spray some water in their face.
then, send them home with a drink of their choice.
Good back-off week WOD today. I really needed something like this after doing the Fri/Sat combo Mr. Mishik mentioned. I'm also still feeling the remnants from those workouts.
Worked with the 1.5 and 2 pood KBs. Love ring push-ups. They feel better on my shoulder than regular push-ups.
SO bummed I'm gonna miss the Strength Cycle total this Wednesday! Unfortunately, I'll be playing on the beach in Miami while you all are lifting heavy things. Good luck!
Solo strength cycle, Volume day
I deloaded after getting sick and am back to my numbers in July. Oh well. Starting over again. Day one:
Squat: 245x5x5
These felt strong and fast for 21 of them. A couple I came forward out of the hole and couple were a little grindy, but I had a strong bounce and felt tight.
Press: 132.5 x5x3
Slightly easier than 130 last week. I'll take it.
Chins: 5-4-4-5
So annoying.
Prowler: 8 runs of about 80 feet with 50 pounds. 30 seconds rest between, this was harder than the shorter runs with more weight.
A little bummed I'm not doing the total, but I'll be there for support and drinks afterwards.
7 rnds + 9 swings 1.5p American
swings were pretty heavy, ring pushups not so bad.
I love that we have 8pm class now!
8 rounds with 1.5 pd kb
I didnt post originallybut wanted to remember to reflect on the recovery day
Week 8 day 1
So I came in today not feeling very intense. It was a laid back atmosphere in the gym which was good because i dont think i wouldve been pushing heavy weight today.
Maybe because I was so relaxed and laid back, my body wasnt ready in the same way.
Squats: worked up to 185 lbs. Didnt feel light at all.
Press worked up tp 95.
Walk outs. I had 300 on my back and that felt REALLY heavy. Then I tried 315 and that felt impossible.
Then 325 felt spine crushing.
made me feel like 300 might be more difficult than I thought