Five attempts to find a 3RM!
Post loads to comments.
compare to 8.17.11
Congratulations to Rebecca R and Daniel O on the birth of their new son, Elliot Bristow Olmstead!!!
Fight Gone Bad House Teams 9, 10 and 11!
Team 9
Shawna Scheidel
Sean Buchanan
Jason Horowitz
Justin Ziccardi
Noah Abbott
Team 10
McDowell Myers
Peter Hoppmann
jaclyn zerillo
Chris Paschke
Craig Canton
Team 11
Joshua Lahey
Sarah Archenbronn
Yoshi Stone
David Makowski
Rob Nugent
A Call For Volunteers!
As many of you know, this Saturday is the final event of the Subway Series at CFSBK. In order for the gym to run a great event we’ll need some volunteers to help with registration and judging. If you’ve got some time on Saturday between 9am and 1pm we would love a few extra hands to help us out. Please email David(at)CrossFitSouthBrooklyn.com to sign up as a volunteer. Thanks!
Labor Day CFSBK Surf Trip!
Class Schedule Updates
There are no classes this Saturday for the final event of the CF Subway Series. There will also be no Active Recovery next Tuesday night. To see all the upcoming schedule changes, please check out the Class Schedule page which lists all upcoming holidays and events that affect the our calendar.
The Affects of Abdominal Exercise on Abdominal Fat NSCA
Born, and Evolved to Run NY Times
HOORAY, welcome Elliott! Beautiful photo 🙂
Congrats, Danielle and Rebecca! Beautiful boy.
Consider gaming today's 3rm squat as such:
After a few warm appropriate up sets…
Set 1 @ 80% of your sets across weight from last week
Set 2 @90% …
Set 3 at 100%…
Set 4 at 110%…set a new PR
Set 5 at ? Did you make set 4? go up. Failed? Go down or redo depending on why you missed the set.
Make sure to take enough rest in between sets, at least 3 minutes but 5 minutes or more if needed. Today's purpose is to lift heavy sh*t (x3), not to sweat a lot. Take your time both in between sets and in between reps. Embrace the opportunity to be able to stand back up with that barbell on your back. Fight for it. Growl a bit if necessary. Go big, be strong.
How do you mentally prepare for a new rep max attempt?
6am with coach d.o.
was a little late and missed the start of the pre wu
pre WU
squat prep
hip openers int rotation (pigeon pose but better)
hip openers ext rotation
3 Rounds of:

0:30 in a prone or supine plank. (alternate each round)

16 air squats w mini band hold for 1 sec at the bottom.
10 Ring Rows
(45×5 135×4 185×4 235×4)
275 285 295
lifts seemed to be getting easier as the weight got heavier. very happy with this. feeling the bounce and getting to depth felt so good. think i could have gone heavier, but had to bolt home.
congrats Rebecca and Daniel!!!
Mazel Tov Daniel and Rebecca! Wonderful news.
Did Helen last night at home.
My first real Helen
strict pull ups killed me!! They were broken in rounds 2 and 3.
What a beautiful photo! Congrats Rebecca and Daniel!
Aside from a piercing headache, great morning. Only had time for three work sets.
Warmup: 45×5, 95×5, 135×4, 185×3
Work: 195-205-215
Got a little soft in the back at 215, but happy to add 10 lbs to last week. Might have been able to go higher with a little more time, next time will try to open at 205/210. Really enjoying the squatting this cycle. I feel like my body awareness is improving with every exposure.
Thanks to Casey and David for the help and depth checks this morning.
WU: 45×10, 135×5, 185×3
270×3 (this weight was my old high back squat 1RM max!)
Is 280 really my 3RM max if I didn't try heavier and fail?
Congrats to Rebecca and Daniel! All kinds of awesome.
I keep missing Wednesdays, and thus, squat training. Hopefully I'll be able to make it next week and start getting strong again.
Has everyone who has signed up for FGB gotten a team yet? I signed up a few days ago and haven't yet. Can't wait to form Team Discovery Channel or Team Maple Syrup.
I'll donate something to the team with the best name. Regrettably, it's an entirely arbitrary process, and I'll be the only judge on this. I can't wait to see the names!
Mazel Tov Rebecca and Daniel!
Belated thumbs up on the profile of Fox yesterday – great coach, great read!
Dear friends, please bring your dogs back to the gym. Writing on the whiteboard is getting boring and my knees are always dirty when I get home because they haven't gotten any licks from sneaky pups.
Can't wait to meet baby Elliot at the gym.
And I second Billy's comments about pups at le gym.
Finally got back to the gym last night after a bout of food poisoning. I was all primed after last Tuesday's recovery squat to kill my intensity day, but fate interceded and lay me to waste…
Didn't eat for three days and it wasn't until Sunday that I finally started absorbing nutrients. Suffice to say I lost some weight (about 4 pounds) and am feeling a little weak still. I did lose about 1/2" on my waist, so that's cool. My last push on the mass-gain was a little fat heavy, so leaning out a bit couldn't hurt. I'm weaker regardless.
The good news was that my arm finally healed enough to press. I reset 9% as it's been 2 weeks since I've pressed.
Squat: 225x3x3 (good recovery day. Hope it feels a lot lighter next Tuesday)
Press: 130x5x3 (maybe should have done 127.5, but it went)
Conditioning: Prowler: 8 runs of ~25 yards w/ 80 pounds.
Rested 20 secs between runs. Upped the weight from last time by 10 pounds and ran further.
Due to being sick, spraining my arm and all-around not going anywhere in the last 2 months, I am bowing out the CF Total next week. It's a bummer cause I definitely was on track for multiple PR's, but setback after setback has, well, set me back. I'm starting a new cycle Sunday and will prepare for FGB. I'm very happy to have dedicated time and energy in getting my cardio back up. Looking forward to being fit AND strong.
Jim, Team 2 will have the best name, so please donate to me. Besides, we're strength bros.
I prepare for max effort lifts by telling myself I am strong enough to make the lift via over-analysis of my work weights and conservative extrapolations of my 1-rep maxes. I get quiet and think about two cues I need to work on for that particular lift. Most importantly, I believe you have to have a positive mind-set and tell yourself you will succeed, otherwise you will psych yourself out and create a negative self-fulfilling prophecy. I've seen it done at numerous Totals. Don't be that gal/guy. Think positive!
Congrats Rebecca and Daniel! Elliot looks beautiful, can't wait to meet him.
185-195-205-215(2 shallow)-225(1 shallow)
Can I blame the shallow reps on the fact that Pandora hit us with both Raining Blood and
Shook Ones Pt. II, which pretty much sums up my adolescence? Good working with the other JZ, though.
In going for a rep max, I'm not much of a positive thinker, I'm much more determinist than that I suppose. I actually try to amp myself up a bit, but then turn inwards, and in many ways, downward. For squatting, I try to think about accentuating all of the things I have been taught to do to make sure that bar comes back up, much of it occurring while the bar is moving downwards. It starts with unracking that bar hard, trying to take that big breath (you know, the one Fox takes that sounds like he's trying to breath in all the air in the gym), and then going down with speed and knees out. Then I sort of become fatalist. It will either come back up or it won't, but I've hopefully done everything I can to put myself in position to succeed.
This is what I feel like at the bottom of the squat:
Jim for the win.
Congrats to Rebecca and Daniel!
I miscounted my weight on the bar and went well beyond what I was shooting for today. oops. I also dragged my partner up from a target 175 lift 20 pounds. ooops sorry if you are hurting tomorrow.
195X3 205X3 195X3 195X3 195X3 I was shooting for 185 today.
I guess sometimes you have to make mistakes to really move forward.
Re: Abzzz Study
I'm DYING to know how the NCSA defines "healthy, sedentary participants."
Failures of the night: not putting up 335. Failed on the 3rd rep, mostly I think because of bad form. That was annoying. Just didn't have it.
Successes: met one August goal, as I got my first muscle up. And it was repeatable!
Congrats on the new little one Daniel & Rebecca! Looking forward to meeting Elliot.
205-225-240-250-265 (PR)
Took Fox's advice on approaching this 3RM, which was really helpful. The last set was my previous 1RM. I think I might have had another 5-10lbs in me since I didn't hit any major sticking points, but decided to stop after my 5th set. Thanks to everyone who encouraged me to go heavier.
Congrats on the muscle up, Joel!
congrats on the muscle up!!
115 (fail)
112 PR
Really fun night tonight! My form wasn't great on the heavy weights. Knees went in a little, but once I started going faster like Noah said, things started being better.
A little LAX in my glute hamstring which felt tight this weekend.
3 Rounds of:
10 LBBSQ 45#
10 Push-Ups
5 CTB Pull-Ups
10 GHD Sit-Ups
Back Squat
(115×5, 135×5, 155×3, 165×3)
These felt great! good organization for all 20 reps
3 Rounds For time of:
7 Squat Clean Thrusters, 125#
30 Double Unders
This is a shorter version of Sunday's WOD. I wasn't sure how 125 would feel but it popped up pretty easily. I still really took my time on this and would say I stayed at about 80% intensity. I love Squat Clean Thrusters. Maybe my favorite CrossFit movement next to handstands and Snatches
fun night in the gym!
Awesome job Joel and Rickke!!!
I think Rickke needs to up his end of year goal for squatting. At least he should put his 1RM to 3-wheels. 315 Rickke. You've got it.
Speaking of mental preparation, Starting Strength has a new article posted by Tommy Suggs called "Train the mind for increased strength." I haven't read it yet, but skimming it surprisingly (coming from a Rip mentor) mentions meditation, visualization and mantras.
Congrats on the MU Joel!
it felt good to be under a barbell after some time away.
now's another story. my legs are speaking to me and generally uncooperative.
with some helpful pointers from ben i moved more than i expected, better than i expected.
155, 160, 165, 170, 175, 180
Thank you to everyone for all your well-wishes. Elliot has been a superstar so far – very chill. Hopefully he stays that way, and we can bring him by soon to meet everyone and start him on his deadlift. Rebecca is also recovering nicely, though it'll probably be a while before she can workout again.
If you'll pardon me while I get a little bit mushy: when we learned we would be moving out here, one of our top priorities was finding a good CrossFit gym that would be near where we wanted to live. Not because we wanted to keep fit (though that, too) – but because we don't know many people out here and we've learned in our three years of doing this that, if nothing else, CrossFit attracts the highest caliber of individuals and CrossFit gyms are gold mines of cool folks that we would like to call friends. In the few months that we've been here, you've all been so welcoming and friendly, and we're really grateful that we're now a part of CFSBK. Thank you.
Also, tonight I busted through a very long-standing 1RM of 220 for the squat, putting up 225×3 and 235×1. So I'm pretty stoked about that.
Not a PR but still happy with it. I had just hit 325×5 before injuring the rib so at I'm happy to have had that back on my back.
Great energy in the gym tonight. I really enjoy seeing experienced lifters hit hard worked for numbers, and equally enjoy seeing newer folks fight with a weight that a few months ago they may have thought was impossible.
Margie hitting her 1RM for a triple, and grinding it out.
Rickke 3 repping more than his previous 1RM (with room to go)
Allison quieting her mind and fighting with 155, and making it.
Joel's muscle up(s)!
These really are just a few of many impressive feats tonight!
Oh, also Benson being adorable. He really is ridiculous.
Lbbsx3: 225, 235, 245, 255, 265
I've been very disciplined in the care of my back and other problem spots and it paid off today with confident, pain-free lifting.
Thanks all for the congrats. The amount of great advice I had received as I worked on it this month was amazing (and perhaps sometimes overwhelming). Now for those double-unders…
Also, Margie, awesome. Apparently just deciding to have fun paid off!
Hey thanks. That was really fun and a treat to grind out some squats. It's been a while since I was able to dig deep like that and I appreciated having Fox there telling me to put the weight on the bar and supporting me as I worked through it.
Having fun is key, my friends. Otherwise, what's the point?
Strength Cycle, Week 7, Day 2
WU: 45×5, 95×5, 135×4, 165×3, 195×2, 225×1
Work: 235×3 (this is a move back after failing at 255 on Monday)
WU: 45×5, 95×5, 115×2, 135×1, 155×1
Work: 155×5, 160x5x2
Chins @35lbs: 5,5,6
Strength Cycle, Week 7, Day 2
WU: 45×5, 95×5, 135×4, 185×3, 215×2, 245×1
Work: 265x3x5
Wow this was heavy! I felt like I did a good job of getting into the hole but i thought it was a little slow coming out. Interestingly enough when I reviewed the video it wasn't that bad–there seemed to be decent speed and the sticking point was only briefly at the transition from up to down. 270 Friday!
WU: 45×5, 95×5, 135×4, 155×2
Work: 170×5
First time this cycle I felt like I might miss a rep on the bench. Set 2 and 3 were heavy but still was able to control the bar. I think I coul do at least 10 more by 5
Chins @40 5,5,5
Used frog lips and other variations to get up I'd be interested to see what these look like when I shed some weight.
Overall I'm happy with today's performance. The square really left me drained. After squatting I felt like I wa walking around a bit dazed for a good 30 minutes.
What a lovely evening at the gym. Congrats on all the PRs, MUs, adorable babies, cute puppies, and other feats!
WU: 45×5, 65×5, 85×5
Then followed Fox's percentage plan, for the most part(ish) for work:
105×3, 125×3, 135×3 (my work weight from last Wed.), 145×3, 155×3 (PR)
155 went up, so I tried 160. Got one rep then failed. That was the first time I ever had to bail on a squat, so I'm kind of happy that I'm over that mental hurdle. The need to rest more between sets is always fun as there's more time to watch everyone else.
Muchos thanks, Noah, Fox, and Katie Mohr. Also, to the ladies signed up for the next Tough Titsday: get psyched! There's so much from Margie that you'll put to good use.
Oh, incidentally, I now have two strict pushups, courtesy of standardized warmups and the greasing of the groove:
Me: Hey, Noah, I think I have a strict pushup. Will you tell me?
Noah: Go ahead.
Me: [Successful pushup]
Noah: I think you probably have two.
Me: [Pushup, pushup]
Good Wednesday.