3 Rounds for time of:
Run 400m
21 Kettlebell Swings, 1.5p/1p
12 Pull-Ups
Post time and Rx to comments.
compare to 6.5.11
“Helen” Demo CrossFit
Patrick gets to the Muscle-Ups at Event 2 of the CF Subway Series
Welcome back Coach Shane from the Functional Movement Screen certification he attended this weekend! We can’t wait to learn and then apply the new insights he learned from this fantastic seminar!
Thanks to everyone who came out to Prospect Park yesterday for the community picnic and “Paleo Pigskin Flag Football Tournament”! Look forward to details on the next community outing.. Labor Day Surfing!
The final event for the CF Subway Series is happening this Saturday at CFSBK. The workout is “Fran” so as you might have expected, slots are going FAST. If you plan on competing, please register ASAP as it might be sold out before this evening! There will be no normal Group classes, Teaser class or Active Recovery on Saturday.
Miranda talks about and does Fran (With a special ending) CrossFit
Fight Gone Bad House Teams 7 & 8
Team 7
Dan Betz
Daniel Halioua
Eric Lau
Jenna Jerman
Isaac Wayton
Team 8
Paul Roberts
Christine Denahan
Felipe Cruz
Joe Williams
Charles Graham
Good luck, comrades!
Haven’t registered yet? Team CrossFit South Brooklyn is already up to 62 athletes and new teams are being formed every day. The sooner you sign up the sooner your team placement will be assigned. We can’t guarantee folks who sign up at the 11th hour will get a shirt due to time constraints on printing!
Jenni Y’s Pregnant Pull-Up Progression CrossFit
Kristan Clever does a 7:41 Isabel with 135lbs CrossFit
Hollow Body Position, Part 1 CrossFit Journal Preview
From Helen to Fran would be a cool title for a book about one person's journey of fitness through the world of Crossfit.
For us, it will be the week of August 22nd.
Those pregnant pullups are amazing. I want to be her when I grow up.
Fun 7 AM with the boys. In the warmup, I'm now doing strict pushups in sixes instead of fives, and pullups on the green band instead of blue and white together. Progress! Yay, standard warmups!
Helen: I subbed 400m row*/12 kg KB/blue+white banded pullups (and a little help from David on the very last rep). 14:02. The only part of this that wasn't hard was the KB swings, which makes me wonder if I should have gone Rx'd on those.
*After the marathon, I promise to do running in WODs when it's Rx'd!
6am with coach D.O
pre WU
foam roll
2.30 row
3 Rounds of:
12 kb swings 1pd
โจ:30 in a prone or supine plank. (alternate each round)โจ
15 air squats with mini band
10 Ring Rows
subbed row for run
everything else rx'd.
pull ups felt better/stronger, warm ups are helping a lot, but kip is still for shite.
next months goal = work on kipping pull ups.
Sarah and I are considering a meat and/or veggie share in the CSA, but we can't make the pickup time. Is there anyone (ideally in Prospect Heights or Park Slope) that would be willing/able to pick up our shares for us? We'd be able to get them at about 9:30pm, so nothing would clog up your fridge/freezer for more than a couple hours. Mahalo nui!
I'm down in wildwood NJ I did Helen at some 70's bodybuilder globo filled with archaic looking machines covered in Staph infection. Interesting crowd working out here, lots of ex steroid users in their mid 60's shooting dirty looks at me. Could have been all in my head but most likely it was my Ronnie Coleman "shut up and squat" tee shirt giving off bad vibes. I had a lot of fun and even taught a few locals KB swings. Anyway I PR my Helen rx at 10:15. I Can't wait to be back at CFSBK. I did everything unbroken, I guess the next improvement will have to be my runs. See y'all at the end of this week, I promise
Hey All,
First off, thanks to the coaches for putting me on a super cool FGB Team 4!!!
Secondly, Ive missed you guys as I've been down in FLA with the family for the past month. I did as much bodyweight work as i could, but its just not the same. I need to get this guy ready for FGB.
I did yesterday's WOD last night, pretty much as Rxd. a bit broken in the later roumds. My double unders really began to flow much better than ever!!
30lb DB each arm
Im going down to Rockaway on Saturday to compete in the Beach Palooza….should be fun.
Today's WOD was a little difficult… I'm still recovering in places from the Subway series.
only did 16Kg (1 pood) not the 1.5 pood RX.
The idea of thrusting 2/3rd my body weight seems less scary than snatching it.
Good luck to everyone who is going for it this coming weekend.
I still need to get kipping pullups.
Really want to do Helen but right now my entire lower body–particularly my knees–is screaming at me. The picnic was loads of fun. I love you, football. But getting old sux. Maybe I'll feel better tomorrow. Or next week….
I think I'd still be trying to finish Helen from 6am right now if David hadn't been literally pushing me over the bar for those last pullups. Must practice the kip swing….must practice the kip swing. It looks so easy. The last 12 pullups had to have taken me 4 minutes and I could barely hold the bar. I would've quit if on my own, but Coach D.O. was having none of that. Thanks!
My chest and biceps are fried from Saturday, so this was a tough one!
Warmup 2 + 12 KB swings at 12kg
Scaled Helen
270m run (right ankle immobile, felt like a peg leg)
21 kb swings 1 pd
12 box-assisted pullups (my first time. couldnt string them together.)
There was a time in my life where being unsuccessful (ie finishing dead last) during a competition would have been a sure fire sign that I would be an emotional wreck spewing toxins at my family and friends for at least 24 hours after the buzzer wrang. But not Saturday. I was lost and had poor directions, but I didn't give up finding the gym. I was late as a result of being lost and couldn't warm up properly, but I didn't let it psych me out. I was stiff, but I kept trying to get depth, even after falling three times. I couldnt do the workout as perscribed, but I attacked the scaled version with as much ferocity as I could muster.
So, although I am about to outline some physical improvements, I am actually a lot happier about the mental ones.
That said…
February Foundations
Single Unders: 5-7 unbroken
Squat Depth: Several inches above parallel
Situps: Didn't have them (sacrum pain)
100+ Single unders in a minute
1 set of competition-depth OHS
50+ Situps in 3 minutes
Getting better ๐
Wow, impressive pregnant pull-ups! I'm not so concerned with kipping pull-ups, but I do plan to fight hard to keep at least a single strict pull-up or two throughout my pregnancy. I made 4 chin-ups my goal for August but I am not sure I'm going to make it at this rate – my weight gain seems to be exceeding my strength gains already!
Fight Gone Bad team 7. FTW
Billy, not to mention you did all the hang power snatches unbroken, regardless if prescribed or not, that was badass!
Warm-up 1, finally got some rocks in, though as Fox pointed out, they were "noisy."
I also worked on kipping during the warm up and decided these were not ready for prime time, so did the WOD with 6 strict pull-ups (some from the ground, or a 12" box in rounds 2 and 3). Used the 1 pood KB, and did all swings unbroken.
Got 11:56, but put 12:56 on the board because I forgot about the staggered start.
Subway Series is FULL with a strong showing from CFSBK, booya!
For the love of crossfit, please put me on a FGB team so I can continue talking smack to Mishik with a some shred of legitimacy.
Did anyone get any pictures from last weeks Subway series worth posting?
Thanks, Mike! My arms are still hurting from those snatches.
I get so tunnel-visioned during the events that I don't even think about things like putting the weight down. When I do put the weight down, I think, "Huh, I must have needed to stop."
It's not anxiety or excitement, its complete calm, 1-point focus. Its so weird/awesome. The exact opposite of being a goalkeeper where I had to see everything that was happening on the field and lead other people (except for maybe right as a shot is taken). Its almost lonely competing, but not in a bad way, I get so focused on the thing I am doing and then suddenly I think incredibly profound thoughts about my childhood, or the nature of some idea, or I become oddly self-aware and out-of-body-ish, and then I realize I am still swinging the kettlebell. And now I sound like I am taking a lot of drugs. Hahaha. But maybe other people get that way, too. ๐
Can't believe I forgot to mention the highlight of the 7 AM class: realizing, midway through Helen, that there was no music playing, yelling, "Dude, where's the music?"…
…and Shane promptly busts into "Caribbean Queen."
Went to CF Invictus took a class with CJ (he says whats up to DO, Shane, Fox and all the other coaches)
did about 15min of mobility work as group warm up (perfect stretch, inch worms, scap pull ups, grp foam roll) Then did barbell warmups to work for the push jerk/snathc.
Then took twenty minutes or so to get a heavy Push Jerk.
45X 5
135 X 4
185 X3
Then the wod was a partner with 4rds each (rest when partner went) of
10 Toes to bar
20 Hand release push ups
30 Double unders.
we finished in 13:42 I was smoked on the pushups after round 2. Have done a lot of push ups over the last few days.
Can you guys post the competition workout tomorrow so I can work that in prep for Sat Subway Series?
DH3 – Saturday is Fran. So, just do Fran, but jack the thrusters up to 135# and sub CTB pullups for regular pullups. That way, Saturday will feel comparatively easy.
Helen, scaled
3 Rounds:
400m run
21 KB swings (Russian, 12kg)
12 pull-ups (fat green band)
11:51 maybe? I didnโt look at the clock very closely
Fun to attend the 5pm class (my first).
10:35 on Helen. I have no idea what my previous Helen was but Iโm happy with it.
@Gabrus – getting heavy dude!
Nice 5pm class with Margie. Great job everyone!
Helen – 9:23 rx
It's about a minute off my PR. I could come up with a few excuses for the slower time, but Margie summed up it best when she reminded me my first 2 rounds combined were about the same time as my last round. Everything unbroken first 2, last round felt like I was walking and resting after each rep of the swings and pull-ups. I went out too fast thinking I could sustain it and was wrong. I love this WOD and will be smarter next time.
Woke up today after Flag Football feeling like I had played a Sunday of NFL Football. Ouch.
Goal was sub-10 Helen. Last time I did it was a Tuesday with just Kiki and myself in the gym and she smoked me. I don't remember when I finished, but hers is on the leaderboard, 10 and change, so I think I pr'ed today with a time of:
9:59. Note to self, either be more ambitious with goal setting or less of a wuss. 1 second, really?! Hahaha.
Billy, I didn't know you were a goalie. My kid brother was a college keeper, definitely takes a certain set of person (part field general, part kamikaze pilot.) Explains a lot!
Last swim for me this season at the Red Hook Pool. Tough one today. Body feeling tight and seriously underfed. Only made 8 lengths. Still, very glad I went.
Afternoon session with Alec and David.
WU: 3RNFT 12 air squats, 6 ring rows
Deadlift: (95×5,120×5,130×3,140×2, 150×1)160x1x1x1
5 Rounds: 10 single arm KB swing each arm, 10 reverse lunges ea. side holding KB, 10 push presses with KB :30 rest between rounds 11:16 8?Kg KB
Have a great Labor Day everyone!
Billy – awesome.
PR – right on.
Ellie, Jess, Christine, and Melissa…you all are TFBAs, for real.
Helen – my very first CF WOD!
My first Helen included a treadmill and a lot of shock.
PR by about a minute, which isn't really saying much. Goal was to stay on the pull ups for each set, which I did. Must go further into a dark place. I'm gonna say I'm saving my dark place for Fran.
I had to scale the run last time I did Helen, and I felt like I was going to throw up for about an hour after it.
Today, I didn't scale the run, and I felt like I was going to throw up for about 20 minutes after. So improvement!
13:12 with 12 kg kettle ball and ring rows.
7pm class.
Warmup 1:
-did 2.5 rounds adding 12 kb swings at the beginnng (12kg)
-my goal was to PR which I did by over a minute, but pretty sure that was because I had to try to keep up with Ellie and Christine. Great heat ladies!!! I was good for 3rd place on the leaderboard…until Loranger walked through the door and hit 10:04 to take 1st and bump me off. ๐
-uh, in case you haven't realized, sbk ladies have really stepped up their game lately. So impressed! Keep it up!
Bllly I was a goalie too.
1 of my 2 most embarassing moments of my mediocre athletic career came as a goalie. 1 game (I mustve been in 6th or 7th grade) We had gone to the AYSO regional playoffs and were looking pretty good…but this one day I dont know what happened…
I had some crazy mental block and gave up 4 goals what seemed like a 10 minute span. One beat me near post when I was right there and one went through my legs somehow even though I had both hands on it. I remember it getting past me and rolling into the goal in slow motion. All I could do was watch.I know..legs shouldve been closed and I shouldve gone down to get it.
My teamates were pissed. One kid was yelling at me and I had to get pulled and moved to fullback.
Week 7 Day 1
Hardest Day Yet. I was pissed off at the State of New Jersey coming to the gym because a number of things. Ikea–had to wait over 30 minutes for my full service order when I was the only customer waiting for an item. NJ transit funnelled me into a far left lane (cash only) for a toll but then where I had to go was on the far right side of the freeway after the toll. Ridiculous. I couldnt make it across and got rerouted which made me late for strength class. On top of that my car almost overheated.
45×5 95×5, 135×4, 185×3, 215×2, 240×1,
260x3x5 PR
Definitely the Hardest day yet. I had to really slow down and fight for these. Still scared of the bounce a bit. I will have to iron out this issue this week. had a couple reps where I pitched forward and the bar rolled up towards my neck–no good. Its gonna take everything I got to clear the next 2 sets.
45×5, 75×5, 95×3
120x3x5 (PR) Old pr was 117.5
Progressively got easier. I thought holding the bar up over my head was helping but today I realized it doesnt–get it up and back down and back up as quick as possible while not rushing was the key.
135×5, 185×5, 225×3, 275×1
Was surprised how easy this felt. Deadlifting with Jeremys watchful eye always helps me out more than any other lift. My PR was 325 under Jeremys watchful eye–but it was flukish.I was surprised how well I did considering how beat I was from the other 2 lifts.
again this day really beat me up especially after Football.
My obliques, hip flexors and right shoulder are on fire along with small muscles and tendons in my feet and ankles.
time for sleep
two days back and happier for it. the workouts were not nearly as painful and wompity as i expected. ima try to be better about posting.
yesterday was fun; both the WOD and football. thanks again to jess, noah and all other involved parties.
squat clean thrusters (95) and double unders: 9:18
helen: 9:07
The run kills me. New goal… work on conditioning. I could run all day at a moderate pace but when I try it for time AND add oh, KB swings that's when the asthma kicks in and kills – really bad recovery time.
KB swings at 1pd all unbroken for the first time. Woot. I was surprised on the last round when I hit 21 and had not put down the KB once.
6 strict PUs each round – not easy, but all unbroken so I guess I could have done more. Need to practice my kipping ( I tend to put a bit too much energy into it and feel more like I'm having a seizure than a pull up ).
Did this with Russian swings but all else Rx'd. 11:46. Can't find any old time (thought I had done this before), so either in the past I just couldn't bear to write down my time, or I ran scared away.
Pretty fun. Hands got fried in the third round, but thanks to some good yelling I got the last few pullups done faster than I would have on my own.
9:44 rx'd (on a treadmill)
Unbroken until the last set of pull-ups. Lots of time lost in transition back to the treadmill waiting for it to come back up to speed. A 3 second PR (!), but I think I'm approaching my limit for this WOD on a treadmill.
I knew I had done Helen before at my Globo when I was doing this on my own. I believe it involved a treadmill, stairs, dumbbell swings, and some really really weird looks. I had no recollection of my time, so at first I said "sub-11" in my head as a number and perusing the day's times. Then I asked Fox as I walked out the door to "give me a number." Fox said "10:30". WOD RX'd: 10:29. Well played sir.
My running stinks, I want to work on that. On the other hand, those swings went almost unbroken (one rest after the 16th swing of round 3) and on the pullups I had one break after rep 6 of the 3rd round before squeezing the last 6 out. BAZ kept chasing me down on the runs, and the Christine D/Ellie/Lady Fox trio kept me going. I think I saw Jess as I turned 4th avenue like 3 steps behind me and I really didn't want her to pass me. Totally gassed at the end, forearms and hands quivering.
After a week of vacation, poor eating habits, no crossfit, and a harsh serving of Jet-lag, this workout sucked majorly yesterday (but was a fun kick-start back into CrossFit).
Scaled Helen:
13:45 3x
400m Run
21 – 12lb KB (only to shoulder height)
Negative Pullups – 12 on first set 6 on second and third
David's internet must be down again!
helen, yay. i really enjoyed doing this with jess and christine d last night.–it's incredibly motivating and inspiring to have such strong ladies around, as well as the coaches makin some noise. congrats to melissa for walking in at the end of the night and taking the whole snowcone. i knew when i saw her come in for the 8pm class that she'd snake the fastest time. well done!
also, a belated thanks to jess and noah for the picnic on sunday. mcdowell and i had a great time! let there be more.
Oops! Make that 12:45, much better than my 13:45 typo ๐
Helen – 12.30 Rxd. had to use a 55 lb dumbell instead of a kettlebell since I did the workout in a globogym & they hv this stupid rule about not letting members use a kettlebell without an instructor…
Shawn, keepers unite! We should organize some catching and fast footwork skill sessions!
@Deepak, you go to Body Elite don't you?
running and kb swings were not in the cards for me yesterday because of the lower back/hammie combo platter. subbed 400m row and 15 push ups for kb swings
pull ups felt pretty good, push ups got hard quick (as per usual) and my rows slowed from averaging around a 1:58 pace to a 2:05 pace.
definitely want to try helen again for reals soon!
Forgot to post this, but want the record for the future: Helen Rx'd 12:36.