5 Rounds for time of:
7 Squat Clean Thrusters
30 Double Unders
These are strict Thrusters coming out of the hole. Choose a weight that challenges you but doesn’t require jerking, ya jerk.
Post Rx and time to comments.
CFSBK Community Picnic and Paleo Pigskin Flag Football Tournament Today!
Who: All are welcome! Bring family, bring friends, bring enemies! This is a great excuse to get out to the park and enjoy some nice weather and food with the good folks of CFSBK!
Announcing Fight Gone Bad House Teams 4, 5 and 6!
Team 4
joel wertheimer
Melissa Loranger
Jason Zevin
Shane Williams
Robert Fasone
Team 5
Dan Evans
Joshua martinez
Vincent Dugan
Keith Walter
Juliana Agudelo
Team 6
Nikki Stevens
Marc Messinger
Ben Whitney
Marcos Martinez
David Fung
Calling all ladies! We need you to step up to the plate and Register for FGB. There are 14 women registered compared to the 27 men who have signed up. Don’t sleep on this!
Tied For First Place!
Team SBK and Team Virtuosity are coming into the final event of the 2011 CF Subway Series TIED for first place! We need a big showing both in competitors and SBK spectators (BLACK SEA!) to take home the big W! Register Here
How To Print a Bicycle SlateV
The above video was written, filmed and produced by our own Krishnan V!
Info goes out later today, but registration is open for thr final Subway Series event at CFSBK…Last week filled up in about 24 hrs, register before it fills up! Not to be missed!
what's a speca-tort?
Jess and I are all set up at Prospect Park. We are a bit Southeast of the Garfield Pl. entrance under a big white canopy. Get on down here football fanatics! Call me at 6083474264 or Jess at 3476235549 if you can't find us.
File this post under excuses, excuses, but I got roped into helping a friend move today and can't make the picnic, blergh.
I also wanted to say how bummed I am to miss my first FGB, but I will be on Team Bridesmaid at a wedding up in Maine that weekend. Bummed!
I did, however, just register for the last Subway Series event next weekend. Yikes/yay.
Update from Prospect Park. The canopy is down, the park police weren't having it. Still kicking it in the same place, just look for the ridiculously strong and good looking people.
Back Squat
Warmup: 45×5 95×5 135×5
Work: 155x5x3
Second set was a bit of a mess. A little deep, knees a little forward, etc. Felt much stronger on the last set.
Warmup: 45×5 75×5
Work: 95x5x4
Fox pointed out my elbows weren't under my hands, so I did an extra set to try to get the feel for that.
Warmup: 135×5 185×5
Work: 215×5
Dips 6 8 8
a grand 9am with coach fox.
pre WU
mountain climbers
3 Rounds of:
15 Hollow Rocks
15 Air Squats with mini band
10 Push-Ups
5 strict Pull-Ups
i'll keep saying it, these warm ups rule.
5 Rounds for time of:
7 Squat Clean Thrusters 115
20 slam balls 20lb
a fookin doozy!! half way through, the song oh diane by fleetwood mac entered my mind. thankfully it stopped pretty quick.
didn't think i'd manage the 115 thrusters. seriously a goat of mine, but fox said to treat each one as a single. worked.
slam balls. hot damn! what have i been missing? these thing are great. a worthy replacement for the double under.
kudos to vincent for beasting through this.
if there was any doubt that crush week has started, after this WOD, there is none.
Slam balls! We have those?!
File this, along the prowler and the sleds, under equipment that I never get to use but that taunts me from its storage place, saying "I would kick your ass, Chief. You should probably just walk on a treadmill while watching a Law and Order rerun."
Final Subway Series event at CFSBK is up and regisrtation is live…
we're tied for 1st, and 2nd place is 1st loser… just saying.
With the Subway Series at CFSBK next Saturday are group classes cancelled for that day? How long does participation in the event take? That is, what hours should I tell my wife that I'm leaving her with the kids?
This lady is signed up for FGB and the Subway Series!
this lady is also signed up.
Good 11am class today. This was a tough WOD. Tested out my shoulder and felt good enough to go overhead.
9:37 w/ 115# clusters
Headed to the park afterwards for flag football. So much fun! Thanks to Noah, Jess, and anyone else who helped to coordinate!
first of all Jess Bailey, thank you for hugging me at the picnic. i was sitting down so i could not run away. very crafty of you.
second of all, thanks noah and jess fox for organizing and running the picnic today, and everyone for showering Stella with affection.
third of all, workout.
1 (one) chinup. all the ice cream is taking a toll.
squat: 150x5x3 – at least i went up 5lbs from last time, but still too light.
bench: failed my 3-RM at 91lbs. Drop set of 10 @ 65.
dead: never made it to my 175lb work weight. horror show. work 155×5.
let's note i can deadlift over 50lbs more than that – and i still struggled with this set.
I second the comments on organizing the flag football in the park, it was a blast!
Thanks Noah and Jess!
Did the squat cleans at 135# and it felt pretty good…9:45, ended up being pretty fried from this one, a doozy for sure!
awesome party in the park
evil wod this am
95#, 17:30
Thanks Noah and Jess. That was really fun. I got to relive some of my glory days. Lots of great plays today.
Look forward to more of these and maybe our own CFSBK sports series.
Man my hip flexors and hamstrings are on fire and my shoulder probably isnt far behind.
for everyone who asked here is where I got the coconuts
They sell them in cases of 9 for no set or definite price. It just depends who you ask.
Try to ask a manager and you can even negotiate with them.
Ive bought cases twice before for 9 bucks and I think 11 bucks. Today it cost me 20 but I thought I was running late so I just said whatever.
Inspect the outer shell for mold. Obviously if you see mold its no good–don't get that case.
You can mix and match and swap out your case. You can aslo ask them to go get you a fresh case from the back.
Will be a fun day of lifting tomorrow. Need to get to bed early.
Thanks to everyone who came out to the park today! I had so much fun, I haven't played football in well over 20 years. That was great
Wod – 135#, 15:50. I really need to start coming regularly again. This was taxing.
So much fun today at the park! Thanks to everyone who came out to play and/or just watch/chill. You all are seriously a good group of folks to spend the day with. We had some awesome games, some rough blocks, lots of trash-talkin', a few interceptions and a couple of collisions but everyone seemed to walk away with a big smile on their face. At least, I know I did. Special props to Mel for keeping time, to those that brought snacks to munch on, and to those who chilled with us during the rain! I love how you all chipped in to help "lighten" the cooler load at the end. That's true team spirit there! 😉
Noah and I had a blast and perhaps we'll organize another flag football day in the fall…
i am terrified of next week's subway series event…personally.
Thanks everybody for making the Paleo Pigskin Picnic such a blast today. It was a very strong reminder why I love this place so much-
a) I'm probably faster now than I was at 18 thanks to endless box jumps, heavy squats, and 2K rows
and b) I hardly care about any of that when I'm having a ton of fun with you ridiculously strong, good looking, but more importantly interesting, diverse, and funny people. I think if in some strange alternate universe where Michelle Bachman wins the presidency and outlaws crossfit because she thinks kettlebell swings are sexually suggestive I'd still come and hang out at the gym just to kick it with all y'all.
Whoa, that got away from me there at the end, I think Jess' cooler lightening strategy went to my head.
Highlights of the day for me included Jeremy's reckless abandon, Shaun S.'s crazylegs running style, Rachel's decision to become Flag Footballs first every Blocking Fullback, and Chris A. torching my freaking pants off at one point- he's sneaky fast (unlike Josh who is just normal fast as all hell fast)
For anyone who missed out, we will organize another similar endeavor soon. I found pop-up goals in the gym today, which gets me thinking of Soccer, but if anyone else has an idea for a sport, activity, or adventure, let Jess or I know and we will try and make it happen.
Much love.
Fan huh?
almost filled up for subway series…
No regular classes on Sarturday (as far as I know). Event will run from ~9am till ~1…beer social to follow event.
this lady is signed up for FGB too. woot! i've had to miss it the last 2 years so i am really excited to be a part of it in 2011!
set out for a roughly 2 hour/11ish mile run and things went down hill fast. it was hot, very hot. i was tired, pretty tired. and i'm beginning to really realize that drinking beer all day is not a good way to "carb load" for a long run. ended up only running for about an hour ten, about 7 miles. my hamstring got pretty tight towards the end, but running was still manageable.
flag football in the park was a blast! thanks noah and jess for organizing and everyone who came out to throw the ball around. i hope my enthusiasm for playing makes up for my general lack of knowledge for what's actually going on. FLEA FLICKER!!
So this is where everyone is posting re yesterday's football. Big thanks to Jess and Noah! That beer guzzling in the rain at the end was awesome. And btw, as for me torching Noah, I would like to remind him that he burned me even worse the very next play! Cheers.
WOD: 115# in 12.50 secs. Flag Football was great fun – thx Noah/ Jess for organizing (my first time). but I still think soccer is more fun since its more fluid, no start-stops…