AMRAP 15 minutes
270m Run
10 Ring Dips
10 Burpees
Post time and RX to comments.
Doin’ Big Thangs
Congratulations to Steph P. on her first HSPU this past weekend, congrats to Sarah “Worm” W. on her 3:17 time on the NYC Tri earlier this month! And congratulations to Michele K. on hitting her first (and second) chin-up!
CSA Next Steps
Thanks to all who came out last night to meet Jerry of Herondale Farm and Andy of Sol Flower Farm. They were super impressed by our community and questions, and are excited to get this going. First and foremost, we need to have a critical mass in order to make it worth their while. Andy needs at least 25 shares and Jerry is looking for 20 shares each for the meat and chicken.
We’d like to have a head count as soon as possible! Please fill out this form by Sunday, August 21 to let us know what you are interested in:
After we determine whether we have enough folks, Jerry and Andy will let us know what the deadline is to sign up.
For those of you who were not able to attend, but want in, here are some additional details (also check out the bulletin board):
- Vegetable pick up days will be every Wednesday from 4pm-7pm for 9 weeks beginning either Sept 7 or Sept 14
- Meat shares are monthly (Sept-Dec) and will come down the first Wednesday.
- Chicken shares are monthly (Sept-Dec) and will come down the third Wednesday.
- Vegetables will come down from the farm in individual bins, you will be instructed on how much to take of each and are responsible for bringing your own bag/box to transport them.
- Meat and chicken will be frozen and packed in paper bags for transport.
- We encourage sharing shares! Please indicate that in the form above.
- The gym CANNOT hold any shares. If you are not able to pick one up, please get a friend to help or else your share will be given away.
- Tell a friend! This is open to the public, so if you know someone who might be interested, send them the link to the response form.
Still have questions? Email Margie(at)
Big Fat Blog Post #3 Robb Wolf
Breaking Down the Single Leg Squat T-Nation
Do You Suffer From Decision Fatigue? NY Times
6am with coach D.O
so close to not getting up this morning. not enough sleep, blah blah. am very glad i did.
did yesterdays w/o.
pre WU
pvc pipe roll
4min row 20s/m
20 Hollow Rocks
15 Air Squats w thera band
10 Push-Ups
6 strict Pull-Ups
(45×5 135×5 185×4 225×4)
felt better/easier/lighter than last week 265. was deliberating wether to do 270, but went 275. have to remember to stay tight as soon as i lift the bar off. i tend to take the bar off loose and then tighten. thanks for the pointers coach.
2 Rounds NFT:
15 Single Leg DB RDLs ea/leg
15 Plank Walk Outs
last two weeks before it's closed till next year!
First night back felt really good and great to see everyone
Squat 215x5x3 just easy stuff for a week
Bench 165x5x3 same
4 sets of 5 chins
brief sandbag burpee sprints with plenty of rest.
two bareburgers no tears afterwards. lettuce wrap
might try a little yoga. Can't stare at the mediterranean I need something to help me to relax…any thoughts on that, best place to go, etc?
Good-sized 7 AM class. I got through 4 rounds even, subbing 300m row for the run (marathon is in 6 weeks so I already have more than enough running in my life!), leg assisted ring dips, and elevated burpees.
The burpees sucked even more than usual. My left hand is still bruised pretty deeply so the pushup part of the burpee was not fun. DO asked me if I've been icing my hand. No. No, I have not. Duh, I need to get on that!
Congrats to Steph, Sarah, and Michele — those are kickass accomplishments!
@McGrath do you know if the pool is open when it is raining? Can't find any info.
@Noah Muscle up class still on for 8pm?
Listening to Howard Stern this morning interview Jack (son of Ozzy) Osbourne. He says he's into crossfit. Just sayin'…
@deb. i believe the pool is open when it rains. i've swam then.
there's a number you can call…(718) 722-3211 (718) 722-7105
Muscle up class tonight?!?!
I was glad to see there are HP Lovecraft and Cthulhu fans on this blog. For y'all here are a couple of photos from my trip to Australia in 2007/8 (these were taken just outside Melbourne – with my good friend Vince):
Sorry for the bad spelling above!
Nevermind – now I'll stop babbling.
@ McG thanks!
Although we were looking at tonight for a prospective Skill Class covering the muscle up there are still some wrinkles being worked out of the program and scheduling conflicts so THERE IS NO MUSCLEUP CLASS TONIGHT.
Looking at September 1st as the date, 8pm. I've already got about 4 or 5 people interested, and we are going to cap at 8. If interested just send me an email at noah(at) so I can add you to the list and "reserve" your spot. Will likely run a second class the week after so if 9/1 fills I will just add you to the wait list.
Sorry for any confusion.
Congratulations ladies!!! (Sara, Michele and Steph)! You guys rock, keep kickin' butt!!
PS, I want to know how Sarah got the name "Worm."
Coaches what do you think of this Muscle Up assist?
When I was in Cali a few weeks ago I stopped by a box to do strength work and they showed me the band assisted muscle up where you sit in the band. I had to rush out and I didnt get a strict muscle up but in the 4-5 times I played with it–it gave me a better sense of how to pop up and over the rings. I think Im probably strong enough to do one, I just don't know what the hell I'm doing. Like I said, that gave me a better sense of the turnover.
I think itd only make sense for people who can do some strict ring pull ups and ring dips.
I wouldve liked to play with it more but ran out of time.
Weird why cant I just edit…? Now Im posting like Samir.
Here is another free video of the technique if you dont have the journal
The version they had me do at the gym I held the band in place on either side by looping it into my fingers. That was probably the most nervous part. I had to make sure to really get that in good so the band didn't slip and snap me in the face or somewhere else.
I like Leo's videos Shawn. I think those are all valid strength building options to work toward a muscleup. The band stuff can be very useful although its a pain to set up sometimes. I think the best movement is the simple Muscleup Row which can really closely mimic the muscleup and just take a bit of the gravity aspect out of it. If I wanted to build my MU strength I'd consider subbing those for Ring Rows when I do warmup 2.
Those exercises plus a solid progression- understanding where I want my body during each phase of the MU- are the key to nailing one. I definitely think you are strong enough to do them, the trick of learning the MU is finding a way to make them easy enough to do "live practice" whether its bands, rows, or progressions.
great 6am class!
15min AMRAP – 3 rounds, 1 run and 7 ring dips (all dips done with white band)
i'm embarrassed by how crappy my burpees are – but i'm actually happy that they've been programmed in more. yuk, can't believe i just said that…
@mcgrath – i hope to see you tomorrow. i WILL be at the pool at 7am and hope to see you there!
ps. that first handstand pushup was awesome to get – and it was TOTALLY because of all the support and cheering at the subway series event. i didn't even think i was going to get one when i started the WOD, and had missed all attempts in warm up. this gym and community is pretty dang great!
Congrats Steph, Sarah and Michele!!!
Anyone looking to buy a weighlifting belt? I purchased this one from EliteFTS and it's not quite right for me.
Feels like it'd last forever. $70. Ask me at the gym if you want to check it out.
How I got through this mornings WOD is a mystery to me. I felt early on I had nothing in the tank yet eeked out 5 sets plus a bit of a run. Granted it was with a band for the dips. (Trying to save myself a little for Saturday. GET PSYCHED!
Plus back to back classes puts a lot of hurt on me.
Congrats to all the ladies and their great accomplishments!
<nerd mode>
Should we start chanting Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn before a session? =P
</nerd mode>
Quiet night at the gym tonight.
4 rounds plus half the run
First 2 rounds rx with kipping ring dips.
Second 2 rounds with dip negatives.
Some light rowing afterwards.
Warm-up A.
Made up squats tonight: 170x3x5 – had one slow rep at the end of the second set, I went too deep and didn't find the stretch in my hamstrings. Otherwise felt good. Last set felt easiest, which is always surprising and nice.
Hand stands on the parallettes outside with David – lots of fun and somehow my wrists and shoulders feel looser and happier after that.
Snatch practice with Brian D. PR 123lbs! I did this weight multiple times and it felt snappiest and looked the best on the last rep. Thanks Brian! Still need to drop and pull my knees back and generally be faster under the bar.
Great snatch work with Brian D. Form is getting better, and that allowed me a PR at 137. Have more if I can get better at dropping straight down and not forward.
7pm class
WOD Rx'd
5 + ~100m
This was all gas for me, and I had not much zip. Fun running in the rain though.
7pm class
270m run in the rain
Ring dips (using legs as help)
Squat thrusts
I think I had 3 rounds + 1 run.
Also, Jess said my push up counts. I've got one strict one! Goal accomplished. Next month I'll go for 5.
Some teenage boys at the park laughed at me today while I was running. I couldn't help but laugh back as I imagined how they would fare against me in an arm wrestling match. In other words, todays WOD: 1 mile run to work, 1 mile run home.
Did the WOD in a hurry before 5PM started. Got 5 Rds, the run, and 9 dips.
I had 2 minutes left starting the 6th round and thought I had 6 easy. As I was pulling back in David yelled "15 seconds!" and I had to hustle and just KipDip like nuts to get to 9. Fun WOD, nice to run again.
Fun coaching the remaining classes, great intensity from everyone. Nice to meet Alicia from Dallas and to get Matt Katz's kips dialed in.
8:00 Foundations Class with Coach Fox and Jessica
Row 500m
15 Dumbbell Thrusters
Row 400m
9 Dumbbell Thrusters
Row 300m
6 Dumbbell Thrusters
I am have fun learning new things! That song you asked for is Here Comes the Sun by Voodoo Glow Skulls. thanks!
That was the most romantic WOD I have ever done. In the rain. In Brooklyn. As the sun went down. With good looking people. (sigh–cue movie montage)
Thought I felt like I was working through pea soup, it was a full 30 degrees cooler than my home Box in Dallas.
4 rds + run, scaled ring dips on tippy tippy toes.
Eddie was right. CFSBK is wonderful. I'll tell him you all said hello. I mean, we all know you like him more. Jess told me as much.
Thanks to Coaches Fox, Noah and Jess for taking me in so quickly.