Take 15 minutes to find a 1RM Pull-up
or 15 minutes to work several micro sets of pull-ups
Athletes doing WU1 will substitute 5-10 kipping pull-ups or kip swings into their warm-up today
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compare to 3.18.11
20 Minutes of:
5 Wall Walk-Ups with a :08 Hold
2 Farmer’s Walks, 65m (as heavy as possible)
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With Guns Blazing: Team SBK after winning Subway Series Event #2!
Happy belated Birthday to Jon S!
Register for Subway Series Event #3 Today!
The registration has gone live for the next event of the Subway Series being held Saturday, August 20th at CrossFit Queens! Team SBK went HAM this weekend to win Event #2 and is looking for a repeat win in Queens. The event is sure to sell out quick so secure your spot today. Register via the Subway Series EventBrite site. Let’s bring the trophy to Brooklyn this year!
Check out Subway Series Event #2 on Flickr
Photographer extraordinaire Dan R. created an album of the photos from this weekend’s event. Check out all the awesome images here! Great work Dan!
August goal check-in: August is halfway over how is your work toward completing your goal going? What’s been your plan for getting your up on the Accomplishments Board on the end of the month?
Outside the Box App Fitbomb
Chef Finds Healing in Food NY Times
Jackie's face says it all…
Also, is Asta repped in the set? She is also quite extraordinary behind the lens. Thanks guys!
I have done well on my goal of following programming so far!
That is some great face in that photo. Tyra Banks, eat your heart out.
Great to finally be back in the 7 AM class, although I now have T-rex arms. (Writing up this WOD in my logbook was quite interesting. Normally I have beautiful handwriting, but after those farmer's walks…not so much.) 30# dumbbells. The first time out it didn't seem so bad, but damn if it didn't get exponentially harder each time.
Jackie's face had me DYING last night when I was putting the blog together for today. Congrats to everyone who competed this weekend! Looks like an amazing event.
CONGRATULATIONS CFSBK!! Great results this weekend!
My goals are going well. In terms of paleo, Ive been pretty strict, perhaps 90% which is less than I had planned for but the thing that's really been a success is the overwhelming amount of cooking ive been doing. I'd say ive been preparing about 80-90% of my own meals for this month which has felt great physically and mentally. My energy levels have been really good and ive felt strong during all my workouts.
My other goal involved going to gymnastics classes which im taking a break from. My wrists were simply not recovering from all the high impact tumbling, I've been walking around with sore wrists that made it difficult to do push-ups, front rack bars and generally pick stuff up. I'll retest the waters when they feel 100% because I already miss it and felt like I was making good progress. Despite that, I need to listen to my body and not engage in painful movement.
Doing pretty well with my goals up to this point. Hit all of the backsquats and feeling way more comfortable with heavier weights, hopefully a PR is in store at the end of the month.
Also have been practicing working on stringing together muscle ups at least twice a week and have seen some significant improvement already with being able to turn out and still maintain a good pace throughout. The best cue recently has been not to do such a slow negative from the top of the dip portion, allowing myself to transition better into the next one.
Here is my progress for August:
I am a fat, weak bastard. But it was a fun vacation. I am back and will fix it.
Jackie's face is awesome! Such a fun group to spend the day with!
As far as goals go, I've met my 2x week swimming goal so far! The weather and work might only get me there once this week but I'm gonna do my best to get there twice. As far as no boozing and eating out M-Th, I've fallen short on one of those days…but I've made it up later. Perhaps my goal should have been 4x week instead of just M-Th. Lastly, my sleep goal has been hard. There have only been a few nights where I was in bed and asleep by 11pm (like last night when I went to bed at 9pm!) Some nights have been close like in bed by 11:15 and then a couple have been way off. Overall though, I'm much more conscious about this and making diligent efforts to get to bed earlier!
Two posts rolled into one today, since I didn't post yesterday. I really enjoyed both yesterday's and today's programming. Also, I am really enjoying the standard warm ups. Hollow rocks, ring rows, and push ups are all getting easier/better.
Yesterday: 60# / 3 burpees. Definitely should have gone heavier. I thought burpees would gas me enough to deteriorate my form on the cleans, but, nope.
Today: Really liked the all the time today to focus on doing a skill well. Did the first two walks with 20# dumbells, then DO did have me go heavier, to 30#, and it was super hard. After all of the focus on shoulders and lats today, it felt amazing to stretch them out and get long in the pool. Where was the rest of the Red Hook club this morning??
And as for goals, I didn't write it on the white board, but my goal is to run a sub-6 hour half ironman this Sunday. I've been pretty good about my training the past month or so, and am feeling pretty good about it.
Didn't we do weighted pull-ups in a back off week more recently? Or was that a weighted chin?
August goal check in:
1) Muscle up is coming along. I fully intend to complete one this week. I'm up over the rings, and now just need to stay tight and do the dip.
2) 50 consecutive double unders. Haven't worked on this much, but then i played around with Rickke's wire rope and did 40 in a row before hitting the GHD machine, and had plenty of steam. It mostly reinforced to me how much of a skill movement double unders are.
3) Mobility work: I'd say I've been decent to good about doing this every day. I've certainly been doing more at home/work than I was before, and trying to do extended mobility work at the gym when I can.
Goal check-in:
Haven't managed to do mobility work every day, but I have managed more than normal, so it counts as progress in my book.
great workout today I for some reason had more fuel in my tank I guess because I felt like I could have done 2 more rounds today.
Once I saw the scalable option for the doubleunders I signed up for week3! doing 2/3's my body weight over my head is also a bit scary. Might scale that too.
Goals… I still have not had a deadlift session so waiting for that to happen or will have to just do it on my own.
Painting is started.
Great time out saturday! I managed to do the kettlebell swings without injuring myself which was stellar. Now I know I can string more than 10 together at a time. Wahoo. Nice job to everyone who was out – really impressed with the handstand push-ups!!!
My workout yesterday was to eat tacos, today it may be to also eat tacos. I should just go ahead and make my goal for next month to eat tacos 4+ times a week. (Have a great recipe for shredded spicy chicken if anyone would like it.)
Fox, my photos are in the mash-up on Flickr . 🙂 On a funny note, there are lots of people who really dig "armpits" on flickr…. and have favorited various photos in that set. 😉 Not creepy at all…
Will def be doing the walk ups at home tonight because this is a weakness/fear/etc of mine and I need to work on it.
Hey anyone know of anybody trustworthy that would come by and feed animals while away on vacation?
goal status: still have not bought milk thistle (it was raining all day!!!!), but getting close to hitting my deadlift goal of 190 (my triples were 185 last friday). since i can't make it to open gym this friday i do not know when i'll be able to do my deadlifts, and friday is the last day i'm in NY until september. hmmmm…
ATTN: Saturday's Subway Series Comoetitors
IF you are registered to compete this Saturday at CFQ you are invited to attend the 7pm Competition Class tomorrow (Tuesday) night. We'll work a bit heavy on OHS and also on kipping T2B, and talk strategy.
Email me at Christian(at)CrossFitSouthBrooklyn.com.
here's a taste – http://gymnasticswod.com/content/toes-bar-kip
No swim today. Assumed the pool was closed due to weather and overslept anyway. Must've needed it. Trying to find an indoor pool for the fall/winter. Any ideas?
Work with David and Alec.
WU: Lax ball, 3RNFT: 5 anterior reaches ea. leg, 2 wall walk ups w? :10 sec hold. Started coming away from the wall. Perhaps a longer held handstand in the future?
DL on the 1:30×7: (95 x5,115×5,125×3,135×1,145×1) work weight at 155#
NFT: 21-15-9 hollow rock, 15-9-6 push ups
Goals are on target for the most part. Working on conditioning twice a week as oppose to 2-3 times, but it's coming along. Having trouble after volume squats– do not have the energy or verve after 5×5's so getting in the 3rd workout is not happening. Presses are moving up. Injury hopefully won't keep me from pressing a barbell for too much longer.
My unwritten goal of writing less has also been going pretty well. That, and the absence of virtualized fist-fights have been a success so far.
Goals for the month:
Squat 300- We will see soon, but its been feeling better. Thinking about making a 10 pound jump from last week on Wed, usually by this late in the cycle I am scared to make 1 pound jumps.
75 unbroken pushups- I did 50 last week, and that was after a workout, so I think I'm closer to 55. Whether I can tack on another 20 to that is anyones guess. That being said, the added pushup volume has made burpees much more tolerable, they felt downright easy yesterday.
props to whoever came up with today's wod combinations. I WAS SMOKED!
Muscle up work to warm up.
worked on kipping pull ups, was going to try to practice butterfly but focused more on the kip.
wall walks are for legit!
Thanks Margie and David for the pointers!
Came in early today hit the volume squats before 6pm
Feeling good about my squats
195 X 10X 2
Weighted pullup work, and wall climbs with kb farmers carries.
Worked with the 2pood for the carries, and did about 4rds of 5 wall climbs with the farmers carry.
Was off work today so came by the gym at noon to catch up on the squats.
Did 5×3 at 215#. Form is still hit and miss but I got them all.
Then came back for the 6 class to do pull ups. I worked with David on kipping but still definitely a work in progress. 3 rounds of walk ups and farmers carries at 53#. Ouch.
Strength Cycle, Week 6, Day 1 (coming back after a 2 day rest is nice)
WU: 45×5, 95×5, 135×4, 185×2, 205×1, 225×1
Work: 240x5x3 (bit of a landmark, 240 was my old PR)
Bench: 45×5, 95×5, 115×1, 135×1, 155×1
Work: 160x5x2, 160×2 (fail on 3rd rep, will repeat Friday)
WU: 135×5, 185×2, 225×1, 245×1
Work: 260×2 (on account of ugliness of third rep, referee issued cease and desist order; but hey, 260 is yet another PR)
Warmed up with some muscle up attempts after running to the box. I've been putting some stress on my elbow practicing. Perhaps should do it a bit less.
Got up to 85 pounds on weighted pulls. I think my best weighted chin was 90, and I've gained a few pounds since then.
That farmer's walk/wall walk up combo was really tough. Started w/ 80 pound dumbbells. Knurling really dug into me, but eventually made it home. Came down on the next round w/ the 1.5 pood KBs. That wasn't bad. Went to the trap bar with 55s on the side (185 total I think), Found it fine until the very end when my grip just gave out.
I got up to 70# on 1RM pull ups. I was close on 80 but can't call it legit.
Wall walk ups are good, must do those more often. Farmer carries at 1.5 pood first rnd and then 2 pood the rest of the rounds.
@Asta I would love your spicy chicken recipe.
Goals… My mobility seems to be getting back on track. David O. I really appreciate you talking about backing off and listening to your body. Must remember to not get caught in ego.
Made up squats
5 Wall Walk Ups
2x65m Farmer's Carry 2pd/185/205 (the latter 2 with the trap bar)
Then played around with muscle ups, toes to bar, and parallette handstands…fun!
Mike (and all) – Sunday and today were David Osorio original flavors…spicy!
-warmup #1–took Melissa's cue and used a 15lb bar for OHS (prep for Saturday), sub ring rows for pullups
-could only get 10lbs up. Got close to 15# (which would have matched my max chin-up) but that was a no go.
Only got to 2 rounds of the combo:
-5 wall walkups with about :05 hold (holy crap were these hard!)
-farmers carry, 53#, 70#
Got some more tips from Ken on muscle ups. Gave a few more a go and I definitely had one that got closer than I've gotten so far.
Weighted Pull-Ups: (overhand) 10×3, 20×3, 30×3, 40×2… decided to try to do a few singles, 50F… that was over quickly. 🙂
NFT wod: got through four rounds, but took extra time to do it. 50lbs unbroken, then 50 broken, then 30 and 30. My arms were in terrible shape, little rigid tyrannosaur arms. I enjoyed the random streetside comments such as "why are you doing that??"
Strength Cycle, Week 6, Day 1 (coming back after a 2 day rest is nice) I concur with Samir
Felt strong but tired today. 4 hours of sleep will do that to you.
WU: 45×5, 95×5, 135×4, 185×3, 205×1, 225×1, 240×1
Work: 245x5x3 (bit of a landmark, 245 was my old PR) Jeremy said I was just getting below parallel. Didnt have the same bounce today. Ill chalk it up to being tired.
Bench: 45×5, 95×5, 115×1, 135×1, 155×1
Work: 160x5x3
Felt heavier but strongest on my last set. Have to remember to really use all muscl groups involved including driving off those legs/
WU: 135×5, 225×3, 275×1,
Work: 300×5 this moved well but the last rep is gonna make me sore. I felt that one reverberate through my body. I had to switch to switch grip after rep 1. i still dont like how it feels but Jeremy says, "its not about being comfortable its about moving the weight."
Wtd pull-ups got upto 80 lbs….wall walks were great; also enjoyed the fwd roll to get out of the position. farmer walk – 2 rounds NFT with 60 lbs dumbells!
Haven't been in for a while but I've still been following programming.
1rm pullup I got to 90# I didn't try anything heavier since I knew I maxed out.
I'm getting fat (180) lately and pullups are becoming a chore. Although I love my strength gains at 180, I'm dropping back down to 165, It's my natural weight and I think I perform better at that weight.
I did a modified Wod 3 rounds 5 HSPU and farmer walks (2x105lb dumbbells) across my globo. Felt ok, HSPU are not really progressing so I'm gonna file that under my goat category. Loved the farmer carry, fun and tough and I'll feel it tomorrow. Had to juke around some Guidos a bit which added to the intensity.