AMRAP 12 minutes of:
7 Hang Squat Snatches (95/65)
14 Pull Ups
Post time and Rx to comments.
Cool Down
Foam/Lax Ball Soft Tissue Work.
Dude Bros!-SBK Blog Regular DajM and his brother SBK’s own Marc M. on WOD 8.1.11
Congratulations to Kate B. on getting her first chin-up AND strict pull-up on Monday!!
Final Day to Sign Up for Subway Series Event #1
Today is the last day to sign-up for Event #1 being held at CF Virtuosity this Saturday. If you’re in hurry because the event is close to sold out and surely will be before lunchtime today! Register here.
CF Sports Series: Stand Up Paddle Event
HQ is hosting a day of fun, sun and Stand-up Paddle boarding Beach 86th St in Rockaway on August 13th. $40 gets you all the gear you need, instruction, and a CrossFitter-friendly lunch. There’s even a WOD incorporating Stand-up Paddling because burpees make everything better. You can register here for the event.
And for those of you who think SUP is your grandparents surfing check out Laird Hamilton and Dave Kalama catching some epic rides. Also check out the highlight reel from the CF SUP event in Miami earlier this year.
Matt Ufford Went to the CF Games and All We Get is this Awesome Photo Essay
As last year’s number one individual fundraiser for Fight Gone Bad in the entire universe SBK’s Matt Ufford won an all-expenses paid trip to this year’s CrossFit games via the Sportsgrants Foundation. Check out his awesome photo essay “How to Get Body Dysmorphia: Attend the CrossFit Games” on his experience at the Games.
Give someone else in the gym a shoutout for something they’ve done in or outside of the SBK. Post Post props to comments. Give a little love, get a little love.
Adrian Teaches the Kip Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3 Crossfit
Robb Wolf on the Kipping Pull-up Part 1 and Part 2 Again Faster
Kipping Concepts CrossFit
Higher Standards 70s Big
When in Doubt Train Your Back(side) 70s Big
PROPS to Bethany for letting me wear her weightlifting shoes for several months until I got my own. She hardly knew me! It was so kind.
I have my own now, black and white Ristos, and any lady a size 8.5 who would like to borrow them is hereby welcome.
They look like this:
There are many cool things that I've been recipient of or witnessed but the one that comes to mind right now is:
The entire August PM and AM Foundations crews "got" the snatch. Seriously, these were some of my favorite moments ever. Usually it's pretty split 50/50 on people understanding and moving well and people falling backwards (like I did first time) or some other combination of weird moving body parts. It made those days so easy to teach. So…Kimberly, Miguel, Anya, Lana, Dan, James, Andrew, Joy, Chris, Damien, Jamie, and Yamil…THANK YOU!
Also I have to say that Josh M has helped Jess and I TREMENDOUSLY, and flatly refused monetary payment. At least so far I've been able to sneak a few lunches and a pair of lifting shoes in there.
There are only 10 spots left for the Subway Series event this Saturday! I want CFSBK to fill the house!
Forgot to post last night:
Squats 245x3x5
Had one of those experiences where you are absolutely sure after the first set that you are going to die right there on the gym floor. Then it got better. Not great, but better.
Got in early this AM for a HUUUUGE 7 AM class and felt really stiff, slow, and squatty. The WOD kicked me hard, I usually really enjoy snatches, even squat snatches, but doing them from the hang really made it tough. Hard to get good drive and hard to reset.
4 RDs and 5 Snatches. No real rhyme or reason, kind of took the snatches as they came to me, failed a few. Broke pullups mainly as 7 and 7 to avoid fatigue and ripping.
Skills Class: The Kipping Pullup tonight! Woohoo!
On more than one occasion Jeremy and Margie have picked up our CSA delivery for Bina and I and have provided me with amazing, free, milk.
How many PT's out there can you text "hey, could you pick up my pork tonight?"
Props to Jenna J for timing me doing Nancy after our backsquatting. Not only did she wait almost 14 minutes for me to finish, she pointed out some deficiencies with my running along with some suggestions for improvement. Goes like this: Bouncing like a maniac with every step and wasting energy that should go into picking up my feet faster.
Thanks Jenna!!!!
Good luck tonight Noah.
Let's see…
Congrats Fox on the moto license! Waiting to see you ride your bike into the gym like D-Day in Animal House!
And again, thanks to McGrath for all the swim tips! Technique improved and confidence boosted.
And Joe Williams for being a wicked Words With Friends player!
CFSBK fishing trip anyone??? Chris and I went fishing on this boat about a month ago…so much fun. We just bought 2 more and would love for folks to join us for FISHING!
Matt's photo essay is HAWT.
I have lots of props.
PROPS to Joe Williams, Josh Lahey, and Yosh for helping me and Nick move a brutally heavy metal dentist cabinet so we didn't have to face our movers suing us for on-the-job injury for lifting the &#$ thing.
PROPS to Malcolm, Dan, Asta, and all the other great photographers who make all of us look like TFBAs. BTW can we put credits on the rotating photos on the top of the blog? I want to know who took those nice shots!
PROPS to Nicole B/G for holding a screaming Linus at FGB 2009
PROPS to Shane for letting Linus eat half his breakfast the other day (seriously, half)
PROPS to Stella/Matt for teaching Linus how to touch dogs properly
and PROPS to all of Linus' impromptu babysitters at SBK over the years. I'm so grateful.
Props to my favorite CFSBKer
David McGrath, as much as I say I hate him and make fun of him, he is an awesome guy…who has been supportive both in the gym and out for me.
also it is fun to hang out in a speedo with him a few mornings a week.
but soon, I will be stronger than him
I want to thank Coach Shane for always knowing what to say to get me motivated, fix my wonky movement mess-ups and generally make me feel really positive about my performance whether or not I PR, epic fail, vomit, etc. Shane has been around for my entire SBK career and has been there for a lot of my "best moments". It's nice to have worked with someone long enough where you know they get it when it comes to your goats.
I want to thank Dan R for always being my cheerleader whether it's at CFSBK or during a run at the park. It's great to have a partner who is both supportive and kind of a hard ass (about foam rolling and taking stupid fish oil pills).
Last i'd like to thank EVERYONE WHO HAS A DOG WHO THEY BRING TO THE GYM. Because it's like christmas whenever I get to maul your dog while you're preoccupied doing a workout.
Props to Asta's goats.
And props to all of the CFSBK coaches for your everlasting patience; I know it must seem like I am never going to pick up on your cues, but really, every single one is appreciated, and some day, I will get to the bottom of that squat.
btw: signed up for the subway series (not rx'd, womp womp..) but it's going to be very odd actually being involved and not just taking paparazzi photos.
this'll be good. or terrible. but probably good.
Props to Lady Fox, who last cycle encouraged me to try a heavier weight on the deadlift than I thought I was ready for. And I did it!
Props to Yoshi and Josi for having a stinking cute baby whom they obligingly bring to class in the mornings, so that those of us not blessed with stinking cute babies can ooh and aah without having to change a single diaper.
Props to said baby for being the chillest little dude ever. Shane could be blasting death metal and Felix is, all, "Yeah, whatevs."
Un-props to my hands, which are healing slower than I would like. I woke up early thinking I'd come to the 7 AM class. Then I tried to do a push-up and I realized I'm not ready to put weight on my hands yet. Boo, hiss!
PROPS: Everybody involved with the Hybrid Total. That was really just awesome. Byrd and JR for driving me to and from respectively, JR for bringing me my lost wallet, Margie and Jeremy for making it happen, the encouragement from coaches and other people from our gym (and from other competitors frankly) was awesome.
PROPS: People at the gym pushing me during WODs, like Fox making me get the bar up during that #!@#$!@%!@^ box jump/push press/KB swing WOD the other day, but also DH3, or Felipe being 10 seconds ahead of me that whole damn thrusters/pullup/run WOD, but he still pushed me and it was great.
PROPS: Alec for beginning to fix me.
I've been planning to move to Manhattan when I start working at my Big Law Firm for some time now. CFSBK makes that decision a lot harder.
i registered for saturday too. totally terrified.
so terrified i did a set of pushups.
Gymnastics at 12pm today.
I got there about 10 minutes late due to an uncooperative subway system so jumped into the stretching portion and missed the conditioning/warm-ups.
Overall a good class, by far the stand out feature for today was that every single front handspring felt consistent and much more natural. A breakthrough for me! I also felt a *little* better with my round offs. I'm going again on Saturday at 2pm.
After class I spent about an hour and a half on the High Line relaxing and people watching. It was GREAT. I even ran into 3 CrossFitters and 1 ex-girlfriend (awkward) while there. Highly recommended.
Props to Daniel O who came to us with a back injury and has trained smart and hard to the point he can hit WODs hard without issue anymore. Props to all the Tough Titsday ladies for going the extra mile with their lifting.
Props to all my 6 and 7am superstars who consistently start my day off well.
Props to everyone who put up a goal on the board for this month!
Bench (summer of 3 wheels)
275x5x3 (pr) 175×20
5 sets of 2
Oh and props to the red hook swim club for being the motivation i need to get my ass out of bed tomorrow and swim some laps!
Props to the Guerras, who have been incredibly gracious to us, and who have been serving as inspiration to us newbie parents. (I still marvel at the logistics. They just seem to…happen—always smoothly. Me want.)
Props to the weekday AM regulars—Stella, Allen, David (AKA "Fear No Art"), Yoshi, Josi, (and let's not forget Felix, my second-favorite small person), Mark, Craig, and many others (sorry, 9:00 is late for me, my brain is mush). You all bring your A game at o'dark-thirty, and have made great strides. So cool to see it happen.
WOD Rx'd 🙂
5 + 3 HPSn
First kipping pull ups in a while. Felt not too awful. Slow, but not too bad.
Shout out to John Stockdale for dedicating months of fridays to squatting, pressing and deadlifting before heading into Jeremy's strength cycle.
Shout out to Jess Fox for keeping me calm enough not to vomit during the handstand wall walk ups at the Hail to the Queen Comp.
And, of course, to my lifting ladies. I am inspired by your decision to take the bar seriously and excited to watch you get STRONG.
AMRAP 12 minutes of:
7 Hang Squat Snatches (95#)
14 Pull Ups
6 Rounds + 3 Hang Squat Snatch
Props to David O for encouraging me to post to the website after I contacted him about following the CFSBK programming. I have been to many boxes around Canada and a few in the US, and you guys are super lucky to have CFSBK in your backyard. Great programming!!
awesome kipping class led by coach noah and accompanied by coach d.o.
really great how the movement was broken down and awesome how we got to build it up from a simple swing to the kipping pull up and then trying to string them together.
looking forward to continuing to work on my kip. definitely worth while. do it!
props to my weekday 6am comrades and my weekend euro squad.
props to the red hook swim crew.
props to my mrs for giving cf a chance and getting into it, even though at times, it's the last thing she wants to do, but then comes home glad she got up off her arse.
props to the coaches. to bring it everyday, you rule.
Thanks to all the coaches for the consistent feedback, encouragement, prodding and support that you provide.
Props to Margie for making me some bone broth so I can try it before I make it myself!
And serious props to everyone at the gym who pursues something they love. I feel like this place draws a self-selected population of generally positive people who seek to make something they're passionate about central to their lives. There's a high percentage of people at the gym with "how-did-you-get-that-fucking-awesome-job" jobs and nearly 100% of the people have some hobby that they love (besides crossfit/working out/lifting). It's inspiring to be around!
I'll cut myself off now because I hear the music playing me off stage but I appreciate the opportunity to reflect on this amazing community and talk about why it is so special.. As much as I feel ready to leave Brooklyn for wide open spaces, I am relieved it hasn't happened yet, partially since it means I've been given more time to spend at CFSBK and with everyone here.
4 round, 3 snatch, scaled to 65#.
This was hard, but not in the satisfying, gasping-on-the-floor way. It was technically hard, which is much more frustrating. Squat snatches are always difficult, and when you haven't trained them for a few months, they leave you. Unfaithful bitches. So I had to bring the weight down from what I wanted to do, and still did way too many power/muscle snatches followed by an OHS. Grumble.
Props to Coach Shane. Thanks to his assistance, Rebecca and I have abandoned the idea of naming our baby something boring like "Elliot," and are now instead planning on naming him either "Fight Gone Bad" or, simply, "3-2-1 Go."
Many props to all the coaches at CFSBK – you guys consistently impress us with the level of your attention and care. We're very grateful to have found a new home here.
PS: Jess, if you guys ever need company on a fishing expedition, let me know!
I want to give a shout out to all the coaches. I know i ask a lot of questions and am grateful to have them respond to each of them with a smile. Seriously, the community of people in this gym is a result from not only those people but to all of our coaches.
Today's wod
as Rx'd 5 rds + 1 Power Snatch (squat snatches out of my mob range for now)
Thought this was a cool article i came across that was written by josh bridge 2nd place this years games.
Josh Bridges Article
Belated props to Yoshi and Josi. Yoshi, we talked the morning that the "after" picture was taken, so you know how I feel.
And props to my fellow Tough Tits, of course. Last week I was in a major funk about the press and their support (and Margie's excellent coaching) got me past it.
I totally zoomed past the giving love part this morning, I was toast from the WOD and it was unnaturally early for me.
Props to Bardia and Mel who I had the pleasure of watching squat yesterday. They were among my first Foundations-ers and their squats have gotten light years better. No secret here, just hard work and commitment.
Big props to Papa CFSBK himself DOsorio, who spends an incredible amount of time and effort not just working on what his gym "does" but what it means and what it feels like for the people involved. His level of care in training both new clients AND new coaches, relentlessly seeking better methods and more knowledge, and having one of the most pure beginners' minds I've ever seen is truly special.
Props to the TFBA herself for a very poetic comment- I think we're all here trying to get to the bottom of our squat, one way or another.
This WOD was a good reminder about my injury limitations. I like to believe that I'm 100% most of the time, but snatches always show up at the right time to remind me that I may be pushing beyond what my body is ready for.
6 rounds + 2 OHS. Scaled to 75# OHS instead of hang squat snatches. I didn't try to go all out with this one, which was a good idea. I haven't done OHS for reps since before the labrum tear earlier this year. A long way to go before feeling strong in that position.
Many props to give in my first month at CFSBK. Thank you to all the members and coaches who have been so welcoming and encouraging. The quality of coaching we receive is phenomenal, which equal to the character of every member I've met so far. Looking forward to getting know everyone more. Many thanks to all the coaches who have taken the time to give me advice for getting stronger and dealing with mobility issues.
Just like it's important to have specific goals, I suppose it's also important to have specific shoutouts. I'd like to thank all the coaches who struggle to find their own time to train and keep up with their fitness goals while managing coaching the rest of us and having other jobs. I imagine this the case for most of our coaches, but my shoutout will go to Jess Fox. I've noticed Jess, more than a few times, hit a class hard and then have to coach another class immediately afterwards with little rest and certainly no time for mobility works afterwards. Jess – thank you! And I hope you get lots of time at home for stretching! 🙂 PS – I'm down for fishing, Britney Spears and Nicki Minaj anytime.
Props to all the coaches, with particular thanks to Lady Fox, Mr. Lady Fox (hope that one sticks), and Noah, who made Foundations such a positive experience that I kept coming back despite being absolutely terrified at first (for real!).
Props to Michele, with whom I was often partnered during some of my initial group classes. There was one night back in March when we were working on cleans and Michele hurt her…back/leg/shoulder? But she stuck with me and cheered me on through some very messy cleans while she sat out the rest of her sets. Felt like that really made the community aspect click for me.
Props to Margie, who has a special talent for acknowledging my verbose overanalysis of a lift for precisely the right number of seconds before telling me to just pick up the damn bar. To the rest of the Titsday ladies, too — you guys are, well, the tits.
In other, goal-related news, I have recruited two coworkers in on my greasing the…wheel? groove? palm?…pushup plan. Nothing like a few sets of pushups in your business caz practically under your desk…props to totally weirding out my coworkers.
Glitches in the system prevented me from posting yesterday…
In terms of props:
-To DMG for letting us in on the free Red Hook lap swimming and for his and Danielle's help on my swimming skillz.
-To Shane, my Thursday night partner in crime, for his help in my development as a coach…always supportive and patient, yet positively critical. (This also goes out to David and Fox too!)
-To the AM crew, who welcomed me so openly during those couple of weeks that David was on vacation. I love the AM vibe and hope to return to some classes soon!
-To the former "Black Box" crew, for lighting a new fire up my ass in order to try to keep up with you! 😉
-To all those that gave me props, you guys seriously rock. You (actually all of you) are what make juggling a FT job, coaching, training, family, etc. worth it.
As for the WOD…
3 measly rounds and 1 clean, rx'd.
-started out with 4, yes 4 straight fails on the snatch. Want something to get into your head. Do that. I really thought about quitting, dropping weight, crying, etc. but then realized that I just needed to get my head in the game. Was able to recover somewhat but definitely with not as much go.
-the pullups were really hard too because my hands HURT! I didn't tear but this is probably because I couldn't hold onto the bar for more than 2-3 reps. Definitely wasn't fun demo-ing the kip in later classes. 😉
Did the hang squat snatch / pullup workout with Shane at the Friday noon class. I think it's my new tradition to workout at SBK before getting on a plane at JFK. (I did it the very first time I came to SBK in May.)
Rx'd the weight today, my hand tore in the second set when I went to do pullups though, so.. tape break.. and then got back to the WOD, but only got through 3 sets of the hang squat snatches and 2.4 pullup rounds. Something clicked with me in the last two sets of the snatch, however. I started pulling the bar a lot tighter to my body and it got lighter, I got deeper in my squat and more controlled in my shoulders. Snatch is always a bit tricky feeling for me because I have really flexible shoulders that want to go too far, but today it felt really solid in the last bit, so hooray!
I really liked the kipping shoulder work we did in class, I'm going to work on that and my deadhang. I would really liked to have a deadhang pullup by the end of the year?
As far as props, well, I can't think of anyone in particular. I can only think of everyone at SBK who has made me really feel like I have a mini family in Brooklyn. I'm really going to miss everyone while I'm back in LA this month. I'll try to not get too soft and get my virtual fix of SBK via the blog.
p.s. Bye Margie! I forgot to say that Wednesday, but for some reason I thought I was going to see you on Friday at noon…