Add 5-10 lbs (as appropriate) to last week.
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(E3/8) Compare to 7.27.11
2 Rounds NFT:
15 Plank Walk Outs
15 Single Leg DB RDLs
On the RDLs go as heavy as possible with good form, hips and shoulders squared to floor
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Change You Can Believe In!
Josie & Yoshi circa ’08/’09 (top) Josie, Yoshi and baby Felix circa last week (bottom)
Happy Birthday Joel W!
8pm Group Class Reminder
All you night owls don’t forget to join Coach Noah for this evening’s new 8pm Group class!
Kipping Workshop Sold Out!
Coach Noah’s Kipping Pull-up workshop has sold out! But fear not kids there is another on the horizon. If you didn’t make it in for this Thursday’s Skill Session or couldn’t make it email Noah at noah(AT)crossfitsouthbrooklyn.com for the details on the next one!
Who wants to Fight?
Fight Gone Bad 6 will be here before you know it! For a complete write-up on the event check out our Fight Gone Bad 6 Overview with all the info you need to know about registration and participation. Last year we were the number one fundraiser in the world and more than 50 athletes participated in the event. This year it’s scheduled for September 17th and is undoubtedly going to be our best yet. Register now and get ready to fight!
Who is doing the Subway Series Event #1 this weekend?
Axle Clean and Press Youtube
440lb Farmer’s Carry Youtube
405lb Zercher Lift at 176lbs Youtube
Understanding and Managing Fatigue Mike Reinold
congrats Yoshi! I only glanced at the photo this morning when looking at the WOD and didn't even realize that was you.
excellent 6am with d.o.
pre WU
foam roll
gilly/squat variation
3 Rounds of: 0:30 supine plank. (alternate each round)
10 air squats with the radioactive green thera band. spicy!
10 Ring Rows
BSQ – very good lifting with todays cover star yoshi!
(45×5 tight! 95×5 tight! 135×4 tight! 185×4 tight! 225×3 tight!) needless to say my hamstrings were very tight!
thank you coach d.o. for the supplemental hamstring stretches, helped A LOT!!
2 Rounds NFT:
15 Plank Walk Outs
15 Single Leg DB RDLs 35lb DB. hard!
@Nick Peterson: Any chance we could get Janette Sadik-Khan to do this in NYC:
Yoshi has been my hero since Day 1.
Happy birthday, Joel!
That wasn't a true Zercher deadlift. That was a conventional deadlift followed by a partial zercher squat.
Here's a zercher DL
Yoshi and Josi – Way to upgrade! Felix for a few Miller Lites is a steal 😉
one pushup set in.
Stumbled upon this infographic on the "The Complete Guide to Workout Nutrition" — chocolate milk made their recovery drink of choice (too bad it's the low fat variety).
@Dan: yeah, I don't get this: "Choose low-fat to avoid excess fat and sugar consumption". Doesn't consuming sugar with protein and fat lower the body's insulin response to the sugar? So if you were going to consume something sweet after a workout wouldn't it be something that wasn't low-fat?
This brings me a to a question I've been dying to ask. I am struggling to eat enough to keep up with the dietary/caloric requirements of the Strength Cycle. And I am lactose intolerant. So I can't go the GOMAD route (domestic peace requires it too). So, I considered lactose-free milk. But turns out lactose-free milk is pretty sweet as the lactose disaccharide is broken down by the lactase enzyme into glucose and galactose. Now, I've been keen to keep my sugar consumption at minimal levels during this cycle (I've given up fruits for instance; alcohol as well but thats a different story). Will my drinking lactose-free glucogenated milk mess up these plans? Or will the lowered insulin response due to the presence of the protein and fat in whole lactose-free milk make it OK?
Any responses would be much appreciated.
Warm up 1
Bsq 45×5, 95×5, 135×5, 185×3, 210x3x5
15 plank walk outs
15 RDLs per side with 20# DB one arm
I too am a lactard. If you were not lactose intolerant, the lactase enzyme would break the lactose down into those two components anyway. I have been drinking 2% (you can't find whole) lactose free milk for awhile now after workouts, and have not found any adverse effects to my body composition. I think the composition of the milk does help keep insulin response down (but I also could be talking out my ass, and I am a sample size of one). Even so, I see Ryan pounding milk after his workouts, which ups the sample size a bit.
Of all the mediums in all of the world on which you could have wished me happy birthday, I am very happy it is this one that you chose.
A few things.
I don't know much about the dairy issue. Good luck..
The guy in the top picture looks familiar. He used to come to 6am classes until that dude in the bottom picture came around and kicked his ass. I wonder if the beer bottles pictured in photo 1 have anything to do with the baby pictured in photo 2?
I saw "Cave of Forgotten Dreams" on Monday night and would recommend it. It's a 3d film by Werner Herzog about perfectly preserved 30,000 year old cave art found in France. A nice perspective on the whole human drama. Don't go if you're sleepy like I did though, the majority of the movie is people walking around in a dark cave. I got slammed with the sleepys
Welcome back, Mike W!
@Joel: Whole lactose-free milk is possible. I found some (Lactaid) at a local store. Check it out. Good to hear I'm not alone!
Damn impressive Yosh! Keep it up.
Dan, that link was way to busy for me. It hurt my eyes.
Joel, happy birthday! You win best sentence of the year with that last one. Love it!
Solo 7am swim this morning in Red Hook. Plan to make it back Friday AM to meet my goal quota. Did a total of 12 lengths of the pool. Swimming is seriously hard! I'm especially having a hard time coordinating my breathing.
I have gained lots of muscle during strength cycle without depending on milk. (I can tolerate it just fine, but don't "use" it.) All these various permutations of processed milk – honestly I think you should avoid them all like the plague.
I can think of a hundred things you can eat to "keep calories up" without pounding any sugar, processed food or refined crap into your body.
Is that the kind of input you want? I can make suggestions but not sure that's what you're getting at.
y&j – you guys rock! (and so does felix!)
30 minute run this AM, which doesn't sound like much but was a huge accomplishment. i ran pain free for 30 whole minutes. road to recovery!
no subway series for me this weekend, but hope to be at the next 2. good luck SBK!
also – i am VERY excited that i just found out i can participate in FBG this year!! the last 2 years i've been gone for weddings/work. woo!
lady fox. i'll be at the pool friday and take a look at your funky breathing.
also, set two of pushups done.
Samir and Joel
If you do milk, do it whole, unhomogenized and (if it were legal in NY) raw. If your body doesn't like that, then don't drink it. Weirdo modifications to dairy so that you can make your body tolerate doesn't make sense on either end of the process.
Coconut milk, oil and butter and fruit are wonderful, calorie packed options, plus the kind of fat they contain are preferential fuel sources similar to glucose. Pile on the starchy veg post workout along with protein.
Don't forget avocado. Not necessarily post workout, but in your everyday nutrition.
If you need to add other starch besides potato/sweet potato (without the skin in both cases), then some corn and occasional white rice are the best choices.
margie — great post. thank you. i like when these threads go into nutrition discussions.
if anyone has an 'in' with a farmer to get deliveries of grass-fed raw whole milk in the city, please let me know. duckumu (at) gmail.com.
i'm also looking for grass-fed heavy cream without weird stabilizers/thickeners added. the dairy sold at the carroll gardens farmers market by milk thistle farms is not grass-fed unfortunately, and the farmer does add soy to his cow feed.
for now i've been drinking grass-fed whole milk, though homogenized and pasteurized. (i tolerate dairy extremely well and consume a lot of it, always full-fat.) if you're in the carroll gardens / cobble hill / boerum hill area (i rebuke the term BoCoCa), you can get grass-fed milk at los paisanos meat market on smith street. it's 3.99 for half a gallon, so probably cost-prohibitive if you're doing GOMAD, but i was thinking of doing a half-GOMAD this fall.
i also highly recommend the grass-fed ghee by pure indian foods. i buy it at integral yoga grocery (which is sorta near my work) but you can get it at kalustyan's and other places.
margie, can you tell me why you recommend not eating the skin on potatoes? is it just because you're against the added fiber, or are there anti-nutrients or other bad things in the skin i don't know about?
Thanks Margie.
Also, today's birthday present to myself is the marked up left elbow/forearm from yesterday's Zercher exposure. The Zercher and the farmer's carries were really fun, and I'm glad I got to play around with that stuff since I'm going to miss this weekend's subway series. Got 250 up on the Zercher, don't know how much more I could have done.
and sorry for my seriously annoying overuse of the term 'grass-fed'. because of my genetically high cholesterol i have to be all crazy about my omega ratios, so grass-fed is all i should be eating if possible.
MIchele: Thanks, and yes, I'd appreciate any suggestions.
Margie: Noted. I'd rather not drink this sweet stuff to be honest, as I'm worried about not being able to wean myself off my sugar cravings (and they are pretty intense at times). I'm definitely upping the avocado intake for sure. I've also been eating Greek yogurt with some walnuts thrown in (as a snack during the day).
As I've been moaning to Jeremy, this heat has been killing my appetite so drinking cold milk, or eating cold yogurt has seemed tempting.
Nick –
Skins on sweet potatoes/potatoes have saponins, which is basically soap. It's a protective measure on the part of the potato, so it's not too nice for your gut. Just peel them both and you're good to go.
I am curious where you got your info about Milk Thistle. I know the farmer quite well and have visited the farm several times and my experience is different from what you've written. The cows are on pasture or hay, salt-licks which have vitamins, etc (standard for any grassfed operation). They also get some silage, which is basically ground up corn (whole stalk), hay, etc that's been fermented. But not concentrated grain and certainly not soy.
This place delivers raw milk to Brooklyn. I ordered it a few times, both cow and goat milk, and it was good. I've ordered some of the other things they offer and it's been hit or miss. I ordered duck eggs twice and they showed up with regular chicken eggs. And the website is very bad. You have to enter your address and they tell you if they can deliver there. For me, they come on Sunday afternoon/evening. If you're not gonna be home, you can leave a cooler and an envelope for them.
margie — i googled it a few weeks ago and found this interview:
in the second question the farmer mentions using soybeans and corn as part of the feed. but i'm not hearing this directly from the farmer with my own ears so who knows.
i'm having a hard time locating Cocoa Krispies on Dan's infographic
hahah luca gets the POD (post of the day) award
Question – is it 5 sets of 3 reps, or 3 sets sof 5 reps? I am assuming it to be 5 sets of 3 reps if we are adding weight from last week?
squatted 5×3 at 210 with Carlos this morning. Heavy but doable, especially when I actually remembered to pay attention to what I was doing.
Jefff, you're correct, it's 5 sets of 3 reps.
I was always so confused with this until a wise man (David O.) taught me the following:
a)When a weight/load (let's call this "quantity") is specified, it's written as Quantity x Reps x Sets = QxRxS (like the alphabet!)
b)When no weight is listed, then it gets flipped and it's just Sets x Reps = SxR.
So taking Katie's light squat numbers above she did:
a) 210x3x5 -or-
b) 5×3 at 210#
Reading thru starting strength and other things about milk Ive seen a number of solutions.
Lactaid, some people take those lactose pills, etc.
Cloyde said he's extremely lactose intolerant but somehow when he started GOMAD he was fine after some tough early days…
Overeall though I digress to Margie on nutrition advice–she knows much more than me,
Now if you want a Unhomogenized milk I can help with that.
Parelandra in Brooklyn Heights sells half gallons of Skytop farms milk which is Unhomogenized, grass fed. Its not super expensive (like milk thistle)–but its more expensive than Natural by Nature. May be worth it to see who else carries Skytop in BK. I imagine that one natural market near you (next to the Farm on Adderly) may have some choices Samir.
I actually don't like that skytop milk as much as natural by nature. Despite the cool cream top. I'd sometimes get random chunks of yogurty cream in my milk and that would make me kind of gag. The milk also has a slightly more sour taste that Natural by Nature.
My milk of choice lately has been this 5 acre farms milk
Now from what I gather they aren't 100% grassfed..this is the official company line: What do you feed your cows?
Our cows are 90% grass-fed; they also eat corn grown by our farmers.
Now is that number 100% accurate…maybe not..but in terms of price and taste this milk is #1 in my book. Id put it up in a taste test to Milk Thistle and say it doesnt finish that far behind if at all. Taste becomes really important when you gotta chug a bunch of it a day.
shawn — thanks for that recommendation. i saw five acre farms milk at union market in cobble hill and chose ronnybrook over it. ronnybrook is excellent btw, but i'll give five acres a shot.
i love talkin about milk!
DROMS then Foam Roll (about 10 minutes total)
Warm-Up1A with these mods:
3 rounds of:
10 empty bar squats
5 Push-Ups
3 Chin-Ups
16 Hollow Rocks
Shoulders were not totally recovered from the push-ups on Monday so I decreased the volume in the warm-up
Back Squat
(45x10x3…95×5, 115×5, 135×5, 155×3, 175×1, 185×1)
Last week I didn't warm-up enough and didn't feel right until the 2nd or 3rd work set. While the volume on this warm-up is high, I felt great getting into my work sets.
Tomorrow's WOD
4 Rounds + 7 Snatches
Did it as Rx'd and didn't redline at all. Took my time setting up my snatches properly and kept quick under the bar. Nice workout. Did it today since I'll be going to Gymnastics class tomorrow or Friday and want to give myself more time to recover.
Internet at the gym is back!! Im SO excited about this!
Speaking of food, check this:
first of all, it was great to be partnered with McG this morning. 195x3x5. felt remarkably good and I'm looking forward to pushing it next week.
second, thanks to everyone for the kudos. I would like to note thatjosi is as lovely just a few months post partum and a few minutes post workout (second pic, of course) as she has always been. now THAT is impressive.
since I began at SBK, I've lost somewhere in the neighborhood of 55 pounds, gained all kinds of functional strength and completely changed my life. but I obviously didn't do it in a vacuum, and I owe a huge debt of gratitude to the coaches and community here. I continue to learn and grow, and to be inspired by the athletes and solid human beings that populate this gym every single day. and JJ… we all know who the TFBA at 6am classes is.
The goose and I did the mainsite WOD as a 10 min AMRAP, today.
0 rounds + 15 burpees.
subbed 80# KB.
subbed 25# wallball
Seriously, Ronnybrook over Milk Thistle?
Wow dude. Wow.
Yoshi! God damn! Nice work.
Nick, thanks for the link. I'll ask about that.
I agree with Jeremy. Milkthistle is the best of the grass-fed, non-raw options. Ronnybrook isn't grass-fed at all from what I recall.
Interesting to hear about how hungry everyone is during the strength intensive. I'm looking forward to the morning 2xweek strength class in September! I'm not sure whether I'm gonna do the half-GOMAD thing or what – though I do, indeed, want to get swole, so I might consider it.
i guess i have to check out milk thistle! margie, please let me know what you find out.
nino — i asked the 'dairy guy' (whatever that means) at union market and he said ronnybrook was not grass fed, but the ronnybrook website claims it is. i saw the ronnybrook guys at the union sq greenmarket today and should have asked. next time i see them i'll get some clarification.
Forgot to write in the board again: lbbsq 5x3x185 felt good, better when Fox cued me on keeping my wrists straight.
Loving the passion on the milk issue! Am currently enjoying some pretty quaffable stuff from Tonjes farm, which has an almost goaty quality. Got it at Court St. Grocers. I do love Milk Thistle, though.
Evans Farmhouse is good stuff. It's easier to find their yogurt than their milk (it's at the co op), but I think they might have a booth at the Brooklyn Foodshed on sundays
By the way, this is a great dairy ratings site that I look at occasionally.
Ha! I was totally going to mention Tonjes Farm too! Their kefir is incredible. They're at the Union Sq market on Sat.
Warmup 1A
-hollow rocks, squats, pushups, chinups
(45×5, 95×5, 135×3, 165×2)
work: 190x5x3
-these all went up but I don't think I felt comfortable at all. I was trying with a narrower stance but then I wasn't letting my chest drop down enough. I think I was psyching myself out with just the heaviness of the bar. Wasn't mentally there with these squats tonight.
Didn't have time for the accessory work, yet again. 🙁
Finding a steady source of grass-fed milk has been a struggle for me at the restaurant I work at… Many dairies have to supplement with hay based feed during the winter, even if their product is labeled grassfed. It's rare that cows can produce a certain quality and quantity of milk year round without supplementation. In my mind, what's most important is that the cows have access to the outdoors all year and access to grass whenever possible.
And unless the feed is certified organic, most likely cows are feeding on GMO tainted products (if that matters to you), because the process of everything being organic at dairies is both expensive and time consuming. It was eye opening visiting a farm this past summer and meeting a dairy representative that wasn't sure if their corn feed was GMO free or not.
I can recommend Ithaca Milk which is at Marlow&Daughters and what we use at our cafe and restaurants. It is grassfed, unhomogenized, and vat pasteurized (and delicious to boot). I have also seen it as Brooklyn Lrdr and I'm sure will be at other sorts of specialty food shops in the Brooklyn area.
YAY milk.
Also, Battenkill Valley Creamery makes awesome heavy cream. It's not a 100% grass fed but it's damn good and available for retail in various stores throughout the city.
QxRxS that's fantastic, thanks Jess!
93lbs x 3 x 5
And I wrote a goal on the board. 1 strict pushup by Sept. 1st!