Take 20 minutes to try and find a 1RM.
Post loads to comments.
compare to 7.9.11
3 Rounds for time:
10 Box Jumps 30″/24″
15 Push Presses @~75% today’s 1RM
30 Kettlebell Swings 24kg/16kg
Post time and Rx to comments.
CFSBK Community Picnic and Flag Football Tournament
Are you ready for some fooooooooooootball?!?! Join us Sunday, August 21st from 10(ish)am-4(ish)pm for our first ever Crossfit South Brooklyn Flag Football Tournament extravaganza. This will be a day long picnic open to all members, friends, and family, during which time we will be playing some fairly non-competitive, all inclusive, gender neutral, footwear optional Flag Football. Depending on interest we will split into 2-8 teams and play a small tournament to crown the champion of the Paleo Pigskin League (PPL.)
All are welcome to come down, grill, bring beverages or food, and hang. For anyone interested in the actual playing of football (not just eating and drinking and lounging) please respond to Noah(AT)crossfitsouthbrooklyn.com with a general scale of football aptitude on a 1 (I don’t know a football from a baseball) to 5 (I taught Tom Brady everything he knows, including how to flip his hair so coyly.)
We hope to see you there!
Vincent Dugan says
Press: 115, 125, 130, 135 (f).
Acc Wod: 9:50 w/ 30" Box Jumps, 97.5 PP, and 24kg OH KB Swing
Great coaching Chris!
Joe says
After group warmups on the press at 45#,
95×3, 115×1, 135×1, 145×1, 150F, 148F, 148F
145 matches my PR, and I was barefoot today, so I'm going to pretend like it counts extra. All 3 misses I was able to get over my head, but couldn't lock them out from there. They feel close, though.
Did the WOD with a 24" box, 105 on the push press, and the 1 pood bell. 13:49. First round of box jumps felt pretty good, played around with a Games-inspired technique that seemed to let me cycle them a little quicker. Had to go slower in the 2nd and 3rd round. Push presses were heavy the whole way. 8-7, 5-5-5, 3-5-7. Kettlebells weren't hard but I had trouble pushing towards the end. 30, 15-15, then 4 random sets in the last round as the bell was slipping out of my hand.
Good working with McDowell (sp?) on the press today.
Billy Keefe says
20" box
77.5# bar
20kg bell
20" was a new height for me. Ended up doing step ups. I get a little protective of my ankle I broke it a few year ago and landing on it from the box isn't a pleasant feeling.
First set of presses unbroken. Second set 10-5. Third set 5-5-5.
Okay, wow. 4kg makes a huge difference in the kettlebell. That was the first time I have ever broken up a kettlebell segment during a WOD.
I absolutely loved this workout. But I have little petechai (sp?) all over my back now. Does anyone else get these? Should I be worried?
michele says
lbbs 150x3x5
press 50x3x5
rack pull 185×5
Joel W says
Press I got up to #145. Couldn't put up #155 which was my number at the Total. Oh adrenaline how I longed for you this morning.
Did the WOD today in 14:10 or so rx'd at 115 (which was a little high), 30'' box jumps, and 24KG russian kb swings. I was slow, and push pressing poorly until Fox yelled at me to get the bar on my shoulders, then it went much better. The good news was that I did a workout with 90 kettle bell swings, which was unfathomable a month ago.
Katie Mohr says
1RM on press was 47#. I wish I had tried for more, but I was afraid. I opened with 43# and almost failed, so I had myself all psyched out.
3 Rounds:
10 box jumps 20"
15 push presses 35#
30 KB swings 12kg
I kept push jerking on accident. Not sure what that was. Compensating for moving slow, I guess.
Fox says
Billy – What?
Joel – NIce!
Billy Joel, hehe…
Press – hit 170 which ties a PR.
WOD – scaled mightily to 20", 115, and 2pood Russian
10:29 – that last round sucked mightily.
The box jumps hurt the rib most but not unbearable, all step downs. Couldn't go overhead with the KB just yet. I really intended to do these at 24kg but Lahey snatched up the last one, so shucks.
Nice seeing lots of new faces today!
Rob Is says
Squat: 245x5x5
Dumbbell Row: 45x12x3
* color commentary omitted so as not to offend anyone.
Jon Shea says
Love 30" box jumps.
Press: 55kg (pr)
WOD: 13:50 @ 30", 41kg, 1.5pd
D-Turn says
135# for the Press.
The WOD came in at 11:05
Jefff says
Press – 145#
3 Rounds for time:
10 Box Jumps 30"
15 Push Presses @ 110#
30 Kettlebell Swings 24kg
Time = 10:42
Marc "loose as a goose" mess says
Still at 150 on my press. I failed a few times at 155.
Wod 20:30 rx 115 push press and 55lb dumbbell swings. Altitude is still kicking my ass. Hopefully 2 weeks training at altitude will translate to me coming home fitter. We will see. Who is doing the programming this cycle? It's different in a good way. Seems really ramped up. Good job.
DajM says
Press: 175 (PR)
WOD: 55# DB, 135# push press
Wodded with the Goose and his wife. They were sucking wind but we're at 9,600 ft. And btw, his real nickname is "Bush."
glostermarty says
Did this in my Queens globo. 135 1rpm on the press and failed at 145. WOD was 19:55 with a 30 pd medicine ball ( piece of shit globo doesn't have kettlebells), and a 95 pd push-press. I keep forgetting to post on here. Love the programming as well. Also looking forward to training with "loose as a goose" and Dajm in a few days in the mountains. Hopefully Goose will still not be making excuses about the altitude!
Billy K says
Fox: Sorry, spelled it wrong … petechiae, little burst capillaries, just wondering if other people get them. They are dots that look like a rash but are actually tiny bruises.
Here is a good visual.
Fox says
Billy – on your back or shoulders? We call those 'bar hickeys' on the shoulders and collar bones. Pretty common there. Is they appeared somewhere else then it's something to keep an eye on. Email me christian at crossfitsouthbrooklyn.com
Noah says
Awesome noon class with the BBQ Recovery Alliance.
Did yesterdays squats at 185 beforehand, felt gooood.
150, on the press, failed at 155, my long held 1RM, I'll take a 5 pound drop after not training it too hard. Would love to get the press moving upward, but it seems like such a razors edge.
WOD in 11:21, 115# PP, the rest as rx. I thought the 30" box would be terrifying, but it was kind of fun, the KB swings got pretty agonizing after all the shoulder work, plus I'm just not a super efficient swinger (insert key party joke here.)
Still working on a location for the flag football game, if anyone has idea, please let me know.
McGrath says
great 9am with coach fox
3 Rounds of:
0:30 in a prone or supine plank. (alternate each round)
10 air squats holding for a second at the bottom
10 Ring Rows
press wu
(45×5 75×3 95×2 135×2)
155 175 185
felt good. looking forward to pressing again.
135 push press
20" step ups
kb swings 24kg
went out too hard on the push press, unbroken. killed me on the remaining rounds.
great burner.
my two kids jumping on me at the pool for a couple of hours.
MON – FRI 7am – 8.30am
bring a locker for a lock
pool is open for one more month.
lady fox says
Warmup 1A:
15 hollow rocks, knees bent
15 air squats
10 pushups
5 chinups
-again finished all 3 rounds except the last 5 chins within 10 mins. also again forgot to make it up at the end of class. 🙁
(45×5, 65×3, 75×2)
85, 95f, 90, 95f
-85 went up sooo easily that I thought I'd just for it with my 2nd attempt. Didn't happen. Dropped back down and 90 felt easy so gave 95 one more shot. Got it up higher, but still a no-go. Like others have said, with more focused work on this, I should be able to hit 95 no problem.
8:49 rx'd
24" box, 70lb push press, 1 pood kb
-at first the box was daunting but got over that quick. I was actually able to cycle some which felt awesome but I definitely had to use more of my arms to get me up. really like the challenge of this higher box.
-first round of push press and kb swings unbroken. 2nd round went 5-5-5 push press and 15-15 swings. last round 5-5-5 pp and 10-10-10 swings.
-forearms were fried and I thought i might lose the kb. all good stuff though and really enjoyed this wod.
After tried a few 30' box jumps. Took several mental attempts before I actually gave it a shot. Man, is that high! Tried to cycle but when I jumped off I ended up sinking way too low. Awesome seeing Melissa cycle a couple of these together!
Later watched the Crossfit finals with Melissa, Steph and Chris! I want to be in California next year watching them live…as a spectator of course. 😉
Chris D says
Took it up to my max 125# on the press. 125# felt easier than ever, so I thought, why not 130#? NOT! How can 5# make such a difference?
DNF on the wod, only had 30 minutes for the whole thing.
9:00, 2 rounds completed.
50# kettlebell, subbed jump knee tucks for boxes (no boxes at this gym) and did 95# on the Push Presses. Great WOD!