3 Rounds of:
5 Minute Synchronized Row at 22 s/m
5 Minutes Double Under Efficiency Practice
Workout Notes:
– The goal for the rowing piece is to keep everyone at the same pace. On water team rowing requires that everyone on the boat has near perfect symmetry. Check out this video to see an Olympic example.
– The point of the double-under pieces is to work on maximal efficiency. If you’ve got a “donkey kick”, “hip pike” or a “tuck jump” double-under. Now is the time to work on breaking those habits. If you’re a double under pro, use this time to work on some new movements.
Happy Belated Birthday, Deb P!
Back-Off Week is Here! Great work everyone over the course of the last cycle!
Back Off Weeks
By David Osorio
CFSBK Microcycle
Saturday On
Sunday On
Monday On
Tuesday Off (AM class does Monday or Wed make-up Wod)
Wednesday On
Thursday On
Friday Off
By allowing at least two non sequential days off we can train at high intensity over the course of a week. Consistently training CrossFit more than three days in a row can lead to a decrease in performance due to accumulated inflammation and a lack of recovery. Many of you guys have been following our 3/1/2/1 schedule with great success.
But what about training over longer periods of time than a week?
The type of training we do as CrossFitters leads to degrees of adaptation much more closely related to competitive athletics than traditional “fitness” programs. That being said, it’s important to note that most organized sports teams map out their yearly programming goals based around a competitive season. Conversely, CrossFit is a GPP program which aims to achieve a consistently high level of work capacity over a life time. There are many individuals who use CrossFit to train for their sport or occupation (MIL/LEO etc.) and an ever growing number of people who are competing in CrossFit as their primary sport. These individuals will generally modify variables of their programs to better prepare themselves for competition or deployment.
But what about “me”?
The majority of us are training CrossFit without any regard to a specific competition or training goal other than health, longevity and elite fitness. It’s therefore necessary for the average CF’er to take it upon themselves to consider their training over longer periods of time than a week. As mentioned earlier, hitting Wods hard can take a toll on us and we’ve got enough people coming more than three times a week that it has become prudent to formalize some cyclic recovery into our program. Starting today, we’re going to implement posted “Back Off” weeks every fourth week. We encourage our athletes who train with us three or more times per week or more to use this as a period to scale back intensity and give your body a chance to clean house. The workouts we post on back off weeks will not be dramatically different than traditional programming but will favor Max Effort days and shorter (sub 12 min) Metcons. Athletes who are following the back off should treat the workouts as maintenance and accordingly decrease intensity. If you train with us less frequently, perhaps once or twice a week and are not considerably active outside of CrossFit then you shouldn’t worry as much about the back off week and simply listen to your body.
CFSBK Mesocycle
Week 1 On
Week 2 On
Week 3 On
Week 4 On
Week 5 Crush Week
Week 6 Suggested Back Off
How’re you feeling after Crush Week?
Jump Rope Progressions 1, 2 and 3 GymnasticsWOD
Concept 2 Rowing Technique Refinements CrossFit
Where are the books?
The Bear wrecked the tendon in the crease of my right hip to where I was picking up my leg to get in the car. some foam rolling and rest and I'm almost back to normal. Suffice to say, I went easy the rest of crush week. A highly modified Storm got me back to work yesterday.
Where are the books?
That photo doesn't look like me. It seems I've been replaced by a strong person.
Peter – Sounds like you fried your psoas, possibly from a bunch (300?) of DB Deadlifts/Cleans/Thrusters with your knees/femurs caving in…KNEES OUT! Stretch and ice and take 'er easy this week, and no sit-ups. Also, I am led to believe that the books will be in this week. We'll see about that one.
a much needed 7am swim at redhook with alec, deb and coach margie. good times.
2×4 breathing every 3 strokes
2×5 breast stroke skill work. 2 kicks every stroke.
2×4 freestyle skill work with paddles concentrating on pull.
pool side chat with cfsbk comrades.
this was the toughest crush week i've experienced.
i was wrecked on friday hence a self imposed no swim/no anything day.
but, i loved it. every day was a challenge, and to end with the storm!! …kudos programmers.
As posted yesterday, I struggle with the longer metcons. Little engine maybe? Maybe mental? Maybe need better strategy/pacing? Able to push through the short WODs (ie-250m row sprint x 8), and get destroyed on WODs like JacintoStorm.
I appreciate the programming you guys provide, and think the content on the website is great. Obviously a ton of effort goes into the posts everyday.
I didnt do crush week–but programming wise it was one of the toughest I've seen. I'm sad/glad I missed it.
I missed out on Crush Week, thanks to my own idiocy. I ran 16 miles in last Sunday's heat and was wrecked from stomach cramps that kept me up at night pretty much the rest of the week.
I was much smarter about running 17 yesterday. Not much cooler, but I spent most of my run in Battery Park City (read: SHADE). I finished feeling like a human being, not a completely destroyed wreck, and I've felt totally functional since (whereas I spent the rest of LAST Sunday curled in a whimpering ball on the bed).
Good to get back into SBK today. This was harder than I thought it would be! I do not have mad rowing skillz yet, clearly.
Morning swim with McG, Little D and B A. Wonderful way to start the day! Will be back with proper gear!
That would be Big A.
Interleaving 5/3/1 and SBK Programming worked out really well as the week of the CF Total corresponded to Wendler backoff programming, and Crush week overlapped with cycle 2 week 1 for Press, Deadlift, Bench, and Back Squat. Given that the rest weeks for Wendler and CFSBK are Mod 4 and 6*, respectively, there's a nasty Crush week on the horizon…
Catching up on the logging of my workouts:
Friday was squat rep outs, then got inverted for a bit.
Did Saturday's Run, Burpee, Repeat workout at home as it was a busy day. Asta and I attended Sam's going away party (and damn can Dang grill!) along with a few other celebrations later that evening. Had some really great conversations, including one on building and programming for quantum computer. Had a blast hanging out with McGrath and Liese away from CrossFit; also learned that baby sitting is a HUGE racket.
Truly not enough time in the day as I would have loved to also participate in this years MP3 Experiment — went last year and it was fantastic. Anyone go this year?
Very thankful for a functional liver that kept filtering the copious amounts of tequila I drank over the course of the day. Maintained decorum while at these events and didn't suffer from any hangover the next day. Also surprisingly not feeling sleep deprived…
Weathered the Jacinto Storm in 31:54. Sorry for anyone training next to me, hopefully I didn't smell too much like hobo. Did a few extra runs alongside people were clearly hurting and in need of encouragement and pacing.
Generally feeling excellent, averaging 200g of protein a day, but concerned about getting less than 5 hours a night of sleep and often waking up after 3 hours for a few minutes before going back to bed. Monitoring temperature and pulse every morning, no discrepancies thus far. Will worry if these show drastic increase.
Looking forward to backoff week to focus on skills while also hitting my Wendler lifts. Hope to try for a rep out on HSPU's at some point this week and also work movement on the rings. Am also going to try some of the unilateral work that Josh M. has to do as a result of his injury. Tried the one handed wall balls and caught a few with my face!
Jacinto: I owe you so much, not even sure where to start — thank you for introducing me to CrossFit South Brooklyn years ago, for the coaching, the inspiration, and your constant pursuit of excellence that motivates everyone who meets you. We're all incredibly fortunate to know and train with you. Wishing you a belated birthday, many more Storms, and the best of luck in the 2011 CrossFit games!
David O: Nice to see you getting in on the workout, and thanks again for lending me the office for the day!
Fox: Thanks for keeping things running smoothly and so well organized!
Josh M: Awesome work doing that one handed, rockstar!
Charmel: Thanks for all your help on Sunday!
McGrath: Beast!
Rickke: That was crazy fast — you totally destroyed that workout!
Asta: LOLCat says: "You Gotz Pullups!"
Snip: Wish you were here!
Maya: Just in case you're cyber stalking 😉
et al: Photos to come, thanks for your "statements" will try to turn this around quickly!
*in the spirit of congruence relations, and not correct mathematical notation.
Tried to post, but evidently I had too many links and it was held for moderation. Tried logging in to see if that would matter, nope, second post was also held. Can you please delete one of them? Thanks!
That's a great photo Jess! it captures your spirit beautifully!
What are these freaking books I keep reading about? What book?
As for crush week, as always, it looked brutal from the weightlifting platform. Nice work people. Today's WOD looks more like my speed!
Fun nooner with Coach Gentleman Fox and a big crowd. I liked this workout–I went hard-ish on the rows and easy-ish on the DUs, working on getting rid of that pike and staying relaxed. It was hard for me to keep to a 22 stroke rating, my body seems to like 23 and 21 better. Weird.
Linus turns 2 July 26. Linus Storm?
2 laps around the block
2 Deadlifts 225/185
2 dumbbell burpees
2 muscle ups
2 tempo squats 195/155
2 laps around the block
(OK, I will hereafter leave the programming to the pros.)
@Rob, Peter is talking about these logbooks
Crusher Week roughed me up a bit and I didn't even make the Storm. I did Monday's descending ladder, Morrison, the erg sprints and the burpee fest.
I think Morrison was the hardest, totally brutal. Monday's ladder was hard too, especially on the grips and forearms, but my strict pull ups broke down pretty fast so there was a lot of rest there. I got a few pointers from Margie and various others in Friday open gym so hopefully kips are not far off. The erg sprints were tough, but not too bad. The burpees were no fun, obviously.
This was my third crusher week, maybe I'll try to do all of the wods next time. It still seems like a lot of work, especially this one with yesterday's finale. I'm looking forward to clearing my head of a few too many weekend beers with some rowing and much needed DU practice today.
Thanks for the update Fox. The book whining will be put on hold. Don't forget to send my yellow marble notebook along with, Thanks. How's the rib?
But that's not why I'm here. I'm looking @ innov8s. 190s? 230s? Model? My mom is buying them for my birthday, so money is no object. What do you recommend?
De-light-ful morning swim at the Red Hook pool with McGrath, Margie and Alec. Thanks again to McGrath for the pointers and eyeball. Even though I can barely swim one length without stopping I always feel really stretched out and relaxed afterwards. Good stuff.
i don't know Peter's mom, but she sounds like a BALLER.
i am feeling super beat up after crush week (hurts so good), even though I only did Monday's ladder and Morrison, which were killer. Although, I guess I also went for a 4+ hour ride on Saturday and a 10mi run on Sunday, which almost makes up for missing JacintoStorm. Did some much needed foam rolling in the office on my lunch break today, and I can't wait to be able to rejoin everyone in the pool next week. All this pool talk is making me jealous.
Crush week was well named. This one especially could have been named Wall Ball Week…I got wayyy too intimate with one of my least favorite movements. On the plus side, I didn't knock myself out with the ball, which is always cause for celebration. Ready for some recovery and then really committing to the next cycle.
Good to know moms still buy you stuff on your birthday when you get *cough* older! At first I had to reread since I thought it was the young Peter who is with us this summer. Wait is his name Peter? J/k happy birthday Petey.
Anyhow, I'm gonna ask my mom for some NB minimus…Ive been eyeing those.
Feeling appropriately crushed after this week. I'm sticking with Morrison being the hardest wod I've ever done. That left me feeling all kinds of wonky. Overall, I enjoyed every minute of this past week, but am surely looking forward to backoff week. Maybe it's just me, but I feel like I saw many more folks kick it into overdrive and really attack these wods. There were TFBA's sprouting up left and right!
Planned on getting up to swim this morning but was just too damn exhausted. I'll be there wednesday though!
I am feeing adequately crushed today. I think running sprints (instead of rowing 250s) was a bit of a shock to my hamstrings. Rest today. I will have to make up this WOD later in the week.
Can someone with super-blog powers approve my post that's still being held for moderation? Really appreciate it!
Strength Cycle Week 2, Day 1
WU: 45×5, 95×5, 135×3, 170×2
Work: 180x5x3
WU: 45×5, 95×5, 125×2
Work: 130x5x3
WU: 95×5, 135×5, 185×3
Work: 200X5x1
Everything still feeling good. Working on deadlift form – hopefully this will get sorted out soon enough.
I'm also feeling plenty crushed from last week. I'm looking forward to trying out my first-ever back off week.
I liked today's WOD – thanks Margie! The synchronized, varied pacing was cool. I think this was a sneaky way to get us to row close to a 5k! Got a few triple unders in and then tried out some other jump rope combinations David suggested, which was a good reminder I need to be doing more than single and double unders with my rope.
Finished up with:
bench press (my weakest lift):
reverse hypers and hollow rocks
and Shane showed me some good sled pull exercises – thanks!
Post released! I'm just sitting down to a computer for the first time since early this afternoon.
Today I did about an hour and a half worth of tumbling drills. Overall today I felt very disconnected, uncoordinated and didn't feel like it ended up being the most productive skill work. I tried to work:
Handstand to Hollow Drop
Front Handsprings
Round Offs
Front Flips
some basic handstands
Not much clicked today, I think I might do another 1 on 1 session at Chelsea Piers as i think some coaching will help me organize some things that I can't seem to fix on my own.
Great day at the gym! 6am, 7am, 7pm and 8pm classes rocked it. (as did Alec and Deb)
3 rounds:
Row at 22 s/m:
1. 1259 m (Avg 21 s/m)
2. 1275 m (Avg 22 s/m)
3. 1298 m (Avg 22 s/m)
Worked on unbroken sets of 30 double unders b/t row sets (relaxed breathing, grip, face, etc). Great to focus on technique.
Did not participate in crush week at SBK, as I've been in a couple weeks of dance rehearsals (in manhattan!!) until 10pm, plus the usual yoga mixture. sounded like a tough week, so congrats to everyone who rocked it out!
5pm class tonight still felt crushing to me, esp in this heat!
-rowing: felt pretty good and coordinated. interested in experimenting with putting something under my right foot, as I can't drive through that heel (if i want to extend all the way thru my left leg, i have to press up on my right toes).
-DUs: new consecutive PR @ 10! still flipping my toes up a bit. so odd. but they're coming along.
-in general, felt challenging (in a good way) to keep my heart rate up for that long. also a bit nauseating.
…went on to dance rehearsal til 10pm again
lots. of. water.
Strength Cycle Week 2, Day 1
WU: 45×5, 95×5, 135×3, 170×2
Work: 180x5x3
WU: 45×5, 95×5, 125×2
Work: 130x5x3
WU: 135×5, 185×5, 205×5, 230×1
Work: 240X5x1
Squats feel better after a weekend off and lots of sleep last night. Bench still feels super light I was able to work a little on really controlling the weight. Deadlift felt surprisingly good despite thinking I'd be too drained to do them.
You would not think the rowing would be so hard but with this heat. oooof.
PS there needs to be a better UI for posting for specific days. 😉
First time checking out the site and the programming. Lots of good stuff on here and the WOD's look intense. Good stuff, keep it up! Would love to drop in for the day next time im in the area.