10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps for time of:
Power Cleans 155/105
Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
Kettlebell Swings 24/16kg
Post time and Rx to comments.
This workout was the final WOD at the 2009 North East Regionals. We saw lots of bloody hands after this workout so please plan your reps accordingly and watch the “callus” video at the bottom of this post. There is a 15 minute cap to complete all 165 reps.
From the Vault:
Coach Jeremy tears off a callus with his teeth and finishes this workout at the 09 Reginals in Albany
Quiero Mas South Brooklyn!
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Good Luck Strength Cyclers
This is the first of 8 weeks for everyone who signed up for Coach Jeremy’s Strength Intensive. Good look to all participating! This will be
On Ramp Today at 7am
This morning is our inagural 7AM On Ramp class. To learn more about On Ramp, click here.
Why Powerlifting Should Not Be In The Olympics Starting Strength
Manageing Calluses Starting Strength
Wow I am sore. My shins are sore!
@JR ice, ice baby.
Isn't there supposed to be one more deadlift exposure today? I have to admit I woke up this morning, saw what the WOD was, and went right back to bed — I ran a very ill-advised 16 miles yesterday and I'm toast. Am hoping that by this evening I'm feeling a bit better (and that there are deadlifts to look forward to).
Stella – the CF Total that we ran on Saturday served effectively as exposure 4/4 of the deadlift. You could almost certainly find some floor space in the gym to make it up DIY this evening or tomorrow morning if you choose, just ask the coach on duty where to be. If you do deadlift I'd recommend warming up and then making 3-5 attempts at a 1RM.
10-9-8-7-6-5 – 17:50
135 lb power cleans
chin to bar pull ups
1.5 pood kb swings
nice to be using the shoulders again after two months! cleans were a little heavy towards the end but doable.
Dude, cool blog! thanks!
uh, i got my assed kicked at this morning's 7am.
-500m row
-clean drills/warmup 45, 75, 95
Reverse Ladder of awfulness:(18min cap)
DNF–completed the 10-5 rounds plus 4 cleans as time was called.
-the Cleans at 105 were heavy and my form deteriorated fast. As I fatigue my legs automatically want to split clean. But then David came over and said "just squat, come on, you know how to do that". i guess he's got a point. 😉
-also chose not to go c2b which was really smart. my hands have gotten pretty beaten up lately and I chose to use the black grips for most of my reps. But, that meant mostly sets of 2-3 because I'm afraid of falling off. Looking forward to watching the callus care video when my boss isn't around…
-1 pood kb swings were the easiest and all unbroken.
Afterwards thought about how I maybe should have chosen to meet McGrath at the swimming pool instead…
a lovely refreshing 7am lap swim at Redhook with gabrus, alec and deb. jess, next time.
wednesday same time if anyone cares to join. bring a lock for a locker and id to register.
highly recommended!!
i think i can safely say i'm not looking forward to my encounter with "the reverse ladder or awfulness" tomorrow.
Aha, got it. I still feel like ass right now, so I think what I need more than anything is a nap when I get home from work, and I might try deadlifting at home but I do not have a Reverse Ladder of Awfulness in me today.
Memo to self: you follow a marathon training schedule to the letter IF you are healthy and uninjured, and IF the weather cooperates. I haven't felt this sapped after a long run in a long time. Ugh.
damn. should have swam too!!
wu: 600m row, droms, clean warm up (33#, 53#)
very modified reverse-ladder-of-death still kicked my ass
10-3 full rounds of:
83# hang power cleans
pull ups (no c2b)
and then got 2 more hang power cleans. busted my hands open during the round of 5 pull ups (thank you jeremy for trying to mend me!!) and then just tried to slog through the final rounds. definitely wasted a LOT of time in the early rounds standing around thinking that the pull ups would just do themselves. not the case.
tomorrow may be a swim day, i unfortunately can't make it wednesday morning.
Swimming is hard! Great way to start the day and big thanks to McGrath for some tips. Loved it and am looking forward to practicing more. Bummed they took my kickboard away.
How to ruin your morning in 3 easy steps:
1. at 5:15, dont think you're "up" and therefore turn off the 2nd and 3rd alarms you always set. You'll fall back asleep and wake up at 5:56 before the 6:00am class you need to teach.
2. Take your girlfriends car to work then realize about 3/4 of the way there that you forgot your keys to the gym.
3. Later, unintentionally park in a no-park zone and get said car towed. Spend the next few hours at the Navy yards paying fines and waiting in line.
lather, rinse, repeat.
DO, I have been there. The navy yard car prison, that is. My condolences.
Pretty bummed today. I went surfing yesterday, which was fun. But at one point I was cut off on a wave by a fellow beginner and had to bail. When I did, I somehow managed to drop my rib cage onto the upturned side of my board. I am in a bit of pain but that's not why I'm really bummed….The last 2x I planned to do CrossFit Total of my own I have been injured last minute and could not get 'er done. Last time was due to my "thoughtful" programming for myself when I did Diane AFTER a rep-out on my 1 week of the Wendler cycle. And today, this. CrossFit fail.
Alright, enough of that shit. Thanks for reading.
Did the noon class with Jeremy. Made it through to round 3. This wod hurt, and I got tired fast. watched the video on ripping hands up tried to prevent it, but still ripped a bit. gotta work on bar holding technique i guess.
kudos to anyone who can finish this wod in the 15min cap.
As RX'd. 18:14
Just finished my set of 4 cleans at 15 minutes. Tough WOD. CTB pull ups are no joke sandwiched between those other two exercises.
5 Day Neera Cleanse started today. We will see if I can remain sane over the next 5 days drinking a mixture of Nadal Bal syrup/maple syrup, lemon juice, and cayenne pepper. Craving fat already, and I am less than 24 hours into this thing. I would kill for a jar of cashew butter right about now.
I can't even imagine the level of dirty I would have to be, that eating 3 condiments mixed with water would be the only way to be cleansed. I don't even think Tim Robbins got that dirty crawling out of Shawshank.
lol win^
Came to the gym a bit sore from Da Bear yesterday (which I realized late last night I did at 45% of BW, stupid) and this workout absolutely handed me my ass.
Nothing felt too too bad, although my cleans weren't exceedingly crisp. KB swings felt good, a great relief to not be swinging the 2 pooder. Just spent wayyy too much time with my hands on my knees and looking at the bar.
Got into the 6's, past the cleans and pullups. Ouch.
Thanks to Coaches David & Laurel for a great 7pm class. I was drenched after the warmup. Love it. Nice job to Ryan and Eric for breezing through this one tonight.
Got 2 cleans into the round of 5 as Rx. I was gonna go 135# knowing I probably could've finished in the time cap at that weight. Decided to go a little heavier for a different training experience. Tough stuff, but glad I went heavier than normal while keeping ok form (although a few here and there weren't pretty).
2 thumbs up to Jeremy's comment…
got down to 1 clean on the round of 3. A bit disappointed I didn't finish this one as I was gunning to be sub 15.
The worst workout I've had since returning too early after pneumonia in 1986.
A complete failure from top to bottom – weakness, fatigue, cramping, reaggravating injuries, etc. Embarrassing, frustrating and humbling.
I'll be back tomorrow for a redo.
Forgot to mention that I scaled the workout to to 125 on the cleans and it was still a beast.
Nicely humbling WOD today. I got through the fiver round and finished the four cleans (I thought I was going to be able to jump on the bar and knock out the pull ups but the last two cleans were performed in a time acceleration warp).
Performed at 135#, C2B and 1.5 pood.
Left elbow hurts like crazy, no idea why.
Getting very frustrated by my tight hamstrings. I may just always sub KB swings in workouts that involve them until I develop more mobility. I got through the 8 rounds (so 50%) before my back got all spasmy again. Then I just did C2B pullups and pushups to keep doing work during the workout. I'll continue to practice my KB swings which will help eventually, but it does feel like no matter how good my form got they'd still be causing issues. I get the spasmy tightness with other motions like high volume DLs and such, but not nearly as bad as with the swings.
love the starting strength article.
Starting strength Day 1.
WU: 45×5, 95×5, 135×3, 155×2
Work: 165x5x3
WU: 45×5, 65×3
Work: 75x5x3
WU: 95×5, 135×3
Work: 185x5X1
Nice tips from Jeremy throughout. Looking forward to more.
135# Cleans, Chest to Bar, 1.5 POOD KB
Got one deadlift into the round of 3. I accidentally did the round of five twice. To add injury to insult, I tore open my right hand on the fifth pullup the second time around.
Hello Crossfitters. Yes I am in the strength cycle and yes i am still using your blog comment space.
Starting strength Day 1.
WU: 45×5, 95×5, 135×3, 155×2
Work: 165x5x3
WU: 45×5, 65×3
Work: 75x5x3
WU: 95×5, 135×3, 185×2
Work: 225x5X1
Everything was relatively light today. Squat was heavyish buy doable. A good opportunity to work on form and technique and some new things jeremy taught. i.e. the torso lean using hips on the press.
This was a rough one but a lot of fun at the same time. Got 5 rounds. I really have to work on my kipps. Somewhere in the middle of the Wod I switched to butterfly kipps and it really flowed, even the c2b. Thinking of working on butterfly kipps as my go to movement for a little while and see how that goes.
@6AM class, the forever 21 gift card did not go over well as planned. My wife opened the card and said "so where's my gift?" lol that kinda stung. Mental note: work on butterfly kipps and being a more thoughtful husband.
There's nothing more satisfying then peeling off sweat soaked socks and having them go SPLADOW when they hit the floor. Yet another awesome 7am. YAY!
got thru' 5 rounds in 15 minutes at #135 lb cleans, replacing C2b's with chinups & 1.5 pood KB. completed the entire wod in an embarrassing 26 minutes…should have just gone with lighter cleans as the rest of chinups and KB's were relatively easy…
Strength cycle #3, day #1
I seem to remember the rest week being longer last time, maybe it's because we did the mini-total in the middle of it to get around the holiday weekend. It was both great and horrible to be back on the platforms. There's lots of continuity with this class and the last cycle. Also there seems to be a shoe collusion happening on one of the platforms. We'll all be wearing shiny red lifting shoes at the end of this cycle…
I felt really great about my squat at the end of the last cycle, but I didn't really make any progress on the press or the deadlift. Part of me is wanted to turn this into the "squat game", and while I still want to keep riding the linear progression train on the squat I need to focus a little more on the other lifts. Right now my squat 1RM is 40 more than the deadlift, and my 3x5RM is 20 more. Which seems backwards from everyone else, so I'm taking that to mean I have a lot of work left on the DL.
I dropped down to two heavy days a week last session because I wasn't feeling like I was able to recover in a mere two days. This happened right after my birthday come to think of it. Maybe it means that I'm getting old? Anyway Jeremy has shifted my schedule around so I'm doing heaving squats M/F and the deadlift on Wednesday. Which I'm looking forward to, because I'm realizing that I can only handle one heavy lift a session.
WU: 45×5, 135×5, 185×5, 225×5, 285×3, 315×1
Work: 325x5x3
WU: 45×5, 95×5
Work: 110x5x3
RingRows 10×3
Ok, so I guess we're all posting Strength Cycle style now. Two guys with shiny red shoes show up and throw a gauntlet, apparently.
Good to be back after a nice rest week. Squats felt good, but after a shoulder tweak on the press, everything else fell to shit. I think it was just a tweak, though, and am feeling better today after a visit to Deb.
wu: 45×5, 115×5, 155×3, 185×1
work: 190x5x3
Something clicked on the third rep of my last set– I finally understood the physiology of the phrase "recruit the muscles needed" as my upper inner thighs became involved in getting me up to stand again. The 4th and 5th reps felt a little funny after that, as I was trying to figure out what magic happened on #3, but they both went down and came back up smoothly.
wu: 45×3 (shoulder tweak. rest.), 57.5×3 (eh, felt ok, tried to move on, then couldn't get a single rep up of my work weight at 77.5 and decided not to challenge the shoulder jolt and called it a night on the press.
after testing a warmup set at 115, the shoulder felt fine, so I moved swiftly forward.
wu: 115×5, 185×2
work: 205×3
Jeremy called me at a triple. I probably could have done the last two reps, but it was hot as balls and nearing 9pm, so I was fine to call it a night.
Strength Cycle #2 is heavy already. Should be interesting.
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps for time of:
Power Cleans 50lbs DB
Ring Row w/One Arm
Kettlebell Swings 20kg
Time: 14:00