4 Rounds for time of:
12 Pull-Ups
24 Push-Ups
36 Squats
Run 400m
Post time and Rx to comments.
please watch each video demo before coming to class today!
There is NO ACTIVE RECOVERY today.
By David Osorio
Today’s workout contains 3 calisthenic movements in addition to a run. The advanced version which is posted above contains 288 repetitions in total. That’s 288 opportunities to ingrain and develop the motor skills and strength required to successfully perform these seemingly simple movements. Will your first push-up look like your 96th? Will your 144th air squat include planted heels, full depth and a neutral spinal position? Range of motion is only one component of functional movement. When you initiate a movement, what happens between the start and finish dictate the adaptation you’re pursuing. Soft technique builds soft athletes. Lazy attention to details builds laziness inside and outside the gym. Virtuosity is defined in Gymnastics as “performing the common uncommonly well”. Will you settle for mediocrity today, or will you pursue virtuosity? No opportunity is too small!
Happy WODing!
Strong Ladies! Katie Hogan andLindsey Valenzuela On The Thruster Tie Breaker CrossFit Games
The CrossFit Games Update 1.1
Jacinto’s Muscle-Up! CrossFit Virtuosity on FaceBook
This looks good minus the rain
Actually could be fun with rain too….
Push-ups got broken up a lot in latter rounds!
I was chasing 4-5 guys in the 10 AM who finished sub 20.
Proud that all pullups were unbroksn–pushups not so much.
Did 24 in rd 1 and that did me in. After that had to break them up into 8s, 7s, 6s, down to 2s.
Great 10am class with Nick. Very fun. I need to start coming to these met con days more often! Apologies for the long post. I'm trying to take Fox's advice and qualitatively track my progress.
WOD scaled as follows:
6 strict pull-ups with green band
24 barbell push-ups with the bar REALLY high (13, I think)
I was really worried about the push-ups. Remember that 1-10 push-up ladder with 100m sprint we did a few weeks ago? Yeah, I literally couldn't finish it (Thanks Deb for sticking with me though). Worst WOD I've had at CF. Flash forward to today. Nick had me move the bar up to get the volume and it worked out great. Thanks Nick! A huge mental victory for me today.
Might be time to start trying out a different band for the pull-ups. Since the volume was scaled back so much, the pull-ups felt super easy.
Worked out in Florida today, down here for a surprise visit for my sis's birthday…
After steaks, wine and yes, gluten last night, we hit LA Fitness this morning.
Warm up, NFT:
4 rounds of 10 air squats and 10 push ups.
Squats:45x10x3, 95×10,135x10x2
Hams felt shitty this morning, plane travel and a 3 hours dinner didn't help. Lots of squats did.
Press: 130x5x3
Had to take a 5 pound jump due to lack of micro plates. It was pretty strong. Feels good to be at 130, but in the back of my mind I know I just shortened the time until I miss a rep!
Chins: 5-4-3-2-1 and 5-4-3-2-2
5 rep sets with 10 pounds of assistance and the rest unassisted.
Good times…
Time to hit the pool!
Modified this one. I'm riding in a huge mountain bike race ( http://www.mavsports.com/?id=8 ), tomorrow so I am trying to save my legs.
4 rounds:
12 pull ups
24 push ups
36 sit ups
about 10 mins.
It's very hard to butterfly kip on the pull up bar in my doorway when I WOD in the house.
Another fun Sunday workout. Great job to 10am class. Fun to watch Dan R cruise though the WOD in the 11am. Nice job!
Have a great long weekend everyone!
29:22 blue band pullups/barbell pushups (10)/500m row
not very fast obviously, but at least I felt like I scaled enough to keep moving slow but steady.
left the hubby sleeping at home and came in for the noon class.
-droms, line drills, dislocates, flag pole
23:41 rx'd
-the first round felt great. But alas, I slowed down considerably once I got back to the pushups. Like with Murph, Cindy, etc, most of my time is spent on those damn pushups. I don't think they'll ever feel great.
Hope everyone is enjoying their holiday weekend! I'm soooo looking forward to surfing tomorrow!
Had to modify due to no pull up bar at the beach house and the neighborhood circle is around 300m. Push ups were pretty much unbroken but that probably was because I didn't have any pull ups to do :P…
4 rounds:
24 push ups
36 squats
~300 m run
…onto the water!
Whoa, Nelly! This was super hard coming off heavy loads this week, especially heavy bench presses yesterday. (Also, I had some beers last night, followed by a Swiss Cake Roll, I'm not proud, but there it is.)
Followed the blog advice and worked really, really hard on good form, especially on good shoulder position on every rep.
12 Ring Rows
24 Elevated Pushups #7
36 Med Ball Squats
500m Row 27-29 stroke rating
As always, it was the pushups that killed me – everything else was unbroken sets all the way through, but I didn't even make the first set of pushups unbroken. I worked as hard as I could to keep the form legit, which made things a LOT slower, and I can't say every pushup was a perfect plank, but they were better than they usually are in volume.
20:57 RX
Pullups felt great, as did squats. The pushups were the problem, as usual. Round 1 was unbroken, Round 2 was 12/6/6, Round 3 was 6/6/3/3/3/3, Round 4 was 4s and 2s (mostly 2s).
Dan R was inspiring, that was a super fast time he put up.
I'm tempted to take a crack at the kipping pullup leader board, I think I might have enough to get into the 3rd spot. Is it unbroken kips, or does it all count so long as you don't come off the bar?
Stellar class today with Nick. (Thanks for helping with that kipping breakthrough and for that running pointer on my tight left hip.)
I am sore and smarting though. I feel like I was Jedi mind-tricked into doing the Murph yet again! Damn you all! 😉 Happy Independence Day, CrossFitters!
4 Rounds; Time 24:04
12 kips (2 rounds)/ 6 strict (2 rounds)
24 push-ups
36 squats
Run 400m
Just a note on this WOD. It is a variation of a workout from Ross Enamait of Rosstraining.com's excellent "Never Gymless" book. The book is one of, if not the best book on bodyweight strength/conditioing. This is the second conditioning workout of his 50-day program. Each training week features a max strength day, an explosive strength day and 2 conditioning days. The original version of this WOD is:
4 Rounds for time:
12 Burpees
24 Push-ups
36 Squats
Run 400m
Push-ups after burpees was rough. I think it took me 23:00. I'd like to try our variation soon. Great work today guys!
Blue band
Went to the knees for the last 1/2 of the pushups or it would have been twice as long.
The new site looks great. Good to see the inimitable Jack pressing huge weights in the banner image, at least from where I'm sitting.
It's been a while since I've been by the gym, but I thought I'd drop a line and say hi. I resigned from my job (yes, THAT job) a few months ago, and relocated a bit north of the city. I'm staying pretty busy working on various projects and training hard with my coach and team up here. I also finally found the time to get certified as an Open Water Diver in Honduras, which was amazing.
Hope you're all doing well.
Fun workout with a fun 11am crowd. My heel hurt some on the run but mostly this played to my strengths. Push ups really slowed down in rnds 3 4. Need work I guess.
speaking of blog photos, surely you have seen the infamous shot of YOU with your tongue sticking out:)
come by and see us sometime! mighty glad you dumped that job!
BBQ at Upper Long Meadow in Park Slope
1pm at the meadow, bring something yummy to eat, drink, and share.
Will post again with the GPS information once we're setup in the park.
15:58 as rx'd
Pullups and squats were unbroken throughout
Pushups needed to be divided up: r1: 12/12, r2: 6/6/6/6 r3: 5/2's r4: 5, 2, 1's
The run didn't feel as bad as I anticipated, in fact the cool air and the misting water made the run restorative.
Great chatting with Christine, Rikkie, and Max after the workout, hopefully see ya'll in the park tomorrow.
@Rikkie: Thanks, you did great on this on as well — would have been fun to have tackled this WOD together.
@Maxwell: Thanks man, way to rock those butterfly pullups! It's max reps until you come off the bar, best of luck and hope to see your name up there in the near future.
@Yoon: Been way too long, nice to "see" you on here again. Congrats on moving on from the old gig, when are you going to be back to visit?