Rickke M with a mature Double Under Posture
Remember there are NO CLASSES on Monday, July 4th. You can always check the Class Schedule page to see upcoming closings and schedule modifcations.
The Total is Tomorrow!
After 8 weeks of pushing and pulling steel the Strength Cyclers will be testing their efforts on Wednesday with a CrossFit Total. All are welcome to come on down and cheer them on as they attempt to find new 1RMs in the Back Squat, Press and Deadlift. The Total starts at 6pm.
Advanced Handstand Class, Part 2!
Next Thursday, July 7th at 8pm Ken H will be leading part 2 of the advanced Handstand Class. This class is limited to 10 participants and has a :05 free standing handstand prerequisite. To register, please contact us to RSVP your spot. This is a free class which will cover Press to Handstands, Handstand to Forward Roll and Ring Handstands.
In honor of International Handstand Day (yesterday) check out Ken H Demo a Freestanding Static Handstand at CFSBK
CFSBK & Body Tribe
Check out our buddy Chip Conrad of Body Tribe Fitness and their new training complilation on YouTube. Last year Chip and Co made it out to SBK and shot a few segments here. See if you can spot our gym and our community in the video!
Strength Cyclers, What are your plans for each lift?
Correcting Bad Posture: Are Deadlifts Enough? Eric Cressey
Job Screening Company Archiving All Of Facebook All Facebook
America’s First Zero Packaging Grocery Store To Open In Austin Time
1970’s Polish Weightlifting Training Warm-Ups Youtube
6am with coach D.O.
3rnds nft
30 kb swings
squat salutations
60sec plank
(135×5 225×3 275×3)
315 345 365 385
subbed KB swings 20KG for DU's
Here's what I *think* I'll open with for each lift:
Backsquat: 165
Press: 65
Deadlift: 205
Soooo excited to see what Robin and J. Bails do tomorrow! They were squatting some serious serious weight last week…
it's like rickke plans those outfits out every time…
i won't be squatting due to injury, so my Total will be a SUBTOTAL.
squat: null
press: 67.5, shooting for 70 (both would be PRs)
dead: open 205, shooting for 210 (PR)
i'm trying to lift a little more regularly (esp things i don't like to do like press and bench) to prep for the hybrid total in a few weeks.
press (3): 85, 95, 100, 100
105 is my current 1 RM PR so this is a good sign…
Ah, the joys of health and wellness day at work.
Blood Pressure: 130/89 (pre-hypertensive) (Not aware of any prior personal history.)
Pulse: 65
Body fat: 13.1% (Handheld impedance-thing. Lower than I expected.)
BMI: 25.1. As if that were meaningful to an individual.
On the plus side, free appointment with a chiro for this Thursday, and maybe a free acupuncture session as well.
Is the competition class work posted anywhere on the site?
Interesting quote I saw from twitter: "Bacon is so bad ass they have to cut it in little strips"
We don't post the competition team WOD ahead of time but could do so in the future.
Is anyone good with troubleshooting airport on mac? My computer is really inconsistent with picking up internet, often I'll go to a coffee shop to do work, have full bars but still no internet. It seems pretty random as to whether i'll get it or not. Usually I do but about 25% of the time I'll be screwed. I came home today and my airport was off and I couldn't get it to turn on or detect any networks.. until randomly it was able to boot up.
David – do you have the hardware diagnostics CD that came with your Mac? If so, run it.
I did 875 for the last total. Making good progress still with the squats and the press is coming together, so I'm aiming for 950 but will be happy with 925. Basically I'm thinking of starting 10 lb off my previous 1RM and working from there:
Squat: 365 (375×1; 345x5x3)
Press: 125 (135×1; 127.5x5x3 (i think))
Deadlift: 355 (365×1; 315x5x3)
My goal: I want that 4th plate for the squat and the deadlift.
Also, Robin & I got engaged on Sunday!
That's great news, Will! Glad Robin is gonna make you an honest man 😉
Today is Jess and I'd 3 year wedding anniversary, it's fantastick!
awesome news! congrats will and robin!
good luck to all the strong ass strength cyclers tomorrow.
Congratulations! good for you. The traditional gift for year 3 is leather :0
Seriously though, that's great you guys make a great couple.
Strength cyclers, some big numbers being thrown around, I love it! Seriously, I wish you the best of luck, hard work pays off!
Figuring these openers are kind of hard. But my best guess for openers that should be attainable are:
BSQ: 305
Press: 145
DL: 315
Congratulations! It's great stuff! most of the time! I've been married now for about 6 years, and I have no regrets, although I do fill badly for, as Beyonce says "All the single ladies!" LOL
Just kidding. good for you. Have fun with it and move some weight!
Congrats Will and Robin! And the Foxes! And I'll add that Alec and I are celebrating 15 years tomorrow! Love is in the air!
congrats yee foxes and congrats on the morrow alec and deb
I thank you Lord McGrath.
My main plan for the Total tomorrow is to keep my head straight. I imagine this will be no problem after I've done the warmup regime suggested by those Soviet-era Polish weightlifters. Also, must remember to tuck shirt in and pull pants up high.
I feel like I was getting to an edge in the back squat and deadlift last week, squatting 205x5x3 and deadlifting 225x5x3. The squat left me feeling fairly brain dead, so much so that I completely botched my press at 80# by push pressing on the 3rd rep of the 1st set.
So for tomorrow, I'm thinking of opening like this:
BSQ: 225
Press 85
DL: 235
But then again, I'm all of a sudden weighed down by this piece of metal searing its way into my finger on the left hand, so who knows.
Thanks for all your well wishes. And mazel tov to the anniversarios! Lift together, love together?
Front Squat
Warmup: 45×5* 75×5* 95×5 125×3
Work: 145x5x3
*green band on knees
Felt good overall. Tried to focus on not losing my back at the bottom.
9:17. First three round of double were sub par. Last two rounds were unbroken. I remember now why I don't like doing situps on the black mats.
x3: 225-235-245-255 (first time at CFSB)
I went over the 12min cap (Stephen Hawking does better double-unders)
Warm Up
Mobility work with lax ball and foam roller.
3 rope climbs – no legs on ascent or descent.
Strength Work
Strict Press rep out: 120×6
Accessory work
110 Unbroken double unders, gunning for 200.
Strength Cycle Volume Day
Squat: 260x5x5
What wasn't last week, was just work this week. But I tweaked my calf on the 2nd set. And apparently my right glute which I didn't even notice till I started to wind up my bench position.
Bench: 180x5x3
Back up over bodyweight again. Everything is a 5RM PR since 172. Sweet– get to be on an LP and continuing to make gains.
Chins: 5-4-3-2-1 twice. Playing around with a reverse ladder to get some more volume. I like it and think i can do more with less rest.
I did chins yesterday thinking i would do Cleans today in order sneak in 3 pulls in 2 workout days. The best laid plans… With two new lower body tweaks I passed on any more work.
Weird that the HTML tags need to be lower case. Is that a web 2.0 thing?
1 HOUR of back handspring practice. Thank you to the several spotters who helped me today. I ended up being able to finally do it without anyone standing there. The key I'm finding it so be really explosive and almost be falling backwards when you jump. Can't wait to try at it Chelsea Piers tomorrow.
Back Squat
(20kgx5, 50kgx5)
Totally light, just wanted to have some weight on my back, haven't squatted since before Ecuador.
Then I played with some Hang Power Snatches at 95lbs then..
Overhead Squat
95×10, 95×10, 95×20
I didn't think I would be able to do 20 unbroken overhead squats today but It actually wasn't as hard as I thought it would be!
As much as I love coaching.. It was really nice to be in the gym just playing, talking to people and working out.
Thanks, everyone. And thanks Bethany, I'll see about putting the disc in.
Took Active Recovery with Fox and heard of a bunch of muscles that I never heard of before courtesy of Whitney and Fox. I'm going to make it a goal to do active recovery 3x a mos.
Comp class was a doozy and I real have to work on my snatch, rx weight felt heavy, got
Isabel (5min cap)
11 in 5 minutes & most were ugly, not strong enough yet
Grace: (4min cap)
23? at Rx Weight
Fran: (2min cap)
Finished both sets of 21
Really hard class but awesome working with so many awesome people. Cant believe Josh M is in with a cast, that was def awesome to watch.
Anyone interested in playing softball? I'd like to organize with some of the coaches help a crossfit round robin tourney of softball to be played this summer.
Who is interested in playing. Email me at dhalioua@gmail.com
Hey can someone post this to the top of the site in case anyone misses this?
Deadlift work. Working on chest up and arching the lower back, couple good queues from Jeremy
Comp wod:
16 reps of Isabelle rx'd
29 reps of grace rx'd
39 reps of Fran rx'd
Love girls, but these three proved rather challenging
Thrusters have never felt so light!
deadlift/annie from last night;
275, 285, 295, 305, all x3
Annie: 7:57 rx'd.
Active Recovery:
-Basic group stuff
-PVC Roller/Laxball – on lower/upper body
170m? run (3rd ave and back)
10 alternating runners stretch*
5 One arm push ups – right arm
*MT. climber w/elbow touching your knee, then right into hamstring stretch
Comp class
Warm up:
400m run – as a group
Prep for whats to come!
Triple WOD
"Isabel" modified
30 reps for time: (5 min cap)
50lbs One arm Dumbbell Snatch
Time: 1:17
Rest 4 mins
"Grace" modified
30 reps for time: (4 min cap)
50lbs One arm Dumbbell Clean and Jerk
Time: 1:38
Rest 3 mins
"Fran" modified
For Time:
45lbs One arm Dumbbell Thruster
One arm Ring Rows
DNF – got finisfed with the 21s