Advanced 3-3-3-3
Novice 4×3
Post loads to commens.
(e2/4) compare to 6.19.11
50-40-30-20-10 reps for time of:
Double Unders
Post time and Rx to comments.
compare to 4.17.11 and 10.3.10
Welcome to the new blog! -Stella
Happy Birthday, Stella Z! (The Human) 2.0
So here it is! We’re excited about this new site which was designed by Michael & Associate. The first thing you’ll notice is that the overall design has been streamlined. We acquired a lot of links on Typepad and it made things seem a bit too cluttered. The navigation bar on the left will direct you to all the information you’ll need including some new resources like our new CrossFit South Brooklyn Levels sheet. Here are some more highlights:
Class Schedule
The class schedule layout has been updated and is much clearer now with the new calendar display. We’ll post any upcoming closings there incase you want to see check in on any holiday closings.
Contact Us
The contact us page is now a simple form that will send us your question or comment immediately. The form can be used for any range of issues from changing your membership to signing up for a Teaser Class.
CrossFit Levels
CFSBK is proud to announce our CrossFit Levels guide. This new resource will be used to help you set goals and access your overall fitness. We’ll be talking a lot more about how to use the guide in future posts.
Upcoming Events
The gym’s upcoming events will be listed on the right column of the home page as well as in the navigation bar. Each event will also have a short description associated with it to help keep you informed.
The Search Function
On the right of the screen you’ll see the search bubble. Here is where you can search for a previous workout on your own. You’ll have access to every blog post since 2007. Alternatively, you could also use the monthly archives located below the search bubble.
After a quick registration process you can stay signed into the site so that you don’t have to put in basic information every time you want to post a comment.
Mailing List Sign Up
We send out one email per month via our mailing list. Each message contains a short article by Coach Fox NOT featured on the blog as well as some reminders and promotions. Sign up today!
Facebook/RSS Links
Sign up with one click to friend us on Facebook or subscribe to our RSS feed. Found at the bottom right of the page.
Rotating Banner Image
Our community has had the good fortune of being acquainted with some damn good photographers. We want to show off some of their best work and get to highlight our community in the process. Each time you check the site you’ll be greeted by a new image. There are about 25 pictures in there and more to be added as they come.
Finally, squarespace provides us with a variety of options to further refine our site. As we move forward we can add or modify certain things to try and increase its functionality for you. Let us know what you think about the site in the comments section.
Nice web-page! See you tomorrow Annie! I notice there's no "new training book" section…
Great to see the new site launched, nice font choices, and yay for search! Gone are the days of using the "site:" option on google to reference my training log. Looking forward to giving the new features a proper going over (just saw the option for your post to exist on another site — will have to play with that).
The CrossFit levels looks really interesting, are there plans to divide classes by level like you did at the Lyceum (hoping these comments are threaded to make followup easier).
Greetings from the DL! Wow, it's nice.
Golly, a new site. So much to check out and figure out. Congrats.
I love the new site!
Dead lift today was 3x3x3x3 at 255 lbs. 15 lbs up from last week.
I was playing around when it first went up last night. Really cool. It'll take a bit of getting used to since the old site was like a home where you knew where everything is/was–but especially with searc should make things much easier.
ooh! ooh! after we access our fitness, can we concur our weaknesses? 🙂 the new site already feels like home. (what could be homier than a welcome from Stella?)
Stella Butt!!!!
Not bad… but where's the CREAM FILLING!?
Who you callin' a butt, butt?
I'll be in at noon for a birthday ass-kicking, Can't wait!
Fancy!! I love it.
I love this new interface! It's über sleek!
Sorry. The web site said error, but it apparently it posted my comment in triplicate when I hit "create" again. How do I delete the copies?
I deleted the two extra comments for you. If I'm not mistaken, when you're logged in you can go back and edit your own comments after the fact. I'm currently viewing it from the admin interface so I was able to modify it quickly while I posted this.
No plans to divide up classes into different levels necessarily. The levels are more of a tool to help people gauge where they are, what the need to work on and what kind of scaling is appropriate for them.
The site is actually SO much easier to update now too. You basically just click on what you want to change and then edit it. In Typepad there was a whole back end version where you had to navigate several pages to edit something.
I'd love for us to be able to upload avatars for the comments but I'm not sure if that's possible.
Some things never change…
Love the new site guys. Looking forward to commenting without entering in info every time.
Like the photo integration too.
Lookin' good, guys!
We are out in Greenport, Long Island just across from Shelter Island and headed up to Rhode Island later today. Will be back for the total on Wednesday. In an effort to save up for squatting, for the next two days, I am trying my best to avoid any physical activity involving my hips or back. Looks like it's trashy magazines and loafing on the beach for me!
Pretty squarely in level 2. So noted.
Beautiful. Also a great favicon.
deadlift: 225, 235, 245. felt way lighter than last week even though it was heavier. weird.
annie: subbed KB swings (20kg) for double unders, 11:26. that was tough going but a great way to start the week.
also, me likey new site!!!
The new site is very pretty, and all the new functionality is very cool. However, the new calendar does not play well with my (i)phone's browser. I can only see to about 9am and there does not appear to be a way to scroll down to see later times … Is there any possibility of getting that resolved?
Congrats on getting the new site up!
I love the new site AND an added bonus it's not blocked by my work's firewall!! Procrastination here I come!
"Crossfit Levels" is a great addition and very humbling. I have added a lot of those standards to my 2011 CF goal list.
Very nice new site. I feel like I am at a white party in Ibiza. Sleek!
very fanthy!
Love the new site!
Reminder about July 16th, Cyclones outing! Email me (akalishman AT if you're interested in going to a Cyclones vs. Lowell Spinners game at 6pm on a Saturday. There are no CFSBK classes at that time so you have no excuses not to come.
Tickets will probably end up around $15/each and if we get 20 people or more interested we each get a free hat. I don't know about you all but I'm always looking to stock up on things to donate to the Salvation Army in a few years.
I'm probably going to buy the tickets this coming weekend so you have until Friday afternoon to let me know if you want to come!
I noticed the same thing with the iPhone's. It's formatted similarly to a trackpad feature, if you use 2 fingers to scroll down while looking at the schedule you should be able to scroll from the morning classes to the evening classes.
New site looks pretty sweet! Nicely done!
The site looks awesome! I really like the rotating picture and the search features. Also really excited about the levels! I would like to see our little pictures and/or avatars come back though…
ooh, and you have 15 minutes to edit your post…fantastic!
DL (75, 95, 115, 135) 135, 145, 150, 155 for another 3RM PR. Yeah!
Annie 10:02 with 1/2 volume double unders. Yeah, still gotta work on those — the most I got in a row today was 3.
And now it's time for some birthday pampering!
Deadlifts at 205 pounds. My back still rounds. Hamstrings still stiff and inflexible. Oh Lord, how far I have to go.
OTOH, a :43 PR on Annie: 8:14
Wow, two of my fav's and I'm opting not to go. Stone carving is starting to take priority, it would seem.
Glad for the site changes. BTW, I did notice some font issues on the bio's page (Jeremy & Fox aren't like the rest).
BTW, where are the murph pictures?
Love the new site..very impressive..
I concur!
Nice job on the site!
Love the site. The CorssFit levels are really cool. I am very surprised to learn that I'm doing pretty well on the strength moves, but I definitely need to work on the dynamic stuff as well as the benchmarks. I don't see that sub 5:00 Fran anywhere in the near future….
I had a lot of trouble linking doubles today. I don't know why.
Howdy from Newport. The new site looks great!
Couldn't make it to the local box so I did today's WOD at the Naval Post gym. Had to be gentle with the weights.
Deadlifts 135×5, 205×3, 255×3
Annie in 8:27 felt slow but I can't remember my previous best.
went back to 255×3
Annie 11:46–beat the cutoff
295-295-295-285 (3rd set got a bit soft)
Annie: 5:22 rx'd
Everybody is welcome Wednesday evening to cheer and thrill at the Strength Cycle Total. We LOVE it when people spectate – it's that much easier to move eleventy thousand pounds when 50 people are screaming your name 🙂
We get started at around 6. Even if you hadn't planned to work out that night, we'd love it if you'd come by.
This was a sit up WOD for me, and they got slow and crampy. wah…
Today was real crappy for me at work, and I brought that vibe into the gym. I got really frustrated with my deadlifts, cant figure how to keep my chest up. I worked at 285 to open but went down to 250 to work on my form. I just didnt have it.
Annie: 7:30 rx'd is dead!
long live!
I could basically echo Dan's post verbatim. Shitty day and I tried to take it out on the weight to no avail. Went 295-305-315f on the DLs and really have trouble staying tight throughout, and was shot for a fourth set despite David's encouragement. I think I need to record my next session just because there are only so many times I can hear the same advice without changing it.
Annie was ok at 9:18. My double unders are coming along if only I had tied my shorts and my shoes correctly to begin with. I also felt myself getting into a groove when I found the right handle/grip on the rope and was really flicking it through the zone.
Great new website!! Good job guys!
Time permitting warm-up tonight. Not as great as I had hoped.
Deadlift – 3/345#,3/3/355#,3/365#,3/385#
Annie – 5:47 (anchored sit-ups). Sit-ups go really slow in rounds of 30,30,10
Strength Work
Played around with one-legged deadlifts variations, 5×95 each leg with the bar, then with dumbbells.
Double overhanded deadlifts: 135×10, 185×5, 205×5
245×5, 285×3, 305×7 (mixed grip on the rep out)
Metabolic Conditioning
Annie: 50-40-30-20-10 Double Unders and Sit-ups
5 minutes flat — unbroken double-unders and sit-ups. Stayed consistent with all the movements, although the sit-ups caught up to me in 3rd and 4th rounds.
Got into a rhythm with doing the sit-ups. Stayed relatively tight through the midline and hinged only at the hip, was fairly explosive and didn't fatigue my abdominals at all although the same can't be said for my fried hip flexors. Recently found myself with a slight lateral rotation of my body when deadlifting, planning to add more unilateral work to future warm-ups.
David, this might help you with creating avatars next to each person's comment:
Fun 5pm today. Came in feeling a little off with an upset stomach, but settled down through the warmup and deadlift.
WU:95×5, 115×3, 135×3, 145×2
Work: 135x3x4
Scaled DU's to 25-20-15-10-5. Sit-ups were rx'd.
time: 7:26
counted attempts in my DU's, but luckily I'm having a lot more success along with those attempts. starting to comfortably string 2-3 together consistently. 5 consecutive was my max tonight.