Tempo for today is: 2-2-X (2s down, 2s hold, explode up. Heels may leave ground, try to jump)
Add 5-10 lbs to last weeks tempo squats but make sure you are still able to explode out of the bottom.
Post loads to comments.
(e4/8) compare to 6.18.11
For Time:
15 Power Cleans
Run 400m
10 Power Cleans
Run 400m
5 Power Cleans
Run 400m
Advanced loads for the Power Cleans are 155/105
Post Time and Rx to comments.
Shout out to David B who has been consistently addressing his mobility issues at every single class he attends. Keep up the great work, David!
Congratulations to all our LGBT members on the Gay Marriage Bill passed yesterday! CFSBK is especially proud to be be a NY Affiliate today.
New Strength Intensive Dates Posted!
July Cycle A (Novice)
7/11/11 – 9/2/11
Mondays and Wednesdays from 7:00-8:30pm
Fridays from 6:00-7:30pm
July Cycle B (Intermediate/Advanced)
7/12/11 – 9/4/11
Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7:00-8:30pm
Sunday from 10:00-11:30am
July Cycle C (2xW Morning Cycle)
7/11/11 – 8/31/11
Mondays and Wednesdays from 6:30-8:00am
For more information and to register, click here!
Undead Jazz Fest at CFSBK Tonight!
Patrons of the arts rejoice! Tonight CFSBK is one of the hosts for the Undead Jazz Fest. This concert is great for connoisseurs of jazz as well as the uninitiated. Homage Skate Park, Littlefield and CFSBK (all on Degraw Street) will play host to a variety of musicians all night long. For more information and to get tickets, please click here!
Strength Cycle doesnt end til Sept 2 ?!?!
WTF I can't do it again this time…geeez!!!!!………………..
Just kidding Foxy—just wanted to get your blood pressure up. I'm all in. 🙂
Ohh man i really want to do that AM class for strength. Taking 2 weeks off in august so I guess that’s a no go. Arghh
Color me interested in the C cycle if it’s for beginners — how do I get in touch with Jeremy to ask questions about the class?
135 squats.
11:25 Wod. Rx. Should have been faster but I rested too much on the first set of cleans. The rest I did with the quickness. Coulda ran faster. But that’s what I get for doing this in a globo. See y’all tomorrow.-the goose
Hey. I am in the country. Are burpees a good metabolic/body weight sub for power cleans?
C cycle is for everyone.Any other questions feel free to email me:Jeremy(at)crossfitsouthbrooklyn.com
You’re in the country, find a log or tree branch and power clean that. MovNat style. Lol
I think burpees are probably a reasonable metabolic sub for almost anything, but I think box jumps will give you more of the “triple extension” that power cleans are beloved for. Also, there’s all kinds of heavy stuff in the country. Rocks, logs, livestock, children, pets. All can be cleaned if they are cooperative.
Thanks for the advice! It was a little rainy for box jumps on the metal risers at the local track. I did burpees. 13:10. It feels so nice to run on the track. 🙂
All our logs are mad skinny and slimy out here. I usually optFor buckets of stone or water.
lovely 8am with coach margie
WUcalf stretchesmountain climbers3 rnds nft10kb swings touch the ground each rep10 ring rows
FSQ good lifting with the björnimal(45 95 135)185 205 225 235PR
WOD this was a good one.8:52cleans rx’d/subbed row for run. arms were a little tired after this.
front squats
Scott and I are slow and did 5reps for 2 sets til Margie duh’ed us. then we did 2 sets of 2
We both worked at 135. Overall these were good and I was able to work on exploding up.
9:52 @ 115I didnt really want to do this for some reason. Hard to get through the round of 15–especially since I’m a slow cleaner (my wife also really hates this about me).
Once I got going it wasn’t that bad.
Long time blog reader, first time blog poster…
9am with MargieFSQ 58lbs 4×3
WOD – My first time doing Cleans!About 12 minutes. I forgot to look at the clock – newbie mistake. I still hate running, how long till that gets beaten out of me?
Thanks, CFSBK for acknowledging this momentous victory and for being a pluralistic place that openly welcomes LGBT and all members! See y’all tomorrow.
If I get there 15 minutes or so before the 9am class tomorrow, can someone review kipping with me? I’d like to overcome my overall suckiness at it.
Day 1 of the ‘Chicharrones and Hot Sauce’ fitness challenge
AMRAP 2 minStrict HSPU – 24 (first 15 unbroken in ~30s)
21-15-9Pull upsBurpees3:48(first round unbroken and fast, middle round slower with some short breaks, last round unbroken and fast)This WOD seems to me like a bodyweight Fran and gave me the ‘tingles’ as such
Shane – did you give me your best?
Tempo FS: Worked up to 135, started getting a hang of the explosiveness more to the later sets.
wod as rx’d: 8:00, runs get me every time, I really need to work on dropping under that power clean, Thanks Margie for the heads up
Did some back squat work in preparation for the Total. WOD in 9:09.
Todo tiene su final – including one of my most cherished things about CFSBK, Shane’s Saturday Active Recovery.
I even let that dude hug me afterward. Whoa, right?!
It was nice to ride out the last session in style, with the indefatigable Carlos and a brand-new SBK’er, fresh from the teaser class and eager to, well, roll around on a lacrosse ball.
Shane, you promised me SEVERAL videos and other assets, including your ongoing personal attention to my mobility in and around the box. I intend to hold you to all of it.
I’ll be in PA next weekend so I won’t be able to test the waters with Shane’s replacement, some guy named Osorio (?) We’ll see what he’s got.
Mishik & Co – welcome again. Very glad to have you guys with us.
Reebok continues to flex its muscles all over the formerly allegedly “open source” fitness movement called Crossfit:
OPT is next in a long line of experts parting ways with Crossfit because they dared to think for themselves.
Good workout today. Instead of trying to find a heavy triple or 5RM, I continued with the rep out scheme. The volume day fiasco Tuesday has been proven to have been just a really bad day: that’s a relief.
Squat: 295x7I attempted 8 but couldn’t stand up. I couldn’t get enough breath into my gut to get tight and when I hit the bottom I softened up, didn’t get a strong bounce, and that was that. I thought I definitely had 8-9 in me today, but gassed out. Conditioning maybe?
295 is a 5RM for me, so I’m happy about that and I got 7. It was good to get the same reps that I got at 290 and 280. Progress.
Press: 125x5x3All good. The bar is moving about the same as at 120, so I’m very pleased.
Deadlift: 335x4I planned a 4-rep set in order to not overdo it.3 was tough. 4 was a bear. It moved fairly well though and was not a total grind. I’ve never done reps this heavy, so again, I’m in new territory and pretty happy. Next week I think I’ll do a triple. No sense in overdoing the volume at this point with the Hybrid Total getting close…
TEmp Squats at 145
wod 110lbs, 12:07
Tempo Front Squats – 155#
WOD (155# PC / 400m run) – 9:47
Tempo fsq 135x2x3
Stopped due to left hip and back pain.
Wod in 8:17 at 115#. Some minor heel pain during run.
M&R with Shane & co. I’m not sure what indefatigable means but thanks Michele. Felt a lot of relief. It’s pretty clear to me I’ve fallen behind on my mobility and general maintenance
feel it is my duty as a budding social worker to point out that congratulations should be to our ENTIRE GYM for the passing of the gay marriage bill, not just our glorious LGTBQs. i embrace NY today for real because it took a step towards embracing. a world where gay people can’t get married is a bullshit world. i love you.
Tempo squats – 5x2x105#Metcon – 8:41 rxfirst time doing temp work. I can’t wait to do more! I need to pay extra attention to staying tight at the bottom or I risk going soft and too deep into the squat. Loved the metcon but really need to work on dropping faster.Great start to the Saturday!
tempo: 145#Wod: 8:40 @115#.
I ran the gay pride 5-mile race in Central Park this morning and it was very emotional. So happy for all my LGBT friends who now have the same freedom, at least in NY, as us straight folk to marry the person they love.
That being said, the race was a biatch — between the Harlem hill and Cat Hill, I felt like a zombie by the end!
Word, baz!
Skipped the front squats, today. Had no time.WOD:10:00 flat. Def should have been faster. Rested too much on the cleans. Dumped the weight when I could have held onto it too may times. I also ran like an overweight kid in 8th grade gym class. Gotta cut that out.
Made up on Sunday
Warm up:
some mobility WOD stuffs
Tempo Front Squat
Warm up:
Bar(45)x2 95×3
For Time: (155Lbs)
15 Power Cleans
Run 400m
10 Power Cleans
Run 400m
5 Power Cleans
Run 400m
Time: 8:10
-Nothing to great about today, just glad to be able to move after Fridays workout (100s)
Did this on Sunday:
3 rounds NFT of: 10 dead stop kb swings 1.5pood, 10 ring rows
Tempo Front Squats:
10:29 at 105#
-happy that 105 cleans don't feel as heavy as the used to but I've still got so much to improve on my technique!!! I should have been faster.