3-3-3-3 Advanced
4×3 Novice
There is a 20 minute cap to hit your lifts.
Post loads to comments.
(e3/8) compare to 6.18.11
21-15-9 Reps rounds for time of:
Burpee Box Jump
Dumbbell Thrusters, 40%BW
Post time and Rx to comments.
*Consider using 60-70% of your best double
Caption today's blog photo in the comments section!
Undead Jazz Festival at CFSBK
This Saturday, June 25th from 8pm-3am CFSBK will be one of the hosts for the 2011 Undead Jazz Festival. Founded in June 2010 the Undead Jazzfest is new kind of festival, bringing together an incredible array of artists from the new jazz and improvised music community currently exploding in New York City. With no headliners, affordable tickets, unorthodox venues and no drink minimums, the Undead Jazzfest aims to shake the public perception of what jazz can be today, celebrating the incredible music being made in a setting that is inviting to both the veterans and curious new fans.
For more information and to get tickets, click here.
Hamstring Stiffness, with a little help from a friend Mobility WOD
Kettlebell Juggling
Eat The Pain CrossFit Lisbeth
Sorry about the late blog post, guys. I came home last night and had no internet through this morning. It kicked back on around 9:30.
Hell’s Bells!
hmm.. i thought wednesdays were going to be heavy front squats and thursdays were jerks. was it switched up?
excited for that wod though. jerks and double unders sounds like a fun combo.
Greetings all. I’m back in Brooklyn after my trip to India where I spent a few days up in the mountains of the Ladakh Himalayas (Ladakh was known as Western Tibet before becoming part of the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir). My brother and I attempted to climb Stok Kangri Peak, which does not require technical climbing despite being at 6153 meters altitude (some 20,000 feet). But when there is snow, as there is in June, it requires the use of crampons, iceaxes and roping up on some sections (there is a glacier crossing involved). Well, we could not make it to the summit of Stok Kangri and had to turn back on the summit ridge at about 18,500 feet because of bad weather (poor visibility, freezing rain, some snow). Our guide thought doing the knife-edge ridge in those conditions would be too dicey. We agreed and headed back. Still, it had been an epic climb till that point, especially since we had to start at 2AM in the morning to make the most of the packed snow (it gets softer later in the day, making avalanches and slips more common). Even then I slipped at one point on my return on a steep slope and had to carry out my first ever ice-axe arrest to halt my slide. So it came to three days of oxygen-starved trekking from 11,500 feet to 14,400 feet, then from there to 16,300 and then the last push up to 18,500 feet starting at night.
The best way to describe hiking at these altitudes is that it feels like a really long met-con: you’re always short of oxygen. On the last day, I resorted to counting steps and breaths: walk ten steps, halt, take ten deep breaths, resume. Returning to lower altitudes from the 18,500 feet high was an interesting experience as well: my hands and feet swelled up as my heart continued to pump oxygen at pressures required to deal with high-altitude, and for two days my nose ran bloody mucus as the vaso-dilation caused by the return to low-altitudes resulted in broken blood vessels.
I am disappointed at not being able to make it to the summit but still, I conquered some personal demons as I was apprehensive about climbing at night, negotiating steep slopes in the darkness with headlamps, using iceaxes and crampons etc, and besides I made it to an altitude I had never been to before (my previous highest was 17,100 feet about 5200 meters, this time I made it to 5600 meters, about 18,500 feet). I felt in good shape throughout; all the WODS at CFSBK helped!
The Ladakh Himalayas are truly spectacular; I’ll put up a slideshow somewhere in the next couple of days for people to check out.
See you all soon,Samir
The CFSBK production of Gulliver’s Travels??
“crampon” is such a spectacular word.
Caption: “Lesson Kids, never drink and swing alwyas call on designated crossfitter”
Fox. ya messy bollix!
“Those kettlebells really ARE dangerous!”
There seems to have been a *mis-blog. Today is Front Squats plus WOD. For those of you following along outside of SBK:
FSQ2-2-2-2 Advanced4x2 Novice
21-15-9 reps for time of:Burpee-Box JumpsDB ThrustersRx load on DBs is 40% of BW total
*Management assumes no responsibility for this error. Blame it on the ethers.
Caption: “Eh, balls!” (Must be pronounced with a thick LawnGuyLand accent.)
i am not excited to find out what a burpee box jump is
Mournful of the falling of their supposed and marked “chosen one”, the Kettle Bells prepare to hoist Chris overhead to commemorate the many times he swung them in the air and cradled them close to his body.
After creating the drinking game ‘Goblet Squat’*, Chris rested among less treacherous ‘goblets’.
*Rules of ‘Goblet Squat’Use a standard red party cup.Hold the cup in a frontsquat rack with hands inverted towards chest. Only the pointer finger and thumb of each hand may touch the cup.Squat to full depth.If anything spills, drink.
Thought you guys might like this article from the Times:http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/06/22/to-stretch-or-not-to-stretch/
Personally, I was glad to find support for my policy of stretching before hockey and not stretching before running.
For the last time, Fox, Don’t ask me when I’m coming back to do WODs
Calling all fans of minor league baseball or fans of sitting out by the beach and drinking a beer! I’m going to the Coney Island Cyclones game on Saturday, July 16th at 6 pm.
I’m trying to put together a group so we can all sit together and hang out – waiting on word back from the team sales rep. Let me know if you’re interested and how many tickets you’d want to purchase. They’ll be in the $10 or less range I believe.
akalishman at gmail.com
Sorry about the 2nd Blog Snafu. Now Fixed
Just finished gymnastics class at Chelsea Piers. This one was much harder because of the down time I just took the first half of this month and that my lats were uber sore from yesteray’s 250’s workout. I came in about half an hour early to get my range of motion back and warm them up.
Class was good, usual warm-up then stretch session which was about 15 minutes. then line drills and then they broke up into different stations. I focused on my front hand springs and back hand springs with spots. They felt harder than last time. The coaches said I need to be more flexible :X
“Let he who is without gluten cast the first kettlebell”
@ariel i was talking to melissa L and some other people about this. DEF in.
Cyclones games are a blast. I’m still crying that they closed Beer Island though.
I’ll be in CA that week, but highly recommend the field trip for anyone in town.
FSQ45x595x3125x3145x3155x3165x3175x1 x not low enough x bail
21/15/9Burpee Boxjumps @ 20″ & Dumbell thrusters @ 25 lbs*11:38
*Found out that one of the DBs was only a 20 as I was putting them away. Whoops.
FS: 155 185 205 225WOD: 24″ box, 50# dumbbells
Not fun! Those thrusters were horrible.
That WOD killed me. Was planning on doing deadlifts this afternoon to prep for CFT, but not now!
FSQ 105-135-155f-155 (Will start heavier next time!)
WOD: 14:30-ish (Thanks to everyone who stayed to cheer for me, I was struggling and had the shivers!)
Also: Here is a fun pick of my squatting setup while upstate this weekend, two water buckets and a shovel: http://mypunkheart.tumblr.com/post/6786137412/how-we-make-do-upstate
“and that is how coach fox pood himself, folks.”
“A fine kettlebell of fish he got himself into.”
front squat 150X3X4Box jump burpee + Thrusters (15# dumbells)((I was shot from last night’s workout there ooof deadlifts and amrap))7:54
FS(3)- (45, 95, 135, 155) 175, 185, 195Fthen 3×5 press at 85#
“survived by foxette, who totally has a big girl voice, coach fox slipped off the edge of the middle platform trying to add a 45 pound bumper to his bar”
Josi’s caption FTW.
“I guess those whiny strength cycle people were right!”
Are the DB thrusters 40% bwt/hand or total?
I am 175#. Does this mean 70#DB/hand?, or 35#/hand?
Are the DB thrusters 40% bwt/hand or total?
I am 175#. Do I use 35#/hand or 70#/hand?
Samir–awesome reading-good to have you back. Look forward to hearing more about it.
165×3, 175x3x3 I wrote 265 and 275 respectively and Chris called me out on it haha.
Part of the reason I wrote 265 and 275 was because of our awesome burpee box jump db thruster wod
I finished at 9:20 30# and 20″ box.
For soem reason I was jumping onto teh box with one leg and couldnt really fix that.
love the captions!
This might sound pathetic but today is the first day in about 3 weeks that I didn’t step foot in the gym. Realizing that, plus me coming home from work exhausted, plus being too damn sore to even keep my torso upright = rest day. Will need to make up these squats on Friday.
@jefff–it’s 40% total split between the dumbbells. so you’d be at 35# each hand.
so in for the cyclones game! thanks for organizing ariel!
Front squat I did 3-3-3-3225235235245 (PR)
2 PR in one week, deadlift and front squat. I’m pretty stoked on this. Can’t wait for Tomorow, I will actually show up to the box. Been slacking lately and just doing everything at globo hell.
“Kettlebell beds are good for your back!”
In for the Cyclones. Thanks Ariel.
Front Squat – 3/185#, 3/205#, 3/215#, 2/225#
WOD (35#DB/hand & 24″ box) – 9:40
205, 215, 220 all x3. (didn’t get to last set)wod. 8:14, 20″ box and 25# bells. Ok next, time I’ll challenge myself with 30#.So many clever captions and I can’t offer a winner of my own. (Dig Josi’s. I’m a sucker for scat(ish) humor).@ Shawn$–never doubted those loads. More of a big thumbs up! 🙂
Front Squat: 255-265-275 (shallow on rep 3), backed off and did some reps at 205. Totally disappointed after last week felt so good.
WOD w/ a 20″ box and 30 pound dumbbells in 10:03. Really wanted to fight for sub 10 but my mind couldn’t get my body to pick up those f’ing dumbbells in those closing seconds.
For completeness.
Front squat did 205 across. Felt bad at first but got better. Finally remembered on my 4th set that I didn’t need to set up so damn wide.
Wod with a 20″ box and 25lb dumbells in 11:08. Thrusters felt good (a sentiment I never thought to express), but the burpee box jumps were hard to string together.
Noon class
Warm up:Mad-dash to CFSBK on my bike(Running late, but made it on time)400m run1min 3rd world squatShoulder prep
Front SquatWarm up:Barx5 135×4 185×3 225x2Work:265×3 275×3(F2) 255×3
WODFor time:21 15 9Burpee Box Jump 20″Dumbbell Thruster 35lbs
Time: 8:09
late post! done friday
Front Squat:
(i forget my warmup's…damn late posting and losing my journal!)
130×3, 140×3, 150×3, 160×3
-that last set was really hard, and might be a PR! so many things I'm not loving about the front squat this go-around…bar physically hurts in the rack position, it's suffocating me a touch, making me very lightheaded, and I don't know how to take a deep breath. (thanks margie for trying to help me get this concept!)