(E 2/8) Tempo Squats-22X (2s down, 2s hold, explode up. Heels may leave ground, try to jump)
40-50% of your triple weight from e1/8
Rest no more than 2 minutes between sets
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Compare to 6.15.11
For Time
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 reps of
Push Ups
Sprint 100m
(1 pup+100m, 2 pups+100m, etc…)
Please read or review Push-ups 101
Post time and RX to comments.
Undead Jazz Festival at CFSBK
Next Saturday, June 25th from 8pm-3am CFSBK will be one of the hosts for the 2011 Undead Jazz Festival. Founded in June 2010 the Undead Jazzfest is new kind of festival, bringing together an incredible array of artists from the new jazz and improvised music community currently exploding in New York City. With no headliners, affordable tickets, unorthodox venues and no drink minimums, the Undead Jazzfest aims to shake the public perception of what jazz can be today, celebrating the incredible music being made in a setting that is inviting to both the veterans and curious new fans.
For more information and to get tickets, click here.
Calisthenic Kingz USA Youtube
Ido Portal, Israel Youtube
Urban Free Flow, France Youtube
Ginastica Natural, Brazil Youtube
Couldn’t make it in to Brooklyn today so i did this at my globo.
front squat 125 was interesting trying to be explosive after 2 seconds in the down position. felt light, but i guess this isn’t supposed to feel heavy.
I didn’t time my wod, just did it unbroken. My chest is really sore from the burpees so this was a challenge.See yall tomorrow, i get to come in on fathers day, Holler.
highlights video from day 1 at the northeast regionals:
CFNE appears dominant (no surprise) in the team competition; mel ockerby and robb orlando leading in the individual.
1st class with Shane in ages. Always lots of laughs and chuckles with Shane.
165 X3X4 heavy front squat was tough but doable.
5:30 pushup 100 m sprint
8am with coach shane
WUdromsmountain climberscalf stretches
3rnds5 squat to box jump5 strict pull ups
FSQ(65 95 115)135 185 205 225x2felt good.
WODsubbed row for run6:22
ran in (like a cheetah) on trhe WOD with the 10am class
that was hard, fun trying to keep up with Luca.
Had to get my squatting in quickly last night. Goal is to hit all exposures.
Front Squat:80lbs x 2 x 5-definitely felt super light but appropriate given the 2sec holds.
actively recovered at noon with Shane.
**CFSBK Injured Reserve List Update**
unfortunately my hip flexor strain is worse than i thought – it’s still acute, inflamed and hot 2 weeks after the incident.
i’m not going to be able to Total on the 29th, which is breaking my heart a little. i was moving some weight this cycle.
i did this to myself by sitting too long every day in a douchebag position, then trying to squat – a mere 65-lb warmup set provoked the strain because my shit was fucking short and stiff every time i walked in the door to the gym.
that’s the lesson here. fix your office ergonomics and don’t sit for 10 hours a day. no matter how strong you are, it will catch up with you.
Excellent 8am with Shane and a pretty large class!
FSQ 3-3-3-3Worked up to 83#. I looked at my log book and realized I haven’t front squatted since february. Felt good all in all. Nice to meet Katie and partner with her.
WOD:7:17 What a bitch this was. I can confidently bang out 10 push ups unbroken. Once. Coming on the heels of all those other reps I found myself breaking down around the 8’s and then dropping to my knees on the 10 rep set. Yow.
I increased weight on each FS set. Wasn’t sure if I was supposed to or not.My sets:115135155185205The Front Squats were definitely harder with the slow descent and 2 second hold at the bottom.I did the WOD in 5:38. I could have and should ave done this a lot faster. I ran so slowly. I was far from sprinting.
Front squats today
Sprinting hell: 7:34
i went to a work bbq and played some football. On the 1st play I got in on—I jumped up to catch a pass…not sure if its when I pushed off to jump or when I landed–but I somehow sprained my 2nd toe.
I felt it pop immediately. Anyone ever Sprain a toe? This has never happened in 26 years of playing a number of sports. Its sore as hell right now. I can lift my toes but when I press down I get a sharp pain. It also hurts when I touch it. This better not keep me out!
Also a little after that I was squatting down to read a book with kamau and my knee locked up. It was weird. Got a weird sharp pain and I couldnt squat back up right away. It felt like my knee got stuck in the bent position. For the next hour or so whenever I bent it or squatted it hurt and felt like it could lock up again.
getting old?
Note to self: tensing all the muscles in your neck probably doesn’t actually help with chin-up negatives, but it sure does make you sore in stupid places. Next time, maybe give it a miss?
Front Squats – 5x2x145#Push-up/run WOD – 4:42
Used 105 for tempo fsq
Wod in 5:11. Still guarding a painful left heel.
Wod 6:17.