Snatch Balance
Weighted Chin Up
Post loads/chin-up scale to comments.
Compare Snatch Balance to 2.28.11 and 12.29.10
Compare Chins to 12.18.11
Josh M. during Sectionals WOD #1
Join us in welcoming back our intrepid leader David O. as he returns from vacation today!
Our New Strength Cycle Starts Wednesday!
Back-off week officially ends today and the new Strength Cycle starts on Wednesday, June 15th. For the next four weeks, our lifting schedule will be:
Pull-Deadlift (Monday)
Squat-Front Squat (Wednesday/Saturday)
Upperbody-Push Jerk (Thursday)
Sundays will return to having the longer Met Con focus. If you're a 2x or 3x/week athlete and wondering how to maximize your training check out Coach Fox's article "How do I Prioritize When Only Training 2-3x/Week"
That start of a new cycle is also a grea time to set revise/set your training goals so check out Fox's other article "Goal Setting"
What movement are you most looking forward to in this next cycle?
Pain in the Ass CrosssFit South Bay
Ooh, deadlifts! I’ve only gotten to do those in WODs so far, so I’m looking forward to seeing how much I can actually do with them.
Bummed to miss today’s 7 AM class — usually I’m like clockwork with those but I tweaked my elbow at some point last week and I think I made it worse with the pushups in Thursday’s WOD. I’m hoping I can be comfortable putting weight on it again by Thursday.
great early morning class with jess–snatch balances: kept them lightish to protect a tweaked shoulder. worked on speed at 103.
chins: 5-5-8-10F
as for goal setting, I’ll put this here…I want to weigh 250 by the end of august.thats a 25 lb drop. But I think it is there to lose.Let’s see how this goes.I will continue to progress squat and bench, and whatever other lifts. But I will maybe spend an extra min a day thinking about nutrition
In Gabrus’s spirit, and because public internet shaming hits closer to home than public whiteboard shaming. Strength goals for the summer:
Deadlift 1RM max of 400 pounds.Bench Press 230x5x3
MAN! The cumulative effect of the OH lunges, getups, planks, and snatch balance this week on my “pocket” obliques is very, very noticeable.
First exposure to barbell Turkish getups: 45lbs right side (up and down), 40lbs left side (up and down). Hope to get on the board on my next exposure.
First exposure to snatch balance: 83#x3
It feels very very very good to be back. Ecuador was great, but I’m not going to complain about coming back to hot showers, clean bathrooms, and Paleo friendly options when eating.
Also- it feels amazing to be back at the gym!
Snatch Balance worked at 95#, not completely comfortable in bottom of OHS positionweighted chins no added weight besides the 40 or 50 i carry around extradb rows w/ 80lbs 3 sets of 8 each sidethen 5 prowler pushes 100ft w/ 90#
I will put it out there that I love doing prowler pushes/sled drags, if anyone wants to get in on it at the gym let me know. I am just too lazy to set it up and break it down on my own.
I forgot..
5pm Class:
Group Warm-Up
Snatch Balance w/Carlos(75×3, 95×3, 115×1, 125×1)135×1, 145xFx3, 145×1. 155×1
WTD Pull-Up40x1, 80×1, 105xF
Just wanted to move today after 12 days off. My Snatch balances felt a bit soft and unbalanced at the bottom, mostly a problem of me being unfocused today.WTD Pull-ups were similar, did a few sets and then for the hell of it made a jump to 105, afterwards i had to teach so i didnt get to go down in wt.
Good to be back in the gym, brains feel a little scrambled after being away for so long.
gabrus, i’d be down to do some prowler / sled stuff
I’d also be down to do some prowler/sled work.
Nice time lifting with PR.
Snatch balance (75×3, 95×3, 115)135×1, 145F (dropped forward) 145×1, 155×1, 165×1. Felt like I could have gone heavier, but wanted to end on a solid lift.
Weighted Chins. 35, 53, 62, 70. There was a bit of english on the 70.
Noon ClassWarm up:2 rounds3 Hanging muscle snatch3 behind the neck press3 Negative snatch (bar stays in place,you move under bar)May have been one more movement but i forget
Snatch BalanceWarm up:95×3 115×2 125x2Work:135×1 155×1 185x1PR
Weighted Chin UpWarm up:BWx3 45×1 65x1Work:90×1 115x1F 115x1PR
Note:-Everything felt good