12-15 minutes each to practice
Skin the Cat/Front Lever
Forward rolls/Jump to Forward Roll
Pistols/Roll to Pistol
Post experience/progressions to comments.
Coach Noah gets all Main site in Montana!
Scary Movie Night is tonight starting at 8pm. 2nd feature starts at 10pm! Join us!
The Rumors of My Death Have Been Greatly Exaggerated
Active Recovery is still on today at 12pm! Back off week is the perfect time to come give yourself some extra mobility/recovery loving.
Skin the Cat Gymnastics WOD
Lever Progression pt. 1 Gymnastics WOD
Roll to Pistol Gymnastics WOD
bum hip loved recovering actively today.
thanks Shane!
Awesome shot of Noah!
I, for one, am glad Shane is not dead.
a lovely 8am with coach margie
really like the gymnastic stuff. more please.
week 1 rnd 2 of fox pull ups. int
4×5 w 1min inbtw. c2b for 3 per rnd.
Intensity Day, or the day of sixesAnother nice workout at Flatiron CrossFit in Boulder. One downside– no benches! Apparently the owner hates bench pressing. Major points lost.
Randy opened the gym for his Weightlifting class and Bina and I set up some squat rack next to their platforms. The garage doors were opened and it was a beautiful 68 degrees. I sweated like a madman anyway.
Squat: 285x6Can’t say I’m thrilled. I knew it was going to be tough. 245 felt heavy. I was really hoping to make a 10 pound jump to 295 next week, but this does not warrant it. I’m 5 pounds behind on my program now with only 3 intensity days left until CrossFit Total at Hybrid.
DeadLift: 315x6This is a 5RM PR. I’m doing 4-6 reps on the Deadlift. I definitely had 6 so I took it. 10 pound jump warranted.
Press: 130x6Since there was no bench and I did a 3×5 press workout on Thursday I decided to do a low volume intensity day on press. Felt strong, sixth rep was a grind, but it didn’t stop.
All in all two solid workouts while in Boulder. The altitude is a killer. The weights are definitely not lighter up here but I’m light-headed.
No class today. However, functional movement for sure. 1200 meter coin jar walk from my apartment to the TD bank on Montague. Estimated 50 pounds on my back…$700 in change later.
$700? Wow!