4 Rounds for Time of:
25 American KB Swing 32/20kg
20 OHS 75/55
15 Pull Ups
Post time and Rx to comments.
Sameer and Guest Carmelo during Murph
Happy Birthday to Kiki P. and Whitney H.!!!
No Teaser Class this Weekend
There is NO teaser class this Saturday, June 4. Teasers will resume next Saturday, June 11th at 11am.
The Heat is On
We're in the midst of a heatwave and it looks like we're in for a long hot summer. Please re-read our "Beat the Heat" article on how to stay healthy and hydrated during high temperature training days.
Congratulations to SBK's Starting Strength Coaches!
A big shout out to coaches Chris Fox and Margie L., Michele K., Rob I., Debbie P., and Alec H. for being certified as Starting Strength Coaches by Mark Rippetoe. The 3-day certification course and the accompanying exam are rigorous and passing requires a real command of the material. Congratulations to each of you on your achievement!
Do You like Scary Movies??
On Saturday, June 11 SBK is hosting a horror film double feature! That's right, not one but TWO terrifying tales meant to shock, scare and keep you up at night.
Feel free to bring any movie treats/drinks you'd like but please leave the little ones home…and remember, to keep from fainting just keep telling yourself it's only a movie…
Hey, that Beat the Heat article says we can throw ice at Shane! I’m taking that to heart.
17:16, 12 kg KB/OHS 25#/ring rows.
Wish I had gone for banded pullups instead of ring rows, which felt too easy. On the other hand…Fox’s pullup program must be working since they felt easy!
OHS…damn, I haven’t done that in a while (or very much at all) and it felt awkward as hell!
“Descent” is 500% better and scarier if you don’t know going into it what happens in the caves! Maybe y’all should remove the spoiler… 😉
21:05 1 Pood, OHS x 15 x 43# / Ring Rows
First real exposure to overhead squats (all previous had been with a PVC). Took them nice and slow.
Thanks for all the squat depth help, Shane. I think it may take a couple weeks, but it seems like something I can do.
Also, Murph kicked my butt. I am still feeling a bit sluggish.
Fun 7am class with Shane.
Warmup:2 rounds NFT of:-270m run-:30 overhead band stretch-:30 paleo chair-:30 calf mobility
WOD:21:27 rx’d.-the 20kg overhead kb swings were by far the hardest part. first round unbroken and then subsequent rounds went about 10-8-7.-OHS were light but hard coming off the swings. first round unbroken, then 10-10.-pullups were mostly in sets of 3 with some 5’s sprinkled in.-Honestly, my grip wasn’t as fried as I thought it be. Maybe it’s because I can only do small sets of pullups, or maybe I just took too much rest…
6am with coach nick. a good one.
WU3rnds nftrun to 4th ave and back30 sec shoulder stretch with band30 squat working on ankles, stretching calfs
WOD4 Rnds for Time of:25 American KB Swing 32kg20 OHS 757 strict pull ups
24:58 ( i think)
this knocked the piss out of me. i’ll attribute it to lack of sleep (thanks finn!)
but i liked it and my pull ups felt strong (thanks fox).OHS was a little unsteady at times, haven’t done those in a long while.
25 KB, 20×65# OHS, 15 green band pullups, 25:05
this WOD really felt like getting hit by a bus. there wasn’t a thing about it I enjoyed, and the OHS were particularly daunting. not a movement I’m good at. but I got through it and I suppose that I built some character or something?
also, I’m still looking for a time to make up the ol’ murph. anyone else? anyone? beuller?
Yosh, I was thinking of going Friday evening to do Murph.
I’m guessing Chris A. is the only petanque-r with a 300+ lb squat. Heels down in that photo Chris!
WANTED: Folks who like to lift heavy things.
WHEN: Evening of Friday, June 10th, and/or 8:00 a.m. on Saturday, June 11th.
WHERE: St Marks Ave between 5th and 6th; Park Place between Vanderbilt and Carlton/Flatbush.
DETAILS: Charlotte and I are moving next Saturday, June 11th, to our new abode in Prospect Heights. We have a massive, old dentist’s cabinet that weights something like 400 lbs. I shit you not. It’s really, really fun to move around — that’s why we don’t want the movers to do it. If you can help us get this down one flight of stairs (plus the stoop steps) on a dolly, and then up three flights of stairs at the other end, we would be eternally grateful. And we’ll ply you with breakfast, coffee, and other treats. Liquor, if you want.
Moving this bear is a great workout — ideal warmup before your 10:00 class! If you’re interested, please email me at nick[at]crossfitsouthbrooklyn.com.
“It’s better than the pyramid but that’s not saying a lot,” said Marion Nestle.
Hi guys. Don’t know if this was mentioned already but Men’s Health Urbanathlon is back in New York! Registration started yesterday. They are finalizing the route but looks like it will take place in Queens “start and finish in the shadow of the Unisphere, at historic Flushing Meadows Corona Park, in the heart of Queens”.
Here’s the link if you are interested:http://www.menshealthurbanathlon.com/index.cfm
joel, the friday open gym schedule doesn’t jibe particularly well with my work schedule. but unless a coach weights in with some other option… I’ll see what I can do to make it work. if you’d like to coordinate, drop me an email @ produceadeuce(at)gmail.com
Nick: We’re practically neighbors! No wonder I keep seeing you on the way to/from the gym.
Alas, I have not graduated to lifting anything THAT heavy just yet!
Would be Murphers…We aren’t scheduling a make up for Murph and Friday night Open Gym would be a great time. Be sure to start by 6-ish, it takes a while. However, it would likely not be a great inconvenience to a class should a few people choose to make it up this weekend. It is crush week afterall. I’d suggest organizing to having a partner, Murph is hell alone. As always, ask the coach on duty how to best work in. This weekend that means Marg-asaurus…she’s coaching every class this weekend!——-
David F (and anyone else interested) – I’ve wanted to do that race for a while. I just signed up. Thanks! I now have my one endurance event per year taken care of, at least registration-wise.
thanks fox!! I appreciate the info. now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go write a love poem about your mustache… what?
31:12 as Rx’ed. I dogged this one, though. Should have been much faster. Just one of those days.
17:57 2 pood, subbed pushups for the squats (still can’t squat), 15 pull ups kipping.The KB portion was a gasser!
Oh, and awesome getting to do a WOD with Jenna after what seems like over a year!
Ding! Ding! You’re right, Noah, that is me in the WSJ. Heels down, full squat while standing with both feet in a 50 centimeter circle is way tough. Need to work on my mobility to achieve that. :-). Btw, all, wanna learn to play the laziest sport this side of darts (perfect antidote and recovery from ‘Murph’?) Free lessons in Bryant Park M-F, 11 am – 6pm, M-F. I teach thursdays, 2:30-6. Come on out!
22:51 scaled to 1.5p and 65#. Felt tough through the first three rounds, then it felt awful. My wife and I have recently moved here, and have fallen a bit out of CF practice – it’s good to be back in action.
Any leads on where to get the circular resistance bands, either in the city or online? Performbetter.com wants ten bucks to ship five dollars worth (i.e., two) of bands.
22:41, everything was a mess however. Kettlebell swings still need tons of work. Will start light and work on form next time. Did the first two rounds of OHS rx, but then went to 15 reps, on round 3 and doing the last 10 as front squats in round 4 (20 total though). Pullups felt good overall. Kips are still very much a work in progress.
16 kg / 55# ohs / 10 pullups
Grip was the worst part. OHS was easier than I expected. Pullups were singles. Grip ow.
Also first barefoot running exposure in a while: instant blisters.
Urk.1.5 pood/70# FSQ-BSQ/blue band
After the first round, saw Jesus and he told me to knock 5 reps off each of these movements for the next three rounds. After the 2nd round he appeared again and pointed out that back squats would be easier than front squats, so I did that.
16kg kettle 25X / 45# OHS 20X / 10X strait pull ups (no assist) 4 roundsThe last round had the stacked mats by the wall vibrating in my vision.
Warm Up:2 rounds NFT400m run:45 flag pole (each side):45 3rd world squat
WOD4 Rounds for Time:25 American KBswing 32kg (2pood)20 Overhead Squat 75lbs15 PullupsTime: 17:36
Note:-All the OHS unbroken-Stop lingering and MOVE!3 to 5 seconds rest