Add 2-5lbs from your previous exposure
Post loads to comments.
(e7/8) compare to 5.22.11
6x100m Sprint
The work to rest ratio on these is 1:4
Post times to comments.
David F about to bungie jump off the Navajo Bridge at the Grand Canyon – 470 ft down
Murph Reminders!
Remember that Sunday is our 4th Annual Memorial Day Murph! The event will officially begin at 11am and go until about 3pm.
The gym will open at 10:30AM and we will be starting the first heat of folks exactly at 11am. We'll be starting new heats of up to 20 people on the half hour and recommend that you arrive 15 minutes early for whichever heat you'd like so that you can warm-up and do any movement prep you'd like.
There will be a number of movement and scaling options available so whatever your level of fitness is we'll find the appropriate challenge. Everyone is encouraged to participate, spectate but please, don't player hate.
Sunday is expected to be a warm one so please hydrate Saturday (with something other than alcohol) and make sure you hydrate before, during and after the workout (again, with something other than alcohol).
The BBQ itself will start at 1PM. If you're bringing a side dish and/or delicious beverages please email Shane at Shane(AT)Crossfitsouthbrooklyn.com if you have not yet.
We could also use one more grill. If you have one you can donate to the cause that would be greatly appreciated!
Bring your family, bring friends we hope to see you Sunday!
MMA Fighter, Frank Mir goes from Vegan Diet to Paleo Diet MMAFighting
Eat Like a Caveman, Get Results Katu.com
Red Meat Does Not Give You Cancer WILEY Online Library
Unexpected Gardens and the Charm of a Quiet Revolution Nourished
Shawn$: thanks for posting about Jonix– amazing work. I now need another tattoo…
I thought that Frank Mir article was really lame. hey basically equated Paleo to Mediterranean. Please. Also, I’m tired of seeing the word “lean” before meat. Robb Wolf owes us an apology on that one and it’s not about bacon! 😉 T
Got back into the Thursday night after a 6-day layoff due to illness.
Squat: 225x5x2Took it easy and am ramping back up. Will hit it today with 8-rep sets and see how that feels.
Press: 112.5x 5x3Luckily took Margie’s advice, pulling 5 pounds off from my last press and this felt just about right.
Was planning not to do a reset, but that has happened. I meet with Jeremy today to discuss my program to get me to the Hybrid total.
i’ve missed all the x10 squat exposures, so i did 3s this morning.(45×5, 95×5, 135×3, 185×1) 205, 215, 215the 6x100m sprints. didn’t bother with timing. yipes, those are potent.
Went up 5 lbs to 190 this week and got them all done.
The weird thing about x10 sets is I havent quite hit the point where I can’t do the reps….but theres a definite point where i’m like F*ck this is going to suck. It actually usually happens when I’m doing warmups at 135 x5. I think I have another 5-10 lbs in me–was definitely getting to the point where I felt a little light headed after sets.
Sprints 100m x 6 we didnt really time either.3 people got injured in our class–it was a bit of a last man standing so i just let up considering Ill be doing Murph tomorrow
set 1 at 90%set 2 at 80%set 3 at about 70-75%set 4 and 5 ” “set 6 60%
I neglected to mention that yesterday on the uneven bars at Chelsea Piers I missed a flip and landed on my ribs on the low bar.. OUCH. ribs on my right side at pretty tender today..
8am with coach margie
WUfrankenstein walkshigh skip jumpsinch worms with push uplow side shuttles
BSQ(45×5 95×4 135×3 185x 3 205×2)220x10x2220x08x1 bar slipped had to bail.
shoulder flexibility is an issue can’t get a good lock.
100m sprintsx6my head said to do skip this and do erg sprints, but i ignored it. hammie hiccuped on sprint three. took it very easy after that.
Fox’s int pu wk 3. pt 2 4×4 pu with 90-120 sec break. all c2b. feel stronger.
all the best to everyone doing murph tomorrow. have great weekends. see you tuesday.
Back Squat Volume (first time doing 10s with class)255x10x3then did 6 100m sprints, didnt time em, but I have lost all my gas
Good luck tomorrow, I will be doing both aerobic and anaerobic drinking all day in your honor
Made up my volume squats today at RetroFitness in Marlboro, NJ. It is SO weird being in a regular suburban gym.
WU: 45×5, 95×5, 135×4, 155×3, 185×2
Work: 195x10x3
Thus endeth my squat cycle as I head out of town on Monday. I’m happy about the volume squatting; went up 10lbs each time, starting at 165.
strength cycle B, week 3
squat rep-out: 150×10! super stoked, a new 10-RM for me.
the method for getting a 10-RM that you are so nervous about you are behaving like a hormonal teenager, is: have someone really large stand directly behind you and say, quietly but with some menace: “Don’t you put that bar down.” swearing is optional.
rack pulls: 195×5, easy. i really need to put some numbers on my deadlift this upcoming Total so i’m starting my Sleep Reclamation Project, Phase 2, this weekend.
this is dope, matt never used to let me post to the blog.
anyway i will be at Murph tomorrow so don’t even plan on not letting me lick your sweaty calves.
this is going to be the best day of my life!
Solo Strength Cycle Deload/ramp up something-or-other:
Squat: 210x8x3First exposure to the new 8rep scheme. Felt good, pleased with form.
Bench: 160x5x2Shoulder didn’t feel great so I skipped last set. Will ice and monitor. Bummer, because my should had been feeling the best it’s felt.
Deadlift:275×5 and 275x3Worked on form with Jeremy. Still don’t have hip level ingrained. I had them too high due to overcompensation from SS seminar corrections. Feet too narrow to boot.
Have a good trip Samir!
Good luck Murphers! I look forward to cheering and not sweating.
hadn’t done the 10x squats so i went light at 165
then tabata row.started at about 1:58 or so, went up to about 2:05 then finished off back at 1:58ish
Squat305x5x3 (short ROM on 5th rep of 2nd set)
D.O. thanks for the link on shoulder prep for lbbs, looks helpful. check it out DMG near the end of yesterdays comments.
yes Rob I agree. I find the phrase “lean meats” confusing and its use inconsistent in much paleo lit. I dont get it.
had a full physical thurs, curious about my bloodwork after 10 months of pretty strict eating. My doctor had no problem with my diet. He’s great.
because i made up 5×3 bsq yesterday, I did:
5 rnds nft of:10x 225# axle DLs10x keg hang cleans with the med weight keg2 min zercher (sp?) hold same keg
Thanks Carlos.
Back Squats (active recovery)Warm up:45×5 135x4Work:225x10x3Still felt heavy
Tabata DoubleundersTotal 16120 21 20 27 23 30 15 5
Note-I’ve been feeling a bit off-whipped myself with the rope one to many times