4 sets of +1 Rep from last week's sets.
If you're not at HSPU's yet, try to spend a little more time inverted each set.
Post reps or experience to comments.
(e3/4) compare to 5.16.11
Perform the following couplet every minute, on the minute for 10 minutes:
2 Power Clean and Jerks, 135/95
4 Bar-Facing Burpees
Post Rx and experience to comments.
Katie M and Bethany B at Active Recovery with Coach Shane
Team SBK at the Hybrid Athletics Total
Coach Margie has volunteered to organize anyone interested in competing in the Hybrid Athletics CrossFit Total Competiton on July 9th. This is a grea opportunity to test your strength in a new environment and represent your gym and your training. We've already got a few folks who have expressed interest in competing. Remember that this event is being scored on total numbers as well as relative to body weight so everyone has a chance to place well. If you're interested, register on the Hybrid site and contact Margie(AT)CrossFitSouthBrooklyn.com
CFSBK Spring Cleaning Part 3 (Log books)
Over the last few weeks we've cleared out unclaimed shoes and clothing from the gym. Now we're going to thin out the member's log book crate. Please take your log book home for the next week, you can bring it back to the crate on Sunday the 29th (Murph Day!). Unclaimed log books will be recycled.
Murph's 100 Pull-Ups, 200 Push-Ups and 300 Squats can be done "anyhow" meaning you can game out how your partition reps anyway you want. What do you think is the best way to get through this workload?
Former President Bush Awards Lt. Michael Murphy the Medal of Honor
The US Medal of Honor and the story of Lt. Michael Murphy
ok just signed up for the Hybrid Athletics Total!
I love when the 7 AM class only has two people in it! (Plus Luca, who was doing his thing with back squats.) That way David has more time to spend on “handstands for dummies.” This was my first time trying full inversion (with a spot) with no wall. Unnerving — and HARD!
WOD: 52#, modified burpees. I’m really shocked I finished this without having to AMRAP it. I was panting like a locomotive by about round 5, though.
Jim, Rob Israel and I are signed up for the Total. (Jeremy to follow shortly.)
Come on ladies!
I signed up.
Anyone find a set of keys yesterday?
I’ve never done Murph, but I’d imagine one good way to do it would be to use the squats as breaks for your pushups i.e., finish up all pullups and then do the pushups and squats in rounds, making sure you don’t finish with squats!
Last year I used a backwards Cindy approach (15 squats, 10 push ups, 5 pull ups). It worked pretty well, but I definitely fatigued on the push ups.
If I do it this year, I’m leaning towards the 15 squats, 5 push ups, 5 pull ups, 5 push ups approach some people were playing with last time.
Yea 15, 10, 5 is the easiest to track and count (which turust me can become really challenging while doing work). Last year I did like 400 squats cause I miscounted and broke things up funny.
The limiting factor like Joe said is doing 10 reps of pushups will break down pretty fast by like round 5-8.
Ive been doing more pushups leading up to this weekend so my body is somewhat used to the volume.
I think last year I did an almost max set of pushups 1st. Knocked out as many as I could right before failure and went from there.
Last year I think I also did a similar strategy with pullups but gassed myself too early. This year Im going to be pretty strict with 5 pullups at a time.
Just signed up for the total
I’ve had decent success with 5/10/15 pull-ups /pushups/squats.
When you get deep in it counting gets hard, so I’m very strict on keeping easily countable “chunks” of work, even though my pushups break down partway through.
I have thought about doing 5/10/15 until the pushups break to sub-5 numbers, then switching to 5 pullups / (2 pushup, 3 squat)*5, but I don’t know if that’s too complex or not by that point. Any opinions?
Havent seen your keys. I’ll keep an eye out and call you if I find them. Are you sure you left them at the gym?
This year I’m going to try15 Squats5 Push-Ups5 Pull-Ups5 Push-Ups
which is a strategy I’ve never tried before. Last year My push-ups went to hell and it really slowed me down, I think using the 5 pull-ups as rest I can crank out the push ups in sets of 3/2 in the later rounds as opposed to breaking down to singles and doubles eventually.
I once did Murph “Angie Style with a Row, which was:
Row 2K100/200/300 in orderRow 2K
It actually wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. Doing 300 Squats in order and then sitting down to row is something I wouldnt want to experience again though..
Noon classHSPU 7,7,7,10Completed wod at 135#made up volume squat 200x10x3
Warm up:DROMS:20 Hollow rockRinse and Repeat
Handstand pushups6reps5reps plus 1(-)3reps4reps
WODEMOTM 10 minutes:2 Power Clean and Jerks 135lbs4 Bar-Facing Burpees
Completed it!Scaled up half way to 3 PC&J and 5 burpees
I’ve done Murph:
A)5/10/15 Pullup, Pushup, Squat
B)5/5/5/15 Pushup, Pullup, Pushup, Squat
I actually was faster with the A version, but I think the B version made more sense and allowed me to keep working more consistently. I was just better conditioned the first time.
I like the idea of coming off the run and trying to knock out a good long set of pushups then settling into the same breakdown with a smaller pushup requirement. Maybe knock out 30 and then only have 8 to do a round (or 4 and 4.) Might try that.
First day back today since Ragnar, nursing a weird hurty foot/ankle. Did some light squatting that felt heavy, shaky, and wonky. Then did sets of 4 HSPUs which felt ok, and the WOD RX which was fun and reminded me NOT TO TAKE 2 WEEKS OFF.
Practice trying to kick up as usual. I know what I’m doing wrong, I know (I think) what I need to do, but I can’t seem to do it. I’m not sure why movements that involve me putting my head down (forward rolls, HSPUs) are so hard for me. Its like my brain blanks out.
Accessory WOD, subbed cleans for C&Js.
Did first round at 115#, then next 9 at 125#.
HSPU 6, 5, 4, 3. I had 5 across last week but the 6 really took it out of me.
Accessory WOD I did at 115 as the overhead felt really heavy. Cleans felt light, jerks felt heavy. Finished under 25 the whole way across.
Felt really good on the lateral jump burpies.
Squat300x5x3 !!!
This has been a long standing goal. I’d had 300×5 before but not for 3 sets across. Exclesior!
Came back for the 5pm classPress145x5x3Thanks DMak for the encouragement. Good to have you back in house.
WOD Rx’dCompleted all rounds between 18 and 21 seconds, trying not bail the bar and to move as fast as possible on the burpees. Felt good, certainly gassed for the last 3 rounds.
Warmup:-alternating :20 hollow rock/mobility work (dislocates, flag poles, scap pullups)-4:00 row at 18, 20, 22, 24 s/m. found it hard to keep steady.-handstand kickups
HSPU:6×4 with 2 abmats.
WOD:-completed all rounds as rx’d at 95#.-this caught up with me fast. first 5 rounds in about 30 secs then slowed down to about 45 secs in the latter rounds. fun though!
Good to have Dmak back with us!
oh yeah, and i’m still trying to figure out my strategy for Murph. The pushups definitely KILL me so I might try the 5 pushups, 5 pullups, 5 pushup strategy…
HSPU: 5,5,5,4. Last week was 5,5,4,3. Good help from partners Paul and Jo(h)n (i think)
Did WOD RXd. Gassed by round 9.
Good to be home!!!Working on position in the shoulder girdle, getting better. I was able to kick up to the wall, using the paralletes and hold for 30 seconds x 4. I think my position is coming along.accessory WOD at 125 and subbed 8 parallet jumps for the burpee due to injury. All rounds completed in under 30.
“excelsior”… Jess says I need to spell check everything 3 times.
Doods! Free Veggies! For reals! One day only veggie freebie, pick ’em up from the Greenwood Heights CSA on June 4. 18th St (or so) and 6th Ave. I know, I know, you’re all thinking this is way too good to be true so someone MUST have snapped it up, but no, an entire free day of farm-fresh, still-dirty, warm-from-the-sun veggies can be YOURS for the price of an email and a quick morning trip to the park. melon.wedick [at] gmail.com if interested.
Figured out what happened to my handstand push-ups… narrow hands. After several weeks of feeling that I’d lost considerable strength I realized that my hands were about as wide apart as an abmat… fixed that up and suddenly could do a lot more reps.
4,4,4,7 with 1 abmat.
WOD as Rx’d. Finished every round in under 20 seconds – mostly at 18. This was terrific fun. I love lateral bar burpees.
Really good day today after being a little discouraged lately. Great 6am group, kept me in the game. HSPU with 2 mats and a practice plate 7,8,8. As I moved onto the later sets my form improved. Work on the hollow body rocks.
Wod:Did 115 c and j next time try rx as the weight wasn’t so heavy although myForm could use some work. Focus on burpees and not losing form. All around fun day.
HSPU: 2,2,2,2 with 2 abmats. This is the first time I’ve done a HSPU – feels great…Next step – to do a full HSPU
WOD @ 115 lbs. cleans felt light; jerks were ok…
Murph strategy is 15,10,5 – will be in hawaii – so hopefully can find a bar to do the pullups on the beach !!