Add 2-10 lbs to last week
Post loads to comments.
(E5/8) Compare to 5.15.11
400 meter carry
Ex: kegs, sandbags, kbs, dbs, vests, etc…There is a 5 burpee penalty each time you stop to rest
Repeat for a total of 2-3 carries with different/heavier objects
Post loads, objects and burpee penalties to comments.
She said yes! Dan H. & Julia W. moments after Dan's proposal!
Photo Courtesy of Max Flatow
Murph Countdown
Our annual Memorial Day Murph is exactly one week away. We hope you'll join us for a wonderful workout and a great day with CFSBK friends and family!
Remember this isn't a competition and it isn't just for longtime Crossfitters. We will have a number of scaling options so whether you just finished Foundations or have done Murph with a weighted vest you are welcome to participate! This is about coming together as a community and celebrating the men and women who have made great sacrifices in serving this country. The WOD starts at May 29th at 11am and eat time starts at 1pm. Bring the kids, bring friends, bring strangers!
Thank you to all the people who have volunteered to grill and bring libations so far. We are still in need of 8-10 people to bring salads/sides. C'mon my Paleo chefs! Contact Shane at the email address below if you'd like to share a delicious dish!
Also any and all former or current members of the military please contact Shane at shane(AT)crossfitsouthbrooklyn.com this week with your name and what branch you serve(d) in.
Makeover Casting Call
It’s makeover season!! O, The Oprah Magazine is looking for men and women between 25 to 65 years old for a fall fashion makeover- individuals as well as pairs (sisters, friends, couples, etc).
Any one interested in being submitted for this casting should email a write up about why he or she needs a makeover (examples: new job, back on the dating scene, new mom, etc), a photo proving they need a makeover, name, age and profession.
**All candidates should live in the New York City area and be available for an in-person go see prior to the shoot.
If you're interested please contact Alicia Bridgewater at abridgewater(AT)hearst.com
Hershel is a LOLcat I Can Has Cheezburger
CF Games Calculator Fugue Science
Hey all,
If anyone is interested in competing at the Hybrid Total, shoot me an email so we can get a sense of the interest and possibly organize a group to go up.
margie (at) crossfitsouthbrooklyn (dot) com
I am in!
Dan & Julia made my Sunday morning. Congratulations again you two!
That Herschel picture never fails to make me smile.
8 mile run followed by beginning pullup “A” day. I was able to lower the rings a few inches from last time, and increase the weights on my DB curl and DB bench press. Hooray! I’m still pretty far away from that first pullup, but it feels good to take another step forward.
Squat Sunday with a big team (Shawn S, Joe W, and Rob); great fun.
WU: 45×5, 95×5, 135×4, 165×2, 175×1
Work: 185x10x3 – felt good to do a 10lb jump.
Accessory WOD: 1st walk with trapbar – no penalties; 2nd walk with a pair of 35lb DBs. Picked up 2 penalties.
Nice photo of Dan and Julia – a classic New York shot. Congratulations!
Really good day today, worked super light on just form. You keep losing your form when you go below parallel. Keep your chest out and don’t round your back at the bottom. Youre ready to start working some heavier weight, don’t be fat and remember to breath. Do those mobility stretches that coach fox showed everyday to open up your right side. Don’t worry you will slowly stop sucking at everything, stay motivated and confident.
Carrying heavy things is fun… no penalties.
Work 185x10x3. Wasnt gonna go for as agressive of a jump but had to try to keep up with Samir. In the end im glad I went for it and Im glad pushed me. Thats what gym buddies are for.
Its heavy but doable. I think set 2 is the hardest set cause you know you have 20 squats to do still. Set 3 I can really try and power through and I know an end is in sight.
Accessory WOD
40lb weighted vest with a 1 pood KB in each hand…arghhh forarms.
Another weighted vest (not sure of weight) with the 50 lb keg.\
No penalties
marc: i have taken your firebird keys. chill.
sundays are the hardest days on the strength cycle B program. today i remembered
1. not to eat beforehand2. not to have coffee beforehand
and performance was much improved. got under a weight that used to be my 1-RM and squatted it 7 times. coulda gotten more but i misheard “commit!” as “come in!” and started to rack that bar. doy!
actually, considering that i have spent my life being contrarian, anti-authority and generally resistant to the direction of people way smarter and more experienced than myself, doubly so if they were men, the fact that i listen to a coach at all should be regarded as immense progress.
Not sure what that means but ok. That’s just the way I take notes for myself, it will make sense to me next time I do volumeSquat, didn’t mean to offend anyone.
also re: Murph.
i am planning to make a shit ton of my guac, but can bring another side dish if necessary. Shane – let me know.
Thought some of you might enjoy this
copied from MDA
“Primal gamers and LARPers might consider joining the upcoming beta for City of Epic, a new browser-based exercise RPG where doing real-world workouts earns you in-game points and power-ups. Here’s a shorter video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iT9eJfygwg4“
marc: apologies; carry on. sounded like you were running in circles in your brain – the above was meant in a friendly way. total misunderstanding.
Lol I know I can sound a little crazy at times but It works for me. I forget other people can read this stuff. Maybe I should just get a notebook. Lol.
overposting on the blog is an important rite of passage at cfsbk. please do carry on.
235 on the volume squats. Felt solid throughout. Better than last week’s 225.
Carried 20KG kettlebells, 85% farmers walk, but cleaned them up to my shoulders for a bit, and then put on a vest and carried a 55 pound plate, alternating overhead and in hand. No penalties, but just barely.
Warm up:Jump rope
High Volume Backsquat!Warm up:95×5 135×5 225x3Work:275x5x31st felt heavy2nd just held on3rd stopped (not fail) at 6reps
Note:Third set was more of a mental thing
WOD400m carry1st 40lbs vest with KB in each hand (Heavy) – penalty2nd 2 sledge hammers (Light)3rd light weight keg (Moderate)
Didn’t manage to get out of bed in time for the 10 am class, and then had to coach. Finished the 12pm class and was torn between getting food (hadn’t eaten yet today) or getting in a workout. Decided to do Grace.
Grace: 5:03 as Rx’d. Next time I’ll get under 5 minutes. It was interesting to work out fasted. Two years ago I would have been lightheaded and experiencing an intense insulin crash, as it was I just felt a bit more intense about going for taco’s post workout.
Low BSQ45x595x3145x10x3 (5 more than last week)Great lifting with Marc today.
Strict pullups w/ blue & white bands 12×3
Stiups 40/30/20/10Pushups 10/10/5-5/5-5
Pork chop w/ a side of bacon from Frankies 457
Oh yeah! Carried 35lb. DBs, a canvas bag and a light beer keg.
9amWUjump ropehip opener work
LBBSQ with björn(45×5 95×4 135×4 185×3)215x10x3
WOD400m carryfarmers walk with 20kg kbs x2lucy x1 on my shoulders
fox int pullup wk 2 part 25×3 with a minutes rest inbtw. all c2b. getting stronger.
Yes, both Michele and I are well-known for over posting and over-sharing. It helps bring the group together ya know. Speaking which, where the hell has Baz been on the blog?
I myself really dug the “squat instructions to self” and think it’s a cool format.
Nice work Michele! Not sure I could lift without coffee, damn.
I’m sick and missed my intensity day, bummer. Hope to be back in the game Tuesday. I bought my Hybrid CF total entry, so I am officially in!
LBBSQ:(45×5, 95×5, 125×3)work: 145x10x3-this was my first exposure of the 10 rep squat so wasn’t sure what to open at. Ended up using ~65% of 1RM instead of 75% to play it safe. All felt good and I can definitely go up next time.
3×10 at 155 (~60% 1 rep max) felt fatigued and crampy from my new running program, not my best performance, but I am happy I did it despite soreness.
The walks were maybe too easy:400m x 25 lbs plate locked out over head (rested it on my head for a few steps 1/2 though)400m x 40 lbs DBs farmers walk (had to rest them on my knees and fix my grip about 100m from the finish)400m x 45 lbs plate (hugging) maybe could have done two plates?
Then I worked on a film set all day carry things, rigging things, etc.
Good day.
wow i’m not a member yet but judging by all of the commens here and the wod times and all this sounds like a very good place to learn and to train!