+5-10 lbs to last Wednesday's work weight
Rest as needed, up to 5 Minutes betwen sets. Work upper body mobility between sets.
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(e4/8) compare to 5.11.11
10 rounds for time:
5 Hang Power Snatch 95/65
5 Box Jumps
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Compare to 11.27.10
Photographer for Murph
With Murph just around the corner (Sunday, May 29th) we're in need of a photographer(s) to document the day. All of our photography staff will be unable to attend that day so if you have aspirations of getting your Cindy Sherman on and are available the day of Murph then please contact Shane at Shane(AT)crossfitsouthbrooklyn.com by Sunday May 22nd. We can supply the camera if you don't have your own. Thanks!
Calling All Current and Former Military Members
A good number of our members are currently serving or have served in the military. We'd like to recognize you and your service during Murph. Please contact Shane at shane(AT)crossfitsouthbrooklyn.com with your Name, whether you are currently active or retired and what branch you served in. Thank you!
When Exercise is Too Much of a Good Thing NY Times
There's More than One Way to Feel the Pain of Running NY Times
CF Virtuosity's Phaidra Knight in Strongman Competition Huffington Post
Overweight College Students Announces Plan to Wear Shorts, Sandals for rest of Year The Onion
Late to posting. The internet at my house has been really really bad the last 3 days. I’m lucky to get on at all.
Today (yesterday) I had another O lifting session with Brian D.
We worked clean and jerks. Forgot how much I ended up lifting, I think I worked up to about 187. I felt pretty good with my turnover speed. I focused on meeting the bar not dropping under it, tweaked my start position and how i set up before getting tense and finally worked on getting lower on my jerks.
I haven’t posted up anything Saturday and Sunday cause of Ragnar.. but other then that I’ve been on top of my game
175 squat felt really light as my form is improving. Remember to get my ass back and back down. Keep head down a bit, focus on corner of the wall.
10 rounds in 9:33 @ 75. Next time go Rx’d and stop resting fat ass.
Spoof of the Planet Fitness “I pick things up and put them down” ad. This one’s tag line: “I pick things up and put them in my mouth.”
After a sprint workout (6x400m), I did beginning pullup “A” day. The ring rows were easier this time than last time, so I think I can take the rings down a notch next “A” day. Progress! I like progress.
Coach Nick helped me a ton with both my back squat and my snatch. I think there were at least 10 snatches where I actually pulled myself under the bar! Felt so much easier when I did it right.
BS: #195 (not quite 85%)WOD: 11:36 at #65 and 12″ box
The gentleman pictured in the Onion article looks familiar.
I’m not sure, but I think it’s David Osorio.
First metcon in awhile – felt great to be back!
Did the HSPU workout from Monday for the strength portion and got:
9,7,6,6 – I think 9 was a PR. It was at least a tie.
WOD – 5:45 Rx’dThis felt pretty good given my complete lack of metcon in the past few months. The strength work I did helped on the snatches and I did them all unbroken. Box jumps were not really cycled and kind of slow.
Hopefully my lungs will come back quick.
Did today’s workout yesterday evening. 265 for the squats, after failing on the 4th rep of the 3rd set at 275 the first exposure. 265 felt solid, maybe could have done it at 270/275. Next time.
WOD #75 pounds, 8:02. Felt pretty good given how little I’ve snatched. Fatigue helped with form in a way, making me jump and get under the bar. I think I caught it in the right position after more fatigue.
Willie – That’s actually Laurel M. in the Onion photo. Easy to confuse.
Dan L – Welcome back!
Fun noon ladies’ class with coach Margie. Worked 175 for sets across–conservative but smart, as it turns out I haven’t been hitting full depth on these. Last set was tough as a result.WOD: 9:45 as Rx’d. Those snatches were way harder than I expected. Finally got my form dialed in at the end.
Squatting with Baz.
WU: 45×5, 95×5, 135×4, 165×3, 185×2, 195×1, 205×1
Work: 205x5x3 (this is some kind of PR, as I’ve never done 205×5 for sets across)
Later, I tweaked my right shoulder and had to bail on the accessory WOD.
Squats were lower in order to get all reps this time.
235 across felt solid. Can easily go up from here.
Metcon with 75lbs and a 24 inch box 9:15.
Felt pretty good other than my hands getting tired. Wasted too much time putting chalk on them.
Damn! Caught moonlighting at the onion. I thought the fake facial hair would fool you all.
LBBSQ @ 165. This was my first exposure this cycle. 178 would have been 85% but I thought that was super aggressive for me today. These felt good and my bar stayed parallel to the floor! Hip is not happy but just grumbling, not inflamed.
WOD: 8:03 Rx’d. Great working with Melissa today, squatting and the WOD. Thanks for watching my bar and helping me set up for the wod.
I’d bang whoever that is in the Onion picture.
squats with Joshual M.300x5x3sorry about not catching the bar math dude. You are bad ass.Met-Con 95# and 20″ box8:11this was the first metcon since I came back where I really pushed myself. It felt awesome.
Learning day for me at Crossfit South Brooklyn!Fun working out with Jon.
First Coach Fox suggested that when helping my partner rack his bar after his squats, it’s not a great idea to help from just one side. Possibly twisting my partner while he’s got a lot of weight on his shoulder could, um, injure him. Yikes! Sorry again, Jon.
Later, after lifting my bar off the rack, I heard Fox call out, “Chris A. Re-rack that bar!” I could tell by the consternation in his voice that this was serious. He then explained to me that unracking my bar, then taking a bunch steps back, and then doing a little shimmy dance, all before doing any squats, was a bad idea. For one, you’re tiring yourself out and reducing the likelihood of successful squats. Second dancing around with all that weight on your shoulders could, um, cause you to hurt yourself. D’oh! Then I did it correctly and the squats went much more smoothly. Thanks, Fox!
WOD went ok. Snatches are a goat of mine and I sometimes press them out which is not good. I’m working on mobility issues and technique. Practicing this at a manageable weight during this WOD was helpful, but they still need work.
Back squats: 260# x 5 x 3.WOD: snatches @ 65#, Bjs at 24.’’ Time: 7:48.
WOD Rx’d5:48
Gosh, tonight felt like the first time back to SBK in quite awhile. Between the Sectionals and then Ragnar, my training has been very inconsistent and unfocused. Looking forward to get back onto a regular crossfitting schedule!
LBBSQ:(45×5, 95×5, 135×3, 155×3)work: 175x5x3-a little squirrely on some of the latter reps but there was never a doubt I’d get it up. This was my first squat exposure since the 1RM last cycle and 85% of that would have been around 190. I played it conservative and glad I did.
WOD:7:26 rx’d.-snatches are still a huge goat of mine but this felt doable. I don’t know if 65# snatches will ever feel light though… Thanks to Bjorn for counting and pushing me to keep moving.-comparing to when we did this in November, I improved by over 3 minutes. happy about that. next time I intend to catch paddock! watch out girl! 😉
Warmup: Pullups: 10/10/9; Pushups: 15/15/15; Airsquats: 15/15/15
LBBSQ: (45×5; 95×5;135×5; 175×5; 200×3)
work: 215x5x3
WOD: Hang Snatch @ 75 lbs; box jump @ 24 inches: 9:45 secs
2000 meter row
I really liked the Hip-Hop playing during the WOD at 6pm yesterday…can we get more of that?
Squat Work: #130X5, 2 @#140X5… Im tryna get back on the horse.Need to watch the distance btw my feet and not loose my back. Also, I tend to “Drop it like its HOT” and pause at the bottom of my squat… so many things to work on.
Metcon was rough (my first in 3 weeks!) 10:20 @#47… a sad, sad state of affairs….
Warm up:DROMsOther Jazz
Back squatWarm up:Barx5 135×4 225×3 285x2Work:320x5x31st made2nd made3rd fail (after first rep)
WOD:10 rounds for time:5 hang snatch 95lbs5 box jumps 24″
Time: 5:57
Note:Knees were in painFelt kinda out of it
They announced the CrossFit Games Regional Workouts
Holy $hit!