21-15-9 Reps for time of:
Thrusters 95/65
Post RX, times and experience to comments
Compare to 12.13.10
We flipped the script! New Group Class Strength Cycle Programming
For this cycle we're shaking things up a bit in our group class scheduling. Here is the schedule for the the next 4 weeks.
Monday: HSPU
Tuesday: Rest Day
Wednesday: Heavy Squat
Thursday: Met Con
Friday: Rest Day
Saturday: Met Con
Sunday: Volume Squat
Notice we've eliminated the longstanding "Pull" day and moved around the remaining training days. Fear not because deadlifts, snatches and cleans will still be prorgrammed during the month. We wanted to give folks who have traditionally come on the same 2 or 3 days a week the opportunity to experience some different movements from our movement pool and bias strength endurance cycle. We hope you enjoy and look forward to your feedback!
Note: If you are only going to make the Sunday squat day please prioritize the heavy squat over the volume squat.
There Will Be Tacos: Take 34!
Today is the day! Come celebrate Coach Jeremy's birthday and help him put down 34 tacos in honor of being 34! The festivities start at 5pm and all the details are on FB here.
Shoe Reminder
Just a friendly reminder to remove your shoes from the gym this week by May 11th! Thanks!
Technically Better Fran Mobility WOD
Making the Fran Metcon Mobility WOD
Old School CrossFit: Greg & Annie Do Fran Crossfit
New School CrossFit: Mikko Salo Does Fran CrossFit
9.28 rxWent all out on first set of thrusters. Next time break them up.
Happy Birthday Jeremy! Enjoy the taco run, I’ll have one in your honor. See ya all in a couple of weeks.
Guys, I totally broke (or severly jammed) my toe this morning while getting dressed for my date with Fran, embarrassing details omitted. So bummed. Had a rough week and I was so looking forward to just doing hard work in the box. The thruster pr from last week and Fox’s pull up post had me pumped to do this at #65 and KILL it.
5:45 @ 75# thrusters and 15-9-6 strict chinups.
I did the same Rx back on 12.13.10 in 6:12, and had promised myself I’d go heavier. I wimped out today and went at the same Rx. At least I went faster.
Baz was a great help throughout and pulled off a pretty inspiring performance when his turn came up.
Shabbos classes with Margie are always a blast.
6:16 as Rx’d. 1:23 PR
Thanks for the support John
Here is the itinerary for this evening:
5:30: Taco appetizers at Tacos Xochimilco 4501 5th Ave btwn 45 and 46th.
6:30: Tacos Matamoros 4508 5th Ave
After 8pm the Tacos El Bronco truck on the corner of 5th and 43rd (we may also hit their restaurant on 4th and 44th.
Sometime after that – Oaxaca on 4th btwn President and Carroll. Then a homemade Choco Taco to finish the night.
We may hit a few other places here and there, but those are the landmarks we’ll try to stick to. We plan to stay down in Sunset Park for the bulk of the taco take down.
You can keep up to date at http://twitter.com/therewillbetaco
Also feel free to text me at 917.626.2816 to see where we’re at.
Also most of these places are BYOB, so drink em if you got em
first of all, apologies to Maggie for my bad partnering at the noon Fran. i’ve been helping people do pullups and chinups for a year and i totally should’ve known better.
secondly, my “conditioning” is non-existent and i feel actually embarrassed today, which is something i don’t often feel at CFSBK in spite of all the crazy stuff we do.
thirdly, i am planning to drown my sorrows in tacos.
2×5 American KB swings 2 pood10 yd Prowler Sprint 90lbSprint 10 yd back to KB5 KB SwingsSprint 20 yd back to Prowler10 yd Prowler SprintSprint 30 yd to KB5 KB SwingsSprint 30 yd to Prowler10 yd Prowler SprintSprint 40 yd back to KB
Rested a good 5 minutes between these. Wow, this was hard.
—-Fun watching all the Frannies today.
Mag – hope your back feels better. Remember to tell Eli what I said.
Oh one more thing:
Next weekend the awesome Chris Masterjohn is in town giving a talk.
He blogs at http://blog.cholesterol-and-health.com/and represents a more Weston A Price POV on nutrition than Paleo, but there is a tons of overlap. He is easily one of the best thinkers in the mix right now.
Info on the event here, I’m going:http://www.meetup.com/Eating-Paleo-in-NYC/events/17447474/?a=ce1p_grp&rv=ce1p
6:48 RX. I think Eric was a little lenient on a few of the pull ups but this was still a near two minute improvement from a year ago so I was pretty thrilled.
Yesterday was my 30th birthday and I have been trying to do birthday benchmarks the last few years.
This year the goals were age in kipping pull-ups (my all time pr was 37, but that was two years ago when I was 15 lbs lighter), and age in body weight back squats (bw=163 according to the scale in the bathroom).
At about 12:00 I attempted the pull-ups using the little rubber hand guards to prevent tearing. Got 39 before I had to come off the bar. This included two attempts at 40 just because the round number was so appealing.
After about 45 minutes of rest and playing around in the gym I got set to do the squats. These were surprisingly difficult. I ended up cutting the set at 30 because each squat at that point was a major force of will and I didn’t have much will left.
Very fun to get successes on both these goals.
7:17 @ 85#. I really picked a day to come back! Overall I’m happy with the time since I’m recovering from the most awful food poisoning. It’s good to be back! Loved the heavy metal soundtrack as well.
6:21 @ 45# and 15-9-6 green band chins. Probably could have gone heavier on the thrusters, but it also felt good to be able to breeze through these on the quicker side.
Good to work with Aneal, a big help on literally pushing me up on a bulk of those chins.
Good time for the How-to on the pull ups, Fox. Though I think it might take a day or two for the forearm numbness to go away– right after Fran, it felt like a giant had a death grip on my wrists and was pulling my arms down into the ground. Yowzers.
Fran Rx in 7:51. This was my first Rx Fran. Those thrusters are heavy but they do seem less impossible than they used to.
Warm Up:3 rounds NFT130m Run3 skin the cats15 KBswings
“Fran” RxdTime: 3:50 PR
Stay calm and find a rhythmSlow is smooth and smooth is fastAll Thrusters unbrokenBroke up the 15 and 9 pullups
Warm Up:3 rounds NFT130m row3 skin the cats15 KB swings 1.5 pd
“Fran” scaled 85lb push press (unbroken, 15/9/6 strict push ups7:12
lost what i had of my kipping pull ups. will use fox’s write up to help me find and improve them.
Fran in 8:37. 48# barbell 21-15-9 kipping pull ups. Many thanks to Carlos for partnering and encouragement.
Matamoros (sp.?)=yum!
10:49 coming off a cold where I was coughing and blowing out some pretty crazy colors this week.
Still slightly disappointed since this is 3 minutes off my PR with my pulluos being much better.
Didnt have enough in the tank for 95# thrusters today.I have to revisit thruster form. I think Im basically front squatting + pressing and 95# press isnt far off my max.
Pullups were pretty decent.
fran Rxd @ 9.50. this is 40 sec improvement over my last time. need to improve my form for the kipping pullups