Sean takes a moment to gather himself
Want to get Stronger? Sign up for the Strength Intensive!
Numbers don't lie. Cycle after cycle Coach Jeremy's Strength Intensive delivers significant PRs in the major barbell lifts. The upcoming cycle dates are live and already selling, hop on board the strength train!
May Cycle A (novice cycle)
5/9/11 – 7/1/11
Mondays and Wednesdays from 7:00-8:30pm
Fridays from 6:00-7:30pm
May Cycle B (advanced cycle)
5/10/11 – 7/3/11
Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7:00-8:30pm
Sunday from 10:00-11:30am
To register, click here!
Last Sectionals Event and CrossFit Prom Tomorrow!
Team SBK has been working hard and hitting the Sectionals WODs with a vengeance for the past 7 weeks. Tomorrow marks the final event for our athletes and the end of the CrossFit Games Open Sectionals. Please lend your support to our athletes as they face WOD 11.6 at CrossFit Long Island City tomorrow. The final workout is a fierce 7 minute couplet of thrusters and chest to bar pull-ups, all are welcome and encouraged to come out and watch the carnage.
Additionally, the CrossFit Prom is tomorrow. This event is free and open to everyone! Break out the hair gel and come on down. Details here
Ack! My elbows hurt Mobility WOD
Hey! Give me more Elbow love!
Ack! My wrists hurt when I Overhead Squat Mobility WOD
Your Pillow is Killing Your Neck Mobility WOD
Nice work and congratulations to my partners in crime; Rob, Bina, Radhika, Kevin, Will, Bev, Juliana and Craig!! And thanks to all of those who came out to support us. It was greatly appreciated!
And a HUGE thank you to coach Jeremy!
SquatI came into the Total with an open mind not knowing what to expect. As I did my final warm-up for the squat I thought to myself, out loud, “how in holy f**k am I going to squat adding another 20 pounds for my opener, this sh*t is heavy!”. I then started a mini freakout.
I opened with 195 and the weight actually felt pretty good. Jeremy told me to get some more depth on the next one. Then went to 200, got my depth and it felt solid. My plan was to do the 3rd attempt at 205 but I was feeling good so went for 210. I didn’t get enough depth so this was a fail. I felt a bit empty mentally for failing and it took a good while for that to go away but at the end of the day I was happy with this attempt.
PressThe press, along with the cleans, are my weak spot. I just don’t have a lot of upper body strength. My plan was to open at 85 but Jeremy pushed me to 87.5. Again, I was worried because I warmed up to 65 and that felt heavy. When it came to it, that 87.5 wasn’t too bad. My planned 2nd attempt was 90 but I went to 92.5. Again, not too bad. My 3rd attempt was planned at 92.5. A few weeks ago I tried to do 90 but couldn’t even lift the bastard off the rack. But I was feeling good so why not try 100? I did and it went up, almost kind of easy.
DeadliftI opened at 225 and it was heavy but manageable. 2nd attempt was a 10 pound jump to 235. Who the hell am I trying to pull this weight?!?!? But I did it!! For the 3rd attempt I was going between 240 and 245. Thought to myself, out loud, “screw it, 245! “ Felt really, really, really, really, heavy but got it done!
I have to say that I surprised myself last night and am excited to see the gains I’ve made the past 7 weeks. I started strength cycle with a 95 back squat, 45 press and a 125 deadlift.
I’ve decided to take the next cycle to keep up the momentum from this one. I can’t wait to see where I go from here!
Again, congratulations and thanks to everyone for the support!
thanks for updating the strength cycle sign up page…. the lump sum payment options still read “march,” fyi.
fixed, gracias!
Grass fed beef in the house. I hope this makes people feel better after The John Stossel thing. (If nothing else, the guy has a tremendous mustache!)
For some ungodly reason, I was up super early and found myself in the 6am class. (?!??!)
Did the mystery WOD (15:18, 20″, 1pd). It was one of those “oh, it doesn’t look so bad” until you’re in the middle of it and then it’s like “uh-oh, shitstorm” and then at the end is like “yeah, that was not the worst thing that’s ever happened to me and at least now it’s over.” But then again, I’m never up this early, so I could just be talking crazy.
I told Shane that when I saw the WOD wasn’t posted, I feared it was Fight Gone Bad again. Because I believe the Crush Week might just be that bananas.
Then stretched and did 3×3 chinups in a green band. I plan on doing this after each class so I can hopefully make some progress on them, since I scaled the 20 pullups in the Hammer to 5 chins broken into 2-2-1. I mean, honestly.
I woke up this morning with a rager of a sore throat that I didn’t want to give to anyone else — sorry I missed you, 7 AM peeps. I’m thinking that crush week workouts and being sick don’t mix anyway. Sigh.
My first workout back in the gym since….April 11? 9? Something. Well, hello there Mr. Chipper. Excellent and ginormous noon class with Shane, who wisely said, “In a chipper workout, you’re not resting because you’re tired. You’re resting so that you can do more work.” Somehow this clicked for me and I was able to grind through it, although I know I looked like an arthritic grandma on the runs–quads totally fried from the row/BJs/KBs. Really appreciated the form coaching beforehand, I think this was my best ever BJ cycling.
14:45 as Rx’d. I was pleased to be just 30″ behind Powerhouse Paddock given how little I’ve been training lately.
Back in BK and the first thing I wanted to do was squat, so
Thanks to Samir for letting me work in on his bench and for the spotting.
I liked open gym. Might have to make it a habit 🙂
Yesterday’s Wod in 15:04.
Also – Super fun to see the Strength kids getting their bench on and getting some!
Back SquatWarmup: 45×5 75×5 95×5 135×5 165x5Work: 190×5 190×5 190×5
Focussed on keeping my knees out. Didn’t make the weight any lighter, but it helped reduce doubts that it wouldn’t go up.
Helen3 rounds400m run / 21 kettlebell swings (1.5 pood) / 12 pull-ups12:05 (PR)
Could have probably broken up the swings less/differently (21, 11+10, 15+6), maybe pushed a little harder on the run if I was chasing someone. Still, hard to complain about a 1:40 PR.
Came in today to do “Lynne” @135lbs and strict chins.
Bench Reps: 12/7/5/3/4 = 31Chins: 10/7/6/5/6 = 34
Thanks tons to Chris J. and Chris Da Fox for the spotting (and Fox again for very useful tips!)
Open gym is always fun.
Did the WoD that Dare Not Speak Its Name today.Subbed the 20″ box when I stubbed my toe on the first warm up @ 24″. Otherwise, Rx. 15:46.
*shakes fist*
damn you open gym folks–seems like so much fun. I havent been in almost a year.
I have a dumb newbie question. How does open gym work? I still have yet to come to one. Is it mostly self-directed or do people team up with somebody like-minded?
I’m wondering if I should try open gym one of these days since I rarely get to squat — Mondays and Fridays are the best days for me to come in, so I completely missed out on the back squat this cycle, and I don’t want to have the same problem next cycle.
Thought I’d way in as a frequent Open Gym-er (damn you, grad school!).
Tuesdays are more structured, and people generally do either Monday’s or Wednesday’s workout (your choice).
Fridays are more open, with people trying to make up workouts or work on weaknesses. Margie does a great job of keeping everyone on track and accommodating all our various needs.
@ Joe “weigh in.” What grad school took you?!? 😉
Thanks for sharing thgis information. I myself like to engage in this kind of progarm to stay physically, mentally and emotionally fit. Your program might be of big help! 🙂