Today's WOD won't be revealed until you get to the gym. Come on down and see what we've got on tap!
*Here is the WOD Post mortum, for everyone's records
For Time:
Row 1000m
30 Box Jumps, 24"/20"
Run 170m
50 Kettlebell Swings. 1.5p/1p
Run 170m
30 Burpees
Run 230m
Post time and Rx to comments.
Congratulations Strength Cyclers!
Great work last night to everyone who participated in the Total. Please post your loads and experience over the last 8 weeks to comments.
Advanced Handstand Class
Ken Haller will be teaching an advanced handstand class on May 5th at 8pm. This class is for folks who feel comfortable kicking up without a spotter and staying inverted for a few seconds. We'll review different methods for achieving a fully integrated hollow body position as well as inversions on parallettes and rings. This clinic is limited to 10 participants and is free of charge. Please email David(at) to RSVP. First come first serve.
Who is Ken Haller?
Ken was a nationally competitive gymnast through high school and college. After finishing his collegiate gymnastics career, he coached and judged for eight years at the club level. His students went on to become regional, national champions, and perform for Cirque du Soleil. Looking for something to keep active and in shape, Ken was drawn to rock climbing and then realizing the need to augment the strength and mental conditioning that rock climbing takes, he added yoga to the mix. Recently, to put his balance and strength to the test, surfing and snowboarding are now new activities that he is trying to master.
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Super fun CrossFit Total last night. Thanks to Michele, Josh and Avi for helping out and spotting… And of course to everyone supporting and urging us on!
This was my second B-cycle in a row and I had to miss a few classes due to travel and the Rippetoe seminar, but progress was still made. Three lifts, three PR’s– who could complain?
Squat: 325-335-340 (15# PR)I decided to open on my last succesful PR cause I knew it would go up. 335 was a shit-show, my knee caved, my torso twisted, it was ugly but I made the lift. 340 was the usual dramatic “will he make the lift?” grind and thanks to the encouragement I did. With better form than the last total, albeit sans scream at the end.
Press: 145, 150, 152.5 (7.5# PR)I have happily made progress and even though I I didn’t press for 3 weeks due to my shoulder. Sweet.
Deadlift: 360, 375 (F), 365 (F)I actually pulled 365 but fouled, bar beneath legs (resting), before lockout.I really thought I would make my failed attempt (375) from the last Total this time. A bit disappointed, but shit, it’s still a PR. 400 now seems far, far away, but it’s my goal for 2011.
As always, thanks to Jeremy for the great coaching and providing the program, expertise, encouragement, prodding and instilling confidence where doubt creeps in. I should note that I did not want to make a 3rd attempt at a squat last night and Jeremy just ignored me and wrote the number up. That was the most satisfying lift of the night and it only happened because he talked me though it and got my head back in the game.
Rob, great prs! 3 for 3! and 7.5 on the press is a big jump in my book. Those are tough to gain on after a while!
Congratulations, hard work pays off. I need to hear more numbers, need more cowbell!
My PR’s from last night’s Total are – Squat 125, Press 47.2, DL 140! Most pleased with DL obviously. Also am now a lifter for life. Plan to join the next cycle with Coach Jeremy (or as I like to call him in my mind – Lord Jeremy – it fits don’t you think? and Lady Marge?). I can’t say enough nice things about Jeremy – he is excellent at his job because he is knowledgeable, experienced, compassionate and has a nice beard. Beards are very important for power lifters, i plan to grow one myself this summer. Take his class if you have not already.
Hey y’all, I need a favor.
Anyone going to BierKraft between 4 and 7 pm today? The piggery delivery is happening and Bina and I can’t make it there in time.
If someone is already going, would you mind picking up our share and putting it in the fridge at gym? We’ll pick up later tonight. It’s under my name, Rob Israel.
—-@Jim, thanks and LOL: yes more cowbell!
The suspense is killing me. What is happening at CrossFit today? Will there be skateboards? Burlesque dancers? New puppies?
I just wanna see more people post their numbers and analysis from the Total since I wont be there today.
Nice work and congratulations to my partners in crime; Rob, Bina, Radhika, Kevin, Will, Bev, Juliana and Craig!! And thanks to all of those who came out to support us. It was greatly appreciated!
And a HUGE thank you to coach Jeremy!
SquatI came into the Total with an open mind not knowing what to expect. As I did my final warm-up for the squat I thought to myself, out loud, “how in holy f**k am I going to squat adding another 20 pounds for my opener, this sh*t is heavy!”. I then started a mini freakout.
I opened with 195 and the weight actually felt pretty good. Jeremy told me to get some more depth on the next one. Then went to 200, got my depth and it felt solid. My plan was to do the 3rd attempt at 205 but I was feeling good so went for 210. I didn’t get enough depth so this was a fail. I felt a bit empty mentally for failing and it took a good while for that to go away but at the end of the day I was happy with this attempt.
PressThe press, along with the cleans, are my weak spot. I just don’t have a lot of upper body strength. My plan was to open at 85 but Jeremy pushed me to 87.5. Again, I was worried because I warmed up to 65 and that felt heavy. When it came to it, that 87.5 wasn’t too bad. My planned 2nd attempt was 90 but I went to 92.5. Again, not too bad. My 3rd attempt was planned at 92.5. A few weeks ago I tried to do 90 but couldn’t even lift the bastard off the rack. But I was feeling good so why not try 100? I did and it went up, almost kind of easy.
DeadliftI opened at 225 and it was heavy but manageable. 2nd attempt was a 10 pound jump to 235. Who the hell am I trying to pull this weight?!?!? But I did it!! For the 3rd attempt I was going between 240 and 245. Thought to myself, out loud, “screw it, 245! “ Felt really, really, really, really, heavy but got it done!
I have to say that I surprised myself last night and am excited to see the gains I’ve made the past 7 weeks. I started strength cycle with a 95 back squat, 45 press and a 125 deadlift.
I’ve decided to take the next cycle to keep up the momentum from this one. I can’t wait to see where I go from here!
Again, congratulations and thanks to everyone for the support!
Rob, I can pick up your piggery bag. I’m headed to the mystery gym after that, so no problem.
Is everyone who’s working out today in a conspiracy to keep the WOD secret from those of us who’re coming in tomorrow?
The total was a lot of fun last night — congratulations to everyone who made it and thanks to everyone who came to cheer us on! Its fun to get everyone together, and even if the total isn’t so important in terms of getting stronger its nice way to cap off the class. And also break that 4th wall of us sitting on the platforms watching everyone else kill themselves with the hammer…
Most of the strength class I’ve felt pretty good with the squat. My previous 1RM was 250 — that day I was aiming for 175 and just kept going until I ran out of time. Last night I had 350 as a goal and manage to blow that away with 375 instead, which is a 90 lb PR. Started with 305, then I think 335, which I did a little slowly but felt good about. As I was debating in my head to go for 350 or maybe even 355 Jeremy just up and wrote down 375, so that’s what I did. Picking the weight up off the bar was a bit shocking. It was actually quite heavy. Those moments shuffling backwards getting in position freaked me out more than doing the actual squat itself, but I kept my head together. I favored my right side a bit but it felt pretty good.
The press was 125 which as fine, 135 which felt really solid and actually better than the 125, and then I failed with 145. I never feel like I’m doing the motion right; either my core is not tight enough, or I feel something wonky with my clavicles, or something in my right forearm. Something about this movement just isn’t clicking for me yet.
My squat is outpacing my deadlift, opened at 325, technical fail at 345, and then finishing with 365. I didn’t lock out my knees on the second round, and I would have forgotten to do that for the third round if Jeremy hadn’t reminded/yelled at me. I probably could have gone a little hight for the third round, but since I didn’t get the second one I didn’t push it too much.
My xfit total after one strength cycle is 875. I’ve been debating for the last week or so and I’ve decided that I want to sign up for another round. I’m getting close to my limits on the presses but I still have a way to go with the squat and DL and want to ride that out until I reach the end of the linear progression, and then see where things stand. I’d recommend the strength cycle to most people if you haven’t done it. Jeremy is great and its nice to be with a group of people for a couple months where you actually do know everyone’s name at the beginning of class!
Robyn– THANKS!
Will & Paul– Thanks for not making me the only one who wrote a novel!
13:45 @ 1 pood. This was a gasser; I was huffin-n-puffin after the BJs. That’s what I said.
Well, my first chipper kicked my butt. 17:21. Scaled to a 12″ box (you know the ones that say CrossFit Kids on them) and 25 burpees. I almost swore at David when he told me to smile, but reminded myself that he is a nice guy and thought better of it. My first couple weeks at crossfit burpees and front squats killed me. Front squats are seriously better, now to get those burpees down! I think I will do a bunch each morning for the next week or so.
Are we allowed to talk about this WOD? 16:51 as RX’d. My first full-participation crush week crushed me and I sort of lost my will to carry on during the very first movement. I love to come up with a strategy for not losing my head mid-WOD before the next chipper comes up. 🙂
Bev and Rad look so serious in the Tolal shot…I love it! Congrats to all you strong fools!
The total was super fun! Thanks to everyone for cheering us on, Avi, Michele, Josh for spotting, the strength class (you guys rock!) and to Jeremy, our fearless leader!
This was my first strength cycle and not to mention I am relatively new to crossfit in general. I took the class because I felt that if I had more training with the lifts I could do better on the WODs.
Squat : 155/165/172.5I decided to start at 155 because I was feeling strong and very focused. The lift went up nicely so I went to 165, which was challenging but triumphant! I failed at 172.5 but I wasn’t worried about it since it was the fist time I had failed on the squat the entire class.
Press: 55/62.5/60The press is my nemesis. The first lift felt good. On the second lift I decided on 60 but Jeremy told me not to wuss out try 62.5. I picked up the bar and immediately told Jeremy I wasn’t going to make this. I failed on the second lift and the third … I just couldn’t recover. After the lift I got a lecture from Rob about never saying you can’t do a lift because ultimately you will fail if you decide you will fail. I was disappointed but not crushed because I knew the Deadlift was next.
Dead lift: 170/180/190I felt confident going into the Deadlift. I opened at 170, which was a PR. It went up pretty fast so I jumped to 180 also going up nicely. 190 sort of stared me in the face and we were on. This time I didn’t question myself, I said I could do it and I crushed it! Damn lifting 190 felt great. I was supper psyched about it.
I am truly amazed by this process. It’s very similar to making art and meditating, 2 of my most favorite things to do. Walking up to the bar can be intimidating but accomplishing a heavy lift is exhilarating. I have crossed over to the dark side and will continue to lift with coach Jeremy.
The Cross Fit total was a Blast!
I hadn’t done anything like this since college and had no idea what to expect. The cross fit community continues to surprise me. I was super impressed with the effort that each person put out and all the people that came to watch and cheer made the experience really special.
Since this was my first time doing a 1RM in over 10 yrs I guess I PRd in every event.
Squat: 440Deadlift 500 (pulled 545, but dq’d due to a hitch in my form)Press 175Bench 315Pull up 1RM +115#
Thanks to Jeremy and the entire team for a great 8 weeks.CC