Three rounds of:
Wall-ball, 20 pound ball, 10 ft target (Reps)
Sumo deadlift high-pull, 75 pounds (Reps)
Box Jump, 20" box (Reps)
Push-press, 75 pounds (Reps)
Row (Calories)
In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute.The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. This is a five-minute round from which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. On call of "rotate", the athletes must move to next station immediately for best score. One point is given for each rep, except on the rower where each calorie is one point.
Add your points and post them to comments.
compare to 9.25.10
Matt Ufford Fight Gone Bad 2010
CrossFit Prom!
Ask that special someone out for a night of dancing, drinks and discoballs at the CrossFit Prom! This event is celebrating the end of the Open Sectionals but is open to everyone regardless of their involvement in the competition season. Please RSVP on the facebook page here!
Location: CrossFit Virtuosity
Date: Saturday, April 30th, 2011
Time: 7pm until late
Suggested Attire: Schmancy. Feel free to be creative, but leave your lulus at home
Phaidra Knight on CrossFit CrossFit Games
Training for IronMan and the CrossFit Games CrossFit Games
What 25g of Protein in Chicken vs. Soy looks like Food Size
Is Gluten Free right For me? Map My Fitness
Can you Genes Trump your Unhealthy Behaviour Big Think
BP Ready to Resume Oil Spilling
damn I want to do this…
a couple of things:**excited to hit FBG at 5pm! Then vacation officially begins.**Crossfit Prom is bound to be awesome. you all should come.
one more thing: just rewatched that video…again. i still get teary-eyed at that last line. so perfect.
My first time doing FGB (also my first time doing sumo deadlift high pulls — I can see why SBK doesn’t like them very much!). 236 points with the “C” version (20″ box though).
That just about killed me.
FGB 238. PR by 6 points.
Interesting Read:
apparently, i’m the only one posting today. 😉
FGB:SDHP–27, 25, 23 = 75BJ–37, 31, 31 = 99PP–23, 20, 23 = 66Row–9, 10, 9 = 28WB–10, 9, 12 = 31Total: 299 PR by 24 points-a little bummed I fell one point shy of 300 but I’ll get it in september for sure. my wb’s were sucky and i had a few missed reps. everything else felt pretty good!-thanks Aneal for keeping me honest, and great job on your 1st ever FGB…and rx’d!
Off to Boston for several days with Mr. Fox and Dharma! See you all this weekend.
That video was really inspiring – I am hurt right now – metric ass ton of surgery on my R shoulder on 4/11 – this blog is a big part of my recovery… Viewed that bad boy twice – thank you for sharing it.
Kick ass Jess!
my first FGB; 231 with a scaled box jump and 43# SDLHP (what an annoying movement.)
many thanks to my partner Ariel for perfectly-pitched coaching and encouragement. especially this, possibly the most insightful thing ever said to me during a workout:
“you’re not going to catch your breath. pick up the bar.”
First FGB, I liked it! Seriously.
I used the #8 wallball (silly, next time as RXed for sure) and did step-ups instead of box jumps b/c I have shin splits like you read about (too much barefoot work last week).
I think I could have done 2 more calories (4 pulls) on the row each round and 3 more presses.
I will def need to start working some concentric/eccentric explosiveness (maybe when I lose 15-20 lbs?) for the box jumps to get anywhere near Jess in September (holy 299)!
Glad I was pitted opposite Sean. He was fast and it helped me to relax and just chase him.
I think I am getting good at taking strategic rests. I like working really quickly in mini spurts with four or five breaths between. I have been thinking of doing some banded presses, deadlifts and squats to maximize my speed during these movements.
First time doing sumo high-pull. It feels very different from the sumo deadlift. In the deadlift I always work on pushing my feet out and keeping my lats and low back tight the whole time, those cues seemed to fall by the wayside when trying to transfer momentum to above my waist. In other words, I felt sloppy.
Yadee, yadee, yadee, sorry for the long post. Good work everyone.
282 which is a PR by 2 points. I thought I would do worse. Learning the (somewhat) proper SDLHP form helped. Wall balls still need a lot of work.
218 Rx’d, much thanks to Sean for coaching/encouragement/keeping a smart eye on the clock.
I think my score back in September was 213, but I scaled to a 10# ball and step ups on the box.
Felt good to do this Rx’d, good to PR, but it still kicked my ass like nothing else. I tried to start out steady on the wall ball, but still by the time for push press, my arms were tanked.
Interesting, though, to see that I have definitely gotten stronger since September. I remember throwing that 14# ball up once and immediately switching to the 10#. This time I had a few 14# air balls, but for the most part it was ok.
Also, back in September during the SDHP I remember the bar going all over the place. Once David reminded me in Round 1 to use my legs more than my arms, I felt pretty smooth on these.
And finally, I probably could have eked out one or two more points on my last row, but with about :20 left, my shirt got caught under the seat, so … well, that.
Fun to watch the amazing Matt Ufford and His Shiny Shorts video again. Was mildly disappointed to see him finishing up without his special Fight Gone Bad costume when I arrived.
SDLHP: 20, 20, 19BJ: 25, 23, 20PP: 12, 10, 11Row: 9,9,9WB: 6,6,7
206 Rx’d! That is a 26 point PR over last September. I think the biggest improvement was on the SDLHP, I really liked starting at that station.
Now if I can just sort out those high-target wall balls… any advice other than just practicing?
I do not reccomend watching this if laughing hurts post-FGB:
Super light day, pre-1 RM for strength cycle…
Squat: 225x5x3Just not feeling all that great. Can only hope my warm-up feels better on Wednesday.
Press: 95x5x3I’m trying to incorporate some feedback from Stef at the Starting Strength seminar and it’s just hard. Some reps were really good, but I had some squiggly lines….
Active recovery stuff. Needed that.
Finally finished the Starting Strength test– holy crap that was hard. I wrote 7 full pages and sent over 7 hours on the freaking thing. It reminded me of a super hard college exam where I only read about 1/2 the material missed about 20% of the classes. I kind of understood the concepts and topics, but I would be writing and take a step back and ask “does that even make sense and is he going to think I’m a moron?”
Seriously, that was the hardest test I’ve seen since senior level something or other…. And I did not miss any class and read all the material!
Maybe I passed, but I really can’t even say. MF.
Anyway, Wednesday’s the big day– hope I can make it happen!
FGB 316 as Rxed.
Mental victory- I had an inkling after FGB in September that starting at box jumps would allow me to have full gas on my strong movements (box jumps and push press) then a minute “active rest” on the row, then 2 minutes of consistent but not crazy work on my 2 suckier movements (wallballs and sdhp.)
I was right, felt pretty easy. Still tiring, but I think if I try this the same way in Sept. I could really push it and do much better. If Matt wears rainbow snakeskin shorts again I know I will move faster.
Fun time watching some people experience FGB for the first time, its a real benchmark guys, be proud that you conquered it.
Oh, and Robin- Caught a glimpse of you doing your SDHPs, you had full on intense warrior face on, it was awesome.
I’ve done FGB 3 times and have always scored the exact same on the first round. WTF mate?
6AM FGB (Tuesday)
262 RX’d
i don’t remember all specific numbers now (and cleaned off my white board) but i enjoyed starting with wall ball and ending with the row. this is about a 40 point PR from the last time i did FGB (which was @ FGB in sept 2009! it was about time i did it!
231 Rx’d, which I thought was a PR but was actually down two points since the rainbow shorts in September. All in all, I’d say my endurance and box jumps have gotten better (I scored higher and felt better in the 3rd round), but I didn’t have the jolt of adrenaline in the first round that carried me last time.
Also, I got my first post-FGB visit from Pukey. I’d like to apologize to the horrified-looking woman in the Volvo who watched it happen.
at least she didn’t have to look at you in the rainbow shorts
Made this up Tuesday.
I was slightly disappointed my score dropped 20 pts from my last time but I have to keep in mind that was coming off 3-4 months of being in the gym consistently.I think I was a bit clouded by my squat PR last week.
Anyhow, I was happy I felt I pushed myself. I didnt overly rest and pushed through as much as I could. I think I couldve maybe ripped off 5-10 mor ebox jumps each round.
Wall balls which are usually a strong point were weak today but it was literally my first time doing them since getting back into the gym.
Still on the quest for 300 come September
The order I did this FGB is:
Wall Ball, SDLHP, Box Jump, Push Press, Row
First round – 145
28 30 44 26 17
Second round – 117
25 24 30 25 13
Third round – 106
16 20 30 25 15
Total over all 368 PR
-For the first time on 9/25/10 scored 311 (I think?), but started on the row and had no game plan.