Complete 4 rounds:
Each round consists of 6 cycles of the following:
DB Hang Power Clean
DB Front Squat
DB Push Press
DB Lunge Right
DB Lunge Left
*Do not set the weight down during the 6 times through the cycle.
*Rest as needed between rounds.
*Go up in weight each round to perform the heaviest round possible.
Post loads and experience to comments.
*There is NO 12PM Group Class Tomorrow Sunday 4/24*
Good luck to Team CFSBK on WOD 11.5
Several members of CFSBK have already taken a crack at this week's sectional WOD. Those who have not will be competing today at CF Long Island City. We wish you all the best of luck! Have a great time and hit it hard. Go team!
Programming Updates
From this Saturday(4/23) until next Thursday(4/28) we're set for a "Crush Week". The WODS will be hard and follow more "constantly varied" approach. The following Saturday(4/30) through Thursday (5/5) will be a back off week and then we'll head into a new variation (!) of our strength cycle.
CF Games Edition Week 5 Gymnastics WOD
Not too bad for a crush week workout.
30, 35, 35, 40.
I think 1 more round would have been crushing. I would have started a little heavier, but my right shoulder/lat feels a little unstable at the top of the press. Using the Pain cane helped loosing things up a bit.
finisher WOD: 20 burpees in 1:25 plank hold from 1:25 to 4;00 minutes.
The toughest part was right after the transition to the plank because my shoulders were on fire from the burpees. After that it was going in and out of the pain cave to make it through 4 minutes. Maybe could have held on longer–but felt happy at 4.
Is there a leaderboard for planks?
Wimped out on this one:
The burpee-plank accessory was terrible. Finished the burpees in 1:42 or so and then managed to hang on till about 2:45 or so. And I wasn’t in good plank form either. GAH!
then 1:30 in the plank. ack.
10-10-20-20 kettlebells at homeThe cleans, front squats and presses were easy, but the lunges killed my back knee and hip flexors on the way down. Did the first two rounds with the kettle bells overhead on lunges, but had to do the second two rounds with the bells at my sides. Glad I missed burpees!
Long day at CFLIC for the competition today but I think CFSBK represented well! I ended up with 6 rounds + 5 cleans + 6 t2b. My t2b weren’t very good from the beginning so that kinda blew. Although my goal was 7 complete rounds, I’m still pretty happy with today. Got to make sure to take good care of my hands this week to get ready for the c2b pullups next week. 🙁
Thanks again to our awesome fan club!!! Melon, Jon, Robin, Will, Paul and Coaches Fox, David and Noah rocked out with us for more than 4 hours!
Great time at CFLIC today. Team SBK did really well on the workout. I really felt like we had pretty solid technique and range of motion among all our athletes. Great work, everyone! way to represent your gym well!
Couldn’t make it into the box today, so I did this one at home:
Would’ve gone up in weight but my home DBs max out at 30 lbs. Also, my wrists were KILLING me by the end of this WOD…poor form? Or weak wrists? Probably a little bit of both :-/
accessory work:20 burpees / 2:00plank for 2:00 = not fun
Great showing at CFLIC today…Can’t wait for prom!