7 rounds for reps of:
:40 Max reps Deadlift, 75% 1RM
:20 Rest
:40 Max reps Burpees
:20 Rest
Post total reps to comments.
last Deadlift 1RM test: 1.25.1
Charmel's Burpees at yesterday's Sectional event!
There is no 12pm Group Class today. All other classes are on as regularly scheduled.
A message from NYC Endurance to everyone attending today:
Thank you for signing up for the NYE Endurance Running Seminar! Please be arrive by 12:15p, so we can sort out the administrative matters as quickly as possible. The seminar will consist of lecture, drills and running. Please wear a pair of shorts as it is easier to conduct the video analysis with the runner wearing shorts as compared to pants. This does not mean you can not wear pants the rest of the seminar, absolutely the opposite, please wear what ever makes you comfortable. As of now the bad weather is supposed to pass by sunday afternoon, but prepare for the worst (bring wet weather gear), we will still run outside if it is raining. We will not be running more that 2 miles the entire day.
Starting Strength
Coaches Fox and Margie are at Mark Rippetoe's Starting Strength Certification this weekend along with Rob I, Michele K, Alec H, Deb P and Jim R. The event is being hosted in Red Hook at Paulie's South Brooklyn Weightlifting Club. Good luck to all the attendees on a no doubt Dense weekend of education.
Mark Bell talks about the The CrossFit Open and CrossFit Powerlifting Cert CrossFit Games
The Good Stuff CrossFit Lisbeth
Charmel! Burpees spin! Incredible. Puts my weirdo flop-on-the-floor-and-mush-up thing with the lame “jump” at the end to total shame.
Fun morning with Nick and a large-ish 9am class. Good notes on running. Looking forward to the running seminar today.
WOD52 Deadlifts @ 145# (11, 7, 7, 7, 6, 7, 7)70 Burpees with knee pushups (12, 11, 10, 9, 9, 9, 10)
38/78@ 235
Deadlifts heavy.Burps not too bad.
74/62 @ 175# high trap-bar.
First time running and burpeeing since my tendonitis so took it quite easy on the burpees.
Enjoyable 11 a.m. (and by enjoyable I mean “barf” in only the most enthusiastic way possible!). Helpful cues from Nick on deadlifts, which I am still getting the hang of (along with everything else…).
For the 11 a.m.-ers involved in the warmup/post-class discussion on fantasy:- Did a little sexism creep into the NYT’s review of Game of Thrones? http://tv.nytimes.com/2011/04/15/arts/television/game-of-thrones-begins-sunday-on-hbo-review.html– HuffPo response here: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/ilana-teitelbaum/game-of-thrones-hbo_b_850014.html– Post-class impromptu mini book club discussion was about must-reads such as Philip Pullman’s His Dark Materials trilogy as well as Suzanne Collins’ Hunger Games trilogy (@Jess Fox — I must get your full take!)
No one told me I’d have to use my brain at CrossFit, and on a Sunday morning to boot. Sheesh, guys.
Three cheers for the Sectionals competitors.
Allison: Thanks for the links. I plan to check out Game of Thrones soon.
The author I mentioned was China Mieville. Check out the Perdido Street Station/Scar/Iron Station trilogy. His _Un Lun Dun_ is supposedly a classic for young adults.
Wow, killer WOD today. Was definitely gassed by the end, meaning I barely knew my own name.
I scaled my 75% of max from 195 to 165 because that weight just felt ‘right’ when warming up. So glad I did. I would have been pulling 2s. Its nice to be able to trust my instincts again. 🙂
DL: 11-6-6-6-6-6-8 =49@ 165#BP: 8-6-6-6-6-6-6 =44
Also, I really like Phillip Pullman. Will have to check out the other books mentioned above, but if you (or your kids) like His Dark Materials, you might also like The Abhorsen Trilogy by Garth Nix, less literary, but similarly has a female protag learning how to navigate her own way in the world (and the underworld). It also avoids many of the overdone SciFi memes.
PS: Why do great kids books always seem to begin with the parents dying, couldn’t they just be on vacation?
Billy: I think the point is you need to get the kids acting as free agents – but killing the parents is only one way to do that. There are a lot of counterexamples. Coraline: parents are alive; Wrinkle in Time: parents are alive (at least the mother); Over Sea Under Stone: whole family is on vacation together; The Westing Game: characters with parents have parents who are still alive; Harriet the Spy: parents are alive; Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: entire extended family is alive; etc. Also, as Jon points out, isn’t His Dark Materials almost entirely a pitched battle between Lyra’s parents?
Thanks for all the great counter-examples! I think I just head my head in the Harry Potter, Unfortunate Series, Narnia camps.
Sure, there’s no shortage of orphan books either – the boxcar children, the secret garden, a little princess (ok, clearly i was a girl), james & the giant peach, huck finn, anne of green gables, and on and on and on. Get the kid alone seems to be the point of things. 🙂 Speaking of kids’ books about orphans, have you read the Monsters of Men trilogy? It’s at the younger end of the YA spectrum, but it’s GOOD. Hunger Games good.
Kids books: the gruffalo’s child is a big hit right now. We all love it. The biggest bear is a great daddy book. I need some gruffalo tea.
29/86 @275#
DLs were heavy.
Ran park loop following today’s running cues. Felt slow but by the clock was not. Seemed very economical and I was hardly winded. Also I felt like I bounced less and moved more steadily forward.
Back from the weekend-long Rip-A-Ganza (strength seminar with Mark Rippetoe at the South Brooklyn Weightlifting Club.)
Unbelievable experience. To be able to learn at the knee of someone with 30+ years of coaching expertise is just surreal.CFSBK represented strong, with Fox, Margie, Jim Ryan, Debbie and Alec, Rob Is and myself (and of course Paulie T-shirts and Becca, our awesome hosts.)
Friday we just had lecture; Saturday and Sunday both we began at 8 AM and spent all day alternating between lectures and time on the platforms, lifting and coaching.
We broke down all five lifts in his starting strength program (squat, press, deadlift, bench press and power clean) and learned the cues to teach the lifts by practicing on one another. The program is so well-tested that even a fairly new lifter like myself can use it to successfully provoke a novice to do the lifts quite proficiently. (I know this is true because I coached several people who had never done some of the lifts.) The coaching instruction was *very* good – heavy emphasis on cueing and delivery. If you are bothered by verbose coaching like I am (never get it at our box, of course) this method will envelope you in a cool, relaxing cloud of relief.
Learning to coach while being evaluated for your skill at doing so is fairly stressful. On top of that, we were being judged on our own performance on the lifts, by Rip’s staff and by Coach himself. After surviving the coaching-hazing and having our lifts completely broken down and built back up (think your squat is rock solid? ha) we had to perform the lifts in front of the entire assembled group of seminar attendees and coaches. Even the lifts I thought I had a good handle on were completely reconfigured by Rip’s method, so the performance anxiety was heightened.
I was extremely grateful to have the foundation of CFSBK’s Strength Cycle, *including* the experience of doing the Total in front of an audience – without the latter I probably would’ve absolutely crumbled. Everything feels much heavier with a big crowd of onlookers, even with lifts you think you’re pretty good at.
Highlight for me was the power clean, a nemesis lift of mine for a long time. The method was so solid that I PR’d instantly, besting my 1-RM with a triple at a higher weight.
I saw other of the attendees conquer problem lifts with similar and even greater successes.
As if all that weren’t enough, Rip is astoundingly entertaining and fantastically smart. The staff were bad-ass – on Sunday at lunchtime, while we sad souls shuffled off in search of food, some of them suited up to play with the strongman equipment, lift on the platforms, and otherwise display inspiring grown-up training behaviors that definitely made an impression on me.
Rip mentioned at the end of the seminar he was considering coming back in September. Clear your calendars and start saving your pennies now – you don’t want to miss it.
DL @ 235 lbs – 45 (9,7,7,6,6,5,5)Burpees: 63(10,9,9,9,9,8,9)