10×2 On The Minute
(5-10lbs Heavier than last week)
Post loads to comments.
(e7/8) compare to 4.9.11
As Many Rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:
30 Double Unders
15 Dumbbell Hang Power Snatches, each arm 35/25
alternate hands every 5 reps
Post rounds and reps to comments.
A trip to Prospect Park wouldn't be complete without picking up something heavy
Shane is still in Costa Rica.. so there is No Active Recovery today
Running Seminar
The NYC Endurance Seminar is tomorrow. It will go from 12:30 to around 6pm so we will not be holding a 12pm Group Class. All other classes will be on as regularly scheduled. There is still room to sign up if your'e interested. Details here!
Coaches David and Margie were recently asked a few questions about the Paleo Diet and CrossFit by VIVmag. To read the article, click here
Bierkraft's Oyster and Beer party!
In honor of their new backyard opening up, our buddies at Bierkraft are celebrating by throwing a party this weekend. Hundreds of oysters, 11 cask beers on tap. Festivities start at 12pm today and fo until 10. It's going to be a big!
Good luck, Team SBK on WOD 11.4 today at CrossFit Virtuosity!
Going to try to get to 11am class with Charlie.
Anyone want to come help babysit?
That was a great day!
BRIAN!! I was just wondering when we would get to see you again. I can’t wait!
hey yall
i left my journal at the box today. it has my name (nick angiolillo) on the inside page. if anyone comes across it, please leave it up front near the fridge so i can grab it when i come in tomorrow. thanks 🙂
Although the blog says we’ll be competing tomorrow, the event is actually today at Crossfit Virtuosity! We’d love to have support and should have enough room in our vehicles to give you a ride. If you want to come, we’re leaving the gym at 12:15pm. Come cheer us on!
@Nick, when journals are left behind we usually put them in the crate under the front desk labeled “members”. You should be able to find yours there.
155# Box Squats
Accessory WOD: Subbed 30 KB swings at 1 pood.
Got 3 rounds plus 30 KB swings plus 5 snatches (25#).
95# Box Squats
WOD: Subbed 30 KB swings with 1 pood, 12.5# dumbbell snatches
3 rounds plus 16 KB swings
Good luck to everyone competing today!
Yes.. today! I will change it asap. It seemed true yesterday when I was posting it..
Also- I just got off the phone with someone who’s redoing the website for us.
VERY Excited about the first round of drafts.
This workout felt too easy after a rest day, I should have scaled it differently.
115# Box Squats (wasn’t really work, too light, less than I pressed yesterday)WOD: 3 Rounds of 90 Single Unders + 20# Snatches (got 2 extra snatches in for good measure).
It was fun to have such a big 11am class.
checking in from the Rip seminar. farewell, my old squat. hello, new.
box squats at 165
then wod at 20#, 3 rounds + 30 + 1
145 easy peasy. Enjoying speed work. I need a new consistent squat for 2011.
The accessory was hard in a mindnumbing way. It was a weird workout to slog though with the 10 minutes. Never killer…just hard enough.
Did 25 doubles including attempts. Did some snatches at 40 the rest at 30
Really great job to all of our athletes who competed today at CFV! I always feel so giddy going to one of these events. There is so much positive energy and really goodwill. Even though we’re all competing against each other, we’re all supporting each other as well. And it’s not just the fake “good luck” type of thing…it’s actually sincere. There really is nothing like it.
Extra special thanks to the awesome sbk-ers that made it out to support us! Teresa, Josh L., Inka, Katie, Melon, John, Paul B, Dan R, Asta. You guys rock. And if you feel like you want a special shout-out, we’ve got 2 weeks of the Sectionals left. Come join us at Crossfit LIC next Saturday and see what it’s all about!
p.s. I scored 72 total, which is 7 more squats than when I did this wednesday. Happy about that, although of course, I wanted more. 😉
Note to self, working on shoulders and lungs will make me a better crossfiter..
(Not that I felt gassed today.. just couldn’t keep it together)
@Jess – LOVED the shout out you gave to Martinez during the same heat you both competed in.
Way to rock it CFSBK!!!
Congrats, competitors! Just tackling that monster without crying, to me, is a feat in and of itself. There wasn’t any crying, was there? If so, never mind.
Bright and early 8am with Nick.
Box squats with Ariel at 110#. These are good practice for me on depth, as I need practice in that area. Was mildly hindered by the remnants of a crippling charlie horse in my left calf when I woke up this morning. Cruel start to the day. Still not entirely right.
WOD: 2 rounds + DUs + 6 DBSn each side, Rx’d. I MUST start jumping and landing lighter on my feet or remember to never jump rope on the bare concrete. I felt like my feet were going to shatter in the middle of my second round of doubles.
Robin: no crying. there was a metric ton of badassery, but no crying. unless spectators teared up during those final minutes of holy-crap-wow-can’t-believe-all-the-concentrated-awesome-head-might-explode-yaaaaaaaaaah-ness. which, you know. would never happen. nope…
box squats @ 190 lbs
WOD: 6 rounds w 30 lbs dumbell…felt preety good