Relive the memories!
Check out this album from the 2009 North East Regional Qualifier hosted by CrossFit Albany. Coaches Margie and David were major organizers for this event and we had a ton of SBKers either compete or volunteer as judges. Good times!
It's getting warmer!!! It's almost Flip Flop Weather…. NOT. Watch this Mobility WOD PSA about Flip Flops. Or as David calls them, his "flops"
What is the most useful "app" you have?
Hunter Gather Fitness in the 21st Century American Journal of Medicine
Egyptian Mummies Diagnosed with Clogged Arteries NPR
Mario Brothers Free Running Gym Today's Big Thing
Coffee Addiction In Your Genes BBC
Poster Claiming Feeding Children Meat is Child Abuse Wales News
Robb Wold on Wylde on Health Robb Wolf
apps: pulse, pulp, ihome, iwatch espn, pandora, the dj app from algoriddims is VERY cool.
Good work last night. 5×5 back squat is a heavy way to start your workout.
I can’t wait to hear the response from the paleo (and childrens services, for that matter) blogosphere on the PETA thing. It’s wrong on so many levels. Those folks are bananas. Even when I was a chef in a vegan restaurant and a long time vegetarian/vegan myself, I hated the smugness of the PETA people.
Apps -Pandora- makes long drives SO much betterNPR – same as aboveShazaam – so I can know what that awesome song playing at Gorilla Coffee is without having to seeom uncool by askingMLB At Bat 2011 – Duh.
@Fox worse they’ll do is throw a little tofu at you. all bark, no bite. At this stage, I only concern myself with bites.
NYTimes app until they went behind the paywallNow: NPR appEpicurious (love the shopping list feature)YelpTweetDeck
Speaking of memories, like the corners of my mind:
Today is the one-year CFSBK anniversary of my foundations cycle. We started on April 12, 2010. I did my teaser elsewhere so it was literally my first time on the floor of the gym.
A bunch of us are still training: Nick P, Steve, Luca, Baz (did I miss anyone?) Andria moved to California.
To state the obvious, the first year of crossfitting is life changing, but for me at least, not in the ways I expected.
Few organizations irk me more than PETA. But fun fact about the mario gym… I know one of the guys who helped start it!
Here you go – tomorrow night..any followers of free the animal, live debate smackdown, vegans versus omnivores.
Last time I was in the tea lounge, I noticed some graffiti “dairy is still rape” on the bathroom wall. I was tempted to write “oh, to be a cow!”
anyway the debate should be interesting. When are we doing a spring CFSBK grillout?
I love that my Dad just emailed me this to ask whether the movements are legit:
We are so mainstream!
Gym Buddy!This is how I log all my workouts. It’s probably best suited for weight lifting logs, but it does bodyweight, assisted body weight and cardio logging too. It’s super editable so you could create the benchmark workouts in there for sure.
I purchase at least 7 workout logging apps (worth the $18 wasted) until I found the one with the ugliest colors that I was avoiding was by far the best. It charts 1RM’s, has your whole history right there.
I take some set up, but it’s been great and I always have my iPhone with me, so I have every single workout logged. Sweet.
That Mario Bros. gym is the coolest thing ever!
Favorite apps: Lose It (I know calorie counting isn’t everything, but it has helped me lose 22 pounds and maintain the loss), Epicurious, Food Network, FreshDirect. With FD I prefer to place my order on a computer but then if I make changes (which is often), I do it on the app.
I travel for work a fair amount so I like FlightTrack, which tells me whether my plane will be on time a little bit faster than the airline websites do, and GateGuru so I know what kind of food options are available at the airport.
I am going to that Mario Brothers run-up-the-walls place next time I’m in LA. THEY RUN UP THE WALLS! AND THEY HAVE A FOAM PIT! I saw some kids messing around with Parkour in Central Park a few weeks ago. I love watching people flip around: gymnastics, diving, figure skating. Awesome.
Funny, Michele, talking about 1 year anniversaries: I just found my first crossfit book and Will and I started 1 year ago on 4/19. Crazy. And it only took 357 days for cleans to make sense.
As for apps, perhaps the most functional one I use is Subway Exit– tells you what subway car to get on to be at which exit at each station. And I like RunKeeper to track runs. Instagram for photos, Kindle for reading on the train an obsessive little game called Tiny Wings.
I have that subway app – Exit Strategy, is that the one you mean? Love it. It’s what I use to see a meaningful map while underground.
Oh, apps. Someone needs to make one that provides an intuitive way to log WODs. I just use Evernote for this and any other kind of random note-taking b/c it syncs with all of my computers and even has a web interface. Sort of like Dropbox, but for random text snippets instead of files.
I’m on the road a lot, and use City Maps 2 Go, which uses your GPS even when your internet connection is off (so you don’t get, um, “milked” for $20/MB when abroad).
The Tabata timer is good for the road, too. Hotel gyms are pretty uninspiring, but you can do eight rounds of a random bodyweight exercise anywhere, and somehow it helps to have the 3,2,1 go noise and a whistle to count rounds.
Most useful Aps:
The reading trifecta:Kindle for books.NetNewsWire for RSS feeds from Google (offline cache for subway reading).Instapaper for longer reading of articles that I want to keep access to and have a record of (again offline cache for subway reading).
Finally the veritable hitchhikers guide to the galaxy app. My favorite of all time.
Wiki Offline. It is all of the text of the English language Wikipedia cached to my phone. So that when I am hiking in the middle of nowhere, miles from any signal I can still pull up reference material on any subject.
instapaper – great for web pieces you can save to your phone and read later.shazam – great for finding out what that piece of music was.exit strategy – great for knowing where each subway exit is.tunein radio – great for free radioinstacast – great rss readerpastebot – great clipboard for your iphone
Gogglemaps (I couldn’t live without it)Musicjunk (thanks to my buddy jack leflurry)I don’t know if this should count but I love my gmail/yahoomail apps. The fact that I can simultaneously walk and write an important email is kick-ass
Congrats Michele on staying with it!
I use the SeamlessWeb app* to place pickup orders from Oaxaca on my way home from the gym!
*shameless plug
Forgot stuff…
Congrats and happy anniversary to Michele!
Another great feature of Gym Buddy is that it has user-settable timers, (for rest periods for instance) and programable interval timers. I have 6 and 8 round tabata timers, 30 seconds on, 30 seconds off, etc. You can program any you’d like. That feature alone is worth the $3.
Other apps:Units (conversion tool)Tempo: (metronome)OpenTableSportscaster (scores)SnowReports
My favorite apps are TweetDeck, Exit Strategy, and Words With Friends. If anyone wants a WWF spanking, my screen name is mattufford.
That info on flip flops is positively crushing, by the way. What if I only walk around casually in flip-flops? Then is it okay?
ufford. flops are counter to your new lean physique. they undo everything.
Good recommendations on Apps. I’m going to check out that subway exit app as I always get off the subway and just guess which might be the right way to go. I also might get a metronome for working out. I’ve been thinking about pace training like they do in KB sport with certain CF movements.
I don’t really use apps. The only two that I have on my phone are iTrans which is a subway map and Boggle which I had a minor addiction to a few months ago but haven’t used in about 2 months. I have a problem with my iPhone looking cluttered so I never download apps.
technology fail.
Excited to see the next WOD!
Apps: Kindle, Pocket Auctions for eBay (I scour for moto parts, etc.) and my favorite- SwiftKey, which learns your speech (well, text) patterns guesses not just the word you are typing, but the next word as well, so awesome.
THANK YOU KELLY. I was a bartender for years and could never understand why people wore fliflops to bars, where there is broken glass and idiocy in high concentration. After getting my “real” job I could never understand why people wore them in the off case they needed to run (for the bus, from a werewolf, etc.) Now my suspicions have been confirmed. Sorry hippies.
SO WET! So wet. Fun to be in a class with people again! Thanks to Margie for working me in. And now… a towel.
Made up Lynne today. Lots of fun.
Benched at body weight of 160.
5 bench / 24 pullups4 /173 / 123/ 143/ 12
For a total of 18 and 79.
A little worse than hoped for on Bench and better than hoped for on pullups. I’ll take it.
Made up Lynne – I’ve only done calisthenic lynne before (push-ups instead of bench).
Bench@ 95lbs. I scaled down aiming to get 10-12 reps a round.
Very happy with this. I’d like to have done body weight bench, but it is only 10 lbs below my pr. Am ominously not sore this morning – I think that means tyrannosaur arms tomorrow.