5 Rounds not for time of:
Max Bodyweight Bench Press
Max Pull-ups
Rest as needed between sets. We suggest 3-5 minutes depending on fatigue.
Post reps per round and Rx to comments.
compare to 5.2.09 and 6.13.10
WOD Demo CrossFit
Happy Birthday, Dan H3 and Erica N! To celebrate, Erica popped off 6x5x175 back squats this week, that's bodyweight x30!
Bon Voyage to Coach Shane and Whitney H who will be surfing and lounging in Costa Rica this week!
Congrats to all the SBK athletes who competed in yesterday's Sectional WOD 11.3 event at CrossFit Virtuosity. How did everyone do?
Running Seminar Fast Approaches
Do you want to improve your 5k, 1 mile, or 400m times? Or your marathon or triathlon? Do you hurt when you run? Do you suffer from shin splints, knee or hip pain?
Improving your running efficiency may be the key to running both faster, and pain free.
This seminar will teach you the fundamentals of good running technique. You will learn how to utilize functional strength training and how to minimize oxidative overload to improve your performances in both short and long distance running.
You will run less than 2.5 total miles during this seminar, but will walk away with the tools to improve your running and optimize your race performance.
During the seminar,we will evaluate your current running technique on:
- Overall Posture
- Head, Eyes & Shoulder Position
- Arm Swing
- Hand Position
- Stride Length
- Stride Frequency
- Gait
- Pronation
- Foot Position
- Foot Angle
And then teach you how to improve it by:
- Discussing proper technique
- Reviewing and executing running drills
- Conducting video analysis
- Discussing how to properly strength using New York City Endurance
At the end of the seminar you will truly understand how to, “Train Less, Go Faster!!!”
To sign up for the running seminar next weekend, click here!
Jousting with the Atlantic Archevore (formerly PaNu)
The differenced between Grass Fed Beef and Grain Fed Beef Mark's Daily Apple
Paleo 2.0: A Diet Manifesto Archevore (formerly PaNu)
6 Tips for the Overhead Squat Weightlifting Exchange
The Adrenal Fatigue Cure T-Nation
Reversability in CrossFit CrossFit Marin
Am I blind? What time is the running seminar next week? I didnt see ithere or when I clicked the link to the NYC endurance sight.
I second Shawn’s comment. I actually signed up, but still haven’t heard what time it will start. Should I just sleep at the gym and be ready to start at any time during that 24 hour period? Unknown and unknowable!
PS – Kurt Harris is by far my favorite paleoblogger. So glad he ditched the old url and went with a more awesome domain name. Archevore sounds like a comic book supervillain.
That OH Squat is PERFECT!!!!
Yea that OH squat by Laurel is beautiful.
Nino I asked David and he said it was about 1pm. There will be classes next weekend. (the 12 will prolly be cancelled)
Lynne is fun. Its a workout I really like and something I would liek to test again in a few months/after a strength cycle.
Lynne @ 125# + kipping pullups
1. 14/152/ 10/133. 6/84. 5/75 7/11
So I couldve done this heavier, but I wouldve gotten a lot less reps in. I was happy with this weight for npw.Rds 3 and 4 were sloppy. I didnt start my 1st reps tight from the core and I think that hurt me. I think doing that wouldve given me another rep or 2 given my last round.
Pullups were consistent. David coached me into using the higher bar so I could get a bigger kip. I usually avoid the higher bar for big workouts because I hate getting up on it. Duh, use a box.
Shoulda gone heavier..
@ 75lbs and a white band. I’m definitely up for more Lynn.
Fun time with Lynne, Josh, and Ryan.
#185-13/17, 10/13, 7/13, 7/14, 5/18
I don’t think I’ve ever done Lynne before, had a good time. Bench is a relative strength of mine, but I was a little surprised that my pullups weren’t stronger. I guess I haven’t been hitting a ton of them in workouts recently. Fun time, could have smoothed my kip out some and probably stole a few more reps.
Lynne @ 55# and ring rows
17/11, 18/10, 11/9, 2/10, 10/10
This is the first bench pressing I’ve done since hurting my shoulder and it was all great except for the weird fourth round of 2 reps. It started to hurt so I played it safe and stopped, and then was fine for the last round. Good choice.
Little Lynnie3 Rounds Rx’d @ 16512/1512/159/11
Was solo and even though I had the cage to catch the bar I still didn’t find it in me to go to failure. The hangover didn’t help either.
Thanks to everyone who made it out to Jess and I’s place last night. You all need to come back and drink the booze that’s left behind because Bejeesus, there’s a lot of it. Maybe at a rooftop BBQ sometime soon 🙂
NOMS! Fox, you are a hell of a cook. Thanks for a great party!
180 lbs;
Probably have a few more pullups in me…
All of these WOD’s that rely on just upper body strength are KILLING ME. I’m all legs… #55 for the Bench was a struggle for me; and I still can’t really do a pull up without a band, even a kip.
I want to start an arm regiment that can help me strengthen my jello-like biceps and forearms… does anyone have any suggestions?
Bench@ 95lbs. I scaled down aiming to get 10-12 reps a round.
Pretty happy with this.