use 75% 1RM Press or 66% 1RM of Push press
super set 5-10 strict chins/pullups with each work set of press (no failing on this)
Post loads/chins or pull-up scores to comments.
21-15-9 reps for time of:
Push press
Lateral jumps over an obstacle
Athletes will use the same load for the WOD as they did for their Press.
Post Rx and time to comments.
Memory Lane pt. 2: Overhead Squat Prep at the Lyceum
Also, if anyone has a photography background and can photograph the event for us (we'll provide a camera) please let us know!
Calling all Level 1 certified CrossFitters
Got your L1? We're looking for some people to volunteer as judges for the event on Saturday. You'll be judging athletes compete in the Deadlift, Push-up and Box Jump triplet.
What movement from this weekend's sectional WOD do you think would be the toughest for you? What would be the easiest?
16 Tips for Desk Jockeys: What to do about Sitting All Day Mark's Daily Apple
Study Sheds Light on Gluten Sensitivity Wall Street Journal
Fun 6am class with Madame Fox. Was psyched to see my press come back after the shoulder injury.
WU:Drills w/ 45#55×5, 65×3, 75×1
Work: 77x5x3Last rep of last set was a little ugly in the ribcage department but otherwise these felt good. I’m very happy with this, as 77 did NOT go up in February.
WOD: 6:09. The push presses got real heavy real fast.
Great to see McGrath and Ariel on team 6am!
Whew, kinda hard to be “on” at 6am but thankfully I had a good crew to work with. Nice job 6am!
Snuck in my own workout after class and before work.
Press:(45×5, 55×5, 65×5)work: 70x5x3-superset with 3 strict chins, and 2 negatives each round.
WOD:4:06 @ 70lbs.-felt good. that is all.
Press: 105x5x3
WOD: 7:11 @ 85lbs.
The WOD kicked my ass.
Is there any way I can do the wod#2 early sat morning, wont be able to make it Saturday…Or Friday or Sunday AM?
DH3 – come tonight at 7pm.
Still getting over lingering sore throat and general rundowniness so I’m taking today off and going to squat and press tomorrow. In the meantime I am meditating on this:
today i did backsquats and press
got 2 at 245, then bailed the iron plates! always a good time to hear them smash on the ground.
presses, 65x5x3
I tweaked a little piece of my back under my right shoulder blade last night, slept on it funny and woke up feeling a fair amount of pain.
I tried to make an appointment with my friend’s acupuncturist, but they were full. I looked on Yelp and made an appointment with Dr. Thomas at Community Chiropractic and Acupuncture– it was local and seemed to have great reviews. I wanted nothing more than a little pain relief through some needles.
Well, that was a very bad idea.
1. There was so much dirt and dust under the table that had I not been in acute pain and just filled out a ream of paperwork I would have walked out.
2. She really pushed chiropractic on me. I just wanted some needles, but she insisted that a couple of adjustments would be best to relieve the pain.
3. She asked how much and how I work out. I told her I did CrossFit. It became clear to me that she had no idea what that was when she suggested that I be diligent about doing twenty minutes of cardio before I even think about touching a weight, and that if I need to do weights, I should do no more than TWO POUND weights, and I should use those while walking on the treadmill. I thought if I told her I squatted 155# last night, her silly little head would have spun clear around.
So. It felt moderately better when I left, but anyone got any better plans than this? Anyone use acupuncture to relieve acute pain? Should I have just taken some ibuprofen and called it a day?
Robin, Try Active Release Technique (ART).
Go here – they’re nice…and local:
Tell him Nino sent you.
press(5): (45, 65) 80x3with 2 chin-ups and 3 negatives in between
WOD @ 80# = 3:57apparently i jerked some of those push presses in the first round. i really don’t feel it when i’m trying to cycle fast–gotta work on that. i was surprised how quick i was able to get the jumps done. fun!
Anyone want a free Playstation 2? It works fine, it’s just been sitting in my closet for 2 years.
Thanks, Nino! I will go there!
Jeremy’s in the throes of packing, huh?
All done packing I just don’t have the closet space to store it anymore. It hasn’t gotten any love since I got the PS3 anyway.
Robin – that sucks. I’ve been to Karen and was super happy with the results (she dd chiro and electro-stim and some heat). Then again. I’ve also been to Dr Michael Annicelli for ART and had great results. I’ve referred many a folk to both, (including Nino via other SBKers).
WOD @ 1154:19FUN!
robin – i’ve done chiro, acupuncture, lots of flavors of therapeutic massage, and ART. for me, chiro worked best for acute-ish pain.(ART was the pain-cherry on my pain sundae… i was not a fan.)
here’s my chiro, i luv him:
drpico.com (he takes insurance if you got it.)
for acupuncture, i went for a while to the low-cost Clinic at the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine in Manhattan. super-affordable, highest-calibre clinical treatment… you might not be able to get an “ASAP” appt, but if you are a fan of acupuncture and want to invest the time to get into their system, it’s an absolutely unbeatable value. once you are in treatment there, you would have a better chance to get seen in an acute scenario.
I didn’t know I was looking for acupuncture until I started reading the blog, thanks!
Did the sectionals WOD tonight;6 rounds + 9 deadlifts + 6 pushups Total points 231Push ups were definitely the limiting factor here but the box jumps took more out of me than I was expecting.
Press155x5x3Metcon @ 1559:20
should have dropped the weight down a bit
Press105x5x3w/three sets of 6 strict pull ups
5×3 @ 100 lbsw 3 sets of strict chinups (10 reps each)
WOD in 7.59 (switched box jumps for lateral jumps) & 100 lbs push press
So, I wasn’t too happy with my 6:11 at #65 last night. Redid the workout today at lunchtime. Did WORSE. 6:17. Hahahaha.
Made up squats:145×5, 155×5, 165×5
Press: 75lbs with 5 pull-ups between sets.