15 Minutes NRFs of:
14 Heavy Kettlebell Swings
13 Slow Toes to Bars
12 Push-Ups or Ring Push-Ups with a 2 second pause at the top
Rope Climbing 101
Post experience to comments.
For Real Final Day of Back Off Week
Congratulations to Alexis C and Steve K on the birth of their first dauther, Zora Simone Collins Kotev!
Congratulations to everyone on their PR's yesterday, here are a few:
David T: 185 BSQ, 125 Press
Aaron S: 185 BSQ
Peter H: 100 Press
Laurel M: 205 BSQ, 100 Press
Jess F: 225 BSQ
Did anyone else PR their pretest? Does anyone have a specific goal for their Back Squat, Press or Clean in the upcoming cycle?
Free Standing HSPU "Diane" CrossFit Gymnastics
Questions with Rob Orlando CrossFit
A Word About Your Shoulder Health Mobilty WOD
Nice work Jess and Laurel!I got a squat PR on the pre-test Tuesday night, 245. Didn’t test the press, but I’ll see if I can today. Goal for this cycle is to squat 255 and press 110. I suspect that press number will be the harder of the two…
So great to be back at my normal 6am class and see familiar 6am faces! The rope climbing 101 was great, really informative and had me working in ways I’ve never done before. Excited for the upcoming strength cycle!!!
Congratulations on all of the prs and babies, and sectionals! This blog is just a cornucopia of good news!
i wanted to point people to Chowstalker, a newish Paleo-primal recipe aggregator.
I got a little tired of all the “treats” on the other Paleo recipe sites and was pleased to find a site that didn’t compromise.
Looking at their home page now, I pretty much want to make and eat every single recipe.
All content is user-generated and organized very well. The photos do take you off the site to the place where the recipe was first published – inevitably some blog – but the site presents the recipes very intuitively and you can search specialty categories like “Whole 30 approved.”
I didn’t PR last night but was super happy to hit my previous PRs of 67 for press (that was a circa ’09 PR too! eek) and 165 for back squat.
I’m unsure about goal setting for this cycle because I’m going to be chilling in Jamaica for a week starting Saturday. I’d ideally like to hit 75 and 175 but perhaps 72 and 170 would be more realistic for a cycle where I’m missing a week of work. 🙂
I’m just excited to find out where I should be aiming with the new strength cycle — I haven’t done these moves very much outside of Foundations and I haven’t done the clean at all. So I have absolutely zero idea of where I can expect to be at the end of the cycle, and I’ll try to be pleasantly surprised about whatever happens. 🙂
Does anyone have any thoughts on the relative merits of the Nike Free vs. Inov-8’s? Specifically, the RoadX 233 or the F-lites? I’m trying to determine which is the best minimalist shoe for mid distances. Or, does anyone have any experience with Newtons?
@Jenna- I have both the Newtons and the Inov-8 F-lites. I have to say I prefer the inov-8s. The Newtons feel almost too cushioned and “propped” at the forefoot now after running in the F-lites. I am not a big runner but have managed to bang out a few 40-45 minute runs in the F-lites with absolutely great recovery. Hope that helps!
Back squat PR last night of 135#. That’s a 10# PR and I felt like there was more in there! Excited about this!
Jenna – I just got a pair of the F-Lite 195s, and while I too am not a big runner I automatically liked the feel of them. Granted so far I’ve only accumulated a few miles in them, but so far so great. Nike Free still have a pretty high heel and a lot of cusion, and the Newtons look pretty similar to the Free. With “running” shoes in the past I’ve always felt like I’ve had to brerak them in. The Innov-8 fit like a glove as soon as I stepped foot in them.
Ok, enough already.
Deb throwin down prs with more to go! Congrats! Get out your umbrellas folks, Deb is making it rain!
Awesome PR Jess and Laurel! Those are some nice numbers. Looking forward to seeing what you guys accomplish. Ah, more running shoe convo! There is so much literature out there about running shoes that it’s overwhelming/daunting. I’m in search of a good pair and I think I have finally decided on a pair of new balances MT 100 (thanks Noah).
@JR- you crack me up!
Jenna- I put together a list of minimalist running choices for the Ragnar kids recently, I’d be happy to email them your way.
Most people seem to think there are Inov8s and Frees and nothing in between, but there are actually a wide array of other shoes out there that will do the trick, including some from the more “traditional” running shoe makers (Brooks, Asics, Saucony, etc.)
Grab me any time I’m in the gym and I will talk your ear off about shoes, trust me.
Oh and Jules, I have a beloved pair of MT100s, sweet shoe go for it!
finally broke two bills with the back squat. first time at the double benjamin on any strength thing.baz
Noah- that would be awesome. I am jennajerman at gmail. And I’ll definitely be in the gym on Saturday at some point.
Fit in my back squats yesterday morning and my bench press this morning. This is the end of my first cycle of Wendler 5-3-1 and I’m pretty happy with the progress
Squat – 205×5, 230×3, 260x8Bench – 170×5, 195×3, 215×8
Jackie this evening – I somehow thought I had done it in 5:50, but it was definitely 6:50. Anyway, that means I’m pretty happy with my 6:57 today given that I’ve not been doing much metcon lately