Back Squat
Today's Max Effort Lifts are Pre Tests for the Upcoming Strength Cycle!
Post loads to comments.
Final Day of Back Off Week
Baby Felix dreaming about the 2035 CrossFit Games
Congratulations again to Yoshi and Josi on the birth of their first son!
Congratulations to "The Warrior", Jacinto B who currently is ranked 7th internationally for the Open Sectionals in the 60+ Masters Category!
Updated Events!
Check out the adjustments to the Upcoming Events Tab in the left column. We've shifted around some of the dates for Open Sectionals, added some upcoming seminars and announced Memorial Day Murph for 5/29/11! We also wanted to remind everyone that this weekend is a normal schedule, there will be a noon class as well as Active Recovery and CF Kids. Originally we were hosting a sectional event but it's been pushed back one week via a CF Headquaters mandate.
Clearance Items at the Gym
We're trying to get rid of all our old merch. Check out the discounted prices on discontinued items by the sign in desk. Hoodies as low as $25 down from $40 and old style SBK shirts and Tanks as low as $10. Supplies are limited so first come, first serve!
Attention all MIL, LEO, NYFD, BTC and Student Members:
If you didn't already recieve an email from David last night, please contact him at David(at) to recieve some updated payment links for your memberships.
The Untapped Power of Smiling Forbes
the Home (Fire House) Gym with Bill Grundler CrossFit
A Technical Description of the Pull in Weightlifting Waxman's Gym
Olympic Lifting FootWork CrossFit Invictus
Frustration CrossFit Lisbeth
I added some weight to my last PRs for both back squat and press.
BSQ: 185, 185, 185Press: 115, 120, 125
Great session with Nick and Carlos.
Congrats, Yoshi and Josi!And Steve K!And James? Have you guys had the baby yet?…
The army grows with 3 new additions to Brooklyn and 3 steps closer to SBK’s world domination in the same week ๐
I am really looking forward to having a bar on my back tonight.
Also, great pic of Sarah H rocking out on Saturday!
6am with Coach Nick and D-Turn.
BSQ 225, 255F, 245
Press 115, 117F, 116F
Fought hard for these so an accurate test. I wanted a bigger squat. Maybe in 4 weeks.
Last night was a good reminder of the general awesomeness of CFSBK. I was back squatting, and failed during my first work set at what should have been a (easily) doable weight.
Jeremy came over and quickly determined that I was squatting (way) too deep, and worked with me on box squats and cueing out the appropriate depth. I have a lot of work to do to get it right, but now I have a much better sense of what needs to be done, and much less despair that I’m doomed to continue failing at this weight.
I think it’s awesome that even when off doing my own thing on Open Gym night, there is attentive, knowledgeable coaching available just steps away. So thanks again Jeremy, and all our terrific coaches. Y’all are what make CFSBK so great.
ANYHOO, after all that, I couldn’t talk myself into Helen, so I tackled the old standby, Annie. Finished in 8:14, which I thought was a small PR, but if my records are to be believed, was actually a ~75 second PR (over what was itself a 60+ second PR). So I guess the double unders are coming together.
So between Jeremy’s help and that, what started out as a pretty frustrating night turned out to be a positive experience.
I wanna be Jacinto when I grow up.
He’s not just an animal, he’s a manimal! Congratulations, Jacinto!
Finally made it back to the good ole 7AM after about two weeks.
BSQ: 175-185-190f (Haven’t gone heavy on the BSQ in a long time so 185 is a PR, 190 felt much heavier)
Press: 90-95-100f (Similar experience, just didn’t have it in the last round).
Looking forward to working on these movements over the next month.
And congrats Jacinto! He taught about half my Elements classes at CFNYC when I was still living in that other borough.
thanks to everyone for the baby love!!! Felix is almost a week old and already has perfect low bar back squat form (he usually works around 350#).
Congrats Yoshi!!!! Felix is an awesome name.
Dear Fellow Cult Members,
(Some folks asked me to repost this announcement. We hope to see some fit people hanging out this Saturday.)
We will soon (March 26) be gathering there (503 1st Street, Brooklyn, NY) to celebrate the joining of this man (Peter Hoppmann) and this woman (Ann Helmer) in Holy (Moly!) Matrimony. Pursuant thereto you should plan on being in attendance at the palatial digs of the kind and generous Chris Jesinkey to join in the aforementioned celebration. We’ll have some food and some music, and if you bring it, some booze. We’d love to see you there.Love,Peter & Ann
Day: March 26, 2011Time: 3:00-9:00Where: 503 1st Street, Brooklyn, NYWhat: Open House ReceptionWho: You and all the other cool kidsWhy: Celebrate Our UnionBYOB
Back squat 165×1, 175×1, 185×1, 195×1 (tied pr)Press 75×1, 85×1, 100×1 (pr)
Wow, sorry to be Debbie Downer after all these super cute babies, upcoming nuptials, and righteous PR’s…
But I just got the call from my Dr. – I had an MRI on my right shoulder – torn labrum! We are gonna sit down and go over things next week (on a biz trip now), but seems like getting scoped is my best option based on my discussion with him. Anyone got any experience with this? Success stories? Thanks.
Back Squat: 45×5, 95×5, 135×5, 165×5, 185×5, 195×3, 205×3, 215×1
Press: 45×5, 75×3, 85×3, 95×3, 105×3, 115F, 115F
Just getting warmed up for the strength cycle.
Back Squat: 115×1, 135×1, 145x1Press (hooray!): 15×3, 22×3, 32×3, 42×3
Really sorry to hear it. I havent seen you in a while, email me with some more details. David@CrossFitSou..
Warm-UpAbout 20 Minutes of FR and LAXRight Ankle Distraction
3 Rounds:7 Strict Pull-Ups14 Push-Ups7 Unilateral Hip Bridges
BSQ (e7/12)(45×5, 95×5, 135×5, 155×3, 165×2)175x5x3
20 Rounds of:1 Minute Row1 Minute Rest
I’ll spare everyone all 20 meters and avg splits I wrote down. Just say that this was a really enjoyable volume piece. I rowed a total of 5,101 meters and my best work interval was 277m with a 1:48.3 avg split. My goal was to not red line on any of these, just try and increase the meters covered for the first ten rounds then hold a steady as best I could.
I came into the gym feeling really puffy and stuff from some not so paleo eating and not so awesome sleep. 40 Minutes on the Erg will loosen anyone up.
Tons of fun to judge DMAK on his sectionals WOD. Thanks to everyone for getting behind him those last two minutes
Strength cycle B, recovery day…
Squat: 210x3x3Solid
Bench: 145x5x3Wobbly until the last set which was really strong and focused.
Cleans: 135x3x3I failed a couple times. The 2nd set was pretty strong and a number of them popped, but once again, as soon as it starts to feel a little heavy I start to anticipate, I jump early and try to use my arms, which doesn’t help.
Nice lifting with Shawn S tonight.
Great to be back under the bar after two weeks without anything heavy on my back.
Back Squat: 45×5, 135×3, 185×3, 235, 265, 285, 295F.
Press: 45×5, 75×3, 95, 110, 120F, 115.
No PR’s but not too much back sliding. I’ll take it.
10.5 hours of sleep last night. In bed by 945, asleep probably around 10ish, woke up with no alarm just before 830. Unreal.
Loved the big giant 6p class. Was there anyone NOT at the gym tonight?
BSQwarmup: 45×5, 75×3, 105×3, 135×1,work: 145×1, 155×1, 165×1
Previous PR was 175 on a night where I PR’d like 30lbs and 175 felt terribly and heavy. 165 tonight felt fine, but also felt like a good place to cool it for the night.
Presswarmup: 33×5, 45×3, 55x1work: 65×1, 75×1, 80×1
80 was a PR, but I was in a crazy backbend, which felt like a miss. Talked to Lady Fox, realized that I really need to focus on clamping down in my middle and see if that urge to lean back so deep goes away. Because I suspect that I can get a little bit more up without going into a complete backbend.
Thanks for the talk, Jess Fox, and Margie for reminding Bethany and me about the belts. The belt. So uncomfortable, but such a good reminder to take this shit seriously.
Looking forward to the upcoming cycle!
And congrats to the parents on all these new babies!
Backsquat: 185, 195(pr), 205(pr)Press: 85, 95, 100(pr)
Great day for me. Wonderful to lift with Jess; wonderful to squat and press. All around lovely.
All –
I am selling a couple pieces of furniture. Take a look and let me know ASAP if you are interested:
Congrats Yoshi and Josi!Jacinto is amazing!Did the sectionals WOD tonight… Three rounds plus double unders and twelve snatches. I was rather disappointed as I was shooting for the five round range but I’ll take it. Man, what a gasser, I find it just beyond my comprehension how the leaders can be in the just short of ten round level! I was also not happy with DU’s, only the last round was unbroken.Thanks to Dave for the judging, Charmel for the great support and the whole gym for the last two minutes, that was pretty frickin’ awesome! You were all so loud it actually cut through the delirium!
Warmup:-lots of clapping-3 rounds NFT of: 30s deadhang, 10 reverse lunge to instep, 10 sumo squat to stand
LBBSQ:(45×5, 95×5, 135×3, 165×2, 190×1)work: 205, 215, 225PR!
Press:(45×5, 65×3, 75×1)work: 80, 85, 90f
Really didn’t expect to PR today on the Squat since I haven’t squatted in forever, so I was super stoked to get 225! Honestly, that rep felt lighter than 215. Can’t wait to see wait this next strength cycle brings me!!!
90 would have matched a PR in the press so I’m fine with that. The press is definitely one of my (many) weaknesses. Also looking forward to more dedicated work with this.
It seems like forever since I was partnered with Laurel so that was a nice treat! And super awesome to cheer Dmak on for his last 2 mins of that brutal wod. Solid job!
Felix is absolutely adorable!!! Congrats to all the new parents! We might just need to establish day care services soon…yes, for both babies and dogs! ๐
Nice work DMak, it was great to see you do the WOD, and great to get the gym supporting you on it!
Best lifts tonight
OK on the press. Not super happy about the squat :(Looking forward to the upcoming cycle
Nice work to the wifey who squatted 2 wheels tonight. You make a guy proud ๐
Back Squat235 (too shallow), 235 (too shallow), 235 (success!)need to work on hip flexor mobility.
Press125, 135, 140 (fail)
no clue about prs on these.
Forgot to log this!
Congrats again to Steve!
First time squatting in 4 months was very tough psychologically to not try and push myself too much.
I stayed at 95, 135, 175,and did my sets at 195 and 200
Press–made it up to 100.
Good starting point for me–will be interested to see how both movements improve for me over the course of the next month